HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-11, Page 12lettif iw x ' ` !S .rV44461& `r# T '' w Vii. !I. THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL,: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. , PAGE TWELVE iC_ is --, Uc a .x • Professional Nursing :Care 24 hours daily Dining Aeon and.' Tray, Service • ' Member:, -7 Associated Nursing Homes. Inc, Ontario Associate Member:— Ontario. Hospital. Association Municipally .Licensed • Licensed by Ontario • Department of Health MARY R NEWBOLD, REG... NN., , GEORGE A.° ,NEWBOLD, .ADMINISTRATOR Drawer 220 Phone 528-2186 • LUCKNOW:, ONTARIO . ' • LOOKIN=G BAC.KVL4RDi THROUGH THE SENTINEL .F1LES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON . 10..YEARS AGO' FEB RUARYa1W60 , • At .the conclusion of the Sunday.; morning service in .the •Luckliow United• Church; a congregational; presentation' of a wrist -watch was • ,n -Ade, to_-Ixs L—W_,_.JO_yilt_. 'in` recognitionof cher-1ong•.service 'a•'s. • • choir leader as well as, in other department's .of the church work. Mrs.. Joynt.had •been devoted. . • and faithful' t� the choir and .• Church for fifty years. She corn-. • menced. her choir associations during the pastorate of RV. J Ford.. • ;, , Lucknow Council made the. • purchase .of a .30: foot aerial ladder on. a 'i/ 4 ton Fargo truck from the' Stratford Public Utilities Commission. A :new'.bridge on. Wheeler Street and a',main street'sidewalk areplacernent program received • • council's' endorsation•.. . • 30 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 1940 • The Lucknow Sepoys completed their group schedule and finished in: first place. They 'had a' record of nine' victories and one "questionable" defeat. and 'await.ed:the playoffs for the . group championship. . =The Sepoys.continued their winsby taking the semi-finals.; against .Kincardine. in two straight' games : 'They met Paisley for the finals and w,on the group championship. The first gamewas played in. Paisley Barb Wilkins Is Club President with' a 5 to 3. score in favour sof Lucknow . ` The Sentinel reported: "the second garne.her"e went into overtime,before'thee sttibborn • ''Cards were downed 3 to.2 in a • thrill -packed battle witnessed' by 1200' cash -on -the -line fans, Itwas a story -hook 'finish The •Sepoys went onto, meet Georgetown; in •the O. H:. A. play- down's but were eliminated. iti a .two -game'' 'series; goals to count. • St. Helens W.I St'. Helen's Wotpen's Institute held Their meeting in the ball' en T.hursdav Fel?ruary 5;. The rail call' vas. "An article from:a - different ..couritry" . There were.. •1t3 members present.. • It'i,rs, Ross Errington., Mrs. Jas. Aitchison, its. Ernest -Gaunt and:, •Mrs. Gordon McPhe'rson,will be the leaders for the next 4-H • homemaking club, "Featuring • Fruit' , held -in Winghanm on' .February ,3 and. 4th. The first meeting for.the girls will be • Wednesday. February)]. at .7 p, m.; W.L, ,rretrrbers were reminded to turn in their penny roundup bags next month. A $5.00 • donation ‘iias• Wade to the, Village light. The W.1. are catering to a golden wedding dinner next: month and a:wedding in Jtrly,.A 'dance is being, planned° and. two card parties. The committees • are Mrs -Gordon McPherson, 1\1rs. Lloyd Humphrey , Mrs. George Webster. , MrS. EarlJamieson, and Mrs Bob Aitchison. ls,irs. Wm: Purdon , Mrs . ,E . Rice, Mrs, Gordon Lyons. Mrs. Ross. Gammie and Mrs. ~. Allan Cranston were in •charge` of the program, The motto, • "!Current Events" ,: was given by 'Mrs,' Wm, Ri•ntoul.. •A'1rs : Peter ndler_had the topic.; "Inter- national. Relationship" Two readings''were given. •"A \ralen tine" and "A:. new Grandmother's. prayer .by lviri Harold Gaunt and Mrs. Loyd' Whytock, Mrs.. Ross Gammie brought the prograrn..to a close with a discussion' period On, "HoW much sleep do: you require"•; A sing song was enjoyed., "I see the Moon The• meeting was closled with the queen and the institute YEARS. AGO FEBRUARY N. 1920 A . E. Durnin sold his residence on. Willoughby Street to Wi liatn Murdie , . Mr'..,D''urnin and ,farnily, droved . to Clinton. The Wingharn Boardof Health closed down :on all public gatherings as 'a precaution against the' spread of the flu.: Rev.. K. A': Gollanwas inducte into"the charge. of South Kinloss 'Presbyterian Church George Moffat••wa$ the ;new clerk :of•Kinr•oss Township d. succeeding J; , urr:ay..: who..had resigned .from, rhe. position., , /. d, Lunch was seved,byi the hostesses Mrs. Gordon Struthers Mrs. Ross Gammie and Mrs., A a Cranston. WE, DN•ESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 1970 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES You can cope with inflation more easily when you keep your savings in our Guaran- teed Trust Certificates. Rate of interest is guaranteed at 81/4%. 372 Bay Street, Toronto, 364-7495 Also Barrie and Orillia Just one of the many ways Sterling Trusts looks alter your money HURON COU.N,CIL•'MINUTES .: urolr Towr oundil-n e.t_ on February 2nd in the kiple•y. Legion hall with all members -present-.Minutes of last 'meetings were read and confirmed,. 1rax coliec.tions carne up for' discussion due to.the School. •Board'derrianding their.share'of 'taxes in :quarterly Payments and council decided to have the• • taxes in•one payment as before. but one month earlier; :that,is November .15thwill be the last day. for' payment. A delegation o. ra epy-rs from Concession 2.west attended asking.foran •irnprovement in the Work on Concession. 2, both s.unimer' and winter. • By-laws Were passed restricting the .weight of vehicles: passing over -t; bridges in the TownsT°ip • and signs will, he posted whe'n'the 13y -laws .receive approval from :he Department of Transpori • Tenders' will tie advertised , this month for collection of garbage apd for a Warhle' Fly Inspector..• Road accounts of .$11,140.39 an'd•Township accounts,of $3 .395.28 and Munic:ipal Dram accounts of $2 .737'.11 were • ordered paid. Council a . journe . untr n - x regular rneeting'oaFeburary 16th at 11 A,M. Earl Tout . Clerk. APPLIED DUCKWORTH STREET, ARRIE The first n.eetint of the Ttinettes 4-H Club wa?"held on'J February r at :r5, : or nit' '• .. :atkett' Fite i"",eetin .o.t.6' C< la it} ifne ans�2.ered the roll call. Election of officer's :r as r follows: F:`e :W.ent . Earl \r`i11::ins; Vice -President, 'e, 11 .a Kirkland • In .d iscussi \•i e contents of this i:nit •"•r aturing Fruit' Mrs. H. Ritchie°•wer.t•' ov er'th " Food 'tide`foriealeh and Mrs D. Hackett' ecplained `Why we eat ftuit" , in group. work we practised .neaeasurin<, solids and li. uids•. The meeting', close with the ANNU t FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ,SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 yam: '10 aan..-...to...410 'p.m. Visitors are wel oniie to tour the College's buildings and to discuss new and existing programs of instruction- with faculty and siudents.. 1161,1inorattiglika "T•TA% ;r