HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-02-11, Page 6PAGE SIX . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW; ,ONTARIO • CLASSIFIED ADS Notice To Creditors: NQTICE TO CREDITORS. • In the Estate Of ° MARY ANNE ELIZABETH ' DURNIN'• ALL 'PERSONS having ; Claims--agai>rh; the estate . of the above- mentioned, lateof the. Township of West Wawanosh,. in the• County of Huron, Housekeeper, who died on January 24th, 1970 are required: to file proof of same with the under- signed on, or before, the 2ndday of March, 1970. After that date the Executor will proceed to . distribute the estate having regard only, to the claims of which . they, shall • then have had • notice. DATED .at. Wingham, Ontario this 3rd day of February, A.D. 1970.. CRAWFORD AND MILL. Wingham, Ontario Solicitors For The Executor • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In, The Estate Of .LE'1THA MORRISON Deceased', • ALL persons having claims: a- gainst the . estate • of Leith Morri- son,, late• of the Village of Lucknow, . • in the' County: .of Bruce,. Widow; de= • ceased, who died on or about-••-the- 2nd day of. January, 1970; are here by notified to send full particulars the -undersigned- Solicitor for the Administrator, on Or' before the 27th. day'' of. February 1970, after which- date the assets of . the estate will be distributed . • a- • mongst thetc entitled -thereto, trav= ing regard only to the claims, that have then been •received. Dated' at Listowel, Ontario, this 5th day of February 1970: R.•11N: 'ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Iror for the Administrator - , TO CREDITORS, In ;the :Estate' 'Of • . WILL•IAM HOWARD 'BEI RNES, 'and' ELIZABETH CATHERINE • •BEIRNES. . ' / Deceased, • ' persons—having claims a gainst the Estate, of William . How- .ard 'Beirnes, : Retired ,Railwayman, who died on .or about. the 29th. day of January 1970, and against the. Estate of Elizabeth'•Catherine Beir- nes, widow, who ,died on or about the 3rd day of February, 1970, both of : the Village .of Lucknow,• in ,:the County Of Bruce, are hereby notif- ied to send full particulars of their claims to . the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors of the said Es- •. tat' • on or before the. 27th .day. of Fel : aary 1970, after"` which date the Estates will .be •distributed '.a- mongst :those entitled thereto, hav- • ing regard : only to : the claimsof which the. Executors' shall • then mave notice. Dated at .Listowel.. Ontario, this :P i.•. • 6t11 day . of Fi3ruary; 1970; RD OF THANKS fo P r we wish to express our • thanks o.cards,, gifts .and visits, • while Dunlop at the meeting of t were patients m Wingham Hos- Huron County Board of •Ears ital, Special.' thanks to Drs. Cgrrm.ver� little business was coilplete and ,McKim, also thanks to nurses levier, from H.urori County Jane Ackert `'and -;Mary MacIntyre cit requesting that payment ' and nurses of the 2nd floor, Coun q g P y . Lloya and Julie' Nicholson of taxes be rpade 'to the .Board of Education' twice• annually rather I Wish: to thank my friends, neigh - than quarterly AS has been bout$ and relatives,. who remem- . • tiered me With cards, letters and indicated , was tabled' for further gilts during my stay.in New Mount study; Sinai Hospital, Toronto. polio on Kirin non -teaching • Mrs. Henry (Lena) Carter , y g - employees was also tabled I would like to • thank everyone although it"did result in some who. sent me 'cards; flowers, .gifts and visited me in the hospital: A lengthy discussion. Mrs . J.W. ' Wallace questioned Whether Or not. the board should - - •use. its time to discuss and approve non -teaching staff, . "This ,is a small item in dom.- parison; to •the whole $9 , 00Q , 000 that this county is giving us to play with," observed Mrs. Wal-' lace. "/e -don't even know what we are. trying to'turn out. We are the.soul responsible; body', :for what "goes on in the schools -in--the--county ., We have -to -know--. 00 Grant To Belgrave Sch�o!Iait, Observing 50th Anniversary This Year .. BY SH1RLE1' J, FELLER .. • WEDNESDAY, FEBRIJ 'ARY 111th, 1170 1301;e to the arsence of Director of Education John.D .Cochrane ,and business administrator 11 'e. e• special_thanks: to • all that helped my family at home while I was away and since my return home, and ' to Drs. Corrin and McKim and the. nurses on the 2nd floor. Etta Struthers May. I express my:' sincere grati- tude to all. who ' so kindly remem- bered me while. 3 was in the hos- pital. A special thanks. to Drs. Cor- rin and McKim, also the .nursing staff on. the 2nd' floor of Wingham District; Hospital . Annie -Swan The messages of comfort and s pathy the_1oi el floral trib- tes, . and all' themany kindnesses' xtendedby our friendswidxel- tives have . helped so much . : to ease the loss of our dear one Irwin Issac—Carruthers : Everything - has beentruly appreciated. A special• hanks to Dr. J:• R. Leitch, Dr. • R. Flowers, the staff on second floor west of. ;Alexandra . Hospital, the workmen at. Sifto Salt Mines, the. MacKenzie Funeral Home and Stiles Funeral Home. ' Mrs. Jean Carruthers and, family Mrs. Margaret Carruthers &family e t I would like to thank the mem- bers of the 'afternoon ` auxiliary .of the W.M.S. ': of the Presbyterian Church, and' other friends for help- ing to make my ninetieth biirthday. such a happy occasion. , Christina . Carrick Our heartfelt ' thanks :to - all ' who. extended 'comforting sympathy and help on the recent passing• of our dear brother Bert Wigguis, for the beautiful service and -floral offer-• ings and. with a special thanks to the U.C.W..ladies of Dungannon United Church. ' Pattie, Jean' and. Bill Bill, Amy and Eric We wish-' to express our . sincere gratitude to all, who so :kindly help- ed with the farm. work 'and for en- quiries during \our illness. ". All .was very much appreciated. Clifford • and Barry Kilpatrick • ` R. W. 'ANDREW :127 ,6u: bushels'.valued"at -Listowel, Ontario �3 5215 The eoats yield , ai. 63 Solicitor for. the Executors ti bushels-an.acre , was particu.larly I°rF The Ontario average .was . 52 S bushels The 619, L•'JU "bushels of oats harvested --was • i' worth $57 uc . :`: td;t;G7"C011ilLed for' BrU'c'e' County • Hay larvesil °ra~ a^,�• otherg air: There Worth000'$6,8Q0 , „ee w' 2oes seeded which' •::o e :.crea,;e. is Bruce County. .'1 � ,•. .. qF - 1-�.1-'lie �i 4..,.:5e,..s. t.T eL`...l�.a:,_,: .. ...._•`_`__ ,.. .. �..... ... . � .b.,.t._-:bel .3ve.az•e.. •i he' • ncia ;�reraze was •E ~'-,.e: . , ai•We c the c:oip was • That :;-ie Of ha,' '�.Ia:ie�t C"l.. ,'; t;" �: 1: �. ir .�..:2. vin and its vale e,c eaed that .. .tip-• :_` e r, yrel :� c �'.., ^, ,ve,:. 3 .4 tons .: :: acre . the second. hk►he'st• for ar.`• county iA:6 Orta:io and well a;,ove the F ov indial average of 2 "'4 tatty • :Crain crops ifi .truce Countythis past season alio yield ^ed above provincial average Winter wheat averaged 44 ' bushels ari .acre for al•tota'l of :ernfct ,';:elliiit Ile gat .. in la - e .:;ua::tities i;. the - cc..ty . exceeded, tt e 'provincial acv e:age yield of 5 1bushels• > ii'iti a -. -bushel avera e';field' Only acres were planted .which was worth t;42, (.;‘) • The. acres in fodder corn yielded 12.5 tvns.ann acre., slightly under the provincial average of 12, 'tcikii..Value of the crop was $1.4"0 ,CCC. . what we want , how .to get ii and how to know when we've: got it. The.' more we get involved in these little things the more we're neglecting .our responsibili- ties to this county • It disturbs tnc I hate to see us get cluttered up •' with every single little thing that comes up..` • policy concerning hiring teachers was also tabled ,until the'next meeting" • the, board, did grant the sung of $S00 to three schools Belgrave.: BIyth and Brussel's . • for the annual School, Fair, this year celebrating its, S0th anniver- sary.. Although there, was considerable discussion on the Matter, Gordon Moir , Winghan reminded, the • board that' the same fain was • _discussed ver, thorou hl ,last° year.:. He said that:the fair .is an institution in that part ofthe county, 'and he 'felt the board'of education would be .very remiss • if it.would not,sponsor:;he event for..•another year... He. had• hoped the'itern would have been "hidden. in'the budget"be said "'it was just a matter of courtesy. that we 'were 'informed of it at ` alI this year," Moir stated, -`"embers ofWth Board also -- concurred with •a resolution from the Cletnn 'Board of ;Education • •that school board members .be' included .in Section 10(3') of the • Income 'Tax Act which permits- municipal elected officers, .nnreritbers+ of provinciallegislature and *embers of Parl anient'to 'x4lude.*frorn income tax one thi:Rrof the rem,uneratidn received • from these offices designated as expense allowance. The Carle- ton arle-ton Board wants this sane • provision, extended to the •• honoraria paid to elected school • board trustees.' In other business., the board acknowledgedthe resignation.of Mrs. Florence i3 , Brown, South„ • Huron District High: School, effective June 29, 19'70; board heard an informative report on . the audio-visual equipment program in the• schools in thie• county showing that since the secondary, schools in the county` are generally well equipped with audiovisual,suppl.ies,' requests' , . ,from .eleni.eniary schools for audio-visual equipment should .have priorityover ° thesecondary. schools, EDUCING STOCK OF`.AL'L UPHOLSTERED LINES OF CHESTERFIELDS, DAVENPORTS ANDtH4I (NO . TitAD!.-INS) WE HAVESOME CHEST •CHESTERFIELDS THAT, HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY USED IN THE .FUNERAL :CHAPEL 411.10 ! wiss. iii' 1,11 4110. 11 7TRAES ES WE•STILL HAVE A FEW • SIMMONS .MATTRESSES ON SALE DON'T WAIT 'TIL SPRING BUY YOUR NEW, MATTRESS NOW AT A GOOD PRICE. We Have Two Used 5 'Piece acKE NZiE' FURNITURE LUCKNOW PHONE. 521-3432: • n 46,411 •