HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-14, Page 3. WEDNESDAY .JANUARY'14th, 1,70 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW,,: ONTARIO PAQE' THREE. ,. • BEST SUYI Rag. 92c YAWN .13c OFF PACK. • BEST BUYI SAYE 1'4c1. • !EClI ., .BATHROOM • TOM ATO 11-0z. Bottles 0 R ID WHITE MEAT TU SAVit$c!'- CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM CKE SIS '7 -Oz. •Size •t 1670z. Pkg,' ++.d. i' ++++ ri ++ -i ' •+++4 :- ++ -? i -F H Off r}+++ -r' 1-F+.i' --.-'- --l-:•i .CANADA PACKERS :BY THE 'PIECE ti BEST BUY! — SAVE .19c! R 0 L s• with Pork BEST BUY! _- STOCK UP AND SAVE! LEE: BRAND'CHOICE • #4'•44# {. 0-14�•F+r. e ' 10.+ +4.4 a-•: s,•rr+rf-: r'Y.-ro-s��i;G^ ... ; ;; ::i •+.:-. 'rh'rv-M'. CANADA PACKERS Country Style and regular ▪ d'"d"'te!,4 m,dMg4Vm 191170 ,nr+ni,r,hi�N 1I"10 101ettiNmrm1nn10,91 ii"Mr Phone WHITE 528.3001 Flora Andrewof Lucknow is a patie ii 5t . Joseph s':Hospital , London. • Lorne Woods returned. to his .' home in Lucknow on Decernber 31st., after two weeks in Wingham and District . Hospital. „ Mr. and Mrs. ,Jas • McPherson and Mr. and. Mrs Bert -Moffat of Teeswater were Sunday guests 'with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Moffat of Lucknow ` Dick Reed of Hazel Park; Michigan visited lar, r'eek-•witIr- his parents Mr.: and 'Mrs..W:.G .Reed; R R. 5,Lucknow. lvlr; and Mrs. Harold Ferguson of Goderich visited recently with Mr.. and Mrs; . Walter Alton ,of Luc know : • Troy Wagner'', five month of Mr and, Mrs. Clifford.. Wagner'di Woodstock underwent •, surgery In Woodstock 'General `Hospital on .Monday, of this week:. lv rs, Earl Swan returned to • her Lucknow home -last Tuesday after spending•two Weeks `in St. Mary's Hospital;, Kitchener, following surgery.' Relatives from a distance attending the funeral of the :late. • Elmer' B. Alton• were: Mrs. Beth Sherwin, Keith Sherwin of r . n . , lvlrttri•o•"; Sherwin bf Omaha ,. Nebraska', U.S.A.; Mr , and Mrs : 'Wendell Alton , Mrs. Margaret Manning , iyir. and is. Wm. H.. Manning, lvir arid-rs.. Fred''W-"Mali Hing,: * all of London; Dr. and Mxs...D, L.' Fletcher of Etobicoker Mr. and Mrs, W. L.. Wareing of Hamilton, Mr, and Mis,, Bordon • Alton of°C•larkson; Mrs. Jerry Downs ands Mr, Jim ;Aitonof • Ltaslide, ENTERTAINMENT iis:5ATURbAYT AT., WINGHAM Dor�thy. I: w DANCING 9:30 TO 1:00: Featuring ... "Mugs arid Juga" • .on Draught . WEST WAWANOSH cUCIL MINUTES , The 1930 inaugural session; of Council for West Wawanosh . Township was 'held on'Tiiesday ,' r'• '.January 6th.,. commencing at • 11;00 a', m, 'A11 members were .in. attendance,•ReeveRobertLyons• '. presided • The 'minutes.of th.e:•session of., December 15th, were •read,and adopted'on Motion of'Coun.dillors Aitchison and Foran. By -Law'.# 1,1970., was given final reading and passed on • motion of Councillors.: .itchison and Foran, and carried. This by law names .officials for :the year •1970,, and sets. out the, salary of•each : Sa.laries. are as. follows: :Reeve $300': 00; Councillors. -' $250.00; Clerk - $l100, 00; Treasurer' $600 .•00; •Grader Operator $2.10 per ho-,ur;• wingrnan and casual labour', -- $1.,•75 -$1,75 per' hour; livestock evalua- tors $5 00 per inspection; fenceviewers - $10.00 per day.' —fty:lat_l .270 ,naming . Harvey. Culbert: as Road Superin- tendent uperin tendent for West Wawanoshand setting his salary at $2.10 .per, . hour_, bra^s given third reading and finally passed on motion: of Councillors 1vlcDonald. arid Ruther- ford. utherford••• , • • By -Law # 3 ,19.70 , 'authorizing the Council to borrow •sufficient funds, -to carry on th ;; '1 • the Township for the year .1970.• until collection of taxes ;,'was pass- , i the amount of $80,000.00, on motion. of Councillors Ruther- and lvlrs..D'on Martin, Mrs. Laura MacNeil and :Mn.' and Mrs, Walter Alton visited Mrs,. Alton'$ brother Elmer Woods at Victoria, Hospital ,: London,, ons .Sunday,.., ford and. Foran... • On motion of Councillors, .. Rutherford and .Foran, the Road. Superintendent,'was directed to' have .bids called for the 'constr•uc tion of a culvert at Lot 16. Gpncessions •6a-ird 7 T.he°road accounts were ordered paid on . motion of :Councillors -McDonald. and Aitchison. The following. general. accounts: were •pasfed.. for payment.. On, motion of Councillors Aitchi- son and McDonald: Municipal World , 2 subscrip,- tions ;' 15.00; Municipal 'World for.rns .• 16 09 Welfare accounts, 897.75. °County of: Huron charges - collection; of, taxes •,. '186.56;' West Wawa•nosh Mutual,. Hall fi•reinsurance , 3. years 00, Erie Stewart ,;'fox ,bounty 2..00; Gordon Beadle fox bounty •2.00; Ontario Hydro, Dungannon street lights, 667.52 , • Road accounts ,. Harvey Culbert , salaiy ; 65.72,:-reor-ge--H umre-y ; • grader operator ;-132, 56; Allan McDonald.wingrnan 90.75; Russel l?hillps , wingm•an., 58 ..64; : ••. • N..McDonald , plowing snow.,.,.. 354: 00; Roy Hardy , plow irig ' snow, 259 '50;. D . R lvf .:' Co:..'Etd.. 'Parts.and bolts , 11.58; T. -Garniss, repair chain saws. 8,00; `• Townshi of Colborne, boundar. P. 3' account, 228 44; O. G .R.A : membership ,fee ,15..00; Bank of Commerce C.P.P. and incorne . .tax' • 39..51;' Receiver General.,. •U•. I:. stamps ,: 7:80 • Council` ad journed to meet.. February. 2rd. at L- 0.0 p M at 'the Clerk's home: .. JOAN C, ARMSTRONG :CLERK Pack :,-4V Power $. 4 • r�J RIPLETABATTOR—t Custom Butchering -- Curing and Smoking Cutting : �and HWrapping '=° Sausage • Making Fatt =Freezing, OGSI:ND CATTLE. ON MONDAYS' CATTL With Two Rig Coolers; We Are .Able •To Hang Your Beef FrOm 1 To 3 Weeks .... Whatever Your Requirements Are: For •Home Freezers..We Sell •Choice, Home Killed `Beef;: Pork and Lamb In Any Quantityt-At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ..Alt E 'GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION . 4 : CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP.; ABATTOIR 395-2905 S'I`("1R 39.2961