HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-14, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JA;NUARY--14th,:1970 _._-. P THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE. PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDI.TI'ONEI THURS FRI. SAT. J. anuary 1 S 1!b 20d!. CENTURY-fO( PRESENTS John Rock Wiyne Hudson sidle - Undefeated • PANIIVISION! COLOR BY DELUXE Not a Western in the fres' sense, set against the background of the Civil War... ,Thursday—One Showing. Only at 8:00 p.m. • Friday and Saturday—Two • Showings at 7:30 and 9:30..p.m. Y SATURDAY (January' 17) MATINEE UNDEFEATED" ONE SHOWING AT 2:00'. P.M, SUN., MON., TUES., WED:--Jan::18-21 "Hail Joanna, ne of the. year's Ten .Best' .•Mollis Alpaet and Musur Knight, SAW* Ihvhw w-� Gok�r-by Ditaix� MINN PANNISION•' Tw:�. **wieie"EWvurai •. 204 Ceawiy- x • Um t.mriDen I. • Q$NAL ROD MAVEN SOUNDTRACK '. £VAR,AKE ON DM CENTYRY.VOX RECORDS What is the VICIOUS game The Magus plays? MK ;HA$ L AN I4-4<_ IN Y QUINN K \R VA 20TH CENTURY4OX PRESENT :1HH MAGUS PANAVISION' . COI OR * t *wxf' ADMITTANCE. RESTRICTED yaresOA - . IO N110t+1 n .l$ 00 ;NN Oa 0o0 . • Is rubs a Ab! 01 OM ONE COMPLETE SHOW EACH NIGHT AT 8:00 P.M. rummounnanalinnummanninon 1 iv BY ;JEAN MacTAVISH GAI1. LOCK -.'BRUCE; AITKEN ' •1, ,SCHOOLS OUT I'- , r On Thursday.of last week., due to the' snow .; school.was let out at 3:30 although the buses didn't arrive till after four'. Friday was stormy too resulting. in ,no"bus' • service., All the teachers.'and ---about Witty -five stUde_nts made • • it but .there w.eren't any regular classes'. FIRE r . Although. there .haven'`t been any major fires at the school . for twenty years, last' week we received five new extinguishers' , REACH H FOR THE TOP. F On Wednesday five: students 'Went. to tape' Reach for the Top at Wingham with"Mrs. K Collins. Scorekeeper 'was Allan MacKay while contestants were Gail Courtney , Robert Rooney, Sandra Collins 'and` Gail Lock. The show will. be. onin the future. Former Lucknow,*: Resident Passes. MRS. SAMUEL"MORRISON The' death o Mrs >: a.rnue -Morrison occurred at: Brucelea; Hayed,. Walkerton on Friday ;• January. 2nd in her 85th 'year °--She- ova, the €orrne-Lietha , Alton'... daughter of.DanieI Ken- neth,Alton and'. Elizabeth; Blake 'and *was 'born in Ashfield Town ship on June 1. 1885 On.October 8 1.913 she mar. tied San11161 Morrison,of •Kinloss Township where• they• €arm.ed until retiring to Lucknow in:.. Jul) ..1947 ' Mr:. Morrison passed away in 1940; Mrs. :Morrison was •fiosp.italized in 'Wingham- for, a time• follow in a stroke and'.six•;years ago :. was,rnoved,pto Bruce.lea;Iiave�i , : 'Walkerton.;; where .she has: since resided,' She is survived by two sons Gordon of West .Wawanosh and • ;Melvin of :Kinloss Township, ' --' eleven grandch'ildrer ;` die sister Mrs:. Percy.(Rachel) 'Graham of Lucknow and one brother Bert '. Alton of•Ashfield...' Besides her'husband , she Was predeceased -by one sister Miss :'' •Mabel Alton and two brothers • Leslie Alton and Roy:Alton. • • Funeral.service.` was conducted at, MacKenzie .Memorial Chapel. Lucknow' on,'lviond.ay'. fannar.y '5th with Rev. Robert Nicholls .of hucknow United Church as Coming Nexti "THE CHAIRMAN" and "THE 'BOYS OF PAUL 'STREET" HELENS 'Dan Rose f EinQ.spent a few • days with r. and Mrs. Harvey Webb and ri. and Mts. Steve; . Stothers. n w:as..guest speaker' at the. Grey -Bruce: Farm Week in Hanover on Thursday. This was Beef Cattle Day , Several fro' this district attended•:the meeting. .on Thursday. i Mr. and Mrs.: Carl Johnston:of. Bluevale visited on Saturday with' and Mrs._ Frank McQuillan. • • ,Mrs. George Phillips is a patient in .Wingham and District Hospital: .Mr', and Mrs.. Lorne Webb of. .Goderic'h, were Sunday visitors 'with Mr.. and Mrs....Harvey: Webb.. • Little Stephanie Gaunt•of • Wingham spent a few days this.. week: with her grandparents : Mr, • and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.-'.' Mrs. Wayne Grigg is again a •patient' in Wingham and District Hospital, Her nevi baby is being -.- arents Mr. and ..Hospital, for by her p Mrs. Allan Cranston.' Wayne -also spetitthe-week at the Cranston home. , • GIRLS BASKETBALL • • The first game of the season .was played, in Ripley against Lion's. Head.. The,juniors were defeated :in a close gam'e bya score .of 29 28^. ' - ' The senior girls played next_and came up with a win Of 47 " 15. : • minister: Pallbearers were John Graham, Jim. Graham', .. Ken. Alton Don Alton , Clayton Alton: Alvin ' Teanporary. emtombment 'was at South 'Kinloss,Mausoleum.with 'fi�Ta1; rest �Ig-pian ;eenhil� Cenetery. • BOYS BASKETBALL On' Tuesday., the ,boys junior and senior teams the to Kincardine . The seniors were.• defeated 45 to 25. The, juniors • ,played a good 'strong game but lost 35 to 30, We wish, all the: teams good luck ; • Mrs.. Pat Gamble' Demonstrates • liquid Embroidery KINLOUGH NEWS The l-Iolyrood Women's .Inti- • tote 'met on Thursday afternoon. atrhe; horne of. Mrs . Jack Scott and Mrs. Williams: Cox. Mrs., P. A Murray•.presided and, the meeting opened with the Ode art Col ect .. A welcome was' extended 'to everyone . The• correspondence: included a .letter from the •Pro'v :. •incial President -Krt. Austin Zoellerraa num er of "Thi'` Yo i" notes for:Christmas remem . prances ,, ;which Were •se'ent to the sick•anshut ms, The Officers,Confere,nce ,ill be . held on 441,29th and 30th at •.Guelph and a delegate mill attend: :There was also a'le.tter re the farmers week'at Hanover.. A 4-H training. school ' The Cereal, Shelf `;will be held. in . • LIOknow on the'3'rd'and 4th of 'Febr'u'ary'. The Magazine "The .oun. ri Wo anabas been •• renewed:` • Mrs .,Jack Scott .read' an ,inter esting letter from. Mrs:. •Margaret McPherson•a 'Sr, member' Who• ts..unable to attend the: winter Meetings' but follows them with a keen interest.; A card party 'was planned:for' ;January 12th at the hall:. Several donations were, received and the treasurers report was read. Mrs. 'Howard Harris and Mrs. Ellwogd Elliott' who were in charge, of. the Christmas, Cheerio boxes 'reported- on the: contents of•each box. Ther call was answered,,with 'A'':1aw that I arn. thankful for" Mrs.. 'Frank Maulden will be the February hostess -•• • - -he- epic2 ResnectioL.t ..e. aw" was given by Mrs. Dan McInnes- and cInnes-and the Motto '':Ler us resolve to shoulder our fair responsibility", was given by Mrs: Lari__Swutton.:: These were both very interesting I:papers. *.Mrs , John Frook gave a .• PAGE ' SEVE PHONE 357.1630 SHOW TIMES Friday. and .Saturdays at '7:15 and 9:15.' All other' days, one show at • 8:00, except where notedon: the program.. *•.**********• THJR.; -FRI,. SAT.,; JAN. IS, 1 , it "Doctor' 'Doolittle" Colour-ChimaScope .starringx , i?e Hrria son This is a, charming excursion for all ages 'into the fantasy, world of Doctor Doolittle, who speaks 498 languages, and:pre Pers his four -footed patientsto the human' kind. The second, show on' Friday and Saturday at 9.30. it *it***"** *'**'. SAT. MATINEE JAN. 17 D�cIOr tie" *.*****'-*;/**•*.* * NOTE. STARTING :JANUARY 1st, 1970, • CHILDREN'S ..ADMIT. TANCE TO, EVENING. FEA: • TURES: WILL BE M. Suitable reading "I am the Calen•. dar" ' Mrs. • Raynard Ackert ga've.• reading entitled "Resolutions" . Mrs . Lyman Sutton •then.introd • uced the guest•of the afternoon •Ivirs . Pat Gamble of Teesw'ater', who.gave 'aospleridid demonstra- tion on Liquid Embroidery 'arid :.. ; showed a., number of'comp'leted articles, S'he:also, expressed her pleasure in being. invited Mrs.: •Dan McInnes. thanked, Mrs, -Gambit, and.,,presented herwith 'a gift. • • Mrs. 'Jack Scott had a display . of kitchen gadgets and. explained the: Use of each one to ,familiar. ize the ladies.w.ith these differ ent things, •They•were on loan" from the Department of. Agriculture. Home Economics ; branch . ' Mrs • Lyman Sutton . thanked Mrs. Scott and presented her.;with a. gift. . :A draw was made on a.'mix master cover done in Liquid Embroidery and autographed by all prr ssenntt With.Miss,lvlay •Boyle' D ,• a '- � _ - The meeting closed' by singing the Queen and Grace and lunch was served by the Hostess 'and helpers. : Mrs. Dan McInnes 'and Mrs., • • Ly.man,Suttorl were directors..: