The Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-07, Page 9WEDNESDAY,, JANUARY 7th,' ilio 1G..M nrA. H PHONE 357.1630 SHOW TIMES' Friday ..and AlfiturdayS at 7:.15 and 9:15. All other days, one show at. 8:00, except where noted on the program. ***.******** THE L'UCKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCKNOW r rri rr'•jt �f%'•t {rl'�I' rlfIl ✓ •ice'/ • • ONTARIO'. 4 M�ntg�rnery fiord Bonspiel .Held fn Rapl�y • THUR. FRL SAT. JAN;' 8, 9, 10 •• From Nashville: With ' • Musit'.': Colour: -: Starring ,'An AII=Star Country Mullic • east This' one Ai a must–for alt Country music. fans; ' **,t'*,***.**** SAT. MATINEE JAN. to prom Nashv�h� MUsit" *w***.***2.* NOTE TAR 'LN_G .IANUARY . 10,19 0,: CHILDREN'S:ADM CE. TO;'EVENING : F.EA- TURES. •WDLL BE Soc.• RIPLEY CURLING'NE`WS• At the recent Montgomeryrord Bonspiel it was Jim. Hawkins and his rink who won the trophy: which' was presented by. Stuart Reavie of Lucknow., Jim had .a small lead, with 3. wins plus 12 in the.,11 o'clock ciraw,•over Ivan Rivett rink, w1id had, 3 wins • plus 9' in the 9 o'clock draw.; /. Second place in the same draw went to Don MacTavish's ,rink.., with '2'mins pl`tis 9, winning on aggregate score over, neighbour Grant MacDonald'•s foursome',:, who a•1so had 2 wins' plus 9 Second; in the 11 o'clock draw Was won by 'J J. S . `Robb with 2 Wins'.plus 6, and Wally Ballagh: and :his `rink of Teeswater was third :with, '1 w:in. plus 3. , Donald Gaunt's :foursoYne captured .the .Consolation All reported good curling and, good door',pr.izes were wan by. ;many. ' • • The men's•draw was concluded Saturday :night: with 'Le oy'•Waidern *tit* Of Elmer'Smeltzer., . George h'loncrie'f:arid Jack Scott corning, Last t iso on top Only. major action on the. ice Outing the hp1ida•.ys will be the CPT Bonspiel on Tuesday, December 30. Ladies President Helen -McGr-eath repor-ts-that–ladies, curling will 'resume January 5 _with the new teams drawn up.; Anyone' wishing •to •join,please see Marlene coiling or Helen. :. Ripley •.Shut -�1 Teeswter 5'.' 0 BY DO ' JO.HNSTONE •In.a .game•at Ripley, recently;. the Ripley 'Bantam Hockey team shut -out Teeswater 5.- 0. ,'Ripley's first period goal was er scored_.by._'Biain_Cartuthers_.wit ' • Boyd. Carruthers and Bob Bisson:• ette assisting "., In thea 2nd' period,, Boyd Car'-' r` uthers'.assisted by Bob Bissonette gave Ripley its:second of the • night. Third period goals were counted by goy Carruthers. assts-. . ted by Bruce Scott:'and Blain 'Carruthers, :Bob •Bissonette R�ag F- l — arse 1'.frm o re it e o 'and Dave. MacDonald,.' • 1 RIPLEY.. CURLING -NEWS in the. CPT bonspiel on.Decem ber 30,. Donald R. MacDonald, Moble &rand- f the° add fe-i-lows who sponsor the event presented' :the first. prize .to Leroy Walden's' rink. Leroy...ably helped by..., wife Mary andlack and Evelyn Elliott`, had 3 Wins plus 11, the only 3 game winner of the day. Howard and Marj Hodge , With Rod and •Audrey MacDonald.,. took 2nd :with 2: wins plus Il; J.im • IvlacDonaid `s rink, beat :out Mervyn •Funstorl;'s' foursome on an :aggre - gate score They • each had 2 L •wins .plus 9 a •.. • Saturday saw. the International'. M'e n''s' Spell, sponsored by, •Courtne E1mer.: and Howard • y Hodge Harry •Scott, Bud . -7 ' Paquette , Harold' Elliott: and John •,MacKinnon fought -al-l.opposition • to take the trophy, the,only.3... game, winners', with: a plus of 711 Sandy MacCharles:rink of.Jin1 IviacDonald, Lloyd Wylds arid. Doug. La ere tcki�e tie w i d, with:Don;• a.c: avis., s� rtwft: s 9'-w inning second's p.ot, on Winning aggregate:•; Jim:MacTavish .skipped. the fourth place rink with 24w ins plus -7... Regular.schedule curling has resumed for both 'ladies and me`n, arid the Martin -,.Weber Bonspiel, • comes up on'.Saturday NGSIDE,: Heather Young,. 2 1/2 year old 'dau�ghter Of Mr, and Mrs. George Young: is a patient'in Wingham and District Hospital with' pneu- monia .• We wish her a •speedy recovery. ' Shirley Johnston of Clinton visited for a few days .at New,;.. year's with. Mr. and Ivlrs,, :George Maung, .. Mrs Iddon Welsh and; Harvey • spent Chrisi.mas'with 'relatives at "Para, Mr. and.Mrs. Don Nickel''of Weston spent the..week-end with • Mr.. a.nd, Mrs. Dick McQuillin.', Lynda McQuillin returned tO Toronto with them on Sunday.. V. Marion Wall of Kincardine • spent a few`days at New Year's lose Two Games h }Friday nigzht..Wingham visited Ripley :Novice team and went'. home with a 6 : 5 victory over'' the Ripley squad•. Although . Ripley had their share 'of the pia they couldn't get the puck past • often ,e oft n e. nou Ripley goals were' scored by Mar Stanley, 'Top Kemptoh, Mike • Pollock.,' Keith Pollock and • 0 Ripley & :Dashwood. i'ied°For First Place InMinorCGrouping " e•fe-a-te l–arusse? in Brussels on,S,unday night,. Ripley's goals w'e,re scored •by Bill MacTavish 3,Rory Farrel • 2,, Dennis Martin, 1; -Ken,' Huston 1, . Ripley was ahead .4 1 at the end of the second .pe'ric d.: Brussel • :tied:it ,up .in, the fitst five • t. Y• gh dEfensemati .LaYryFaYre11.: 'Saturday afternoon in Blyth, •. the boys .seCiwea:the effects of bio-to-ba.c.k games`, and took a. 13 '- 2 defeat,: With the score • 5 - O'after two periods, ;their onIyag9als carne in&the third with Mark Stanley and Mike Pollock,• . • each`,ge[•ting one. •=Janet._Mac Phe_rsor aptur d both the high single' of- 266 and the high triple of 578 on6Monday evening::. •Games of 200 and over. Janet MacPherson 266,, Trudy .Foran 213.; Helen Stothers .208,' Marg. Agnew •221 =H ,::Ena enderson 209 Tearer `points: Catherine` >, . Andrews Asters 5', Grace Elliott's •Daisies 2; Marion Campbell's a, Lilacs .5, Hazel Webster's Roses. 2; 'Isobel Miller's 'Violets 4, Trudy Foran' .Pansies Team Standings: 'Daisies 59, sesa 'a6•.nsies,,5Lilacs 54 1/2;, Violets 48. 1/2 Asters 41.' idJtfte LA:NGSIDE* NEWS Simon deBoer•vvas ' patient in -TN:in haul and Disttict Hospita-. for, a •few days before 'Ch'ristmas as.the result of an a•ceident. with. .a saw* which cut°his leg;., ^� H•olidaywisitors 'with: Mr , °and "( E u1-1- in._an.rj:._Ran.nie • '• •• �e Ripley then Scor. d on a'pow er play ,• a.goal by Houston • . ••ded-the-.-T•-ni Eleven' 'penalties Were ass ess ed wi h Ripley getting6'Brussels'5 , • e This winputsrti lhpl `y io ti t with,Das'hwood%for'first place ih the lnterrnedia'je Minor C, Crdtip•• ing . 4, Ripley, plays Dashwood! i p1 y n Zurich:on Friday night., .•`... • 9 were h1r arid Mrs.' Roy McQuillin and Roy Jr. hof Thorn- hill, Mr.'and `Mrs Harold McQuillin and Marty and Mrs:' • Brown of Clinton: Mr. and Mrs, HarveyMcQu�llin, ,Brenda.. McQuillin and Boris, Ponkonob.of' St, Catheriries,, Mr, arid Mrs. Gordon M.cOuillin', Ruth Anne .and Donde McQuillin and Bill ' I5oe'\k, Sarnia, Mr, •and Mrs. Bob. CWay.,�Sharpn and Steven Of • .•0• Accident 'Arnberley. . Rev- Har ce Bra den 'of London way a -dinner guest, on': Sunday ; December 28 with' Mr'.', and• Mrs. Cliff Young and fa„nnlyi.. r.' and Mrs. Eugene Conley and family of:LuGkno> ,„visited'• on -ea ,ri®ri'rra- •s�.e •tea .® di��e". _srrsa_a.. _.__.. h�l.rs . Eimer 'Scott's'and• family: Mr, and Mrs. Ira Wa11 mid Mary Lois, of Whitechurch, Bill of Toronto and Linda'.Srnith of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs„ -Gordon Walt , sand family;. • , Red Cross .volu'nteers` regularly, visit' the bedsrdes of thousands r d1 hospitalized war veteralys, l PAGE .NINE with her parerits,Mdr.rand. Mrs . Gordon Wall and family. Joanne• 'Hayes orLondon .was a.- week, -,end. visitor ,wit Marion • Daye Sc ft brother of 13i1.1 Scott formerly of Langside , is a patient in Victoria Hospital. ,.. London. We wish hire improved. health. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall ' spent New Year's•Eve with .Mr.,4 and Mrs. Clarence Stokes and Elizabeth- and Wayne Irwin of • Wingharn . a . •, . and i. onne of •Toronto' were ' Christmas visitors.with Mr. and ;, . Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray2:- Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Gagnon • of Oakville were overnight 'guests •, with Mr. and. Mrs. Dick.McQuil- lin last week, A p GODERICH 30'THE SQUARE' , NON ,--52417.ali AIRCQNDI:TIONED.' URS. SAT. Janua 8.9', 1`.0 -T ,FRI. .Nine men:who ctitli1etoo i A PHIL FELDMAN late.: andstaved too. long. PRODUCTION ' TECIINICOLOR° PANAVISION! Exceptional 'Western = Starring Vifl11iam 'ADMITTANCE •Thursday—One: ~ FROM WRRNER'BROS: SEVEN':ARTS Vie , Holden and Ernest'., Borgnine -'r Showing .O.nly. at'8':00 pm. R c To S E� : Friday . and is reaw: or sal ou.one ' Saturday—Two Showings,.' starting at':7:30'„aid 9:50: 'p:m.• ' • SATURDAY (Janud DON KNOTTS, y 101MATINEE a in • "GHOST.. & MR. "TREASURE.: ONE SHOWING' .starring . , CHICKEN” ° OF. THE: DEEP"'; ONLY AT 2':00 P;M r SUNDA ..MONDAY '-t ` ' COLUMBIA !LIZAaETH ` TAYLOR.BURTON PIC-TURES-F'ZES.LNTS' •''•• •RICHARQ. tOM2[� LU TUESDAY es TM O. THE •an. 1 1Z..&13 • ^ COMPLETE 'ONE :SHOWING„ STARTING; " •0o+ �.•� $ , T EE AT r .� a=; � NO RESERVED .. SAM ,. COFTHE :� .H'. , ^' MMAYISIOiN\ SEATS• POPULAR �r � ,PRICEISy�• PLUS SECOND •W1NNER•0eiarigiaglealattannagaigalinli ;_• ' COLUMBIA FEATURE PIG">'UR£S-preaei'is ACADEMY • INCLUDING AWARDS FRED• ' :FOR�.A.LI ZINNEMANN'S rim air.- I u 1 ..L Starring: THE TEAR. Paul Scofield and }mil, ROBERT Wendy Use plat lir 130E11 TECHNICOLOR!14� ' Hiller --- Recreated an historical dramatic .conflict' between "a' statesman,'sc, o ar an man o princi Ie.. WEDNESDAY o 14-7:SATURDAY-Jan ., .. .F•`r; 2Q•'.\'uRY ohn• FCx FRESE''� Rock ,athidsim t , %n .„, ir e Ui�d ecl: y. : PAN7 VISION, COtOR BY DELUXE Not a Western• •in`• the° true sense, set against • , of the, Civil War. • n Wednesday, and Thursday -4)14, Show :Friday aryd Saturday 'Two Showings' at. . , {Only 7:30 3 .K E a f the background' . at . 8:00 0.1 and 9:30 :p.m' ..✓