HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-24, Page 10PAGE 'TEN;
'WEDNESDAY, DE.CEMB'ER.:24th, '1969
Poy' Town's On the Huron,Br,.uce Boundary
• Second CIss. ail-Registratio . WM er 08477 • ' .
;.Established 1873' %'ublished Each' Wednesday Afternoon
' Membe.r of the: C.WN.A. and OW,N,A,
Subset neon Ratan X5.00 a year . in -advance . to the v,-0:4,),$7,00
Donald C ,: ":Thompson,' Publiisher'
We ave in the midst of constant noise. Jets boom, sirens shrill;
every radio 'and television ad is announced bya crash or a twanging
guitar, and even the. National News now begins with an ugly and
strident series of electronic "beep -beeps."
Into all this din comes Christmas, and for a blessed two or
three' weeks the sounds : are different; The gay -lilt of carols, the excited
voices of children, the cheerful greetings 'exchanged by acquaintances
on the street, even the "Ito, ho, ho" of commercial Santas, are 'a .bles
sed change from the frenzy which is our usual diet:
. : Why are iwe;:zib /enamoured of all this racket? If we search: our
hearts, -;our best-moments_don'_t_come. with_a_teer, thea' steal upon us.
The bedtime hugs of children, their relaxed abandonment in sleep with
"deceptively angelic faces", :'a good Gala in a quiet corner with an .old
friend, moments of love between husband . and wife, the pride' in the
eyes of one "when the other has done something well -- these are the
cherished times for most of us:
Fanfarecan be dazzling and, it has its .limited place,' but the
heart's true homeland is in, the warmth and simplicity and faith, which
Christmas releases
A$. we're saying Good •Bye to
ioldrsiaty nines ,
Vere .bidden .to; write' just a' very This: week: s issue of•The\ Sentin.
few linesW" el will be the. last until Wedgies -
To speak of the. ties. that have day, January i7ih .~
_bound .us together As has been+h a hab,��'in the
Each week of the, year allregard-:past, there wtl'l be no paper
• ' s_o Bather..ublished Burma: Christmas and •
p a
The` Sentinel .came like ,a message New Years:
from home•
Wherever old residgnts ventured Senitinel •correspondents are
�to roam: requested to: send in their Christ
And we. praise our fine Editor and mas news as it happens.allowina'
his good:staff ' y us to process the material as: it
And ask thanks be registered.on is 'received.. Holding all material
our behalf.
Last Sefltinel;,
�or This ear'
New Reeve•
until .the Monday before •the. next
issue w.ill.niake it difficult to
We, re: ;approaching a • Christmas
1. 'more lavish and gay handle.
'Than any the world has beheld to The• Sentinel 'will be open . for.•
this day. business . as usual.. over the next .
.But or . i t ere is o an . sor-
row and .war :
And more and• more wickedness
daily by far. ;
So.Jet_us he ..thoughtful andJ,et_aus
. be' asking
If'.itbe a false 'Peace in which we
• are basking.
Each one' of us now should be ask-
. ing the why •
We were". placedln our. station ben-
eath . the ":bine sky
And what can we do that will make
the world better?
(Of . deeds let use not be ' a careless
'forgetter.)" .
• warmed, to remember
millions to whom on this sun-
y December .
No sage has come' of ' the glad
' Natal Day : •
When the Christ Child came . down
for a season to • stay
And how He went bravely and glad
to,, the cross
Our souls thus
to save fromtheir
ruin and loss.
And amid • all . our gladness and
pleasure and mirth •
Let our prayers be •ascending for
others on earth. . •
Let lite Kitet mit `There
is pleasure in Giving '
And to crucify self .just as. Tong as
We're ;Tiving�
. 5o will they arise like an army to
And toil in •<the future for. all .that
is right: •
week despite the facf that n
paper will be published:. Ph
I'S at 52.'1-28.2 with ,y.our pe
or other news storieG'. We' it
?ppy to ear ro
with vour assistance will continue
to pro•v ide y6•. w ith'an i)tc.resting
paper '; r. ^'
:Ashfield •Road
Trhe' Sentinel had a call "'on'
t t
Wingfieldof Wingharn whose
..Car was mired ,in now.Ort an
-�rsh-f e1T:rth Vii- ;fie-r-o�-d .
between the 12th and iii ,hwav
Ron :was disturbed `,'to put it
nnldly ,' •by the factthat the
sideroad .. known to Many as
"Boak`s: siderbad" had not,been:
plowed and that he was ,.stuk
tight" midway between the 12th
and 8ri,
dr. Wingfield said: 'that he had
checked both ends of :the side -
road and that neuher.'was..posted_:
as being closed,,
-OrvilleElliottofLucknow will
be the new Reeve of Kinloss Town-
ship. He will,take over his
duties the first. of the year. He
wa's elected Reeve in a three-way
contest -with the present Reeve
Will stn Evans,and a Councilldr
William Haldenb Mr. Elliott
is presently.a Councillor in
NVQ lidt101 al'Y
Iembership Award
Dr. James E. Little of Lucknow;
and: Dr. George Howson of.Wing
ham were:•".p resented:with honor
aryirnemberthips in the Wingharn
and Diszriet lent Sorjety at
'own Buy New LETTER � �N. eoIxo�
Aerial LadmeK - -=: Santa Maus
Needs Improvement
uc now ' i. age .Couiwil
decided on: the purchase of an:
aerial ladder at, their, regular;
meeting last week, The tender
of Canadian Ohio 13rass of Niagara
Falls, in the amount .of $416P, was
accepted 'for the ladder, rear step,
bumper , revolving amber, warning
light and spotlight on, the cab roof.
Tenders are presently being
considered' for the tuck on wli"ich
the ladder will be mounted.,
The., purchase will come out -of
local hydro •funds: •The present
aerial ladder. truck :,purchased'
used some years;ago,. is no longer
in a satisfactory operative,
Council also approved payment
of one-third share of outstanding
recreation .accounts for the
village from last. spring and
summer. The Legion and Lions .
had each offered to pick up a
third' of the cost. 'The amountof
money, is between' $800 and $900
which would he'•divided.in. three.
Away for Christmas? Have
some : visitors?. 'Call tis•, at The.
Sentinel • 528-2822; and " . tell. us
about them . •
the Decernber meeting held at .the
RCAF. station at Clinton.
The meeting involved curling.
in the afternoon, dinner and •
business in the evening..,The
event was; Wednesday; , December .
Dr. Little recently ;retired. after
34 years in the .dental practice
in Lucknow, ,. •`Dr., Howson is
• retiring this month.a fter serving.
'Why,oh, why'do 1, get so
disifausioned about Santa Claus
day in Lueknow?
You answer questions fora
week or more when is he con ling:•
to town.and 'how? P.
-- T` te-woetnes-t-he days-w-iiet e:t�
get all dressed up for' the old gent,
with eyes.fu11 •of wonder,' . Walk
in and there, he is sitting., give
your,harne,; and if°y,'ou'fe lucky';
he asks..you what you'd like. dy
little boy didn't have that chance:
I also was..in line Do any of the
children.sit on his knee and have
.aliittfe 'talk? .•
. • Then ,you •wa:f k along and. re
ceive an orange, candy-
and ring.
What .do we'•do
• l:guessgo'homeorshop W.e
. .
went home, inost ‘Mothers do ve:ry
little shopping 'with children.
along. -1..-understand.-the business-= ,
men give a stibstantial'aniount'
for. these five minutes,
inanyy chi-ldr-e-n-go through.this -
line up? No entertainment ; .no
movie no skatin}
What,abotit an old fashioned
sleigh ride or an organtzcd .ki
.party,,.,or a ftln�;strip,'. even
a few. games
Let's have Santa Ctaus,, da, w
know' more interestii g lb' [lit':
Inger one$ who still rea$
Santa 4 a' part of the'°re.a1 en o •-
nt of ;Christnia
LSI;S'' \trl! '1 Osi i
Let. . Us Knowr
. this crisp .and exciting time of . year,: we are Iopeful
that your holiday wijl 'be .filled with joyous warmth, richly ':.
shared with; those. you, hold -dear. And to
you, our customers, we express our thanks and appreciation
for your continued patronage. Merry. Christmas'
Away .for Christmas? • Have
some visitors? Call' us at The
Sentinel 528-2822, and' ' tell its
about them. '°