HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-11, Page 15T» WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1'11%, 1970 'THE..LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. 'PAGE FIFTEEN 0 KSIDE N JimMutkinnoflPlace•s Brookside Public Speaking .contest SCHOOL HOCKEY This. year , since the arena is available , grades. 5 , 6'7 and 8 •boys are playing intramural • hockey with four,teams.• • Th:e team captains -and the- names of the teams are as follow Black• Hawks , Gordon Black; Blues; Fred Black; Bruins , Carey Purdon; Maple Leafs, Murray Thompson. The standings. are •Bruins• . Maples, Leafs Blues Black Hawks TP P 3.0.0•6 i 1, 1 3 0 •2' 1 s; PUBLIC SPEAKING The Ontario - Public School: Trustees' Public Speaking Contest was held at Brookside Public..' School•on .Friday;, February 3. The.judges for, this contest were Mrs . 'Cyril Brown; Sam Jefferson and Rev. J..• E. ,Hummel. • ;• • The top three speakers were to be picked from, the •eight contest- ants. Jim MacKinnon, son of rand. M,7s George Maw in • n placed first, Iim'•s'topie.was t e Fraser Valley. In. second 'Place wasDebbie• Errington., daughter r`' n , Irc Ro 1=r nntnn' She'spbke on Clothes and • •.•Textiles:: Darlene :Hackett;' and Mrs .,.. daughter of Mr. . Donald. Hackett , tied, for third, • place :with Donnie Henry. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry. 'Dar, lene: discussed Queen Elizabeth. II while Donnie."taIked about' Young;: People. Jim', who is in .grade six., .will go.to •Clinton. on Friday afternoon, February 6 to.'take. part' in the contest for' Huron. County:. We wish ok We • Iso w'. to extend congratulationsto all those who participated.. , HURRAH. HOLIDAYS ;Q During .the'rnonth of January. . we .had tw•o holidays: and got.out .- early.one day. We got:out' early 'on Thursday , January 8 because of bad weather and hada . , . holiday on .the next day: for 'the 'same reason.' There was no : school' one other day-becausethe • .'boiler was not working'and the .school was too .cold: Everyone en'j'oys these holidays and wishes` there were more. VOLLEYS-ALL'TOURNAMENT On Friday January 30 a,yolley- ball tournament was held •in'' cknow The competing teams 'were. frorri four schools., Teeswater, , .Ripley, Lucknow and Brookside., Brookside and Ripley boys battled it 'out for the champion- ship. Ripley ,won in overtime. Teeswater and Ripley volleyed: back and forth in the girls • division'and.,Ripley won again...? The .girls from 'Brookside defeat, ed Lucknow, to win the consolation game. Ripley girls and boys,received plaques for winning,. • , . . SLEIGH RIDES ' For recreation in the kinder. garten. classthe school- purchased; two. hand .sleighs two weeks ago. Since the noonhour is .after the.. regular one , some girls from Room 8 were dismissed between 12;45 and 1;20 for a few days•to _help _them play •with _their sleighs •By the reaction. of the pupils it was a'good idea.. SCIENCE COURSE • • Mr Finlayson. our science • teacher.;; attended a science ;. ,course for'4'days January 13 to •16''at Princess Elizabeth. Elementary 'School' in London The. course was• on using special science •equipment that we have. in our School. He will attend a similar course in June G ES... , Brookside,..S.volleyba.11 •teams 1 travelled to Colborne on January 19..-; When we arrived Colborne ' we.Lca --us ���:r-.. - e-heei.� 'Phe Colborne boys hada slightedge and won since some of.our,players :were victims of the "flu- , but the Brookside' girls were victorious On January 26th 'Colborne , • •School came to Brookside for 'a ga-rrie •,of ,volleyball :between the • boys and girls.. Colborne tried. hard but Brookside was victorious; inboth boys and girls gapes'; . winning the first two gamesin• each 'match:- of. the best two out • : ' of three ¥oung Mo#her Dies A# Age Of.4U' MARY PATRICIA KERB KINGSBRIDGE NEWS, This community was saddened. to .hear',of the. death of Mrs•, . Frederick Kerr, the former Mary Pat1'icia • Murphy ,. who ;passed away at'`Toronto General .Hospirat.• on Friday. , February. 6th in her 41st year. . She was born in Ashfield Town- ship on February 24;1929', the . daughter of Pat and Irene. (Austin)-- Murphy and lived on the 9th Concession of Ashfield Township, attending school at •Kingsbridge Ontario.. ''Following a hair .. . dressng•c ra eer: which took het. to the city of Toronto, she 'met and -married 'Frederick.Kerr,: on the 22nd of May, 1955. . She -leaves to Mourn her husband . Frederick 'Kerr; one'son . Brian age 14,and:•two daughters•,..;. Elizabeth age •12 , and 'Deanna., age'5', all at'home; her mother, Mrs .,Irene Murphy. , of 'Goderich;' two sisters. Mrs Roy (Bernice) • Maisonville of .La Salle .:'Ont and Mrs. Jack (Leila).Fitzgerald . of Stratford; two brothers.,. Raymonc Murphy of Toronto and'Joseph. Murphy., of'Stratford , ' Funeral Mass was. said by:the 'Reverend Father Cassano' at .. - Kingsbridge Roman catholic Church on Monday, February 9, 1970 act p. rr . Pailbearers,were John Austin, Vincent Austin , Wilfred; Austin , Eldon/ Austin Alvin Colii-nson and .Henry Drennan. . Temporary entombment was at Colborne Memorial; Chapel with Spring Burial at St ., Joseph''s 'Cemetery, 'Kingsbridge,.Ontario. BUCKLEYS i . PERTUSSIN LIS.TERLNE MIXTURE , .$ COUGH .SYRUP "LOZENGES REG. $1.25 • ' ' REG. $1,09 - REG. 89c; . FOR $1.09 FOR 97c /' • FOR 79c SYLV. LIGHT 'BULBS . AEROWAX 40 60+ -100 — REG.: 63c - REG. $1:39 FOR Sc i , ., FOR $1.23 LAVORIS a_. NOXZEMA SPRAY MOUTHWASH DEODORANT • REG. $1.69 10 OZ. — REG.. $1.69 • FOR. ;$1.49 FOR $1:29 ., ******fit****#**#* D IS CAMPBELL ST. LUCKNOW Joanne Thompson IbPr?skIent Th'e-first�rneeting-of th-e-Luelr-. now ',No . 2 47H club •was• held Saturday, ' February 7, 197'0. at. . •9-:3;0=•a-;7ir-r.--i n- rfre t L-rrek *ow-• Town Hall. •- • The election of officers were as follows: President, -Joanne Thompson; Vice President Donna Mullin; Secretary, • Lorraine Boyle Treasurer, Linda. Boyle; Press 'Reporter -, Karen• Elliott; Buying Committee`; Joanne Thompson Elizabeth Newbold,. Mrs .Finlayson •demoristra•.te'd- how to prepare: Apple. Crisp. The girls, eachhad, a sample of the KINGSBRIDGE dormer Resident. _Died'At Ustowel .--14-RS::---JOHN H. LEITH ' Mrs. John .H. Leith „ of 'Listowel • died Saturday January 31 ather home , 155 - Wellington Avenue south, Listowel. She was .82 years -9f age, Formerly Susan Livermore , -she was born at Dundalk, ' August 9, '1887, the: daughter of the'late Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Livermore .•, s Mr., and Mrs: Leith were one' time, residents, of LuCk:now'when Mr. Leith was employed as tin smith with, Rap and.. Porteous Hardware... I;• a — i SUa • David Parrish is the captain' of our boys' team .w+hile,Linda.• •Dougherty is the captain • . ohne .girls' team.. ' - RED 'CROSS MEETING 0. On January 3Oth Room 9 `held their monthly. Red Cross meeting The meeting opened with O 'Canada', followed ,by the Red Cross Pledge .: which was repeated , by. everyone . ' 'Questions, and; A nsw'ers came next: Who started the Red `Cross? -Henri Dunant . From what f. • country was he? - Switzerland. When did -he die?' 191.0.. ' Next came.`t`he secretary's report ,.,, •followed • by the collection. A collection of stamps was.:then • re-t� ,go to Toronto or.. Brantford to the. - Leprosy Colony, where they Sell there to collectors. or take• the.dye out of,thern.' ' { ng ca 1iecL_ � w., .Venice •jollow.ed. by the poem .Friendship, Next a contest was • GUIDE NEWS . A 'Guide prayer opened .the Kingsbridge: Girl Guide:meeting Thursday evening. •Lt. MacLen- nan led:the girls, in a, stick jurnping game. • Girls went to patrol corners •and. Lt;. Caesar ,gave•a. talk on . hygiene while ;Capt . Tigert gave Lts ;. and new Guides a test on History. of Guiding•. Capt 'Tigers is having -enroll- ment on aving"enrollmenton February 19th'and :pothers: of Guides, to be enrolled are invited. • ' . . .a • i -.• . . • • good. .Linda Boyle 'later demon•_• strated th`e steps in .measuring .• ,dry.ingredients, butter .or •fat.,, and water.. Mr•s Boyle and -Mrs.. - Finlayson discussed..with the members the methods of dishwashing,„Canada's .Canada's Food Guide and the importance of Certain 'vitamins 'and minerals in our daily- diet. .% . • . ' . RIPLEY ABATTOIR „. Custom. Butchering -' Curing and Smoking . Cutting and Wrapping = Sausage,Making Fast Freezing - HO .tea .■6TAs'_nMS- 4 _. ._ je as• w6a 11 ;14I,14* CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With Two Big Coolers, We' Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 .'To 3 Weeks Whatever Your Requirements Are For Hom Freezers"We- S,e11 "Choice Ionic` T hied, Reef, Pork and ' Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing' Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR. YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. hOOISMA, PROP. ' ABA'ZTQIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 ' Camp, fire.was held •by • Swallows.. They sang, songs and played games.. The •meeting., was closed with Guide Prayer -and-Taps.-- held by Philip Chandler . followed by -a song :.by Jim Whytoc k and Ntsy DeGraaf An accordian' solo by Sharon young -ended the :programme Mr,' Knisley, one of our. Assistant 'Superintendents ' attended the meeting and gave a talk on the work of t e Re. Cross. SCHOOL SKATING `- About 200 pupils were transport` ed to the Lucknow Arena ley' four buses• on January h. They were dismissed from class 'at 3;15 since skating was from 3:30 to,430. The parents were asked 'Co' pick the children up after skating. :The pupils ,w Grit s'kating aga n on ':February 6. ST: HELENS Mrs. Gdrdon. Mc Pherson is visitrfrg-at-`C-oo-ksv-il.1-e--with-Mi and Mrs.. Fred Thompson and 'sons. Douglas and. Allan Miller • . attended-w'ine'Day. at_Ridgetow'.n- on Saturday . A 'bus load from Huron, County attended'. • . Eight 'tables enjoyed ,the Shoot Party on Thursday evening in. the hall. High pr- zes Went to . Rickey Humphrey and° Donald' •' Murray wit'h.the consolation. prizes going to.Mrs . Ji'm Aitch; son and John Andrew. The novel- ty prizes were won byArchlie, Aitchison and Mrs. Allan. Miller. The next party is planned for February 19th, Mrs 'Ernest .Gaunt • Mrs; Boss Frriu on—lat rs ._Gordo ..M is her -, son and Mrs. Jim Aitchison atten- ded the the 4-H Training• School. on Tuesday and WWednesd'a,y in Wingharn . • ' . ..,E,A MI,Lr GT-iERI.NG A family gathering in honour• of Archie AitchisOn's birthday was held at the :come of.Mr, and Mrs, llob Aitchison recently. Horne from London Hospital after almost ten weeks is Eltrier Woods. ' . 4 she; martied October 4,. 1905 at Clinton; two sons, John George Leith, 'Listowel:.and John Blythe Leith, in Florida; one daughter-, Miss Alice May ,Leith of • Hamilton; four grandchildren and -'six great-grandchildren: The body, rested at McLaugh- lin and .Reed Funerai'Home Listowel where the funeral service took place Tuesday February, 3rd. Burial was made in'Union Cemetery,' Blyth. Psi MARRIESfeUfONEE 'I/E3' OFTEN • D/SAPX /NTED W/TN THE .i4N • LUCKNOW PHONE 528.3430 i'