HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-11, Page 9WEDNESOAY,...FEBRUARY r.lth, 1,70 • • - N'Alia:1•14‘wWW4-1-4,144, 4,4k ''‘Ir 44111.11111041* -1 THE. LUCKNOW. SENTINEL., L.UCKNO91, ONTARIO • LYCEUM • WINHAM PHONE 3S7,-16.30 SHOW TIMES Friday, and. Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15. 'All other days one Ohow at 800, except Wherer noted on:the program. *SirerWk****lt**r** SAT. MATINEE FEB, 14 ''Oriver• 11 ' ADULTS $1.50;STUDENTS $1 . . • CHILDREN 75c • intrOrVriirt**400c1r* • , . THOR,„ MONT.., TUES.., WE, 'FEB. 12, 13,..14,: 10, 17,: H ..spECIAL 4: DAYS) •"OLIVER" CitlemaSCOpe-00101.0* Starring: Mark Lester,'.' Oliver Reed This is the spectacular screen version of the hit stage Advanced admittance prices. *ill be in effect for this feature ADULTS $1.75; STUDENTS CHILDREN 75c. There will be only one -showing eadi night. including Friday and Sat- urday starting at 8:00 p.m: Men's .7 p.m. . • • • , Top sCotirig 'hondurs of the ; • evening went:to George Stanley. with scores of 309 single and 118 triple. Games over 225' Alex And'rew 235 Jake Copley' 237235 Bob • Nicholls 240 , ,Gedrge Stanley 309. Tearn!•points; Owls 5 Cardinals 2, Vultures 0, Hawki • . Team StandingS;,Owls 96, Cardinals 69, Vultures 36; • HaAklis 5L . • ••" High Singte.4...nd Iliple:V" 5004 Kathleed MacDonald captures high single of the seasonand • Jean Phillips the season's high '• triple._ Kathleen MacDonald rolled the •high single of 340 and Jean Phillips the high triple of 757.. Excellent bowling girls, Congratulations) • • Ginles of 200 and over:. • • "kathiden•Mat Donald -340 ,-2r5-, Jean Phillips 237, 33L Marion MacKinnon 241. 255, 232, Ferne Mac ponaldi_26.5_,As_obil_MilLer 217., Ella Hackett 233, Trudy Foran 205, Kaibieen Graham' 213 Beryl Hunter 200, 'Anne Purney -245.•, Mildred Ca.zneron 241', 213, Winqe. Fisher 213: . . Team points: Marion Campbell's Lilacs. 5, Hazel • Webster's Roses 2; Isobel ,Miller's • Violets 5, Trudy Foran's Pansies: 2; Grace Elliott's Daisies'5:; Cather4nend-re-w-Li-Asters-L2. Teanrstandings::_paisies 81. • Rosei-76, Violets 74, Pansies 73, Lilacs 68 Asters 6.2/ • ' -•-77-"ff Juniors • Margaret Montgomery rolled the high single of 19.3 this week • • with•Dorothy Wagner rolling a 382 double. David Humphrey rolled"a 195 single:for the boys and Rick • Passmore a 350 double. Team points won; Canaries 3, Orioles 2, ''Swallows. 5 Blue Birds 0; Bbbblinks 5' and Robins .0 . Team st&ndi-ngs--so-fart-Bobo- links•51, Blue Birds 37; Robins 35., Swallows 35, Canaries 34 and Orioles 33. Time is runningout, so let's • keep in there fighting: • , Choice Home Killed Meats . LAX:KNOW PHONE 528-3009 BONELESS READY TO EAT HAM _ 99c LB. BS. 99c LEAN MEATY PORK CHOPS 89c LB. . SMALL LINK SAUSAGE _ 59c FRESH CAPONS ARE INikGAIN We Specialize In Homemade Sausage- WE DELIVER IVcknow Dunticoririon.. • yith•onli;• .:four weeks left until.. *finals ; the LUoknOw-Thingannan teams are striving to: do their . - High lady single this week *was 'Janne Searle with.a 261. Marion ;MacKinnon's games totaleid.4 to the. high triple 01.'635, . ;.Marion's best game was 246. ;Barb tondry ticked off '_a, 257 and Joy Dennis was on her heels - with a 256. Doris Hodge rolled a 245 and Dorothy ErringtOn had a 235. • • . DonaldNaoKinnon shone for themen with a 712 triple. and.a, lovely 323 single. That's no way tobuilci handicaps"' „ . • Lloyd Hodge was in with. a 298. Stuart Jamieson was close . behind him. with a• 293., :Next in line were Gord Brooks 273, • , Russel Whitby 263, Bill Button 258,, Mel Dickson 253 „ and --Stuart Re-aVie--- 5 . •• Our team line-up goes Wing, like this: Beavers, 95 • • Zebras 89, Cubs, 80, Gophers - 68 Tigers 65 ,,Wolvecines 64 „ Pole .Cats 58: toOnS 55., chiP- • munks 54-, Squirrel's 50, Kangar- dos 43 , Lions 35. ' • - •• ' With such a short time left you will have to really 'torke • ••( • .PAG Ot 11111111' GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE. 524.7811 AIRCONDITI.O.N.Eb. '.THURS., FRI., SAT. Feb. 12, 13, 14 Showing ThUrsday 9.00• p.m. • 'Two Showings Friday and Sat. •• at 7.30 and g.30 p.m. AsimnriAseci ' 1:11S7RICTID lemma nom • mt wpm "Experimental film of. interest • to youthful audience" SATURDAY MATINEE • '(February 14th) ati.00 p.m. "DISORDERLY -.:, • • ORDERLY" • Jerry Lewis, • "PEEWEES ON ICE" nowiou can SEE anything you want • MAat... LICE'S RESTAUAN" starring ARLO-GUTHRIE- COLOR brDetuxe United Arttos SUNMOUEL Feb 15, 46, 47 • Show Time: 8.00 p.m. Mapg Wilson rolled a 268' for high single and AnnaJohnstone •rolled. a 669 high triple,. „ Good ling!' • • Games 'played:'Bev•Thompson's Apples 7; Barb, Helin's,Bananas 0; Carol Atkinson's peaches' 7, Mary LOU Barger's Grapes 0; Marg d'Hackett'S Strawberries 5., Tillie WilOn's Oranges 2. • • • • Games over 200: Marg Wilson 202, 268, Eunice CUnningham • 220., Eileen Lavp,217 Shirley Cook 208, Lynn•Wai1.2.01; Barb Londry. 240, Kathy Gibson 202, 230, Isobel Kilpatrick 205,„ Anna JOhnstone 245220 , 204, Merle Elliott• 207, Barb Helm 235, 212, • Gayle Spencer 223, Dianne Carter .233 , *205. •.' • Team standing: Oranges 87, , Appfes.82, Peaches 71•,, StraW- berrieS 71, Bananas 59, Grapes Bill 8tewart roiled the high. triple ,of the weeli with 779. • A llan-fiohnt-ton:was-e-los • • behind with' 770. Clarence • •Greer rolled a752, Gordon Brooks 714 and Bill Searle. 706. High single of the. week goes, to Clarence_ Greer with_307. • • , • • Butter Whitby's4Fords 4,• ClarencetGreer's Dodges 3; 'Walter Arnold's Must 4, Bill Button's Pontiacs 3; Keith Black's Buicks 5, pill Stewart's OldsMol .biles 2, • Games of 225 and over: Clarence Greer 307 225, Allan Johnston 261, 28i, Reg Jones Gordon' Brooks 281, jack Caesar 257 , Stuart Jamieson 269 ., Bill •Hunter 268, Bill Searle' 267 ;.245, Bill Stewart 290, 273, JOhn Ruther-forcr28T, Walter °Arnold , 243, Fred Young 230, Harold Ritchie 257; Bill Sutton 238, 247. Team standings: POntia s 13; Oldsmobiles 65 , Mustangs, 63, Dordt 62; Buicks 49, Dodges 45. COLOR ADMIT,ANCV IKIESTRICTIED RORY CALHOUN .I.ESLIE NIELSEN i.AINIE KAZAN ouivi • ,..;VAIrc: - •licliellums • (Adult Entertainment) •tammen • molt •• Starting WED„ FEB. 18. fol. 8 Days A Harry Saltzman ProcluctIon, One UmtsdArtists. Complete Show During Engagement i Starting .at 8.00 - • • • • • • Tovtin and - :Country This week. we. see .Olive' Smith with high single of•190 and double of 323 for the ladies: • For 'the men Mel king hada high Singleof 211 and Walter Dexter high double of 51..' Team points won: Jack Camp ,hell's Turnips 2, Mel King's sCarr9is-2,nry-Cart- Potatoes 3 and Earl•Swan's Lettuce 3. • • '• Team standings: Potatoes '36_, Lettuce 34, Carrots 29 and Turnips 22. Lind eads- Dungannon 4-H Theflrstmeetingofthe Dungannon 4-H Homemakers Club was held Saturday 'evening at the home Of leader Mo. Ivan • Rivett with 7 girls present. Linda. Young was elected President, Charlene Adams.' Vice President , Peggy .Young• Trea'surer , 'Karen Rivett Secretary and:Valerie Park Press Reporter Charlerte-kdarns; Joanne .. • ThOmps6n; Barbara Culbert and Valerie Park took part 'in the deM6nstrations. • The club project is featuring ., fruitand Vitamin C fruitswere diSC,Ussed;. • Greetings Wend On 90th Birthday : . :D.UNGANNON NEV'S • • Belated birthday greetings are. extended to Mrs., Minnie JOnes; who Celebrated.her 90th. birthday. on. January 21st. Mrs:. Jones. received a phone call from Detroit from her,siiterand many • gifts , ,,Potted'plants and cut flowers, •Mtirray Gaunt ; recently i5resented Mrs. Jones with ,a plaque from the On nip oyernment. Mr. and Mrs. Grant SOwerby of Scarborough visited on the week -end with the lady's ,parents Mr., and Mrs. Cecil Blake. lack , • • -41aw,kins.cf Toronto--,acdompanie 131.11„Blake of Waterloo also visited at his parent's home, ".' . . Word'has:been receiVed'here. '• • of-Ifie death -`611- January -27th of Mrs. Kilpatrick of , ' • Vanc6uver.;MrS. Kilpatrick is an aunt of Mrs'. Cecil Blake. .EUCHRE PARTY • t ig• -s • u r- wer- •play on Friday evening at. the Orange ?tall, Dungannon, • Gents high was pill ,while Freeman Olson was 1pw winner.. Ladies' high prize went to Mrs'. BesSie Alton with Mrs, Cora Cranston ,winning in a tie with Mrs, Arty Wiggins for low • . prize.. There will be another endue in to weeks, ,0#