HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1970-01-07, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7th; 117.
e Residing, Int punganndn
' Stuart Collyer of Lucknow ,is a'.
patient in Wingham•and District
Hospita .• He was admitted.on:; .'
Sunday', December 28. •
Mr: and Mrs. 'Rae MyerS•, .Linda ,
Janet and: Gordon. of Ottawa Mr,;
and Mrs. George `MacGregor,
' Tom and Wesgof Copetown.Spent.'
Christmas holiday•week with M.rs,
Neil J. MacKenzie of Lucknow
an r.. and Mir.- Tidtac
• zieof Ashfield. :
M r.. and Mrs, Bob Currie.and
family of Wallaceburg and Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Keane of Stratford
'. were Christmas guests at the borne
of .Mr.' and:Mrs. Jim, Keane,
A lsorvisitit g at the..same •h. ome
during' the week were'Mr.• and Mrs
Harold Tanner of Wingharn. •
Spending..C:hristmas Day in'.
Luc know with M r . and Mrs Gary
Ritchie and family were Mr. and,.
"Mrs.: James. McTavish; Geff and
Michele: Of H.uron Township;• M '
and':Mrs. Jim Setley,.. Sandra, and:
• Ki:m • Walkerton;` Mr'., and Mrs .
•.Owe -Ivloorr: and. Gail . Tvlr and'
Mrs. John Stanley, . Kenny and ..
Kevin , Mrs. . Verna: Stanley And •
:Miss Betty:, Stanley, all; of . Kncar
dine; rIvlr , :,and Mrs ::,: Jack Mac.Kin-
non;; reg `"Patn. and Jackie, of
Stanley, Susan•and Cameron or
Mr .and Mrs,•.Car•1Wagner :and;
, family and Wayne Wagner of •
. Woodstock , Sharon Wagner of •
London, Mir. and: Mrs. Bill Maser•
and girls of Halifax, Leonard
• :ands Bill Griffin of Lucknow ;were •
visitors during. the Christmas .;
:acrd N'ew Year. holidays -with -Mr ,
and Mrs. Gerald' Wagner
'A Christmas.fannily gathering •
• was. held on ..Sunday,' December
21st at the home of Mr:.: and Mrs.
:Ewart MacPherson, Lucknow.
resent were Mr..arud::Ivirs Tron2
`Wade and: family of.Chatham; .
Mr . and Mrs ' Doug Sneli and •
family of Lotidesboro,:•Mr .and,
Mrs: .Ralph Cameron and faxriily
of-Ashfierd,; Mt. •arid Mrs J.l['17
Reid'and° Donnie of Florida::
-Todd of :London spent thehdliday
",week with their parents Mr. and
'Mrs'. 'Con'Hogan of Ashfield ,•
Mr;. and Ivlrs: _•
John -Dahmer
of Kincardine spent Christmas
in;Goderich with:Mr. ,and Mrs
1.16yd:Cline Visiting, at the
same home on, Christmas Day
'were Mr.' and .Mrs :=Angus :Cline
and 'Anglea• from'Hamilton.and. : •
• Miss Anita. Cline from London.
Mts. John Emerson of Lucknow
spent Christmas week 'with 'Mr. '.
and Mars.' Victor, Whitley
Mr., and Mrs,. Robert Moffat'
spent:• a few days at' Christmas at
thehome of their daughter
Shirley and son -in --law Mr; and•
•Mrs. George Forler in Barrie Mr.
arld , Mrs . Wayrie Woods (Joyce) of
' Pembroke also visited at.the
same home and brou'ght'their
cknow Bo,
Dungannon':United•-'E'hurch ' was
:the :scene November 29 for. the
'Wedding Of Carol Marie'Culbeit
.d'aughter'of Eldon Culbert, R R.'
6 Goderich , and the late ',Mrs
:Culbert and Joseph'Allister.:
Nivins son•of. Mrs Ma:ry•.Nivrns,
R.: R: 3'; .Auburn:: .
Rev. R.. L. 'McClenaghan,
Dungannon, officiated at the
double -ring *etre rriony :a mid .pink
and white carnations and candel-
abra. '
Wedding -processional was
"The Loral l's :My Shepherd" Wand
the traditional ";Brid'al. Chorus"
was the recessional. During the
signifg, of'the• register, Miss'
Penny Erringtonr, .R; R. 2, .
Auburn; sang •"O. Perfect Love"
:_On •the arm of her father;
the bride wore 'a white crepe
floor -length ;gown featuring an
empire'raistline and lace lily -
';point sleeves,.. A' lace train fell,
:•gracefully, from the .back waist.
A` White and sliver rose headpiece
held her three -tiered. scalloped
veil and she carried a cascade
of white , pink and. marive
carnations •
Died. Ifl' Detroit'
Frank J. 'Griffin passed•away at.
Detroit, M'ichigan' On .Friday,' • „
January 2nd . H•e'was•irr his. '75th
Funeral service was conducted •
at the Johnstone Funeral .Home ,
.Lucknow ori. Tu'sddy J'anuary-6t1'
Interment was at Kintail
• Day
Mrs'. W G. Webster of
Lucknow spent Christmas with her
;• daughter and family, Mr, and
Mrs Tom Jordan of Mitchell,
Mrs'Webster sPent the week=end.
in LonIon with her son Ken.
' Webster., Mrs Webster and family.
She was accornpanied Borne to..
Lucknow. by ;her granddaughter.
Janice Jordan' for the holyday .
Miss Bonnie Culbert , sister of•
the bride, R:: R. 6 , Goderich ,
was mai 'fof honor.. Bridesrrhaids
Mr, and, Mrs,.. Harold Cooper
and.; family° i;pent' a few days. with.
their daughter ,`:Mrs , Ralph; k•
Cornish, Mr. Cornish' and, young
son at' Springfield, •
Dr., and Mrs. Archie McQuillan,
Jimmie ,and Danny of Wiliowdale,'
Mr. :and aMrs. •Joe Murphy,'' Col ,
leen, Diane and. Shawn 'of Strat-
ford; Sheila and Sandy McQuillan
spent Christrrras with their,parents
Mr. and -NN rs: lfred McQuillan.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt
spent Christmas' Day with. Mrs : .
James Barbouraand Mrs,. Freda .
Gontier in London , '
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McQuillin
.and Andrea of Kitchener and
Mr. and, Mrs,•.Barry McQuilliu,.
Jill and Scott of Thdrnhill
visited over •Christmas 'with their.
parents, Mr. ajid Mrs .• Fred ; .
Mc Quilln
Born in Winghain and District
JHospital'on Deceinber 27th to
Mr. and MErs,,' Wayne Grigg,
(Nancy Cranston) of Kingsville .
a daughter, • Congratulations! .:
..Mr. . ,and Mrs. Frank . nk Mewhin
`ney and family were Christmas
visitors with. his, sister , Mr and. '.
Mrs. Cecil McTeer of Paisley.
Murray, Mewhin.ney of. Peter-
• borough and Marie' Mewhinney
of Centralia College -spent their
Christmas vacation with their•.. •
parents;Mr.'and Mrs. 'Frank
Mr: and' lylts.. `Roy Gardner and;
Main i1y, of Lucan were Christmas
visitors -with her -parents -Mi : and—
Mrs. Jim .Curran and Paul.: ' •Paul:
returned'wi'th them for a .holiday.
Just .a ,reminder of the. J,.. nuary
meeting of the • W l on T ay,
January 8,th in the hall. , On
Thursday evening, the Shoot '
Parties,. will be held in.'the hall.
..Holiday visitors with Mrs. W .
I • Miller and other relatives.
were•Mr'. and Mrs,: 'Gordon .
Ma:cIntyre and Don. of Richmond,
Hill and Miss Shirley, Bone of
Owen Souand Mr. nd Mrs.
Gordon ivl,iller. acid Larry of
London: ,
Wm. '.A Humphrey -spent a..
few days. with Mr. and Mrs:
George' Walker, at Belgrave
ltev -6 F°Green•:is a-, patient
in Wingham and District,Hospital :
having been admitted on' Sunday
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Dr.. and Mrs,':Gilbe t Frayne
c•elehrated Christmas 'with a
dinner at the Mafair' restaurant,
'on December twenty-eighth.,
The guests'were Rev. T. N1:
Moylan S.J.. of.Torottto.,__Rev:
Sister Lucilleof Windsor, Mrs".
M ;Dwyer. of Kinkota , Mr, and
Mrs ,Douglas frayne of Brantford
M . and Mrs . Donald 'F,rayne and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene •
'bridge . After`'the dinner'a set'
interesting programme was • ,
enjoyed. The .performers
the younger children under the'
direction of—Marianne and Marg-
aret Fraylie,'
Mi and.Mrs :•Ciarence Greet,
-Bob and Donna and Mrs, Eliza-
liza-'beth 'Ferguson spent .Christmas
.With Mr. and* Mrs. Wm. • Harris
its London.
Doug Brow,, R, k. 1, Poort,'
,Albert;` was ;robrnsman;
Stewarti,,R.:R: S, .Auburn,. and,
lvle ,Foran, ;R',. R. 2 Lueknow,..
'were; ushers. • , '•
• The . wedding reception was
held in the church basement 1..
-where candelabra and pink and
whiter carnations and fern 'in bud •`':
vases set, the..'scene ;
The =bride's grandmother
received guests'in-a"mauve
sheath., black and white acres
sories'and 'a' corsage of mauve ; •
andd white: carnations:. The
grooms mother wore a pale blue
-sheath, :blue and white ac•c'es
sorie. s .anda corsage of pink
carnations:: The groom's. grand
m*rher chose: a. sea green sheath
white accessories and' a corsage 'of'
yellow carnations.:.
For travelling: around •Lake'
Erie and to Niagara -Falls, the
.bride_chtige_d', to a M:pa le ma u'\'e;•_•.
semi fitted dress, mauve,
snatching -cape decorated with a:
string of, white daisies, "white
aecessor es_afld'aeeorsa, e of
mauve ;and white darnations
They are residing at Dungannon
:Prior to het marriage, the bride
was "feted at several. showers ..Th'e'
adt QiiheiJJ iited'•.Chur h
honored her at a shower in the
church basement; ' Mrs Bernice
Glenh.was-hostes% fora surprise
shower for girlfriends of the
bride, the teachers at Victoria
St... Public School in Goderch
gave a surprise shower for the
bride; and ,Mr. and Mrs. Mike
'F.oran• gave .a surprise party for
the bride ,And groom at which the.,
couple w,as presented with a
trilfght lamp. •. L'
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