HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-17, Page 10,t YEN • ••• • . WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1961 THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO. „ 44. 1 • 11. "' • •. Mrs, J,E, Hunimel-beld the December llth meeting of.the Zion pnited, Church Women, with •Nio.Chtistmas 'MUSIC playing. There.w•as an attendance'of 18 members and • children, Mrs. Allan Ritchie • read th!, roll cali„ answering, with "'A Christmas Thought" • ' The President Mri. Charles Wilkins, openedthe meeting .with a • 'Christmas reading and singing ..hymn "The. Orst: Nstier . The • DevotiOnal based On ChriStnias • ••• ' WOrship from the '4.0 W. clip iheet.Was given by Mrs. Gordon •. Kirkland with three voices taking. , 5. ' 1, ,:part,' Mrs, Hiintrrieti • , Swan and,Mrs JIM ,Hutiter. :: Gordon 'Kirkland closed with •prayer and hyrrin tittie'ToWn of,Sethle1Tem7was sung; • Two. piano instrume.ritals.On •• christris..soq$S.by.Mrs. Peter • ' • Cook and ''Mrs. Douglas •Raynard''. ere enjoyed 'A Christmas story." entitled "Gifts Of the Wise Men was read•by. Mrs :.. Win . G. Hunter Visitors'..'for :Shut-ins for DeceM.L. • • ..ber Mrs. Hurnmel, Mrs. Harvey • Ritchie, Mrs .• Alan ;Barger, MrS., •Russel.Swan andMrs .Bruce • Raynard. are to 1pol< after gifts at Pineerest.,Mancir Horne, .Luck-.., 1 Marie ciiPskey is tobe remember- ed in the.',,Winghain Hospital at •.: ChristrriaS.; Thank you note was • read :from Mr, • and Mr. Frank Ritchie• . • . . ' • Mrs; 'Robert Helmonbehalf of ••• :the Zion United Church Women '.presented Mrs., arshali.:GibsonH with'. a gift of a pin '":'"She has . left ourSociety to live in LucknoW, The Social committee is asked to :Sfe about entertaining the Zion L'..nited Church 'Women and ,. • forrner 2.fan Members in:the •rs11.1- KIEV} spring. Cornmittee of 1,;.1rs..' rank Ritchie", and Mr's. 'Gordon Kirkland are td. • lobk after a rernernbrance gift for each rnemher o e Zion. .C. for 169 • ijohn Hunter acted -as •00 5. • you cArr PO/ yoosicF 4#60 IN Pits' sokb pArrimo YOURSELF 011 NE Santa. for the Sunshine Sister Gifts, which everyone enjoyed .aturday was MI.'S: Charles Wilkins' birthday, Mrs.. Hummel presented her With a4ighted • candle to be blown, out wh:le. • the members..sang happy birth- day. ; • MTS. Frahk Ritchie gave a vote of thanks, to the committee that actedduring 1969 to make Zion. U.C.W. a success'. Mrs. Hum - mei closed with prayer. The January 8 meeting is• to. be held at the Trinity Churchjori any Zion' mernbers, that wish to 'attend. After school the Club girls, LgOne Ci4Ostqfl Brenda -Ritchie 'presented the leaders,• • Mrs. Gordonki`ritland and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie eacha.withl a gift. Brenda Ritchie. ha -s reaChed her Provincial Honours and was Presented with a sterling silver pin by Mrs. Frank Ritchie, OP behalf Of the Zion Ll .0 W is the foUrth member of the..Zippy Zionettes to 'receive the\ prOvincial Honolirs. :PERFECT *AT TENDANct •• The attendance for 19'69was! very %good Perfect attendance Mrs. Charles:Wii•kins. ThoSe missed One, meeting Mrs Gordon • r And_and_Mrs, an: tc •e. VVith/tWo nieeting.s. ; Hunter; Mrs. -Frank RitChie, Mrs Gibson Nits.. John • . Hunter; Mrs. Harvey Itithie and Mrs Hunter Held Carolfest KINLOSS NEWS The. Carolfest Service at South Kinloss church On Sunday evening was well attended. • After weeks of practice with organist and • director, Mrs. Lorne Sparks, th'e Junior and Senior choirs provided a wonderful musical evening. Chairman was Donald Maclntyre Narrator Pat Sp#ks_and_pian.ists Brian Keithad.Linda Sparks. Special numbers were: Quartet Rev. and Mrs. Glen Noble; Mrs. Sparks and Frank MacKenzie; • , . Trio,'' Margaret; iqbrnia and . Marilynne IvlacIntyre,•and solo' Rick Pritchard. Lunoh. was served in the base- ment following,the Carolfest. , \ • Dongono0AKW:: Make Presentation • Dungannon United Chuich •Women ,rnet on 'Tuesday, Deem, ber 9th inthe S.S,..rdomfor,,the • 'Chrj.stmas Meeting. A pot luck dinner was enjoyed :by the Mem:- 'goers and several Vests, followed., with an exchange of,gifts'. •Mrs.. 'H,. Johnston led in the Worship. service ,assisted by. Mrs. • Wif 1?eiitland; Mrs Ivan 'Rivett And Mrs'. Ross Henry.. :'CliriStrnas Canada' inwas well portrayed with Mrs. Len Reed,Mrs. Harvey: Alton,' Mrs. Jiin prennan,, /‘./.1rs. Lorne Hasty, Mr, RossEe'dy, and: Mrs. Lorne IVers,,e,ach telling a story of how a Christmas was observed in different parts of our • ANGLICAN CHURCH LIICKNOW AREA:" PARISH Tht, Rev. it, Odendahl `"-Rector DECEMBER-2Ist Ativoit .4 , • Ascension,, Einlough..--' 11 a.m. St.Peters, Luclmow P.m. ,Church St.Pauls, riungamion .-3' p.m. Alternating with Christ Church, • Port Albert • LUCKNOW •• CHRISTIAN. REFORMED CHURCH W; Van Stempvoort Pastor.. Services: -10:-00 a.m. (English) • 220 p.m. (Dutch lad*and 5th Sundays) .:VISITORS Wax9ittiE . Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To God Hour", • every Sunday: CJCS (StratfOrd) 2:00 p.m.; CFOS. (Owen Sound) --- 6:00.p.m; • by,Mrs. C.*Blake, Mts. C.. McClenaghan, Mrs, G. N4cNee 'Mrs. K. Dawson and Mrs. G Errington. .• as moved to Goderith and ,Mrs. • Wilbur Brown who has•moved to LucknOw were presented with gifts from Dungannon United . Church Wo en' rn • . • LUCKNOW - UNITED CHURCH • Rev. Robert Nicholls B Minister • ,DECEMBER pst• ' Advent 4 • -Christmas Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a;m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. IC.OELT. Vepe.t O Service • ChrisOnas :Eve Service • December 24th at 8 pm. Come and mg your favourite • Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good Will toward men. • Ltike.2:14 g .tatoc-11.46;1,Y,13i4i---.--- Were:•sting with Rev . C: Moclen- , aghan as pianiSt. Miss Beth lvIcConnel gave a reading.- " Mrs.. W. Wiggins introduceea skit "No Reservation " presented tivit OLIVET NEWS The Olivet .United.Church • Wonien met at the home of MrS.. , . . Harry Colling for their ChristrbAs ,rneetirr,' • •...............0 RObert..0sborrie opened:the • meeting,: then c.ailed On the: • , dafightersof.the home .c,:arol and N,Iarv.Anne , • Who:each:played' se1ectionson 0 Mrs', Herb 'Clayton gave from-Reader,!s: Digest. 11ary 'the niothero'f JeSns."... .rs John • MacChar/es sang:a lovely (hrist,- • inas .sCrinttire . • The President 1.\.1 rs . Clayton , conducted the .b9sincsS. Reports': were heard from the friendship seCretaryand from the manse coniMittee, New. Clothing was prc:ieritcd by the T. C W and the ICiessengers for.overseas niissions:,O , and •rie‘;‘' and used toys, and clothe• s as well .asjrapped gifts. for • ••• . • ,; • 151-14IITTST LUCKNOVV • PHONE 5284430 Plans were made to send aO hnistroas teat to:Veterans'at s mins. er: hospital. A corniiiit:: tee was named rOnsistijig. of 1\-1rs. Clayton, Mrs . Robert Oshorrte and Mrs (''':•drald Coiling to plan the Christmas ',Pot Llick" supper Mrs..WalterElacR gave the courtesy remarks.and the meeting closed with a delicious Cricn • 711c. l'unior,Choir sang ,two delightful numbers at anthem' time on Sunday r,norning' in Olivet 01" ed hurch The u I choir 05 sang: "Little Nby in a ;Manger% follOwed,hy a quartetof the ' • qnaliest rmmber, :roan Osborne, Paul Colling. 'Brent Coiling and Briar1V('Guire who. sang. :only A ROy nam0e, David". The .organist wa.5„Mis: ',Margie 'Mackay. " . tucknow Presbyterian 'Church 132V: .Gle:mi Noble, B..A.,.13.1).. • Minister. Phone ---528-2740_, •DECEMBER • Christniaisuriday 10 00 a.M. Sunday :School 1100 'a.m. Morning Service' • The •report of the: comrnittee was given h%; Lorne, Hasty and profit.,frOrn the Cook. 1...66;-:j tq: go toWard_paying for the .7 c p...:1:1•.;oj e7,./Frici-OWiri. -cliiirar Twenty-five dollars was voic-dy, the M and.M fund'. . Rev. aghan „closed the prayr ' • • • !, veal production leadership in nutrition 4 continuous research • management skills 1 NAN INVESTMENT? irestigatelhe-protityield-obtained-wiih a Shur -Gain veal program. InVeSt, in those unwanted bull Calves. Put them on a 10-12 week veal•prograrn with Shur -Gain Vealer. Youll probably need to buy a' couple of hundred pounds to put on a • 180-200 pound gain'. Get top market price for Choice veal grades that can return as Much as , "---7--40-crrreturn-coVer-feedland--ettif-costa. Shur -Gain Vealer protects your investment antil?iotiarto fight SCOUrS and stress• problems,. . • growing animal health service Come in and get your free feeding program .and a•Vealer Performance Chart. Prove to yourself how Shur -Gain Vealer is the most profitable feed available for Veal ,Production. . • ; • , Products Limited LUCKNOW PHONE 52$ 2026 •••