HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-10, Page 1710th, 1161, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10th, '196!' jolcyMaking By Duron School IC.fl..r• 'ery:.. BY-SHIRLEY J. KELLER. Several standing policies were'; set by the Huron County Board of Education meeting in Clinton,. The first of these gives the principals of the individual • schools the authority tomake the decisions whether or not buses , wi11'rurr when the weather`'is• questionable. The board noted ; itwould be .impossible to make ' decisions centrally regarding the 'Cancellation: er, early departure .from.a school of all board -owned 'and contracted btises•dunn pR. incle:rnent weather. , Board member John Broad'foot: asked how the principal living 25 miles away from the school• .,could` make decision about' weather...F'!e was told the, policy statementprovided for siich • priinci,pals. to delegate authority on this; matter to. someone• residing closer to. the school,. School principals were also left in charge of suspension and: LUCKNOW : THE .LUCKNOW SENTI.N.E4... ONTARIO,. ml expulsion; of any students who have disregarded all other means; of reasonable disciplinary action. When such matters are brought be fore the board , they shall .be.. - dealt with in committee The board also, gave approval. for the use of privately -owned automobiles to transport sural ii 'groups of students on authorized school 'business and 'agreed to compensate owners for the extr. 'expenseinvolved in providing' ' adequate insurance coverage.• A-regpest. from' -the principal of: Victoria.School in'Goderich to allow, Goderich teachers to travel to Violet Ele1ner►tary.School,in St. C;lair.Shores, Michigan on an' exchange program was. denied.. • Director.of Education John D. Cochrane said, "It is just.too soon to get into this •sort of thing,'', Board members'also agreed to, advise Middlesex County Board o;f Education ;that Huron students presently attending \Middlesex schools will be 'allowed, to :corn- `'piete their.education •i,that school 'systern PAGE SEVENTEEN SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON MEN'S: WEDDING RINGS" • ALSO ON MEN'S AND LADIES' BIRTHSTONE�RINGS .••...g THE, -PRIVACY Of, AN: EVENING APPOIN.TM•ENT AN BE ARRANGED JEWELLRY AND CHINA• PHONE 528-3532 LOOK to buy the !ANT ADS test' 'ow power vi: 8 cy,-. n 'arid iatic iftSubsiriptj�n; 8 __ brakes 8 aut ea lard it- and and .$5. .00. They Witt. Rmmb eeer Week -After Week -After Week rider cab. wH1TEcHuRCH Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and, Mr. and hlrs. Russell. McGuire, patrons::of the, United Dairy, Prod'- ucers Co-operative. gone 3.; attend ed-the_..Arinual niecji48 and ,dinner on S'at.urda •r at Guelph. The' Blyth Co-op arranged for the which took the Members, and patrons -ta Guelph . . • ':.Rew and 1rs..Tom. Maxwell of Kitchener. were dinner'guest : on Sunday' with, Mr., and lrs, Gordon. Wall and far�rily. Rev: T; r'�laxwell•'had charge .of the .services on Sunday in the ,'abse.nce of Rev iorace Braden at Lang- side anl;Whitechurch . -S.ancday-S, hoot-s'rholars Chaliners presbyter.ian and the .United Church had practice Sunday afternoon in"the 'United:.,. (hurch::for as .United `Sunday School concert; to he, put on• Sundae , Tlecember 21st'at 3`15 in,Whitec'hi rch C ormunity , Me norial''h fall.',: when the :ladies will provide lunch . Rev • and Horace .Braden ani her .another plan to; he. in_,atfendance.. Whitechurch vicinity Was.well .' represe ted at Wingham and District High -School Graduation Cxerctse�:on Fridayevening.. ();ongiatulations. ftOin fromthe commun. tty go to Joann, Laidlaw a'grade_ '° 13grad rat -era d. Denn4s hu -1 �_-=_ of Durham ; a .patient at victoria. Hospital Ldndon . Baby Jason spent the week -end with his grandparents Mr,. and Mrs'. • Wal1ace.Conn.. ' visitorsduring the ,week=•end. • with Mr. and M.rs'..,Gershom Johnston of Wingham were, Mr. and Mrs Ken Johnston, Clinton, Jack Johnston of St. Pauls Mr a:nd Mrs. Woods and Sylvia , andBill'Woods of Seaforth. Bill who had, been,: injured in. a'":car. `• accident:was able to'be home from hospital and: the injured leg ,now in: a waiking;cast., Mr and Mrs'. George :Currie spent the week -end' with their relatives in London.. ;They had _l ee'n, invited .attend, an entertainment in. Westminister • Hospital: Their grandchildren.. Jackie •St Marie did::step dancing Allan .McConnell took part; in the,, square dance did Highland fling. :and.sword dance Jerry St 1aarte s:Orchestra;:furnished- - music for dancing at the entertainrnent. I':SWAPPED TOR IT THROUGH .THE WANT ADS grade 12 'and to others. whose.. ria'r�tes .we. have .not; received . Mr; and MTs.; Ca•meron`Sim neons of London,•we.re Sunday visitors: w ,th \•1 rs Ezra Scholtz.. To Shake •us` realize that';wint.er is.''just around, the corner a', stiff east wind •hy•noon on Sunday hrought along a sleet storin which. plat a ctaatin'g.:of ire, over every thing .. On‘ Monday f orning .school•buses' had ,to,drive cautious- ly on roads 'Where. where.'some were stuck on hills: The going • on highways was• good becauseof Tra T1ities for removal of Tce-and show. We -are pleased to-telsart-that . ; Mrs; Orville Tiffin:was able to return •hone. after ey.e't.reatment frp.m Victoria Hospital on Friday: T,he following young. folks from' Uoridon spent the week -end at their homes here Wayne Martin; Jtt.l2obertson Jim Morrison,: Joann Laidlaw and Janette Sohn'- ston .. • Alma. C'onh of Guelph:. University spent'.the weekend. with her parents'i`it. and Wallace . Cbtn. •. lair , and ivirfi, - noti ;las Conley., of,Wingharn visited 'Saturday with his !mother 'Mrs.. Jiro, 'Conley AfELLOW . 4 THAT BUYS AOT .; ON ME CUFF:• M4V //AVE SOMETH//N.6 !/A 1/18SLEEVE.,. L LUCKNOW P.HON E 528.3430' fi ,4 1�1 M�r�dS�G lt,t.t.t.t.t,tti�it o.siilittiilirtUtgtFo uttt}Pttf}iYt•; Hogg.. ltta'