HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-24, Page 12PAGE TWEL{,./E • E LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER 24th, 1069 RallJ** u' at-fr�lpAl usi « r'N-.ir7p6NCY 7gE`on+o ex --i r1 qirr%nilr`Suirmle A9aMr fi) W'. 7 'ROY /MAY. RIC $VS •-CLERK I7 ^" RYYEER`aYf iAw�n t.1 1W �. WM" ®X100S-aCAVV�0% NnW'®- • u1t:1A• fSL.Ipp.iL11' CLERK.,i1wJpR19IM1, �1 ;M.tll tFoFi 41 9 ntSoa TAW�YQreinAc,.rr,.t.n• 1rof2 oWu9�1Mn7 Ad ?In- 7ipIfiR1!7NM4, _- ►laTY fMa0 41:447`!;,_.•___ 1A MwM .,_ __6nbRa.bNn toA11 YANAENAEanq.IJY: k aTORI0 IA1. 4Mtia YS6• /Mq NRI. nal ._,_. Rt,�.3d1 9eMis-!7f f' CIERK Rx CO ""'+. t laaW /■t. 11 AGF RCY. IWa E ,, , 109 STM AY,k ,117;47.,A I{ 1 �ItT. INflll - „Il1 Sj� aNMI. f?f .. Ml�!LN.�.II'L's;1 LA02cL S9 SM ASA fico jl M CIK/Aa{I I!IK ryr mip'L'. .� GO O Itf G Iht1 A .. I�nt"lrt,� A * ;'A 0 7 allf P HG MRER•RR Ii SOTIEE fN, MGR. 1173 EEE rrro d9R dSRn Inl o9w tt 9M I - yWll A ! MCY i,E Y IMot S 'dl T of^T mO Avon, IT W /2 Ail doll GlilbfA A/anrr 504 S. A e ORA{x{MAM S/RUCTLIV - , •' ...�. .. ., FLE,fL. A an. Ipll4:' •..;' �41h ..-. tn 1 fit N Y to AW C . IWM daAlor 11 iY0 vFr�Ml WAIMadnlon 1/01 la" 1]SR.R Mlw R[Klt dsC1 u 9f CIAL TYAMCY. i W. RM OR SALE o, Rw Myon Anncr 1 JAn St !ACT; A9ancrM11 E a M f CASHIER -CHECKER CIERICAIS•ACCTG $7Q-85 4 EAVESTROUGHING' an house or barn:. Metal flashings. • Roof re pairs; CHIMNEYS built• .Free es timate's » Morrison Bros.; 528-2546.. STABLE . CLEANING' moving manure piles andr.loading manure Phone Symes:: Bros. at. Lucknow 528-5203'. FREE r•-• two pups six months old. Phone Bruce Raynard 528-6345. JUMBO PLAYING , CARDS available froM the Lucknow Serik- inel at $1.19 per. deck. ff • poor eyesight prevents you from' enjoy- ing a card game, these cards with large numbers and illtistrations may be just what you need. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING • Every Tuesday and Thursday Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday BILL'S MEAT MARKET VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Seryke fer all Makes,' IL K. Peck, . Varna, Fhone 262- . DEAD STOCK Fresh dead '• cows 'over 1,006 pounds, $12.00 each:. dead .horses‘ LORENZ REMOVAL , Call Collect 36944t0 • ADDING MACHINES , In stock are two models; hand operated Victor With add and sub-' ,tract and other features, $100; el- .ectrically operated • Commodore both ' at The Lucknow Sentinel, FREE. - gollie pups, 64 weeks old. Donald Farrish, ,R.It 7, phone SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and Pumping.Of Septic teaks; Ronald . Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, !nand- facturer of cement septic , tanks and 'well .tile. • skate.s in mew size 6 and 1. Pbone AMrs. Gordon Wall 52815%3: ' •FOlt. • SALE, 'IL- dropped calves, .11 7305: Lticknovt; phone 529-7158. . SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS , Anyone wishing, to have exten- sions on their silos or roofs,, please • call or write. This can be done now. George Wraith, Box 95, Goderick Phones Residence 52417002 or Shop 524-6511. -pick-up- truck,--about-580-miles, 82,000 or best offer to settle estate. COMET WELDERS (180 and 300 "amp.) compressions. grinders fer-. tilizer augers,. power bin, cleaners, .`rods ani accessories, George Mes- senger, area representative, H.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395-2815. &Pith Roles Ltd. London, Saskatoon. Try Comet 'before. you buy. h ' BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Joluiston, R.R. 3 Plum* 5211-2028 MOBILE HOMES THIINKING OF A MOBILE HOME OR ‘RECREATIONAL VEHICL.E? Man* makes and models to choose line or telephone • MOBILIIWITOrEIS LT 547 PLAINS RD EAST BURLINGTON " Tel. (Cod* 414) 4324400 FOR SALE - itairiston small cook stove. 'Phone 5294688. . • FOR SALE 8 room house with glassed -in veranda Teeswiter on' Wragge St.. acrims from bowling green. Phm-16-392-6569. BOXED STATIONERY - for Christmas giving, boxes and box- es' of' stationery, all Styles and prices, . have just . arrived for Christmas 'gift eying. You. are welcome tO: have. a look. The LuCknow Sentinel. SPECIAL PRICES ON -. • Room size •rolls ends, of carpet Used Moffat 'autoniatic washer, 3 yrs. old.. Just like new. • JOHNSTONE& SON FURNITURE, phorw 528-3013 CHRISTMAS CARDS - our stodc of bc•xed,Christmas cards will have and Make your selection, a wide variety of designs and prices, The Lucknow Sentinel. DUMONT ALUMINUM doors, awnings, sidings; For free estimate call Roy Einberlin, your local dealer. T.V. ANTENNA- SERVICE Repairs and Installation, 'Free E.stimates, ,Year Ftound Service, Doug Harker, phone 364-3313 Coi- led, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. "TOR SALE,- one 2 tone brown en - very good condition; one large Nor- ge oil -burning space sheaterf fair condition., Fred McQuillin; R.R. 1 . LOCknow phone 528-5550. LUCICNOW SENTINEL is , for, sale' at ma Stanley's 'SUperteat in LucknoW, Pick up an extra copy from Mel. pnoistrtymE or ed gravel, cement gra.Vel, pit -run • gravel, top soil and fill. 528-5203. PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks frOin 11.19 up at well as double decks , and euchre decks (euchre' cards only). Drop, in at The • Lucicnow Sentinel. ' A• REAL DEAL 1 BIC PENS,- are. fast capturing the' Canadian market after being ago. The Sentinel, has a good offer for any basinessinan or anyone dozen, Bic 49c peni at the regular 'price and get two dozen Bic.,1*- pens FREE. A $10.44 value for HOUSE FOR SALE orrent on Ross Street, .Lucknow, three bedrooms, four piece bath upstairs; living in cupboards, utility .room, . forced air furnace. Apply Albert Gammie, Lucknow, phone 528-3104. ' • .BRIAN RINTOUL LICENSED AUCTIONEER WHITECHURCK PHONE, 357-2349 STILL SELLING PERMANENT ANTI*REEZE Special low price of $2.29 PER GALLON , LUCKNOW DISTRICT. CO-OP PORTABLE., CONVERTIBLE . AND BUILT-IN • .0n .display gipley '395498; BRUCE ,COUNTY' :HISTORIES: just Off the yress, Normim Mc- Leod, hittOry, froth 1907 to „Bite,: a sequel:to the forMer book, $1, pee .:0$11171:argeoy:Lutreaninck:fimoidrive• an;Se-4aCililinhilshnting, alli..,:Pascil'elise•h' a:41(1;1%11.dd* those.: o , your friends, serviettes, playing cards, '..coasters, 'matches, stationery; See Our *Sample hook, 20% DISCOUNT ON TWO ADDING -- MACHINES IN STOCK Regular Price Before Discount Electric $159.95 Manual $109.50 Good until Xmas EUo Only) THE LUCKNOW` SENTINEL BARN EQU.IPMENT - Acorn semi-:autoinatac Cables Cleaners, unbeaten, for hog bards, chain cleaner,,bunk feeders, silo unload., ers, hog equipment, fans, bulk tanks; Hawkeye cast iron hog feeder and heated cattle waterers; Westeel-ROsco Steel Granaries; Al - Pushbutton Farm Equipment. Lynn Lowry, Amberley, phone Ripley 396-5286. CULBERT in` loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, December 23, 1966. What I Would give to clasp her hand 4 .6 Her loving. face to see To hear her voice and see her smile , That meant so much to me. Remember'ed with love and mis- sed so much. Datighter 1VIary, Cliff and children: RI'TCHIE -- in letting memory of who passed away, two years ago, December .31, 1967. • Stn f . • COMING T RECEPTIONAND DANCE ..A Reception' and Dance will be .beeeinher 27th following, the. mar- riage of Charlene. Anderson and Doug McEwan, in the Legion Hall, Lucknow. Bsyd's orchestra. Every- one .welconie. ALL "STAR TOURS 1970 To FlOrida by deluxe motor 'day tours.available. Prices start as low as $195.00: Visit Silver Springs, Cypress Gardens, Miami, Daytona Many other attractions: For fur-. tber information write‘ Allan Reed,. Box 96; Lucknow, or ,call Dungan- non ,529-7989, HOi.IDAY DANCE A 'Holiday DanCe,,, sponsored by iety,. will be held on Friday, Janu- ary, 2nd .in Dungannon Hall. Lunch booth.. Glenn Boyd's Orchestra. PROGRAM AND DANCE A Program' and Dance will be held Monday, Deeember. '29th -at 8:30, p.m. in St. Helens Hall •Tif- fins orchestra Ladies please' bring. sandwiches or Cookies. CARD' PARTY Maple GroVe Lodge No. '1044 will held a Card Party on Monday, Dec-. ember 29th at Zion Orange HalLat 8:30 p.ni:Utdies With lunclrfree. CARD OF THANKS IHILR,AY 'FARMS LTD. • The best in 'Mime Grown, Dry Fed, Drtig Free.' Beef.... Try. , our Fresh Home'. Made Sausage: OWNED AND OPERATED' BY RAYNARD AND • NOTICE , SNOWMOBILE CLUB An attempt is being made to or- ganize a Snowmobile Club for this district. A suitable location aiid club house has been offered by Russ I3utton, in the former .Bill Stanley house, west of town. Any- one' interested contact Bud Ham- ilton 528-3004 or Gerald Priestap 528-3426. Fees 610 per member per se.ason. $2 per, day er night for outside members: . Frank MacLennan wishes to ex- press his thtmks to all for the many. kindnesses - shown during his stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. All was deeply appreciated. We *ould like to , say thaaks to our family, relatives, neighbOurS and friends for the surprise party held in honour of our 40th/wedding anniversary at • the home of our sOn,, Keith; for the beautiful gifts, cards and letters, wie will really appreciate and cherish them., To all a. very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I would like to ekpress my. sin.; cere thankS to my many, many friends, relatives and neighbours for,cards, letters and gifts received 41016-- a patientiirlataiener and" Waterloo Hospital,' Kitchener and since then. To one and all 'a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Mrs, Gertie Walsh SINGER SERVICE - Repairs tO all makes and ,models; Sales and Service on new products; Singer Co. of Cahada, phone 57-3/30 after And • while • she sleeps a peaceful Her memory We shail'always keep. LoVingly remembered by Alvm, Catherine, Don, ,Darlehe, Diani and Debra WANTED NOTICE There will be no .saIe at the Lock. Itow Sales Barn on Wednesday, December 24th. The next sale will be timid on Wednesday, Decem,her • NOTICE . will be responsible fOr vehieles or mailboxes;, etc,,, left in the roacl of pOnsible for any accidents, 'Or dam- age -to snOwptow,. caused from -s-ailot be reinoved• 'by to*iiship ment,‘ they will be: Charged. Section 89 (9) of. the Highway traffie 'aCt •reada * "no person. shall park. or such_ manner __as.. toAnterfere_ with the moVemebt of traffic or. the ',clearing .of snow from the .high - By Ordikr Of NOTICE Roy Canadian%Legion Branch No: 309, Lucknow, will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, Dec- ember 30th 'at 8:45 p.rif. All Mem- bers are requested to attend. ' GARBAGE DAys Due to the ChriatMis holidoy ling On Thuriday, both north and south garhage *ill he ,collected on 'FridaY,_ _December 26th. 'The , for. lowing week it w 'revert to e regular Thursday (north), Friday PART Timg To Do Ad Paste -Up And : .Related Newspaper Duties.„ ‘Successful Applicant. Will Be Trained APPLY - BY LETTER ONLY (No phOne calla. or personal' • approathes, please )' A Sentinel G 'For that last 'Minute gift, One whieb will be.appreciated all year long, give a new or renewal sub- scription to The Lucknow" Sent - for foreign. An attractive gift card will be sent. • e Lucknow Sentinel BOX 3$ LUCKNOW NOTIdE TOWNSHIP OF itSHFIELD. RE, SNOW PLOWING Neither Township nor plowmen will be responsible for ,vehicles 'or mailboxes, etc. left in the' road el snowplowS. Ratepayers will, be•refr ponsible for any accidents, Or dam- age to snowplow, cauSed from snow be ' removed by - township equiP- reads "no poison shall park or stsuid a vehicle on a highway -in such Et:tanner/ as to interfere with the movement , traffic. ,or the clearing Of snow from the high- ,Athflold Township Council Let Us Know ,Selionutinelt thein52.8-2822, and tell ds ycittr • htoa :titeh%tibean kdopnre.stiyd:tialc ''You do