HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-28, Page 10gatailf fMN1 .THE LUCKNOW SENT1IN. EL, LUCKNOW,_ ONTARIO Favourabie Reports At Church Annual tev Robert Nicholls presided for the annual, meeting Of the Lucknow United.'Church held on• Sunday afternoon-of-rh15-week,7- • Following the regular Sunday service, the congregation gathered in. the Sunday 'School rooms for lunch and the meeting. • ; which, reviewed the activities within•the;church for the past year, Favourable reports were .heard from all departments; Church members received by. profession of faith were 5; members received by certificate. •• :28;: total resident 'rneti ership 350; households ,under pastoral care 2.51. 1969 was a very eventful 'year experiencedby the •congregation • of Lucknow .United Church In April the new ,Christian Education Wing and Manse was. dedicated; in June they said good ebye to one • minister; imiuly a new minister wa welcomed; and several • 'been affected:by re -alignment.. families have been received from thae 'Ashfield•Circuit,, who had is ,The•report of the Sunday School gave an average attend -•" ance for 40 SOriday,•s of 10S.. Donations to the, church from various departments included :- genera' $1.1.526..15; anniversary $1947, 50; mission and service $5292,40; U nited,,Church Women $2279.34;.building, fund $9663.82 Glen Walden submitted a • . proposed budget for 1970 As Chairman,. Ron Altbn'.gave the report'.of the' nominating committee.. •New members elected to,the.session, are,, Leon aid. Ritchie , Wm. Hunter ,• Eldon , Ritchie , Mel Morrison, Bruce MacKenzie ..Ernest A'cliert Miss Helen Thompson; for committee of -stewards ,; Elwood, • Elliott , Charles .Webster,, Robert Fisher, "' ,Robert McIntosh ,. Gordon Kirk land , .Miss'Ada. Webster, -Jack, ,. Treleaven 'H. D. (Bud) Thome= son, Reg:. 'zones • ' , • A vote of thanks was extended • to Rev:. Nicholls by Ernest Ackert , on behalf of the congregation. St =Helens lIC:VI:M ST. HELENS NEWS The 1a111.iary meeting•of ••the St. l-ielens United Church Women was held on Tuesday at the home' of - Mrs . W. 1.. Miller,. ""The program. -was tri' charge of, Mrs'• Miller and Mrs...John Cameron , MTS. Cameron gave, the call to .w-orship _ The scripture lesson' was read by Mors .Torsi,- Todd and Isobel Miller gave. the Meditation. The church creed Was, repeated, in unison The topic , "Reconciliation in a Broken' World" was taken by Mrs. W. I Miller. Miss W. D. Rutherford led in a •discussion on "Who are the Poor'? Mrs•. Frank 1cQuil in•' read' an article. on "Is Poverty a Virtue". Readings were given by Mrs, Gordon McPherson and Mrs. McQuiliin ...The Lord's' Prayer in unison concluded .the worship.service . ', •• Mrs •Todd presided for the a . business yer.iod . .The U . C W. agreed to pay one: -half the cost of the Observer and: each family in'tlie‘congregation will ' receive it in 197•C.- Three mem - bers of•the U:.C:� .. had received gifts and, thank you:notes were read. Mrs., Todd .closed the meeting .with prayer.. Lunch was 'served by;'\.!rs Cameron' and Isobel \filler . Got a'. heap of washday woes? 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Available to Avitradr. tit Nat"test . .6oTd —'Tail$ extra. liudci 'S•1'2 • • LUCKNOW, UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert. Nicholls, B.A. Minister ' FEBRUARY 1st :,9,nday. School. T 1 a,m. Morning -Worship A panel of ' Young People • 2:00 p.m. Teed Confirmation. Class WEDNESDAY JANUARY, 2119h, 1970. Lucknow . Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., BD. • Minister Phone 528-2740. ' • FEBRUARY 1st .. 10:00 a:m. Sunday School 11:00 . a.m..' Morning Service. Thursday, Januar); 29th Board c;f Managers Meeting 830 p.m. - • Annual Meeting and'P!ot Luck D arner. Held At Nile United Church 'The Annual meeting of Nile •United Church was precededby a Pot -Luck dinner at 12:•34 ' Rev. C. Ivlcclenaghan opened the meeting with Scripture and :Prayer.: The •Church. Secretary report was read by Cliff McNeil whowaspointed Secretary kr'e-l� t r n.g a-nd-also=far th,e ., ensuing year • • • The Sunday School .repor't was read by.Haivey IvldPhee which showed a ba la nce._ori __hand_,gf: '$26 .•44 • t1: C :-IN. • report, by hlrs . Wilmer Rutledge $64:.4.6 raised and 'a ,balance on hand .of. .Bible' Society report by Iyirs. W.: ii. Talniay showed $122,25 collected and 'a large quantity] of used stamps sent to • •h:ead.euarders Ciiff'`:1c\eil gale a report of the • ecsioii .r'°.There. are 2ii5 per .'sons,,under .pastoral dare', 15" i members., 25. of which a.re:non • Greer T,' LueknoW` ��ectric kon�52$r 3112 resider • ' 1•en RTbey gave the Treasurer's report... Nile hat faillilies and Dungannon .'2 su . that•Nile,wiil pay 45,7;,- of' expenses of, the Cha'r.ge and Durr- ;annon o; .. Balance on hand is S5.22 'The auditors report :was r -e -a -d• by On. 4- -Nil 1 the Stewards • Auditors; Mr . and Mrs'. Doug McNei1; Bible Society Representa give: Mrs. 4i1. H..'Talirlffy;. ' Public Relations:' Mrs ,Talriiay; Manse. Representative on Trustee Board: Ron Pentland and Doug McNeil •. Theirp,anist is -the responsibi1-. ity of the Board of Stewards Anniversary Committee is Oval McPhee. , Arnold Graver and Mrs. W'• H: Talniay. Dungannon -Anniversary_ _ Nip -be Se'pte rn be r 27. Nile ,Anniversary. will be either September' 13. o'Oc:tolier 1S.' The'U.C':W, Will try to arrange for the cutting ,of the • grass' at the church. On, rnotion •. Orval McPhee;'th•e .meeting' 'was adjourned . •• . • LU.CKNOWa CHRISTIAN • 1 REFORMED.' • 'CHURCH J. W. `Van' Stempvoort Pastor • i • Services: ' 10.00: 2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and • 5th Sundays.). - VISITORS WELCOME �enomin tional—Radio Rroad- cast, "rife Back To God Hour ;every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) — 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen Sound) - 6:00. p.m.. AN.GLuCAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA' PARISH The .Rev, R. Odendahl .. Rector FEBRUARY )1st Sixa9esima . St. Paul's, Ripley -- 9:30 a.m,; Ascension, Kinlou --11 a.m. e . Bh St:Peters,'Lucknow -1:30 •Church. School - 10:15 a.m. St. Pauls, Dungannon - 3 p.m. Alternating. with: Christ Church Port, Albert • p!tOffic�rs At Annual .Lucknow' Presbyteria'n•Churcl. held .their. Annual .Colgr.egatiol:,il Meet;ing`on Thursday eveliiri. t'' last' week,, Rev Noht- acted as chairman for the meeting. 'Reports 'were heard fromall t3;t organizatio.ns'within the•ehurr'l;. indicating.another successful;• year. :' Ron. 'achan:and •L'eslie. Puryt,'' w\l ere nominated to the:l3oard • ,Managers fora three year tern. Ftnartcial. Secretary Mrs Geos :t• ' \tclnnis.and church. reasnre.r Tony Johnstone were reappo:inttJ. foranother terns The. nieetin ; w r gait to: t: cfose with. the Benedict' n, • followed' with lunch an r.efrc l;, ments•served by the ladies of tl.• church. !TED •SEED DIVISION EXETER •.235-0363 for. Personal•Servic:e• • 0 And�� t0he l ind o .You' Can De-- end Ion The Explorers report Was 'giv,en by I'1rs; 'Dotlg N:tcNeil. Officers for 1970 are as follows:. Session C:11ff ;'C%1�' i1 nd Orval McPhee for 3 years., Earl 13ogie and Jamieson kihey 2 years, flarvey McPhee and Doil . Nicl\feil 1 year. • •' toad of• Stcwards: Jaincs i rC ;let amt. 'aw<ins•, 'armell` Pollock'., llotacc.C;rawford•,' I' years; Arnold Stotlicrrt,,,11or'to1i...,, Tall•Ilay, Arnold clraver, :Rod mcRett;;ic, 2 years; Len " Christilaw, Mrs. Alvin Kerr k ' c le'aa R1l c v , Ron Pentland . 1 year Manse C.oiTirnittee I1rs. Darr)/ Girvin , David 1'1cDairrid (1i;C W.'represcnta- tives); 'Cliff McNeil from . session ,and lames• I lawkilis' front :SEE YOUR:. LOCAL ';DEALER PASTURE MIXES • Nei and improved Varieties of ' CLOVER TIMOTHY •"'GRASSES .• . ` triNti MAO tteriCti, 4a01/4 "'1:1104a4.4161 . r FIELD SEEDS & GRASSES]