HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 4aRmow i. -0i, NMI NtY` USA- •IEAm"'il F ftMN E tl E NG`ES A loon J eg n'53.Tmemr »ina lir Wwt ppYAW IEC WHIG CLERKSTS- EGUI 44 EC00 OUTER;. asst. wt!sal. Nlr. Geoid M•rt,., AM.td. .19 CO h THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO : s 0% 1. Too Co • 1.54111.541144 Alenc.. 4110,.0.4,' itilfrco•.•Aapt •N -tiF7'1%46. •. q r 4.,' o • p.R \n�'t r;.,„10. ,,..,,,,..,;4:-.-.7,,,,,,,g-,F,„,3, 4 .CIYE4GREC GOADS, 70 -RM i,Gt104044.4. l AAA", ,,NNr�tv AAr'V ! a1'OJr,e Ape n S S•m4F 41441414411"1100 oa V1111Wm.44 wKv Aiu V. Q1,► n 011 • •2 •,4 • • t, A,! N ifpttA •11..41 e- 36. l 3 bw.,j-r-=, . w wen Ala,1 ".'S ♦ A44.41 `d! a ,° • .3.31 E IL ad -+ U 1313" .S I. b �' 'en 1 N1 00,4 :YI '. • irk S n Si C 4' A, 413,11--4.04 3•P 6R hiA M/ •!v^s Ir�M .D... !,N r AC•f44114 pO 1R Oj, a 0 ft,n .01 A e TDRAfr,MAN V RUCTURA rtF� • 1 n+ .: 1413 • no F W4owl ONNr NYC N Mi,N A • 200 Mid ,w, 440) 0411• IECIAI! YKA,:EN Hit }tl RM70j CUR, '4.ca ttS AIMn$tm Ase tai 11 3Mn S 1. tri 70) 041aCT A°enc• 10 E it NM S;I4T CASHIER•CHECKER • ,CLERK T 4,,Oc.ling3 1'• .41, n+ I C4ERRS N; N G �sNp . (IC 4444' Env r. T. .r, .q ► 0 'n SIO LY COF%EE SN MGR 11» CIERICAIS•ACCTG S'095: �• ' ""^'. FOR TALE COMING EVENTS -EAVES.TROUGHING on house or FOR SALE - two used 7 - 75 15 • barn. Metal flashings.. Roof re- surntner tires in good shape. Luck pairs. 'CI IMNEY'S built, Free es no w' District Co-op,. phone 528-2125. tunates. Morrison Bros., 528-2546. FOR SALE -_ 2 - 21" televisions, STABLE 'CLEANING moving reconditioned. Priced reasonably. manure piles and loading manure, Greer .T.V.. and Electric, phone phone ;Sytnes Bros. at .Lucknow 528-3112. 5.5203: ,FOR ' SALE • - used 21" Westing- house TN., , priced . reasonable , for • quick- - sale.- . Roy . Schneher-,L_Kin. Pharmacy, lough, .phone Ripley 392221. THE'' TEESWATER NEWS: is COMET WELDERS (180' and 300 • available at The Lucknow Sentinel, amp.) compressions, grinders, fer- lOc per copy. If you are • interested tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, in' the . news of Teeswater "and Pis- ' :rods and . accessories. George Mes- trict, pick up a :copy: n ' • • •senger, area representative, R.R..1. Vt'OOD FOR ' ,SALE. hardwood' RRipley, Phone 395-2815.; smith . ' Roles Ltd., London; Saskatoon. Ti' slabs,. truckload lots . Craig's$ per cora, -soft$CARD. PARTY Comet -before -you buy.onurn, phone 526?i220: T .Dungannon ' L.O.L. , will'.Tioid . a CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING NEED' a 'pick-up after the •flu. We •card party on Friday, February 27.: Every. Tuesday. and .Thursday have the 'reriiedy: •Elmer Umbach Ladies with lunch, free.. Everyone Pigs and 'Cattle, Tuesday Pharmacy: welcome: Cattle .'only,'Thursday in by 1 pan. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT WHITECHURCH RECEPTION BILL'S MEAT MARKET Contact Lloyd'. Johnston, R.R.3 . A' reception will be,held ''for' Mr. • = Holyrood; phone 395-5390. an • ' rs • ober" Mowbray (wee FOR --SALE Banner 'took stove„ - --, • , • ATTENTION FARMERS For' early, delivery of cattle ear tags. Order now. Elmer Umbach NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, Thurs .day,, 8:45' p,rn. 15 regular games, $10.00 each. 4 Share The • Wealth gameswith jackpot included in. each. game. Jackpot this. week $75 on 55. calls. • r ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment March 7 . 'and Marcid 21, at, Station Hotel, Mildmay will be Allan Miller, Doris Walker and--Bevin-Tiffin,.-.-_ ICE 'CAPADES : . Bus will leave for 'Kitchener 'Ice' Capades at 11:30 ' • a.m. Sunday, 'March 1st ; for afternoon perform- ance. Tickets ' available at Mont - Ornery Garage 528-3007. • • soe white with black ;trim,. high back •l FOR SALE a quantity of `Gary. warming. • closet,. reserv'oir,;' 'corn- oats at $43.00,per ton. Oscar White, plete width. 42",,:32" high and 28" lot '2, Con.. 2, Huron Twp; , .phone deep, like new .condition._ ° 5-53394 E. 'Watson, phone'Ripley 3952704. VACUUM..CLEANERS. ' Sales and Servicer for .all makes. .R.- K. Peck,; Varna, Phone 262- -5748, FOR :SALE 1970 Moto ;-Ski,•=man-• u'al start•, 28 H:P: Phone: Ripley 395- 5055. FOR SALE fan forced -'oil fur - nice .(now in operation). with' two 200 gallon tanks Plenum ` and- all ducts and electric controls, . $200. Norminton; R.R.'. .3 Teeswater, phone 392-6391, 2 to 5 p.m: FOR SALE 40 head of Hereford feeder cattle 500 - 800: pounds. Jac- ob Rohrer, R.R. 1:•Lucknow; phone 528-2245. Sm WEDNESDAY, 'FEBRUARY ZSth,. 1170 .NOTICE ' HILRAY •FARMS LTD. - WORK ,WA'NTED all kinds. -of ABATTOIR, HOLY ROOD , car nter .work, . kitchen cupboards, The,'best in Home•Grown,, Dry Fed, tile i1ings and wall panelling, free Drug. Free Beef. Try our Fresh estim . Roy Schneller•', Kinlough; Home Made Sausage. . . phone Ri ley 395-2221. Phone' 528-2132 WANTED Wolf cub suit, size 10, OWNED AND OPERATED.' BY RAYNARD AND in. good condition. Mrs. John Inglis, ' `�' • Riple 395-2906 • ERNEST J. ACKERT y ; SALES. HELP:' WANTED COLOUR T,V. Mon's Club draw tickets are now TURN your. -sparetime into large on sale for an Electrohome Colour profit. Sell famous' 'Rawleigh Line T.V. Proceeds- for- Ice -scraping. ':W_ ,_of- Household necessities. machine. Tickets may be bought .; Write from any Lions Club member. WANTED 'NOTICE For Fuller 'Products. •• Call Mrs. Herb -Clayton,. • - R:R. 5 Lucknow,.phone,395-2864, RAWLEIGH CO. LTD., •• • Dept. ABC -271 -CC ! • 4005.. Richelieu St.,. Montreal 207, Que. ATTENTION FARMERS ; WANTED - Farmers to •grow' cu= • The -Kinloss -• Culr'oss•Federation- cumkrers-for-Bi-cks. &r-- contracts; -•- • 1 Meeting will be held on Wednesday, apply to Maurice Cronin, Teeswater'.. March 4th . in: Holyrood Hall. at 392-6290. •• ' • ' ' • 8:30 p:m "for reorganization 'and hear information. • 'New. Bruce WANTED - summer home , on County'fieldnan and guest speaker farm, . for. two: Toronto children, a Delmer Bennett, 0.F.A. executive boy age••7 and a .girl age 9. Please member., will be ' present. -Light ply to Box O, %%' The L�ckno•i lunch served.. . Sentinel: Cassie..Falconer)`'in the White % •. . _ . _ church Community'Hall .on Friday,` HELP. WANTED ---• niale -or •fe-• February '27th: Tiffin's Orchestra.. THANKSmale; fully' qualified •coolt� for rest Lunch will, be rovided•. Everyone: CARD OF p aurant, 40: hr.. week Write 'giving welcome.:: references and- salary , expected . to -, Many *thanks to' out' friends and OPEN HOUSE neighbours .for the: lovely gifts 'We Box H, Lucknow Sentinel • Miss Catherine `MacGregor, of .received -last Saturday evening.. :LOCAL:MAN Lucknow will' be at'home td friends and' .relatives on Thursday, March 5th, from 2 5 and 7 := 9• p.m. on the occasion of der . 97th _birthday. No gifts please. • DEAD STOCK ' CARD PARTY ; - St., Augustine C. W.L. are holding Fresh ..dead . cows over 1,000 Ta card partry,.on Friday, February. pounds. $12.00': each; dead , horses, . FOR SALE a... number of sows • 27th . at .9 :m• attheParish Hall. $20.00, each; `over 500 ' ounds .'ac- due to farrow now and some' - pigs ;P ar sh al . P Well-' started. Johnston MacLeod: Prizes and lunch .provided. cording. to size Li. •Y;our thoughtfulness•' and kindness ,was..Hiuch appreciated and will al .ways be' remembered. ' A sincere thank you. - Max;' Mildred and Brenda 1311s-hell1311s-hell Mrs:. Sylvia Meurs wishes,jo ex- tend thanks to • all: who retnembered A her with , cards, °while she was hos- pitalized:. in • :Wingham. ' Special thanks' to .Doctors Corrin and. ;Mc - i tple3-395-2632, Kim'and nurses., on' 2nd' floor. LORENZ REMOVAL • DANCE , A. DT T : •i I-I+NG•HAM; P -MON -E: •5l-3805 T e .;messages . ; o com:ort • an � ._ .; •_. _� DURHAM' Huron. Trail :Riders Saddle CI u sympathy,•' the 'lovely:.floral trib-FEMALE 'HELP WANTED Call Collect 360-2410 MOBILE HOMES' will: hold a 'dance. Friday, Febru I uters, ,. the donations . to. the'heart'''. • •• - 27 in Dungannon.Agricultural Hall, fund . and. all the many:kindnesses :'I'hRED` OF • FOR SALE -:Two combination al -THINKING OF A MOBILE HOME Music by `Cduntry Boys": Every- uminum .windows: Priced to clear , OR RECREATIONAL:VEHICLE? extended by our friends" • and rel- HOUSEWORK? >c Co-op; 1 . ` NA. - one�_welcome.. L nc�count_el _Ad- Latices -have helped -so -much to -ease • : • _ .---------- • Call at the Lucknow'llistr t P� Many. makes and models to choose mission: $1.00. Clic loss of our dear husband :and ' ''Then get -•out meet people hone 528 245. • . . . . d.. P from:' For a better deal, drop.us• a Earn. Mone . - BE AN AVON . • father., Thanks to the Women of y SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED I '':1 line or telephone' • BRUCE COUNTY SEED FAIR Trinity United Church for , their Representative. Call Now • Vacuum cleaning and pumping. of I . ' • FORMOSA help .at the house and' to all the. COLLECT ' 376-8368 Septic tanks, '• Ronald • : Forster,.1 •• • RUSTON THURSDAY, MARCH 5th .1970 men,• who 'worked so hard to keep • Lucknow; phone 528-2346.. mane- B. MOBILE •HOMES'LTA.. the barn :work done.: Everything facturer of• cement•' septic tanks ,; M•: ANNUAL MEETING has' been truly :work. B OR W M R S' E•L'ING- and well tile. 547'PLAINS RD;, EAST ,• ! WINGHAM AND DISTRICT' • ' . Mrs: George. Henry and Faye, _ BURL.I•NGTONW IT B 511 II FOR SALE - dropped cals�es: I HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Mr. and Mrs: Bob Jefferson. OWEN • SOUND Hereford and Holstein. Alex Far 4' ' Tel (Code 416) 632.8400' - The annual meeting of the. I w•ish • to�thank all those who ' Gish, RR. Lticknoiy •phone. 529- W'ingham and District' Hospitalbred me ' various 'ways • .7305. Association will. be held on ^_ .• •�.. _ while. L ,:was a: pa ent >:n_ Win�gham� _ SILO :AND ROOF EXTENSIONS SINGER. SERVICE '- '.Repairs to FRIDAY, MARCH 6th, 1970: Hospital. Special, thanks to the. An}°one ' Wishing to have ext n- : all al s and mode - - a ; ;1 t p.m, sn he Council `.'teachers -of nlossaC-eutral-SC toe1. Sersice.on ne« products:. Singer '� ., : sions On their silos or roofs, please p g • Chamber of'the 1Nirigharn• ;: '. Thompson . call or write. This can. be done now• Co. of. Canada,.phone,357-3730 after i Violet: George. Wraith, Bob 'g5, 'Goderch. P.M. Town Hall 6 m. � �' 1{en M6tt wishes to thank all -who - All matt es 'of huslnesq pertain remembered hi while4e s n-� P BRIAN RINTOUL : • Phones Residence S:.4 ,c�0:. or 'S•o' • b=ing to the Ingham and District.,Victoria hospital, London. Special:' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Hospital . Ass thtion will be trans -.i thanks. to 'those .._ dir- •. se •who helped; out ` •at ... • THE. LI:Ch.-NOV SE\TINE - 'is «:HITECHLRCH ,-PHO\ 357=2349' acted including the' election•• of dir• Thome. • • for ,sale at Mel Stanley 's Supertest . ectors and other• officers'. • Wanted f • REQUIRED HELP WANTED. --MALE 1 need a ,representative for .my firm in this area. This opening may be' worth up to $8.000.00 yearly, for the right .person.. Full 'or. part-time.,. Age 21 to 70:: Can you :'make short auto, trips?. •We hope you Will. start soon. and stay'with .us• a long_ time: CONTACT . NOW! .go BAUER, ' in ucknow. Ptd up -an -extra. copy 1�Td Ll✓ND A motion to reduce the ,annual' We • wish• to. express sincere 77 ., . fr nw \4 .--r ., : e, _ O A�.E tr embe ahi fee from .$5,.00_ to_ SL:ob , thanks.: to relatitves and• friends for D ad ��r,; Ai. .v�i tiiBII:E ON Es •will b introducedintroduced pursuant ' to, The 'many .kindnesses shown • outing' ..DUMON.T ALUMINUM :'' NOW ' � .:' , .. •. :,, �' ON DISPLAY notice of. such motion at the 1969 the illness and at -the; death of a Wanteda- dead or disabled cows, SAT F.S AND SERVICE. s Lndo��-..; annual meeting. dear ,husband •and: father. Special. • 1,000 lbs: or over $12.:00 doors.. anrig: 5d;ngs: For free 7 DAYS A' WEEK. In order 'to' cast>•'a ballot in the thanks to Rev, Nob.l'e,. Johnstone esti ate cal Ro _Ezr.1 E .n _ : ur AT s Dead' or disabled horses election, -of directors a person-must-$-GliapeLTattd _,layair-Restaurant ; : local dealer: '• $20 00 aCh - • THE. MENESET ,,be a member', of the Association. All was deeply appreciated. ., PLAYING CARDS One year membershi'a n a be i1b- Mrs: Mabel. Campbell and:famil" Small animals 500 do 1,000' i.' ' MOBILE HOME COURT Plastic coated single decks. from " tained for the sum of $5"00 from the y1• per hundred weight Our thanks to all who' extended. " . 51 1;� ',up a 'well as. daub;eeci ' AIRPORT ROAD «'gingham and District. Hospital of comfortingsympathy an' '" All other, animals, such as cafes and euchie 'decks euchre eards the recenp sin oour dearlphusn Morel' .Bell.. 'Special thankS to and •pigs;. picked up 'free of.chalvcs `tneighbours and friends fot that' 'BARN ,EQ'(`IPHENT•- Acorn semi-autorhatic able Cleaners., unbeaten f'or hog bay ' chain Cleaner. bunk fee'ders.'slo 'unload enshog eqa.ipment-;- -faits'--bulk tanks: Hawkeye east iron bog fl'er .and heated cattle waters... Westeel4R4sm Steel Granaries; Al- so.' handle , complete line of elan. # utton 1~`,at-rt1 Equipment Lynn ; • Lowry. ,Aasberley, phone Ripley :396••6. • .• . Everyone. welcome, Barry Wenger; President John Strong,-Secr-.etary 'BRUSSELS PET ..FOQII SUPPLIES BRUSSELS PROPRIETOR, GORDON JOHNSON !ET YOI/R 4'44ffTa/p//#f/vj' vaYWNf,PEdfR YOUCe privairl4f!`"o. 4 alma iwwite.