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The -February meeting•of Trinity
United Church Women was held
in the .basement of the church on
Thursday afternoon February, ,12th
with Mrs.. Andrew Ritchie as
lathe absence of Mrs. Frank'
,.Ritchfe, Mrs. Chas. Wilkins,
opened 010 ,.meeting with the
Call to Worship The hymn
"Take Time To .Be Holy" was
suing and Psalm 39 was read in'•
unison." The•Devotional Period
on "Fault Finding wads taken by.
Mrs. Allan'Hackett with Mrs.
• Blake Alton assisting with'the-'
devotional. reading, and Mrs.'
Jim Hunter the -Scripture
portions. Hymn "All the Way.M•y
Sa.vidur• Leads M=e" was sung ,and.
the Devotional Period wasclosed
by ;pray'er •
A short play on "Fault Findi.rig, ,
tollo.wed ; with ,four members:•
_ acting_ out the ,play. • Ttie roll
The: minutes of the January
meeting were read and
adopted. Mrs Ken' Alton conduct
ed the second Chapter of the
• Bible- Stud) 'The ladi-ese i-rsI:erred
t -o -a r-e.card--played: relating Jo.
the vast.•poverty anis hunger
' throughout the world.: A.discus-
>•sign ,folio 4C-t14s a nd 1rs
Andrew was asked to contact a
speaker and •a'rrange for her to
come• and speak ,to the Society
to enlighten us (how and where) .
We could' give more,heip in our
own, County, as well as abroad..
Two readings were given by Mrs:
Douglas Ray.nard :and Mrs . Chester
Hackett. Mrs.. Frank Alton read
a thank you'note fro Mrs. Scott
and';Mts. Jin"► •.Nelson thanked the
ladies for remembering her while
she was'ill. r
••Mrs.; Donald Hackett reported.
on the Supply work, Some quilts
have.been .tied,, and a'•fancy one
is ready to be quilted at the 'home
of Mrs,, Bert Alton. The materials
received from Eatons were given
out to members to be sewn for
Bazaar work, Donations for a , •
Spring Bale.ate to be handed' in by
/vi ay•.•when it. will be•packed..
'..The president` read a letter ..
received frorritMr. Joe Snider re a
donation to camp work being'
undertaken-. - Mrs. Warren -Zinn
read the Treasurer's report , and •
the sugsted. Budget' for the year
as outiined.by•the,•Finance Com
'mittee . In the .absence of ;lvir.'s .
Bert Alton, Mrs. Alex Hackett
read a -short account of the
Presbyterial Meeting held at
Clinton on January '29t1 .
Our Society w:ill unite7with the
other. churches• for .the "World's
Day of Prayer •Meeting" 'to be
held at St. Mary's .Church •
:Lucknow on March 6tli.
:The meeting closed -by -singing
hymn: "Pass Me Not O gentle
Saviour" and:, Prayer by'the.
Acesid'eirrt h h ;v, a3._ se rave
by Mrs. Cliff K:ilpatrick.`irs : ,
italph.Cameron and Mrs. Chas
Wilkins. :• The larch• meeting will
be held on March 12th,. The. .host
ess will be Mrs: D. A . 'Hackett...
Pipe River UCW
'Pine 'River,Linited C1'iu0h Worn-
,en held their February Meeting
'in, the Sunday school roomy .of Pine'
River United church ., . There was
an attendance of twenty: -one.,
. Mrs Perrin••Lpwry presided
and opened, the meeting with a
poem.. After a :hymn. the roll call
"A happy memory of my early
church and Sunday School" was'`
well responded. tow. •
Mrs _ :Leonard 'Reid read:corre
ondence-, thank you cards.and
a letter from the adopted child.
Mrs. .Murray Thompson read
correspondence: pertaining to
welfare., The business period
The topic "A new look at
Missions and the changing church.
in our era' was well prepared"
by Mr's. Eldon Bradley, . She •
read a poem, The little. `
country church andour church ,
she said is justwhat we. make it.
In -keeping' w.it•hthe theme
church in the wildwood" waa'sung
with Mrs,. Jim Nesbitt at the
piano. •'A new hymn was also
introduced- in- the meeting,-
! the warship service
Jack Campbell, Mrs. Erne
Thompson and Mrs. Murray
Farrell gave .passagesof scripture
in dialogue, followed_ wth prayer
led by Mrs. Jack'Campbell and
sl•errt prayefoilowed . Mrs,
Ernest. Thompson read a poem.
"Why we.:gd to church." 'with many
worldly reasons given , but few for
Church Services
The Rev. R. Odendahl •
Rector •
Lent ' 2
St. Patil's, Ripley —• 9;30 a.m.
Ascension,. Kinloughµ- 11 a.m.
St. Peters, Lucknow •1:30 p.zn.
Church School 10:15 a.m.
St. Pauls, Dungannon 3 p.m..
Alternating with Christ Church,
Port Albert.
• Lucknaw
Presbyterian Church.,
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
llllrr_ = Ontarl0:
Dungannon, Ontario
The meeting closed with a:
•hymn And after grace wassung.
the hostesses served a delicious
lunch and a social timer was
spent over the tea -cups.' •
R.I�te :Expejflces
On Indian Reserve
1 Unir Church Women met
al the Borne of •Mrs . Marry Girvin
with 14 ladies and;:1•child present.
The .President, Mrs. .Elwyn
'nolloalt-pres-id-e-d-fta t -ie husi-nes-s.
Larry'1'lawkins will be given $5
for. cuttin the.grass around the
Church last sunmmer:and Mrs..
Charles Johnston will' arrange to
have someone cat'.it..this year.
An Easter Lily will' be .purchased
for'the.Church for Easter Sunday
Dungannon United Church
:Women will be invited t
Luck•dinner in the Chur'
• -4-pril 2' a -t -1 -p -:-m :.7--Thc World's
Day of Prayer will be in' Dungan
non United Ch.urch.•vlarch 6;
Phone '523-2740
if0:00 a.m. Sunda School
11:00' a.m:- Mw ring --Service
Rev. Robert' Nicholls, B.
! Minister
Second Sunday In ,Lent •
10:00-a.m. Sunday, Schaal.
11:00 a,m. Morning Worship
1:00 p m. Teen.Confirmation
Class- ' •
A., responsible church.. is a com-
passionate church..
J. ' W. Van Stempvoort
10. LI a gli
2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and
5th Sundays)
Denominational Radio Broad-
cast, "The Back To God Hqur",
every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford).
2T00 ` p.m.; CFOs --Owen
Sound) — &::00' p.m. •
• __..y. :: . ,fie .
. The Kinlough Anglican Church
Women held. their •,February meet-
ing at:the,horne of Mrs. Roy. • •
Schneller... Mrs. Gertrude Walsh
presided'and•read a most -
interesting meditation from 'the,.
"Living Message". • Miss Edna
Boyle read Nairn 1 for.the
scripture 'readi.ng: . The Members
prayer, Prayer. Partners and the'
Lords Prayer were repeated in
A11 members• answered the roll:
call with the. word ':'Love". A`
card was read from Mrs. N. E.
.Elaldenby.and family.in•apprec.ia:
tion-fer tpe ladies'servi-ng-the
luncheon at the time of the,
funeral. The church choir
appreciates: the 'kindness of the.';
ladies for providing anew ward
robe for the ,choir .vestments.. •
Members:were .thanked for quilt
tops and material which was
purc,based for linings and childrens.
wear. • •
• In response to. an article in•:
o a Pot
the Nitron Church..News it'was •
ch. -
unanimous that the members
would work towards a bale tete.
sent to th'e west, where there is
.great .need: 'rhe..m'eeting. was•
In October the U,C.W.'will
have dinner at•Tige:r Dunlop Inn
and then visit " I•luronview" • •
Quilts will be made from print
Ktnd'flannelette' pieces donated
i�yclrsl:�rrl�Boierrtd ;--Roel
Devotional Theme was
-"Clraetr��.ti.at>d..Iv1.iss o
Edueati,ion:' led by Mrs.' Allan
Dickson and Mrs . Doug You•nf
and included Scripture reading,
c nimentary and Prayer.
Rev. and Mrs,. Clarence
McClonaghan shoveove y .
takenduring their'service'
at Sauteen Indian Reserve. They
told about Indian Customs and
some of their •interesting_exper-
-ictices during their stay on -the •
'Hostesses were Mtg. David
I\1actiaimid , Mrs, Wilmer
Rutledge and, Mrs, (Marry, (;irv.in
merits were served 'by the hostess:
Mrs. Agnes. Hodgins gave the
courtesy remarks and Grace was ,
said by Nies. R, Odendahl... The
Congratulations •to Mr. and
Mrs. George Young. on the' birth
of a son Bradley . on Wednesday
February •11 at Wingham and
.District Hospital. •
Seven tables of euchre were
played at Langside 'Community
Hall .on. Fiiday'evening: The
card party was in charg7 of I\1rs:.
Bob Mann and hors .• Jirn Young:
High, prizes we'n't to Agnes Conley,
and Bobby Moffat and low prizes,
:Young. . The next card party will
be 'n'harge of Mrs.: Elmer Scott
and iMrs:: Eugene Conley ,
ncch d Mrs. Ira Wall of. •
^ itec urc visite • on urs.ay•
evening with Me. and 'Mrs.
(Gordon Wall and family.
Graharn Moffat ..who had' been
a patient in Wingham and
District Hospital returned to' '
his home' the first of last 'week.
Mr.. and Mrs. George'Needharn.
and family of Pinkerton . '
(visited. bn Surday'•with.l\•,r. and
Mrs. Cordon Wall and family.
• Visitors with M r..and Mrs: ' '•
D cklyrcMill-in Iast week- end
•were Harvey , 'Ricky and Jack
McQuiiiin of St . Catharines
n lalacNay ef-Amberle
The March hostess iS Mrs, Bert
Nicholson-. This wiil..also. be a •
work meeting -when: a quilt will
be quilted.. There will'lZe
devotional, part in keeping, with
.Mrs. SteWarS i`1ac_Ltnna.:n-.Spe it
a few .da.ys with het sister 'yrs.
Cordon Ronald in Toronto:.
Mrs Colin MacGregor visited
•with ClarW
' 'Susus La Frornboise •had our •
game: •It ws5-hide -and -go-seek.
Then Dotiiiii-E tingtn-opened otir
Annette Hodges read two Bible
Verses, Roll call was answered.
'by 18 girls, There was 1 absent,
The secretary':and treasurer's
Finlayson in•Goderich• `
last wee.:. •
Miss Nancy MacLennan of
O:wen'Sound WAS 'home for the
.The C.G.1,T, ntet•ori
Monday evening at the home of
the leader, Mrs.. Jiiit West.
reports were. given. > Lori
Pentland'took :up' the cyollection.
7'h`e business followed, We then
went too our craft •
\ , P