HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-21, Page 11•_WEDNESDAY, JANUARY,,2lst 1970_ _
OPII•SIEJEA%1.%44111,7C 'WWI" .7t 7
Mrs. Alex Hackeff Heads New United
Church Women Group At Trinity Church
T e.; first meeting Cif the newly
'organized Trinity United Church
Women, was held on: . •
January 15th hi. the basement df
the Church with Mrs. I3ert Alton
as hostess:, The meeting opened ..
with the. Devotionai'period,,under
the leadership of Mrs. Harvey' •
Ritchie •and. Mrs • Alvin Alton, •
with; the singing of two hymns fol
lowed by'prayer by Mrs. Alton. '
. , Mrs , Wm, Andrew• read Psalm &, '•
and the, Lord's Prayer was repeated
in unison
The theme ,for the'
Devotion Program was "Pettiness"
the first of twelve lessons to be
used for this year's program
based; on the "Mary Stewart.
Collect", Mrs Ritchie •was
assisted "with' the devotional
reading by three readers., This
'was followed by a' short skit on,
'UPettiness". - depicting the
•Progam Committee trying to
arrange their'plans to 'suit one
another:. .Mrs. Ralph Cameron
gave two readings relating'to •
•. the .New Year and' the Meaning of
•.the 'word "January':' • : •
The roll call answered by a
verse .containing the word Love
and the •paying of fees. There
were twenty. -four members• joined
at this Meeting with sore' , ' '
associate members planning to •
attend and participate as well.
The Bible Study with Mrs Ken
Alton .asleader is "Re.concillia
tion In' a Broken.World" and her
topic for this. first session was on
"Poverty" i•
9Durinv the 'business period , •the
supply work 'was discussed, a
sunshine friend for the year was.
drawn: by'.each one present, and
the President read some of the
duties required of the visitors for
the month and.the convenors'of
the different committees . • Mrs.
•Fra.nk. Alton read •thank -you notes
received, rhe monthly giving -
by envelope and: suggestions •for
raising funds were also discussed,
•and the 42H Club is••.to carry 017 as
before. , Delegates named to
'attend the Regional •Meeting' at
Wesley Willis'United Church in
Clintdn on•:Thursday, January 29th
were Mrs,' Bert Alton', Mrs...
30' 1969 MODELS
Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Fords, Cainaros
In: hardtops s and. sedans, V8,, power steering
and brakes
2 — 1969 CHEVELLES, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
3 t -- 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNES, . 2 - 2; door hardtops and.:.
a 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering and brakes
1968 CHEVROLET stationwagon
,--1968 FORDL.TD. 4-door-hardtoP,fullY_ equpRed'_
1967 PONTIAC .PARISIENNE 4 door hardtop, V8, fully equipped
3—'19e7FORD GALAXIES, 4 door and :2 - 2 door hardtops,
fully equipped •
X1967 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF, 6 cylinder; 4 door sedan,
power steering and brakes . a
2 1967 CHEV BEL AIR sedans ,• V8 automatic
1967 :CHEV, 2 door
191,7 DODGE, V8 automatic, fully equipped
1965 CHRYSLER, 4 .door hardtop, fully equipped`
Donald Hackett , • Mrs. • A lex
Hackett, .Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick,
Mrs,; Frank Ritchie,•Mrs Chas.
Wilkins and anyone else able to .
attend,. •
' The February, meeting will be
Meld the first Thursday in February,
,February (5th) as the ,World
Day of.Prayer is Feb. 13th: Host-
ess for the February meeting. i$'.
_Mrs.' Andrew Ritchie. The meet'
'ing closed by singing Hymn 03
and prayer by, the President.
Lunch, wase served by hostess and
her assistants. •
• Officers, for the year 1970 are
as`follows:' President, Mrs. Aler
Hackett; .Vice 'Pres. , Mrs. Bert
.Alton; Secretary, Mrtii. Frank
Ritchie; Assistant, M. Allan.
Ritchie; .Treasurer, Mrs. •Warren.
Zinn; Assistant, Mrs. Blake
Alton; Pianist, Mrs. Douglas
Raynard; Assistant, Mrs, Blake.
The following members
will serVe- dn. the' respective
.committees: 'Finance Mts.
Warren Zinn, Mrs.' D. A', Hack
ett , Mrs . • Blake Alton , Mrs Alex
Hackett;,. PrOgra mme ,Mrs . Chas.,
Wilkins,'Mrs.. Jirn Hunter ,.Mrs'.
Ken A1ton , Mrs 'Wilfred Hackett;
Social, Mrs., Andrew 'Ritchie ,
Mrs. Harvey Ritchie, Mrs'. Ralph
-Cameron ;-Mrs :"'Jerry,.Cranston.
Mrs:. Alvin Alton; Norninatfon
:and Membership, Mrs. Cliff.
Menary, , . Ivjrs Allan Barger ,''
Welfare, •and Citizenship ;-Mrs:.
Donald Hackett, Mrs. Reg
Broome, Mrs. •Robt. Helm';. Mrs.•,
.Mark. B'erger; Mrs. ;Bert Alton
Community Friendship, Flowers,
•Gifts and Visiting, Mrs., Frank'
Alton; Mrs..•, Doug Raynard to
send. gifts •etc . , Mrs. Allan
:Hackett;' Mrs. .:Wm A'ndt;evi'to
purchase, necessary cards, from the•
Companies; and Mrs'. John, '
Gardner to send cards to those,
who are .ill;trtis„rd Publicity ,`
Literature and Communication,
Mrs Jirn ,Hunter Mrs. John,
.Plaster, Mrs Frank .Ritchie;'
Stewardship, •Recruiting and :
D`. A. 'Hackett, Mrs..: Blake Alton,
Mrs. kisser Irvin, Mrs. Allan
Ritchie;` Manse Committee , Mts..
Alex •Hackett, Mrs . : Frank Ritchie,
Mrs. Liv ingstoire=-Menary, Mrs
George Henry., Mrs ...D, A.
Hackett Mrs. Warren Zinn
Ai*e�Womefliat .*E*6�UtIVI.D
Maitland Presbyterial Of W.M.S
The -Annual Meeting•of .
-Maitland Presbyterial of the ° •
W.M.S. of the •Presbyterian
Church in, Canada was held.'ir'
St.. Andrew.'.s Church, Wingham,
on January 1�.th, with •Mrs. Alvin
• • Mundell , Belmore', President `in
the chair, and Mrs. 'Donald
Robertson. as organist. ' The
Invocation "Draw' nigh to God,
and He • will draw •nigh to thee":',
,:was followed by the psalm of .•
praise "God is our refuge • ,
and strength.",„ The Members'' .
present were then re -arranged
into three groups for a discussion
on the Study Book, topic
"Reconciliation''••. - A report from
each'group waggiven by the
followir:g: Mrs. Glen Noble , '
c , i • ; u 't, bt , A in tron
Winglam; Mrs. Kenneth Rooney,.
Ripley Reconciliation means
the mending,of,someihing that
•has been broken. It can. bring ' •
,someone - cares about„them.
Would this not be a step towards
reconcilation with a god who
loves them and their neighbour �.
who•serves them?
•The Afternoon Devotions
were conducted by Ripley mem
bers. Mrs.' .George .Sutherland_
spoke on I, Corinthians
Chapter 13, "What is' the supreme
Good"? Mrs .. K Rooney led in :
prayer Robert Armstrong,
Wfngham , brought greetings from
Presbytery:‘,: The remainder of the
:annual reports'were dealt with •
and- the: Offer'ing.-was .received
Mrs, •Johnstone Conn led i'n. the :
dedication prayer,
The .Nominating Committee's
report was' presented by'Mrs . 'Ira
40 used cars from '63 to '66 in various - models, sedans, - hardtops
and. 4 door, mostly fully equipped
vsEa Trxuc:
1967 CHEVROLET, 1 ton stake:.
1967 CHEVROLET,1A ton .
1966 CHEVROLET; 1 ton stake
x-966 G M C --4-ton-cab and chassis;-•-5=:speed-tt ansmission
1965 G.'M.C."15 ft. ,stake, 'With 327 engine D.'P, rear end
1965 CHEVROLET, 1/2 ton
h 5 sp+e nsmssion-rea>xe;�16 --
foot stake • • `•
• A number of EConoline Vans froth '63 to '65
Brussels Motors
• BP' Sr►rvico .Station
Phone $874173
were 'named as auditors ..for 1970 ,
The trustees areyElmer Scott;.
Angus -Strome a.nd.•Graharn G
Mo at.
Four lieu ushers named were
-S -mon-d- .Boer ;=Donald Scott ,
Murray,Moffat and Doug'W'all:
Petec.deBoerswas named Chairman
o'f tt;e_.BoarcLaL:Maria.g_ex&._.,
A motion Was made that Lang-
side Conti"hue its status of stated
supply. as presently in
practice. .A• budget allocation of
$300,06 was accepted by •the
• Inter -church Aid: was discussed.
Mr. Braden will be'asked' to'•speak
on this when the clerk of session
receives correspondence 'concern -
about. Peace`with'God and the
restoration of'goodrelations,.
within families and•with friends.
When a christian speaks, for this'
purpose , .to either an 'individual
or a group;, the words must be
sirrr:ple "'easily --understood , and°.
motivated .by love only.
Mrs. H. Aitcheson, on behalf
of St. Andrew's•Auxiliary,spoke
words''of•welbome to :all present.
The• Recording Secretary , Mrs.
W•.'D.Campbell, Listowel ,;read
r)—e..1.969 Minutes and gave the
roil:cal•1. ,Due to the joint
efforts of Mrs. V. Emerson and
Mrs. W. `Conn', Whitechurch,,
and •Mrs B . Feagan•, Wingnam;
• Mimeographed; copies of the
combinedAnnual 'Reports were:
Made available to all in attend-
ance. Presentation of the reports
continueduntil the lunch hour.
Woodruff conducted' the '•Installa - ' ' ,
tion of the 1970 Executive. 'The
President announced the may
.^meeti.rg ,would be held::at
church and the Synodical of.
Hamilton and London in. Paris:-
aris;Ontario, 'April 21722. Mrs. Mel.
'Ritchie thanked all who had taken
part' in the rneeting•'and Mrs
Beirnes of Molesworth Evening °
Auxiliary.. redin. the closing
•prayer •
The 19,70 Executive. is 'as
follows:' Honora'ry President; 'Mrs.
•Farish.Moffat, Wingharn; Past
president., Mrs. George-Suther'-
land , Ripley; :President ; Mrs..
.Alvin Mundell., Belmore; 1st Vice
President;• Mrs :J. W. English.,
Winghaln; 2nd. Vice -President , •
lvlrs.•''Bernard-Thornas Bluevale;'
3rd Vice -President, Mrs •., Mel
.Ritchie, -Kincardine; 4th: Vice
President , Mrs, Don Robertson;
Ripley; Treasures, Mrs: Ewan
MacLean, .Luck!now : Historian,'• ~'
Miss Iva •Carr , Dungannon; A•s"s`'t.
Historian , Mrs.. Morgan Wender -.
son , • Lucknow:y •
The afternoon session corntnenc-
ed witha further discussion
on the theme ".Reconciliation".
Six: groups metin classrooms
under the following ,leaders: Mrs-.
John Brush, Gorrie; Mrs:>H.
MaCKenzie , :Ashfield; Mrs R.
-Mc 11 ster,yA"ubx+r—n;-Mrs, Mel
Ritchie , Kincardine; Miss L:
Taylor , Wingham; Miss Barbara
Woodruff, W•.M S Regional
S'eeretaiy . Alienation comes
about 'in many ways..• Sudden
loss, tragedy, suffering, we ' •
cannot accept ,. so we let go of
God . Conflict in family life• a�
andwalls of misunderstanding •
arise Reconciliationis one of
the great basic needs of our
,day ' While ile rnan 'is"alienated, _
from Godreconciliation is
not likely to come.- about• between
man and man o'r' nation•and.
nation': A wayof reconciliation
has been provided' by :God' in the
.itrare„ l o1-ktctiojt' : person -of :iesut C_hrist--of-f
will then be taken for this cause. the leaders told of .how her home
church group had .decided on an
National' Develops' exit Fund every home visitation in :their
was also discussed, It was . town. The. Visitor Chooses a well -
decided for• the'board of managers timed hour of the day and day of
to use The interest from the build the week.,for the purpose of
ing fund as a donation for sbtne searching: out lonely,
charitable,purpose ° ' discouraged, depressed, friend-
riendRev . Hawkes was thanked ,for less person§ , who may not need
his Services ori behalf Q`f the ' much mote Than a kindly smile,
congregation, by Gordon Wall, a clasp of.the hand and to know
Secretaries Recording :, ,lvlrs"•
W; D. Campbell,: Listowel;
Corresponding; •Mrs. 'V.. Emerson•,
Whitechurch; Afternoon Groups:,
.Mrs. Gordon Wall, Langside; ' .
Evening--G-roup-s, Mr-s-:-•-R.4cAi=
lister,_:D'ungannon; Girls' Groups,
Mrs. 'Cameron;MacAuley,' •
Ripley; Children's Groups. Mrs.
Robert Campbell, Wingham,; .
Home Helpers, Mrs, 'Frank*
Maulden,.ICinlough; Friendship
rand Senesceviel Ritchie ,
Kincardine; Literature and °
Library; ;Mrs. John McLean,
Ripley; Glad Tidings., Mrs. Ira
Dickie.,. South Kinloss; • Press ,
Miss •Lah:• Currie ,Wingham;
Su 1
PP Y; -Mrs: firm, 'smith,
Molesworth; Life Membership,
Miss C. Isbister ,. Wingharm.
Without Portfolio r- Ws, Rev ,
'T ., J. %4cKrnne eeswate ,; Nies ._.
Sarn Robinson: Gorrie; Mrs. • y-'
Robt, Mitchell., Listowel; Mrs.,
'Howard Harris, Pordwich
Auditors Mrs•: Morgan ,..
Henderson, Lucknow 'Mrs. '`
Douglas Graham, South Kinloss:
Nominating Committee .
Lucknow •Evening, Molesworth'
Afternoon, Ripley.Afternoon,
South.Kinloss, Mrs. ,Ira Dickie, : •
Executive Membet,
- t>