HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-25, Page 2• PAGE Tw! i� fr�YM��J��•` �'��"��,� t+*��� fir. 1147 • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW! ONTARIO The'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •:`. LCICNOW, ONTARIO. "Tho. Sepoy. Town". — On the• Huron - Bruce .Boundary . - " Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847. • Established 1873 . Published Each Wednesday .. . • T ' .ernoon • Member of the C.W.N:A. 'and O.W.N.A,, Subscript on •Rate; $5.00 a year, in advance to the U.S.A,, $7.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1970' DRIVER TRAINING` COURSES BY DOROTHY MacKENZIE In `Ontario Traffic Safety",, a magazine published bye the De- partment • of Transport,: it was noted that at a workshop rec tly;.held in Hamilton, traffic Safety Education was'. discussed at one sssion.. ' Last year 100,000 .teenagers reached the age of,16. 22, took the Driver Training. Course° offered .,in 450 of Ontario's 550 high schools: One of the panel members sug;ested that Driver Training be a eon• pulsory subject in allhigh schools: Hesaid that driver training is more "EDN-ESDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 19jo . •;•ra ,The Zone;C-1 Royal Canadian Legion Public. speaking competi- tion was ompeti-tion'was held at Lucknow Legion Hall 'morning atid'iifte,rnoon,on' • Saturday, •� Evening Social E e • 0 g Held For M.ax.:Bushells HOLYROOD NEWS ,• farewell party was held .in Holyrood. hall .on ,Saturday eveni"n€ for 1`•ir. and Mrs.Loniax Bushell .r ' and theidaughterT U�eiida , who ; have_. sold_ ,their ifar:n on Concess- ion S. • 'Nine tables of euchre were; play- ed with,prizes going to Mrs.• Del Mackie, Mrs.' Don. Bushell,.' Barry Johnston'.and Richard' Elliott.' ' . and. Mrs. Bushell. were Ie'states called -t th pl-a°rform• trnd-�i its.. Howarcl.,Harris• read an appropriate. address and they were presented with a beautiful oil painting' by Mrs. Cliff J•�oh.nston •and Mrs. Jack Aokeri Lomax made a f t-t-iiTggr p -1,y -nd-a-U-joi tied • _ singing For theyareJolly_good fellows . 'De•lioious refreshments and a social 'chat .was enjoyed: important than any academic subject taught in high school. , If a child is not going to stay a: eve long enough to use what he learns, then why teach him. anything." In our own' high school, Driver Training is offered as an extra. curricular activity and can' only accommodate 40 students.' It means that a pupil may have to wait a year or more before he can get into 'cher-ofthe=two sessions -offered each -year. DANGEROUS INTERRUPTIONS1 No doubt Ontario Hdro,officials are deeply concerned about the• six to eight hour interruption in service last Tuesdaynight and Wed- nesday morning. I'f they aren't they, should . be: Six hours' on a cold winter's night is. a long time to be without hydro, ;when one considers that virtually every 'home in the entire area • is'.vitaIly dependent on this service. The 'furnace'or electrical .heating units cease to function:; preparation of food becomes' impossible in • many homes; refrigeration fails in commercial' plants and storage depots:; water pressure becomes 'non-existent in rural'homes. Coming as it did at 41 p.m.., the hardship for most local families was=-not,,..illten a been to ,anvwa__y Co_t-he- r1.lajoi4 _oLpeop slipped' under the covers and'the rooms' were re warmed by the time : they arose in the morning.. ' Not so with those folks who . operate businesses and services .de- pendent. on hydro.. The local• gi•eenhotise owner was up all night burning, fuel oil in his buil in5a..,t._oe�ea-te_a: p rtive ,smag.-G.rneers were can- cerned about stocks of.: frozen foods in their counters. Broiler growers• had to worry about lack of heat. or ventilation. Fortunately',' our .hos- . ,•. pital is equipped with .•a powerful • stand-by generator' which took over when the hydro failed'. Otherwise lives would 'have been en.=danger. ••„'At. : • • t teles tieiie',\rs. Cliff Joh- ston;br5li<Thr-'th a lighted birthday.. • cake and all jdined in singing "llapry ,Birthday". to 'Richard tiers a The morning' session feptu.red Jr. and Sr,. E=lementary Public and Separate School speakers, .featur- ing 24 speakers from elementary schools in' t'luton. County and south end.. of, Bruce County ' •' compfising Zone C-1. All speakers•were'ftrst prize wenners c•al corn�•-etitions. in previt�us ltd. p Herman Young of Kincardine the Zor "e and District Legion • Citizenship chairman; was chairman far the day -long pro- gram,. .•. • The afternoon program featur ed. Jr and Sr., Secondary School ;:Speakers froni: High Schools'at ; j-Krncardtne ; W-inghaili ; Rippley ... code•ri. •ch;•'Exeter, Seaforth. 1.10 Secondary•school speakers participated : five :in each 'class. 'Winners were, Jr. Elementary; first', Shirley hlcFadde.n of ;•Bayfield speaking.on '.'Horses''; Second ,•Elea•nor McMillan of Goder ch; ''Friends:hip"; third. .Karen Slteane'of .Kincardine, '}lair' . • Sr Elementary, first 'Lloyd' Vallance of.Brussels,. "Beljewe or 'not"; • second ,. Tom'McGill 'of .• Goderich..."T.l' goodor bad':31' ; third Barhara• Brady.of'Seafort1i., . Ilorse, . • lJr:•Sec.ondar\'•• firt•,' ;ath • •. Culbert Of Goderich ':I'eaeT for she World": second 3. Na'ncy';Shantz. of -.E et,.er , ' 13i,liiiguu 1•i;;;tir' ; .third ,;• Elliott who celebrated 'a birthday.• on February 21st. The cake,wa.s •made by ttis�d'aughter in law•, • Mrs. Harold• Elliott. The Bushel's have lived at HOlvrood for 24' year's; 14 .years on the Parisi au .tile ,'th: of K.in- loss ;and'lu,:years at• 1 i3 :1ol}roo'in• Raynard`lcliert''s •house. They, le 'recently ni'oved to L.ucltiiow. where they are residiii- in Ernest l3utton's.hoii e:, Why .waste Words, you may ask. The break occurred at Hanover and there was nothing anyone here could• do `about .it except wait out • the chill.' Since we ,ares not sufficientl �• •, e. y informed ' to •comment on the pre- •• vise reason for the icing -interruption. it is quite' apparent that Ontario Hydro has a tremendous responsibility to take whatever action is net • essary to prevent a recurrence of similar crises; Rapid •.increases in' the use. of electrical energy .have, perhaps; taxed the distribution 'sys- tem beyond endurance at.: some points. It so, the extra. load should L-1127ebeeTrisreTraertainly ' y . ro as ong urged' its •customers to buy electrical appliances and 'use lots of power..• • • Our civilization hai - its- that-eentinu usL-a a y impor an WINGHAM •ADVANCE TIMES • Ata_ ` rincipa s Make:FIint Trip rougn to, a:e ei enir._ as i% ell:ar't�,•e1G e . on-, of :he v c,sr l':c.e ;c, Fifteen school p;ircipal's , ohe vice -p;itici'pal'.'t\so hoard mem et•s and 'at,'; a:ea s;:perirter- dent of scholls co„:prised a 0 from i ru,.7E• • .. • :he Fi r° p .c ar t.o `,Nednes days tc w,iday o: las: ;,e&; t.e.e.. Stua: a.,<- School . ` :11 . c :i: , iF: of ENGAGEMENT •('C la:[NS \'r•; and \trs Lloyd lP. `'offit. of Leicknow, •announce the eiua.•ze- '.nent of the'Ar dZtighter: Sharen Fi,alne to Ntr. 1v'•illiam `-.'ic•iiael Collins of London. son of .:and C". E. Collins. of Ottawa 'Ontario The marriage'wil'1 rake place or, ,Sattirda••y `,'arch :Ist at . .:ii; in' Lucknow' Fresh,-t.*ian t. 1 urc'h' . .1. nd's. \Falter A\ •:For.<ter, .R ipit t' sinnoltricr ,tell` et;gazc::;ei:t • of ;,ei uau laer. J.i.ne.t o.ti�r rc t.e>or. a . ofKitc`,e.er �C r: of ..-Ii, .rnd • !Yrs. E . Leslie X.illette of • a - is1 r :ince rdi,a:d Island.; t }it a+eJdtn> \, ill_..ta.ke, : lac c'- ori_.. '_ Saturday • `.'•irct, '1,1 :tt l'• _ 0 clock noon in Sr. Andrti4s t'r tt.cd t_ nu4t i . Ripie\ e• study the `'tett p t^...; .., rr schools i1,. the Fl1nt .area,.' The p:-o:;•.:.3.,Ma is : r ex e'rs •. e 'one alt. ;e G ses+des pzor:1 .�. .ad's ri.'a,-,e ` . .` l col ..:a nes th involved ... ..i it:y'o' .• • which keepc for both le,arn!:.g. i':c *cc-f:ar.o'..: B= e ait45 11�. Debra' Townsend; of Wi•ngham , "Robert. Kennedy • , Sr. Secondary., first , ' Bryan Boyle of Ri.pley,, »`'"Conv.ersation,"; second , Dianne Smith of Kincar- dine, What.'s in a Na'nie?";. third, Pat Sparks of . Winghar , "Poetry". pr zes vrete'P resetrted ro-'Etcrn',en . tar ' winners byTed Elliott of y Brussels ;• ,Zone C«-1 Deputy Zone Commander. • , Prizes were' presented to Second ary•wi.riners by Herman Young of - Kiiicard•ine•,, zone .and. District Citizenship Chairman fost•he Legion. • • The four first -prize winner's:rlo, advance to the Legions District finals at Stratford on Saturday. February '2th • NEW PRESIDENT CONTINUED. FROM PAGE 1 ' V erh.ulst „ A niherley .succeeding .Lorneluthcr ,who was receritly appo'inted:as District Director, for District No:, '. Mrs,. Allah:. N1acDona'id is. Sec';•-Trey?'s., :sire -,'y ceding Donald.1:rayne A: rie.v, comniuihir.itions•systern•in t'Cic Pin• ACharter night is tc he held• the hear future., The,. next •,nt t'- ing.is sch dtiled for i'hur'sd-at \larch pith : witF:. =u'rst speat;e ' being ke:. San•fordl: fraiii ton whd is- tIk•'•('•r rarity Director L' . ive Generously EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN 0 HELP tip# LDREN AC THESE' • The Ontario Society for • Crippled Children will be' opening their Easter Seal Campaign; Thursday, February 26; 1970. This will be sponsored by Lucknow 'and. District. Lions Club, It is our hope that Your, support this year "will he =gi-ven everrnsideration, as there' are, some 14,500 needy crippled youngsters in Ontario, and through ' your gifts t� Easter Seals, these children can be .helped,. Our bbjective this year, is $1.350 Your donations may be placed in envelopes P as:proiided. Please 'print your name. and -ad a :. ... or e_,_y0 . may be mailed,or left at the office of Jack McDonagh, Lucknow,'o'r at •the •Bank of Montreal, Lucknow. For those living in the Dungannon area, .donations may be •lIe.ftt the. home' of Cecil and Olive Blake, ,Dungannon. 4; liktaWiltstr • —61=6' o>Eao Lucknow and District Lions Club is sponsoring .the distOct campaign.because ' Crippled Children Need Your HeIp' y a imihairravrAlioxivAdoptiativivaia.