HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-21, Page 9WE DN ESDAY. - --- Nommommovw LY JANUARY 2late 1970. WINGfil PHONE 351.i3O. • SHOW TIMES . 'Friday' and Satiutays. at, 7;15 and 9:15. 'All other days, one ,show at 8:00, except where noted , on the program. .0`44,47..;:le444,WWW.4•711,11K-W V:.;7.4•111170WW.; , t,ycKNow SENTINE44. tvoctio,w, IONTARI " Paisley Curling lonspiel At 'Ripletign.Siithillay. . Donald Gaunt presented the Johns -Manville Trophy to Sid Patterson's rink' of Paisley on Saturday, at the annual Johns - Manville Invitational Bo iel ° With S wins plus 10_, lac ren 711 JAN.' 22, .3, 24AT"•I.. Bill MacKay• and Lioyd'Brown lent. • valuable support to their skip. ,In'seeond place Was a 'lather and two sons, ric ,,Geotge and Lloyd Scott, withiack Elliott as vice. They came. up with a total of 2 wins plus'12, Don Thompson of • Collingwood skipped the third- place team of Ron Funston, , Wayne Lowry and Murray Thomp7 ,•son, with 2 wins plus 2.. In the 9 a.m.. draw Harry Hossfe•ld led the -field with 2 wins plus 7. Grant MaeDonald , Ross • 'Kirstine and Jim Leslie were pp • the Flossfeld rink: Grant • MacDonald substituted for peorge •qpr ort•this Walkertonrink , when •GeorgeAbecarrie ill Friday night: Last yea -Cs winner, Ivan Rivett came in second this year. Don Paquette, Robt.. Simpson and aeorge Morigilkf aisisted Ivan tO ,a 2 win plus .6 status. Third place went to Dort MaCTavigh, Gore, Patterson, Murray Culbert and* Wally P011oek with 2 wins plus- 5... •' • Next Saturday -the ladies are:. ninninglheir. SWeetheart Bonspiel •with 'Helen McCreath and her • bonspiel corrirpitteesin charge. ADULT ENTERTAMMENTH Romeo & Juliet' Colour '--• Starring: Leonard .Whiting Olivia Hassey., - This interpretation of• "Ro meo and Juliet" is probably the most vibrant ever- conceiv--- .ed. The second show on Friday • and Saturday starts at 9;30. * * .*••** * •* * * * .• SAT. MATINEE JAN. 24 •• SPECIAL ..Cllown :and 11 • Colour CinemaScope All seats for this mat. 50c Ripley Win 5- 1 •• BYDON J0IINST0NE The Ripley Bantam Hockey.: • team marked up a nother'win Monday' de:fearing the Kincardine Bantarns.,5 - • Dave MacDonald frOrn Carmen ;Courtney scored in the lst with Carl.Staaley scoring in the 2.nd:, .assisted by /‘,.lactionald and Courtney,. . . .• Ripley 's third period goals Were scOred ,by Boyd Carruthers from Sandy Pollock Blain Carruthers from P011ock and Stanley, Pollock scoring from Courtney: Kincar- • dines lone gOal was chalked up by'Rick Sinai'. • The game was'played in Ripley. PI/WitIMAMPANWartAlilMa • Men's .7 High single of the evening went to Murray Reid with a score', of 267 .. Fred.HQrton had a high triple of.669.. • •Games over 225: Murray Reid 267, Rbn Stanley 2'66, Fred -Horton 259. Bob -Nicholls 253, George Stanle.y. 235, Lynn 2 Hod gi ns .23.5 • . Points: oiy4 3, •Cardinals 4, Vultures 0 • Hawks 7. • • Tearri standings: '0W1s. 831 ,_Cardinals'60, Hawks 42, 0+. Vultures 25.. • • Ladies.. 6:30 p.m. Anne Putney rolled•.the high single game' of.20,9.and Marion til-1140e-erf 6;17James of 200:and over: Anne _Purney 269, 'Marion MaCKinnon • .. • • , ildredCaniern- • • •Lands Plane In Stiow CO.vered.Fjeld almirimew4;Mmilimmewwwww ' Team points:::Isbbel•Millers./., Violets:7, Ivlarion•Carnpbeirs 0,, 'Catherine Andrew's. • ASters..5 , liazel`Webster's Roses, Grace.Elliott's Daisies.4„. Trudy forain's' Tea m 'standings: -Daisies 68.; Pansies til..Roses 60„ Violets 60, Lilacs ,'59, Asters4. •• .P.Ong..000.coo. . Bill•Button is top bowler in the m.-1,-eakue-fort .rrisTal with a tri)ple Of 780. 13111 Stewart • takes. high 'single honours with a• . ' Ameof 323. Bill SteWart's - •triple was 720 and Fred Young, ••••• bowled a 763 triple and single - game 613,06 Nice bciwling boys! •• • • Claienc, oreer's Dodges 5, • Bill Stewart's Oldstnobiles 2:, Walter Arnold's Mustangs47., Keith Blacles Buicks 0.; Bill ButiOn's 'PontiacS 7, Buster Whitby's Fords 0. •• ---Games--of-2.25--and-overri•Bill---- • Stewart 323 ,\ Mel Coffin 253, 13111 Nelson 238, 257, Howard Agnew.238, Harold Londiy 232, 'Fred Young 251; 06. Clarence Gteer 252.28Keith Cranston 227, Bob Finlay. 228 Bill Button 258,291, 231, Donald macKinnon 265 , Jack C,aesar.252. • Tearai standings: PontiatS, 63, Mustangs 56 ,'Oldsmobiles 54, Fords 46, BuiCks 40, Dodges 35. • . ..Barb Londry stars for.the Luck .now 2 Dungannon' league- this, Week With a280 siiigle and a • .690 xrive •••• • FollOwing-ifi-her400tstep • ,were Doris Ilddge. 248 , Ruth • Jardine, 243 ...Barb herself with .a 241, :Jessie Joynt with a 240. • • Mel•Corrin receives- honourable • tne.ntiOri-for. the,males with a 705 triple:. 13udThOmpson with a 295 ,• nabs.t•he' single . ,Lyle Sisley with a..268 And. Angus MacLennan with a 250, also gain a spot in, the weekly . news. '• . Our standings jpggled into:this . position- Beavers '79 ,'Lebras. • 76,, Cubs (38 , .tig6rs 58, Wolver • ipcs 57, Gophers 55, CoOns. 48 , : Sqnirreis 40., Kangaroos 37 • Lions • • • • • Pull tfp: your sucks4 we're- .nea ring the end .• ' . . ST. HELENSNEWS . Ken Taylor of -London a„nd fled Evoy Of.,NorWich were Sunday visitors with Mi.': and 'Mrs Albert Taylor .and. Roy.. Ken and .Fred arrived by airplane',.landing in the deepsnow-covered field near the Taylor home. • • 'Mrs. Laura McNeil Visited on •Sunday with •Elmer. Woods in Victoria HOspital, London. :Elmer, Who has been a :patient there since ,NOvember, has been.seriously ill thisapast week , but was:sotnewhat improved On S.unday. • . . • . " •BORN. - InisondonOtt.Thursday, • January 15;•to Mr ,and Mrs . David Walker.(I3eth Cooper) of ,tondop, twin Sons. CorigtatUlationS Patients in WirighaM and District ;HoSpita I :are. •MrS1 Gordon Struthers, Mrs,: 'George 'Swan and , -Mrs,. Charles McDonald,: •- •lusta reminder Of the Shoot' • , • , . Party On Thursday evening in the hall. ..Lunch will.be served. • .• Dorothy Taylor., .1Who is nursing. at the Brampton Hospital:, recent- ly spent a few .0Ay.g with hr Nits, Albert • Taylor ° Ladies 9 p.m. Barb Sanderson .captured high single.and high, triple with scores of 274 and 774. 'Good,Bowling! played:frillie Wilson's Orangei 5, BeN./. Thompson's • Apples 2; Mary Lou Barger's, ---Qrapes 3BarLHeims Bananas. 4; Carol Atkinipn's Peaches 5, Marg Hackett's Strawberries 2. . •Games 200 arid oVer:' Barb , SandersOn'238:, 262, 274, Maudie • 0Fishe(243, 221, 270,•Joy Dennis 212, Shirley Bolt 211, 231, 'Kathy. Gibson 222, Ruth Jardine 205. • .Team standing: Oranges 75• , 'Apples 5,,'6Strawberries '&8; Peaches 55, Bananas 54, Grapes 50, GUIDE 'NEWS The, Ist LuCknow Guide Company Met onlariPary 16th and opened their:Meeting in the usual way with roll call, flag raising, 0 Canada.; and the guide prayer. The: co1Onr party consist- ed of Cathy Jamieson , Joati Hackett and Janet Marriott. :.It- waiaLmounCed-that. would be aijohoggin party on the rth and Cathy Jamieson and Brenda MacDonald Will.be host- esses fOrthe event .., tbete will be a. my._ -,tip oiT Februaty 6th arid•*_ a Skating:party on February 13th. A thank you note wat read to the guides from Pinecrest Manoi. • Mrs. jack MacDonald came,to the, meeting tO iriStrUct. the " F GE -411941E_ TO TH ,4 • ri • ON THEIR SUCCESS AT THE WAT,FORD SILVER" STICK 'HOCKEY TOURNAMENT. We wish them Continued success at the 1970 North American finals at Port Huron on • Thursday; January '29th REEVE AND.. COUNCIL' . VILLAGE OF 1,V0KNOW.- • girls in Local KnOwiedge for • their second Class test... Captain •taug.ht•sarrie of the.older guides , compass work, while.Lorraine • Boyle And Barbara Wilkins, assist- ed in.special test wOrk: Cheryl', Hackett completed 1/ier tenderfoot tests A game •was played inwhich the .guides tried, to,name an object by toualralone.':Patiol. corners followed' Nancy•Ritchie taught her patrol how to do' • square lashing. Captain read a neW;Years prayer :for Vespers.' Taps cohcluded the meeting. GODERICHAt 30THESQUARE PHONE:52471811 RCONPr.110.14ED: THURS.,S Jan. 22, 23, 24 If tin Chelan% doeuit ki hin .:.U.S.-Briiisleituasinit!tellgnice will .;2Otfi_centuty•folcpre6ent GREGORY PECK ANNE HEYWOOD • An ArthUrP. Jacobs Production .1 CHAIRMAN hat.. t 666 at ...101114 IOW 11111 •MUVtrflIUrQ • -PLUS SECOND FEATURE ' THE..BRAVEST ARMY THAT EV.ER HAD TO BE HOME FOR DINNER testes rea n Nava* °Ira. id Street An'extrserdlaaky wai ..COUIR by OF bt.IXi • ONE c.:p.mt.q.Lk SHOW 'EACH. NIGHT Ai 0.4 • SATURDAY (January 2.4) mATINEE • At 2:00,j,:m. Ali Sets :50e "CLOWN & THE KIDS" . . the •main leistuie Plus 3 Shorts: '"DIZZY DETECTIVES" • "'TEAR .UI.)" and. "FOXY '1FLATFOOTS" SUNDAY •MONDAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Jan. 25, 26. 27, 28 (A:byrr ENTERTAINMENT) . • ONE comPLiTE•tHOW NIGHTLY StARTING AT MOO.: O'CLOCK Cc,ming Next: "HEWS ANGELS '69" • • eSAHIlOF KHALI In Colour • sholaut•dornoa••••••rai