HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-14, Page 411 PAGE FOUR. • War 11147 wiwitirimar4ww,74,7 mi. ,' THE .LUCKNOW' SENTINEL. LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14th, 1$70 • • EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal: flashings.. Roof re- pairs. e- pairs . CHIMNEYS built ' Free es- timates. Morrison Bros,.; .528-2546. STABLE ' CLEANING moving manure piles and loading manure,. phone Symes Bros. at Luclmow 528.5203;; FOR SALE - Snowmobile Trailers, with 12 inch wheels, tilt and, swivel tongue. Contact_ Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Wingham . 357-2272. FOR SALE 1948 - 45 Harley D,. partly choppei. •hone Teeswater 391-6428. , •CUSTOM" SLAUGHTER I. NG Every Tuesday and Thursday Pigs' and Cattle; • Tuesday ' Cattle only, Thursday in by 1.p.m. ' BILL'S MEAT.MARKET " AOR SALE -- 1970 Snow Jet; 24 twin, excellent condition; also ` . doub a tr.. ler: one. • • FOR S4J . snowblowers for any:. tractor; some used : snowblowers; •-••type=cattle-oders�with-Do_w. 'Chemical 24E concentrate, farrow- ing arrowing crates; 2 used air compressors;: hydraulic equipment; feed . mixers for molasses or high moisture. -corn; a good stock of steel. Mor- ford W. Mackay Welding; and Machine Shop R.R. ' 2 .Ripley,. phone 395-2932. VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service for all makes._ 'R. K. Peck; Varna, : Phone 262- 5748. SALE. COMET WELDERS (180 and 300 amp.) compressions, grinders; fer- tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, rodsand: accessories. George. Mes- senger, area, representative, R.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815. Smith. Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon. Try Comet before you buy. . FOR SALE . 6 Holstein heifers, due , soon. Phone 395-2373.* FOR SALE — .1,000 bales of hay, 30c a 'bale; . 810 " milk cooler — $150.00, a Universal milker, com- pressor, pipes, taps' and hoses and two milk units $150.00. Phone 528- 6095.., FOR -SALE -' McClary cookstove, in good condition. Contact Bob Mc- Allister, R°R 2 Auburn, phone 529- 7479,• evenings.:: FOR ;SALE - 24 inch, 4 • burner el- ectric range in good • condition. Tele- phone-529-7565. elephone-529-7565. BERG; STABLE EQUIPMENT' • onta M oy' o Holyrood, phone, 395-5390., • s MOBILEa_HOMES;.W THINKING OF A MOBILE HOME OR .RECREATIONAL ',VEHICLE? Many makes and :models. to choose from.' For a better deal, drop us a line or telephone • RUSTON MOBILE HOMES, LTD. 547 PLAINS RD:, EAST BURLINGTON . Tel. (Code ''416) 632.8400 FOR SALE one 1969..- 15 H.P.' Snow Jet, ; top shape; 1965 ,Chev ton fleetside long box...Letteau's: Garage,eeswater, phi -6883. - DEAD STOCK Fresh' dead cows ' over ' 1;000 Viumds, $12.00 each; dead horses, $20.00 each; over 500 pounds ' ac-; cording . to size. . LORENZ REMOVAL • , DURHAM Call Collect 369-2410 FOR SALE -•= MacKay snowblow-, { er, will fit any 3 point hitch. Hugh 'Mason, R.R. 1 Ripley, phone 395- 5182. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning', and pumping of Septic tanks, Ronald. Forster, Lucknow, phone : 528-2346, Manu- facturer nanufacturer of cement septic tanks and well tile: . FOR' SALE a .'roll away: bed, -only-used-once:-Contact Mrs: Ger= ald. Wagner, Lucknow,.'• phone 528- 3505: FOR SALE dropped. calves, 'Hereford. and Holstein.` Alex Far- Fish, R:It 7 :ucknow —phone- 529 - 7305. .FOR SALE — 1968, Ford pick-up low mileage, in good condition. El- don" Miller, Lucknow: S1L0"AND :ROOF-•---E-X#-E-NSIONS Anyone wishing ' to have • eaten sions on their silos or roofs, please" call or write. This can be' done now: G'eore Wraith, Box 95, Goderich. Phones ResidenceSmoog-o 'Shop: 524-6511. . BARN EQUIPMENT " - Acorn semi-automatic Cable Cleaners, unbeaten—for—hog—buns;— chain. cleaner, bunk '.feeders, silo unload- ers, hog equipment, • fans, ' bulk tanks, • Hawkeye cast iron hog feeder and heated cattle watrers; Westeel-Rosco Steel Granaries; .Al- so handle complete line of clay Pushbutton Farni' Equipment. Lynn Lowry. Amberley, . phone Ripley 395-5286.• . SINGER - SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models; Sales and Service on . new products; Singer Co. 'of Canada, phone 357-3730 after 6 'p.m. FOR SALE — 20 wearer pigs Jun L'ore,: R.R. ,4 Kincardine, phone 395-2312. SAVINGS ON YARN CLEARANCES •ANDOVERSUNS Spinrite Yarns and Dyers Ltd.. • FACTORY AND SALES Main St Listowel, Ont:. 291-3951 , NEW CASH BINGO Legion. Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- day, 8:45 p.m. 15, regular.games,; $10,00 each. 4 Share The Wealth games with jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this week $80 .on 56 calls. DANCE .Everyone is welcome to . -the ,Dance in the . Wingham Legion Hall. o Saturday, anua n~ a y, ,. rl! 24th, sponsored. •by the .. Huron. County Federation . of Agriculture.. • Danc- ing 9 to 1 to the music of The°Chap-"' erels, lunch . will be served. Admit- tance restricted to persons 21 years of age and over.' • EtRiAt4 RINTOU L LICENSED AUCTIONEER WHITECHURCH PHONE 3572349 STILL SELLIhIG �RMANENT: ANTIFREEZE at the Special low price of $2.29 PER GALLON LUCKNOW. DISTRICT COOP : EUCHRE PARTY. The Dungannon Women's Instit- ute nstitute. will sponsor a euchre party in the. L,O.L. Hall Dungannon; on Fri- day, : January 16:' at 8:,30 p.m. ` • RECEPTION.. FRIDAY A reception In honour of Mr. and cc Sang. Thomson)' will the held in the. Luck- now Legitn Hall on Friday, Janu- ary :..16th. Carruthers . Orchestra: Eftryone welcome. EUCHRE, SHOOT PARTY" A dessert euchre and shoot party will be held in the Institute room at the. Lucknow' Town Hall on Thursday, January ' 15th at 1:30 p.m. Proceeds ' for the Golden Cir- cle School, Wingham. Everyone welcome: ' EUCHRE: PARTY St. Augustine C. W.L. will spon- sor a progressive. Euchre Party. ins St. Augustine Parish ;Hall. on Fri- day, January 16th at 9 p,m. Prizes. and .lunch provided. , BUS TRIP • Bus Trip to. ORFEDA Show at Toronto, leaving ` Thursday, Jan- uary , 29th at . 7 a.m. , Contact Tom Hackett and Sons, . G.. and E or Montgomery Motors. BURN'S NIGHT DANC A Burn's Night dance i11. be held in the Legion Hall, Luclmow, on Saturday, January 24th. Admis- sion, is dmission,:is $1.25 per .person and is res- tricted to Persons 21 years of .age, and over. Dance, is sponsored by Lucknow Legion AGRICULTURAL .SOCIETY The ,annual meeting and '-pot luck supper of the Lucknow Agri- cultural gricultural Society,will be. ' held. Sat- urday, aturday, January 24th at 7 p.m. in the Lucknow Town Hall. Come ,and bring :a ,supper dish. Everyone wel- come. -- , el -come._ Nonce Ta Creditors: NOTICE. 'TO CREDITORS • In the -Esta ., . WILLIAM JOHN BAIN Deceased All, persons having claims again- st g ain- st the estate of William, John Bain,' ET late -of- the -Village -of- Lucknow,----in ----.-' the • County of Bruce, Retired Far- mer, deceased, are hereby notified to send full.. particulars of their claims to. the `undersigned Solicitor, for the Executor, on or before. the da _. of "Janu . _ _ Y � suY_1,679,___af_tet a a e ate s asse be distributed amongst those 'entitl- ed thereto, having regard' only to the' claims, that have : then been received. - Dated _at-. Listowel �Dntario, this. 2nd day of "January, 1970. • • .. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor OVRENI. HOUSE FOR RENT - on, Stauffer Street, •Lucknow. • Contact Ernest Button, Blyth,. ' phone 523-4551 or 523-9431. FOR RENT heated apartment, Ross Street, available February. st. Apply Albert 'Gammie, phone 528=3104, NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ''.ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in,Home Grown, Dry Fed; Drug Free Beef. ' Try our Fresh Home Made.Sausage. ' Phone 528-2132 OWNED AND OPERATED BY RAYNARD AND ERNEST J. ACKERT CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The ;child health' clinic of the Bruce County Health Unit for pre school children and infants will be held in the Legion Rooms, Luck - from 10 to 11:30 a.m. TED WORK WANTED — all kinds of carpInter work, new work and re- mlling or repairing,free es- timates. Roy Schneller, Kinlough, phone Ripley 395-2221. , WANTED -- musicians and. voco- lists.. for all types of music.. Apply Danny's Tavern, Wingham 3573114. WANTED — baby-sitter for five days' a ' week. Phone Mrs. George Humphrey, 5297601 after 5 p.m. ' HELP WANTED — married man wanted' for steady: employment for mixed farming, principally poultry. Apply to Box M % The Lucknow Sentinel.• NOTICE. < TO LEGION MEMBERS . Due Due lo'the increaseln "the-Dom- inion he'Dom-inion .,per capita tax, the 1970 mem- bership fees have been increased to $7.00 per year,: and are payable now. • _ • Hareld A. Ritchie, Secretary-Treas. NOTICE 4.11 GIRLS ' All 'girls in the Dungannon area, between the ages of 12 and 26, wish- ing to take. the 4-H Homemaking Course, ' Featuring . Fruit, please contact Mrs. Ivan - Rivett, phone 529-7119 by January 24th., NOTICE RE. CLOSING The-Huron-Township_Dumpw 11^ be closed from January 17 to Ap- ril 4th when the open days will be announced. NOTICE .' Dr: -Corri 's--Pet� Eeeves__..,w�ll meet ' weekly on Tuesday evenings: at 8 'p.m. in the Lucknow Town Hall: Note change of night.' ' IN ,MEMORIAM SCHOLTZ —: in loving memory' of Ezra Scholtz who passed away January', 12, .1968: Sunshine fades • and shadows fall, But ' sweet remembrance ' outlasts Ever remembered by his Wife Gertrude, son Clayton .and family. HERE'S YOUR. KEY TO A ' ;110 INCOME MAIL" TODAY! The .W T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd.,. Deptl ABC 271 - HY • 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Que. • r 'I', am • interested ' in . the world famous Rawleigh Line on a ( ) -Part .time basis, ( ) Full time basis; ' ( ) Please ' send me' FREE cat- ' 'alogue with 'full details. Name' • . Address • City MARLm for sale at Mel Stanley's Su In Lucknow. Pick up -an extra° cgpy from Mel.' . • . • DUMONT ALUMINUM SALESAND-SERVICEovindow „,_ doors, awnings, sidings; For free ' estimate. call Roy Einberlin, your local 'dealer. ' PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks froi't .$1.19 up as well as -double de cs a,.euchre decks (euchre.. cards ' only), Drop ; in at The Lucknow ° Sentinel.. FiTECHlRtH: Mr. and Mrs. Toth. Jamieson were Sunday Visitors?r. and Mrs, Ronald Jamieson and family of East Wawanosh. e' Mt, and Mrs.. George Currie spent Christmas with their relatives irr London WANT ADS 1JFFORD Havemany specials. for ; 'January and' February CORWPIANTERS ." JohnDeere, 4 row -•i Models 490.,• • • 494, 496 •INTERNATIONAL PLANTERS ' 4 row models 45, 46, 48 HYDRAULIC WHEEL DISCS 28, 32,36, 40,. 48 and 52 plate, 16 - 18" plates PLOWS -- Hydraulic Trip Beam Cultivators .. Harrows =- Seed Drills -• and tnany big, real good second hand tractors from 40 to 80 Horse power. • BROTHERS: DEAD STOCK, REMOVAL We pay up to $15 for.: fresh, dead, disabled cows : and horses accord= ung to size. Small animals' re- moved free of charge. • PHONE BRUSSELS 133 COLLECT .Skiing Holiday in.Switzerland KING B DGE NEWS Mr, and Mrs,. earl Vassella of Hanover,, returned recently from a skiing holiday at St. • 3vi.oritz., Switzerland, Carl :is thy' snit' Of -Mr: --and Mrs -:-Fred Vassella, and Switzerland is Fred's native homeland C:ongratitla_tkons. to Mr 'and... Mrs, •Mike Drennan who were married at St,. Joseph's Church • here on Saturday, They will . reside in Goderici. °. . a. De finis Dalton is home from his boat -for the w neer rnonths St , roseph's school children '• began'"their every Monday after- noon skating sessions .at Ripley ast-Manda-y, The Kingsbridge' Boy Scouts held a bottle drive'on Sunday afternoon, Proceeds from the drive will• go towards, Biafra. rer ef. - „ Leo Motrhedicwas admitted' tc Qoaerich hospital on. Monday.