HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-18, Page 16• .v 01 • ,e PAG t .SIXTEEN • • .'.' Hili. li; v11 d.. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, O A • Men's Winter Underwear '20% OFF Men's Wash Pants" •' 28 $WAIST. SAVE 0.00 PR. Forsyth Long sleeved T-shirts MOCK. "TURTLE, REG. $7.00 - 88.00 CLEARING AT $5.00 Boy's, Dress ' Jackets aid Suits • 8.18 , 12•PRICE. WINTER HATS I. SUITS' ?2, pt. a :3 PC. DRESSES (MOSTLY CRIMP•ELINE) WOOL wallas. • .333 .113 , to 5O% • %PRICE OFF •,....4....•••••••••••••••• eee.s,.4.4efl ae' e+B••S•a:••••••b eiee'.fiifi: e,. YLUESGALOREILCHILDREN'SJ_ r WIARDEPT. ",•••••••••:•••••••••e•e'sie•••••••••••e•rt.de.• 1 NtE0-SI CK -89ic-J -tl c-lf0:-. -_ "F _ . �►RD WOOLLEN MATERIALS . D5 1 PRICE [Lucknow) Lt. _ Ladies' and Men's. Wear i AGENT' FOR.. KINCARDINE CLEANERS 'Free Pick-up and Delivery,. Tuesday. and Friday t1SEE•4 B Y The Sentinel -.1!,•!#e."444,ita+!. THAT r�.�Vo .7.it7 \ r '.�f ♦ . Mr. Of Belfast s " in,ur\ to his . Monday .r,c, . NO . -;e7. �..: caught 3n a:!Ne An. Helm \ 'e:.din. and .. �, `, sout:h'9I :tOk ' emple3ed. Roo. performed lvlonur.;i. afternSO7 to• correct .thc ,ez•e-e4e; :: _' .The thurtih was p:nn z able TQ ,.e urtttb'tiz ;47'; T.1 -14T qtr ..t:ni:...1r '70r( Cunnrrt!lhLrr 0n'a mpro: ";T .f' Bill THAT -'. • operator cif - General if General• ttorc • ** u-ov yattentiorT the ,l�L tl 1 'com•rnenced on a ended on a Satu*c:,•, :: -u-- som-"ething'that :nai Fria .ir.;i71=1: •'again for many y.eass,•,, WEDNESDAY, F.EER.UARY_18th, .1.97.0. YOUR. `,LOWEST PRICES'.: FOODLAND �SAVW6s whew TURAL, HERE; KADANA 100 COUNT Tea , Bags . Sale PLUS 20 BAGS •FREE, Pay Only 69c 1 s.r. ite Sugar WITH CASH .PURCHA_SE OF FOUR ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 25; 40, 60 .OR 100 WATT. 1 :E111t.' qhe • �1 SAVE 10c 2 , Tins:. 3c SCONUS CANKED; 3 Ibs SAVE.30c e Chicken P..Onl .99cy • .thktT O. NEmCAN PER CUSTOMER.''COMPARE.I Sentinel PubI.Isher .. Elected Director Don Thompson., publisher. of The Luc1 now Sentinel, was're- '` elected'as 'a director off the Ontario .Weekly Newspapers Assoc - 'iation atthe annaal°convention 11; at theRoy1York• Hoel in:' Toronto from Thursda to Saturday of last ^week r'' Immediate past presiderit of., the •groupis Peter Hvidsten., publisher of,t'he Port P:err,y Star. Thwnew-pre-srd -n=risH . D IvlcConnell, Tilbury Times; first vicf; pre'sid.ent ,•. Wilson Boyer Bracebrdge Herald; second `vice president , Ken Campbell , .Strathroy, Age -Dispatch: Directors are Waiter Brebner.. Mleaford Express; J C. R. • McKnight . Tillsonburg News; J. E..Morr•ison, Napanee Beaver; William Kennedy ;. Durham Chronicle; John, lvlorris Jr,. .• Prescott Journal;. Bob Buchanan.; LETTER TO•THE <EDITOR Canadian visitors • with Kilty.Pipe Band from Arizona. John McMurchy I$ • . visitors were there. '. 435 about 45 •• Wit 141 Enoy'ngwinter In Phoenix, Arizona fror4a-0ntario-and.-the_rest frorri Dear Dori How pleased we were to.get the• Sentinel yesterday :•.three copies; inone envelope, Please , do• the .same •again :Last. copy reo,eived was; .January 24. i expected we would have been` • home 'by this time :when. v, e left' ; • but weather is •so wonderful no rain or Wind'_.: and sunshine 'almost . every' day. • Temperature from • 40 ' although it ha: dropped to 30.once or twice since . catne the last of December. We have also been forte •ate si::,i.._ *O-urrno i .ouF1e: wnc have.. ,a car and know this sta;:e and where to take ms. to see _o;an•t ; things you won' t see outside this,/ • � izc I Ca a.c.laii from easter:' as Rare iomeuhat of.a novelty • .adians who live .here -:C once a .north fo Western Canadaand: what a time We old folks had dancing arid, •telling about the: big eventsof • long ago; . We met somelocal Ontario. people too . Baechler's from ' ' Goderich .'Past President of Association; .also•Lloyds frorri Wingham, Fraser MacDonalds. formerly of Listowel, ' now of Toronto; to name a few. • I helped ick ra etru p p i; p it;oft • the tree x yesterday which. •we • got fob the picking frori a. friend e . 'How nice to get •rnail 'from 'horrie nearly eery day, /. ', ours, sincerely, J'4= 's McMtrchy #..I.EEItEXa REG. 200. r • Facial Tissue . SAVE .1,2c 4 Pkgs. 74c REPEAT SELL-OUT. WEEK AFTER WEEKI �. BURN'S SMALL SAVE TO 31c Link : Sausages. 2 Pounds ` 99c .NOTE: EVERYBODY SAVES HERE.. COMPARE!,. Aurora -Banner. The two newly e1e'cted diredt.ors a.re Harry Stemp., Lake: Sirncoe A h'ocate and Ilio g•s Representing, the convention .Don Thompson Tony Johnstone fz. The Sentinel at were Mr. and'hirs. M .and Mrs. and Don Johnstone. Dr. ,;latthew Dymond, 1 1.P;P.•' was the guest'•spea.ker.'at the ,. .Saturday t5heo.n.. ° One of -;the spe•a kers,at the VALUES ' EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19, 20, 21 PHONE /, LUCKNOW 528-3420 ASHFIELDCOUNCIL meetirTg was.V. Cunningham • .'director of postal services for, the '1`ororito area, :Mi. Cunningham explained what the post office is. trying to do to alleviate ,serious d'eiivery :rnhlenis now P' r'rien- cera by all weekly.ue.wspapers in Ontario, • Further .discussions are scheduled with lor.. Cunningham who'is.cormcert;ed and eager to assist_ weekly _ncHsp . ka pc csiljle ' % erde:: Leavens ,'ecretarv- rt".:rid?er of the weekly associa tion fot'twenty 'years has retired and ha: beet:r suec.e•teed 'hy 'i111ari:.T avlor .o f -•,,i.11e SEE PACE IS EOR FINL,",YDECORATOBS' '•.A'shfield Township Council Met 'on February 3rd with all members present.. R. Gibson. Liito'wel•'was present requesting that council accept a sum of money instead of five per cent of the•land in.his proposed subdivision'. pt . lot 44, :Leavens was presented .with a life membership: ari.i painting by the group.. William .Kennedy 'of Durham: Over 200 'weekly newspa,Per• delegates and their•;wive's were -present in addition: to -numerous _ gees . Robert,Shrier publisher of': the God.erich•Signal-Star. Was one of the speakers' on-•co-operat.- ive: adve`rtrstngri The convention ended with,a social evening ar the TQront:o 1N'.en s•Press Club. ' Lake Range./ The Clerk. was • instructed to contact Depatt'rnei:. of Municipal Affairs to see if t.hi-' would be acceptable:.. Clerk was intructed to ca11. ' ` • for tenders' on'•,. (1) Culvert' on ' concession 10 11 at Lanesvillc.; (2)' approximately 22 , 000 cu yds.., of '• 5/8 " gravel; (3) diesel and fuel'o'il for 1970'and 1971; ' (.4) warble fly' control for 197E Application was' made to tire'' .. ' Departm.ent:of Highway for the• final : aynme t of the 19b9 .road. subsid .� • • l' } y -law # 4. increasing the. wages of Road. Superintendent to $2.251 per:hour, was passed and forwarded to the . Department of Highways for approval. • ' '• Road accomts of. $92 k1 17 ,1; general accounts of • • 17 ,f),70_,00 :w e t e otde t e tt d- Council adjourned' to rneci • March 3rd at 1.30 p;"ni . • Donald M Simpson . • For ' sound counsel and a fair price on a' monument correctly •desi net lroni bait 'material, -"rely •otr 9 y Pat O'Hagan, Prop. -Established Over Sixty Years WALKERT ?N • ° PHONE 881-0234 • ° 'OtitARtt3 •