HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-18, Page 14.N7
larimIlribit'14111,1.4;r444164—mi,7 Pita taus •
t3aden� CouI1e
s Trophy For
iiC S Speaking
MICAFIL Insuiationn: pays: for itself 41'3 }Tears ori
Less. 75% of .1i heat loss in your. home goes. up.
through the attic..
j •
MICAFIL stops these :costly heat losaesa your attil MI
Installs ' quickly; easily , — you . do _.ft : MICAFIL...
IS LIG1�T` WEIGHT • pours easily into place' right from ,the
bag; is riowirritating — no glassy needles, no dost;. dean and
safe to install.. .
MICQfII is a` mineral and there-
fore cannot burn. PerfectIysofe
around ,electric- wiring.
Keeps your house much ,cool.; in
oar,.. •� .� � � :rte' . �►:.m.
C ortgra ul t;i rs to '�z': ,i,
thkr.:Qr tel, +` 3.4-,, .
f ..
W,EDNESD:AY, FEBRUARY-'111th,_1910, _
ID�naid. Young People..En'j�y:
Psd,..RNExa nt Arena Outing:.
t • '`,'7.•.4'F•,
afternoon C a1le.-S. t . r..• :.,7.:: .
.Nit Gordon''t
were ce'lebratin
anniiersarv. Friends L:'
Scott and
04 f
. r�. fo':My. ar7,d
y e
commun'ity exten•c.' : �. S =,. �i• ^'A h"k\ `.` l� t atZn SUVA �'
lotions. •- la:e Spar1 n,,'of
`'+r. and \tr .Robe `•':��N,^' ••• '\N.Ir'e tor, Mondaywith her
and Mrs.a , E Fatrdot o• ere
evening 'V isitors v! it -h- `.r.
arid Mrs Gordon MacKay of
Wingha nt ,
Charlie Falc ones.•and Mary f
Tiverton w ere Sunda} evening
visitors. with Mr. and Mrs Rohn...
\!owbrat .'•
' . r \ s Bi11•Caslick of
Cuirass were Saturday evening
visitors with Mr: and Mrs. •
• Wallace Conn •
• Chalmers W.1`1.S. will Meet
Thursday, afternoon at 2.p.ria at,
.the 'home ..'of Mrs... Robert Ross.
Rev. Horace Braden of London
was a:: Sunday •dinner•,.guest with •
.l\1r and Mrs. Wallace. Conn,
..and Mrs. Doug Conley
an .1.ason : lrig•am were
Sunday visitors with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conley of • .,
Durham, ..
Maitland Presbyterial May: .
meeting wili'be held at. Chalmers
Presbyterian dutch Whitechurch
on May 14th:
St:.leiens •Clubs.
Elect' 4_H Officers
ting -of the'St•:
• OP.F..
, Farm ccidents : are numerous.
Of scour ` 'they always ' happen to
soinone else. Many high powered
frac orS olle"over to save your -
life' use a •-roll bar and' seat belt.
M ni, jon"companies have roll
bar avalable
est time, to spread barn-
nanure? When : you get a
"Too much snow prevents
-'ding .in. winter, but do not
e on hilly ground. if _plowed
. or,fl' ow as it will -ruin off and''
f. , Ut-i n---OK--en--g
ee County hog marketings
9 were 121,500 ., down from
14r .' t i in 1967. Hog quality used
to b - tops in Bruce County. In
6:,64.8% fiad.an index over 100;
nd-to Sim Count_yJor those
ties marketing. • over 1:00,000
Spite , of the ' fact that' we
th i tight consumers backed up on
€ - consumption _last summer,.,
consumption, of. beef,. was 6%.
tie in 1969 .than in 1968. , .
filk .producers who are' can
ppers at the commencement
f .Group 2 Pool, April 1st, must
o their own cans. Processors
Helen`s Happy. Handi.crafters was
held'on February 11 at the St.,
.Helen Hail.. The meeting w_as._-____
opened with the; 4-H pledge.
followedby the election of
officers; They aIe as .follows.
P e.id'ent of C- u'c 1. �5ot pie
•• _£Sa , , • ,, - L -.
Beverley \MPhersen; Secreta+rti ,
• Janice Gaunt; Press Reporter,
Linda _
Roll Call was taken w,ith•it
members ansa °rink. The project
this time is-Featurin
The• rr,:embers 'pa +,phlets were not
' there but other materials
were •istri•ute' e taiscussea
dis `washing and, "Why we need
fru '
yt; 3re: as :r . and Jtrs , • .eorl;e
Credit Union Dance
'A good attendancC° and ti ,ie
was held by members and ft ends
Of the'Lucknow,D.istrioreredit
Union at Whitechurch Community
:Hall on Friday of last week.
Tiffins`Orchestra provided, the
music for dancing... •
•tie -k -y -spot -d -a race-pri-zes-w e
won by Mr;. and M Harvey
'Craig, Janice Robb and Gordon
!Drennan. .Lucky .door prize
wi.• chi Purdon
of Whitechurch•anc Ralph
Trommer of Auburn.
Toronto Barbara and Janet •
Farrish and Mr. and;Mrs. Geo,
Moncrief Of Ashfield'.
Wallace I louston`•and Lloyd
Matthews of Ottawa visited for,
the week�»d wr<ih r -aft' ,
n Mrs.
South Kinloss and• Lucknow. '
young ,people enjoyed a Broom
hell goats' and' skating. in
Lucknow arena on Friday
night . Lunch,, was .served at
South Kinloss:church following
the skating party, ; ,
'Mr, and Mrs. W; r. Irwin and
>' left last week for, a winter
'vacation in I,'lorida'. .
Eileen and Donna Burt of. •
London spent the week -end at th
home of their parents, Mr: and
Mrs.. Jas. Burt.
We are glad to'hear that Mrs.
'Fred Gilchrist , who suffered
severe` injuites' in a car accident
last fall:; has now resumed her.
work Pinecrest Manor.
Mr. ,and- Mrs :. Fraser Mackin
non and family were dinner,
guestson Sunday with Mrs.•,;Jas.
Ritchie of. Lucknow .• '
Visitors at the home of Mr:
and Mrs Lloyd MacDougall • on..
the week. -end included; Grace
.MacDougall and.Audrey, of
Brarnalea ,. John . lz-e•ley-:o`f •
Hame-y=-Houston_,,-H..oiy OOd
Mr.. and . Mrs . Herb Hunter'
and• Trevor of London spent the
week -end with her parentsvtr.•.,.
and Mrs. Wallace. Conn and •his
parents;h1r. "and Mrs. Lloyd.
Hunter. Lucknow .:
Mr. and Mrs". Don Dirstein and
Richard of A jar are holidaying
with her,mother, Mrs. Russell •
Gat'nt and,assisting with the farm
chores , • while Russel Gaunt is a
patient in' Victoria Hospital,
London .•
Mr.'"and•hirs.'Murray Cou
of•Toronto .were .week -end
ors with his parents IvMr..and:
Ronald Cbultes. • Mr. and. Mr
'Ray :Lewis. of Wingham were
Sunday visitors at the same
Mrs. Don Leader and -Don
Garde were Sunday visitors
With. h1r.. and Mrs. Jirim Cur
Mr and Mrs. J•t,n Jamieson
attended the wedding recepti'5n
for Mi. and Mrs. Jon Bateson
sod. at rt;� Royal T-On-Sa-turda_y - ..
evening. ' • • • .. •
Mr-. and• Mrs. 'Bevin Tiffin of
Wingham were Sunday visitors.
with ,his parents Mr,. and.. Mrs. Dart
isit -
The Kairshe'a Instittite.meet:r;
February l.9th at=2.p.:m. 'at<t'ht.
home of Mrs: 'Harvey •Houston
19 -7a -nem
—1 1969 -PONT -1 -AC- 2-door•-har-dtops,-V8-automatic,=powrit _
ing and radio
1969.PLYMOUTH'Fury; 111, 2.door hardtop, VI, full power
1969 .MET•EORy .4 door sedan, V8 automatic, power steering
1969. PLYMOUTH Fury I1, 2 door hardtop
1969 FALCON, 4 door autontatic
1968 FORD, VI, 4 door, automatic
1968 'DODGE Monaco, 2 doorshardtop
1968 CADILLAC, 4;door hardtop
196$ PLYMOUTH Fury 11, 2 door hardtop'.
• 2 -- 1967 FORD Custom' 500,. 4 doors,. VBautoniiiatic
1967 PONTIAC,4 door, • e iutomatic, power steering
1967 CHEV Biscayne, 4 door, 6' cylinder auteinatic
1967 CHEV Stationwagon
2..7. 1967 CHEV tons':
-_ _ 1 67 EOit D Custom, 4 aloer,,._6 standard (Io
1966 CHEV, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
1966 CHEV Sfationwagort'•
Z'-- 1l6s CHEV 1 fora
.Mary Purdon of Kitchener spent
.th€ week -end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Purdon.
Mr ..and Mrs, -...ban. Tiffin . - _.
attended the wedding reception
on Sa tu;day evening at the Royal
T for Mr. and Mrs, Jon Bateson;
Mr. and. \.1rs.• Ronald Jamieson;
In group work the members
0-d-ifferent kinds of fruit
the king;the ones high in, .
vitamin C . Everyone 9participat..
ed itt the demonstration on how
do measure properly. They
ne*i Meeting will. be ;on February
18 ata quarter af`t 9 seven in the
St; Helen's Ha1'i• : .
Commission f'ieldnien• will
im k unsuitable cans by paint
.. de the handle. that is, cans
the `rust spots or: open seams;.
•'ch individual. should , inspeitt
own ,'cans before purchasing
Cams than transfez ked must
identified Or you will lose thein..
converting to bulk at some
ter date ' can resell - eats to the
at ixirehase price less lc
Can per day rental,
of East! Wawanosh, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Tom:
Magoffm : r
John Gaunt visited on Saturday'
with :Russel Gaunt a 'patient at
Victoria Hospital London .•
Joann LaidlawTof Loddon *spent
the ..eek -end with her parents.
Mr: and !. rs, Elroy •Laidlaw,.
Wayneartin of Chatham spent.
the weekVend.with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. tion .;'. artin.
1965 CHEV Bei Air, V8 automatic, power steering
fir: �Zi Jam' fi al l ' , i :Aro. 1111it' ,_.,.,