The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-17, Page 20xi PAGE TWENTY Medi HOIIands. Is G.uest wz1rrBCHURCH, NE WS. TiNh i MIVI ometC' nstitute-- .held their pec. en ber,tneeting.one, week earlier, than usual on Tues- day. Decernbet L , • This'year instead of .going out for a banquet,, a committee Mrs, , Jas.' Currie, Mrs, Johnston Conn. and. Mrs'.; Gershom Johnston, I planned the banquet and were • assisted b'y all '.mert bers , Some '. T ecorated the hilt aanl, set .up -the" tables.. ' It was such• a success ,that it was voted 'to'do the ;same another.•year: After the dinner. the head tablet. guests were introduced by;.the President Mrs'. Victor Emerson, They were Mrs. Bill Evans, Past President and District Director; Mrs Don Ross, P . R..O : ; Mrs".. Eimer Sleightholm 47H. Leader; Mrs'. l:zra•Scholtz,' 2nd. Vice 'Pres.; Mrs.. Walter'Elliott, 4-H Leader; Mrs. Russel• McGuire ' • Sec-Treas. Mrs. Cecil Hollands, Bruce South District President , who, was guest. speaker'; The:opening• Ode was sung and the Collectrepeated, in unison: T1 E LIJCKNOWSENTINEL, LU, CKNOW,• ONTARIO, -Christmas-Carols-were—st ng -with -� Mrs, Garnet Farrier pianist..: i` Mrs, ' Emerson introduced the guest speaker -:Mrs, Hollands, who• gave a story which illustrated the many demands made: by a : ' • family on their mother ever ready to assist; which accented the youth of td day and the part parents play if, the youth :are :to. deyeiopinto.: good citizens. -She was. thanked. by the audience.. Mrs,. Jas. Mclnnes'•gave a Christmas' reading. The roll call was'answered by a Christtrias. •. • erse to which 35 attenders r'epli.ed. Mrs.. Ben McCl'enaghan gave a reading, No.Tirne for Christmas. ' . . Santa Claus'. then arrived ail' decked out in his nice red suit and: stepping along to the •music Of neck yoke .bells.' Very humor ously_ the gifts; of the secret sisters were given 'out with helpers Mrs Albert Coultes and Mrs. Fred ' • Tiffin:: After Santa left` each 'one showed their gift and told • who their secret,sister had•"been, By a standing vote it was: decided' to have 'secret: sisters another teat -and Mrs, 'Torn Metcalfe, Who had been doing this work, • sed-te-believed and Mrs. Russell McGuire offered to do it this year. . • Santa had gifts.. for the 4-11 • leaders arid the guest speaker.. Business. was dealt with, The Christmas Dance 'sponsored by members of the W.:I : will be held .December 26 in the' Hall with modern and. old tittle dancing and" some The, 4=H Lead ers for the.spring,project'"the' .,.. Cereal`Shelf-will, be Mrs, Walter Elliott, and Mars. Elmer Sleight- holm:' The members were inform- ed that; the Branch History Scrap- book .had been called in and sent to'Parliament Building Private • Manuscript 'Section. .The motto'- "How to be•'a 'Friend" was given by Mrs. Robert Ross. ''A friend 'is one who needs us and one whom :We cling to though,many.leagues of space separate us. A friend. assists' in sickness, defends when others speak evil and expect rio return. .' 1f we wish to spread friendliness scr'rpton it and it's only $5.Q.°: ,They will Reneer' l�ou.•1. • . Week -After Week=.After Week THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'UCKNOW, ONTARIO Ci OTCE-HOME-KILLED-BEEF*ND PORK' HAMBURG.., _ 2 LBS. FOR 99c WIENERS. ::. :2 LBS. FOR 99c .BONELESS, Ready To at DINNER HAM .; $1.09, FRESH PORK SHOULDER 57c LB. Turkeys Duds' geese; hickens Tangerines —Oranges;_ Grapefruit Cabbages NO CUSTOM KILLING UNTIL JANUARY 6th, 1970 LUCKNOW and to give service we must give of ourselves and search out those ho need` Us. To be a' friencl.one visits shut-ins,; does letter writing; baby. sitting, does phone calls, gifts of food to•.needy. invite lonely Tor .a meal and give car rides. She closed with the poern Will You? which asked if we 'Would de many .things for others. .;'..Courtesy, remarks were given by Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, ' The 'singing of the Queen closed the meeting. 'PHONE 528'-30.09. sentinel Gift: •u script�on For . that last •minute gift,, one . which will' be appreciated all year long give a new -or ;reaewal sub- scription to. The .Lucki low Sent- inel. per ,year in ,Canada, $7 for foreign. An:' attractive •gift,' card will be sent. She Will pall you 2c to Sc per doz. above top ' market price,' She also wants your :old. hens: Lucy will pay you 12c to 1 Sc per lb.. She gives, a darn good egg e: WON'T YOU LET"TITTLE LUCY PROBLEMS. SHEWILL ALSCPPICK UP YOUR: EGGS AND CHICKENS, Call her today at 105 Brussels