HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-14, Page 15.1.11* Mk11;4,441C•41.11110kW•Int tir-471.1"4•;0.111,11,11!"7 W-WI.Pir. wEptiespAy, JANUARY 14th, 197(i. f„ P THE LiI4NOW SENTINEL. LIICKNOW, ONTARIO - • • ,. IS policy on tender urc ases Policy set down' by the •Hur- Pn County Board of Education • Monday .evening requires that tenders will be called when the potential cost of the item or group of like terms' could 'be in excess of $2,000; when the tential cost of the. same ty of service across the. whole.' school system could be In. ex-, cess of• $5, 000 (for,example, insurcance); or when under any circumstances, the best inter- ests of the board will be served. 1;o/icy .also dictates.that the .bdard shall Invite quotations froma minimum of three eli- _gible_suppliers_wherLpurchasin services' or items when the po- tential dost likely to be be- tvieerr $500 and $2,000. Of course,- the e.xception to • 4:t this will be where there is , • .onlY.a single eligible vendor available because of copyright Or franchise rights. As well., the board is seek -4 . ing the advice of the Solicitor, Elmer D„. Bell, QC, regarding. • • • . .a proposed, policy to refrain •fr-om-releasin&-the-names-ota succetiful.tenderers andfor the amounts orany tenderi /nOt ac- . cepted. t.v Dan Murphy la_Goderi -• • 14wyer, questioned the. board's right to WithhOld such informa-' •,• don and urged,thar an official ruling.owthe matter be obtain - •,ed from the bOardis solicitor. New'policy adopted by .the board .stiptilates that each of= r flee employee, at time of hir7 • et , ing, shall sign an .acknbwledge- ment of thd confidential nature sortie aspects of the opera- .. don that he or she see or •:hear during the perfOrMance.of • ut - • . 'Vice -chairman -Robert El- nott,pressed for a. clause warn ing that dismissal Or disciplin• ary Action could. result, • follow- ing.a violation.df secrecy, but couldr.not,obtain.board support fortis' Mott:on, • goitd policy .was also form- ulated' concerning supervision' Of pupils at school but not in. the .classroort It has been required that teacher's be. on hand vise students at least 15 min- - Utes .before the beginning of • classes in the morning; .at Itast • .15 minutes. after the end of classes in the' afternoon; dining theentire:hutch period When: any pupils remain at school' for lunch, otherwise 15 minuiei. before the beginning of classes in the afternoOn; during .any Morning or ,afternoon recess;. • d__It_44_schopt4ctiVitt- tended by, pupil'. • • .Theboard was informed at. Monday evening's Meeting that the_prinCipal.and staff at' Clin- isin Public .SchoOl are expei-: Miming with a plan to„have the lunch period from 12 noon to 1 p. tn. rather than from noon, to 1:30' p.m. as 'previously:, • • Six. Clinton. parents express- ed. opposition .to the move, but ' since the..majorfty.of parents • were in)favor of the' new lunch .hours, the, change had.been . Made. 1.rL�rneiyers.' In Car Accident DUNGANNON NEWS • Mrs.' Lorne Iyers. is a patient in • Wingham Hospital as the result of - a car' accident on January 3rd on the lucknoW.-DUngannon. rad near Belfast. • •It is expected she will remain in hospital until she. isable. to get, ar9und on: crutChes*, • • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor And Jirn of Auburn visited with Mr.• and:Mrs. Tom !ark. on Sunday. Sympathy of our community' is extended to Mrs. Gordon Finnigan .in theloss of her father,. • ' • GASHED ARM: • :Torn Park suffered a nasiy fall at, his home. on Sunday Which ..resulted in a badly gashed attn.. Goiletichl spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs,. Bill Park and farnily. A triple celebration, was observed for Wanda., .Patti Jo.andTCm.whO all have birthdays in January. • • Company. on Sunday: With Mr. .and Mrs.. Wes Burroughs. Donnie and Bob were Marilyn Burr- oughs , Reta.Sherrai ?nd lOhn Burroughs , .ail' of Gdderich and Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor and family of Sunset Beach •, • 1PAGE ''FIFTEEN For sound counsel' and a fair price on .a Montunent • correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS O'iletiani Prop, , • 'H Established Over Sixty Years • • WALKERTON • PHONE -8814234 ' • ONTARIO _ Pet Peeves Meet Dr. Corrin's .Pet Peeves met Wednesday, January '7th at the • town hall. Menu, were made ,out to be followed for the next • week.• A few new rules were made and the night of meeting• . Changed'tO every Tnesclay„,at '8 p, RI.: in the town ha,11Come • along and get the chib rolling - for 1970. Pharis Mothers Is Guest Speaker • PURPLE GROVE NEWS The Wpinen's Institute Met at the home of lyirs. Walter Fruiter . on Wednesday afternoon. . Guest speaker at the meeting. was Ur: and Mrs,Roy Ashton of - Lucknow Thursday was a typicallanuary day with strong Winds:and heavily dtifting'snoVi% . Due to the poor visibility pupils in this. area, who • • travel to school by .bUs , had an. • extra holiday,• _• • , •• •• Ralph Hill who had beep a ... • patient in London Hospital -Since before Christmas is 'now in... • Wingharn hospital and improving steadily. Visitorswith Mr'. Hill on Sun d were Mrs. Hill, Mts.: • George Emerson, and Don mcCosh, • ' Friends'will be pleaied to hear Ithat .Russel Collins returned to. his home last we,ek , after a lengthy stay in Kincardine Hospital. • • Farrners Week which was held. in Hanover was very well attend- ed. The ladies from this area who enjoyed "Ladies' Day". were • Mrs. Tack Farrell, Mrs. Francis • t Boyle,' Mrs. Don McCosh and • Mrs.. Gordon Patterson. • ' Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norval. Stanley list week7end • . : • . were Mr. and 'Mrs. Do'n Doupe •of Miilarton and. Michael, Mr. land Mrs: Art I:Jelin of laicknow land Deanna Doupe of BradfOid, Mr. and Mrs. Don Chadbourne and Tracey 'of Kincardine spent • 1Sunday with Mr,. and Mrs. Victor' Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley 'on Saturday evening. • • Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don MpCoish and Dick on Saturday. evening were,M1. and Mrs:, . •George 'Harkness and Donnie ,Mr. and. Mit, Bob Forster of kitChener, , *net Forster, Bob Emerson and • Roy Collins:' • INI • i‘ ... • • 14