HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-10, Page 16• •Is • 19. 9. ti• • . .• • • • • PAGE SIXTEEN, . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW ONTARIO CHOICE HOME KILLED FRESH PORK SHOULDERS.: •.:.t •tciLgiviAN.s:. NO; '‘1•''' BACON BONELESS READY TO EAT HAM. • T BONE STEAKS LBS. -9k 59c LB. .89c PKG. $1.09 LB. 99cLB • • , . "110 Turkeys — Ducks , . .• • WE ALSO HAVE ;FANCY : DECORATED HAMS FOR YOUR HOPDAY, PARTIES eese Capons • GrOup:comrnittee • for ssicouts ; • •1 SoOuts Met on December lst at the Scout Hall with all members present, John .Frobkis chairmAh of the .Group Committee, New Members are Lloyd Ackert, Jack Barr., Ron Stanley ,with Mrs. Gordon Wall as secretary. Other members are John-FroOk and, . Gordon Wall. 1 ' lr-was decided that- thit COM mittee Would host a Group COrn- rnittee Training Coursc early in JanuarY,at :the, Spoilt, Hall, with. Lloyd Ackert. in charge., Those attending this cOurse will attend either afternoon or 'evening. Lucknow Unit 1 Unit one Orthe Lticknow UC.W. .net it, the home of Mrs, Ross Shiells. 'Mrs. Wightman presided for the business. periOd: The roll call'was answered with averse, from a.favorite carol, Mrs: 'MacDonald, reporting Community Friendship- stated that members had made 175'hoine Visits and 25 hospital .v.isits. Me rnbeis. were- rerninded gifts.fOr the Saugeen•Reserve are toffbe iri' by, December 15,- and ... 'the U.C. W. general meeting is. to be heldDedethber 16. The 'unit expressed their appreciation for the fine leadership given their grOuTi by M -is Wilf,:. Ander- son and Mrs'. E. Wightman, • • .1rs. Alex NlacNay presided •. • for the Christmas program/me • tlie,therne she chose, for the , .worship service:,being,'The Three. • _.,:, • ViseNenT7 •Iff•—,s the Opening Meditation arid': prayer•and.the scripuire 'was .read Curran •: Five. candles' . were lit as five qualitiesof the .. three 'Wiise ,Nien were .noted 1 . The ' • • " • . . DECEMBER llth IS THE LAST DAY FOR -CUSTOM-SLAUGHTERING; UNTIL , JANUARY 6th 1970 • ' . . . . , . . . . . . • . . . PHONE 528-3009 • ...c1111R.CRNEi Cancly, oney:Seitt. To Missions : The Decernber meeting of St Angastirie.C.W.I.,,. was held on Tuesday evening:m the hall: • with.r/ members present.. Cassano Opened. the Meeting with prayer apd,Fr. Bonnici asSisted • Mrs. '1. Hickey,. president,.wa .' • in the Chair. „ cotrespOndence was read:by Mrs. WM.. Redmond..Mrs. J', VanAaken rep.;orteid.on the finan-.• cial staterhefit .'; Mrs C, BOyle • took roll Franker' reporte on pintua or Literature on the ,New Membership to CW.L. was read, but 'be' discussed in the.early,spring ., The CW.L.card parties • Will, begin sOOn after the New Year, The date will be liosted in the paper before the first game, • .. • . The C.W,L., have:ptirRhased• 0 • CastOeks and IQ surpluses forthe; Alter Boys. They will be put, to good use especially with the ChristMas season near at hand, The giVing'Of candy to the - children at Christmas was discus: it was deeidecrby the. Members, to donate this Money to ' the Mitsions..in'Peru, • .1.cfngside .W.M. :LANosi.DENEWS • The Decernber meeting of side Wonien's MisSiona Society was held oh Thursday, afternoon at the. home, Of Mrs. Charlie Tiffin:, Wingharn; Mrs: :Wes "Voting presided.. • For dze devOti3OnSthe-scripture— was read by MI'S. Gordon Wall and,the meditatidn "NO Room" Was given by 'Mrs. Lloyd -Isioffat. ,Mrs . Bob, Bregrnan led:in, prayer . EaCh seeretary'gave her annual repOrt:. ;The 'offering was..taken by Heather Young with offertory prayer by Mrs. Eldon Welsh. • • The Spiritual Talk by Fr, Cassano stressed the importance Of close relationship:between the The Christmas MesSagewas given in dialogue form entitled •ThrFa7itirl-rtire-le" . taking-pa.rt.,were Mrs. :Eldon Welsh, Mrs. Stewart MacGillivrayt Mrs., Wes Young-, ; Mrs, .George Young: • The:roll Call was'answered with a Verse containing the word "give': and a gift exchange., '0,• The meeting closed with -a.' ,. hymn and prayer, ',Mrs.. Tiffin served lunch arid a social time :Was enjoyed, , Priests and thePeople of our Parishes:, -He waspleasedWiththe co-optration he has had already. • A dclitioUt'luneh was served by the hostesses.: The Christmas gifts were distributed and a SoCial hour enjoyed. The next , meeting wifl be in March. • 411415,1m. • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th browse . • e if. an for all the Family • , PHIONE. , CIARISTAVIAS • DRAW • TO BE' MADE `, • DECEMBER 24th . . . • Will *Very. ;2 purchase:. , 1.. Stuffed Peg • ••., 2. rowel: Sit :sox 'tSocOstes k • ' e' Luci(Now wavenbv1r-rrrran- 'Fafth':: by. rs . , Joy by Nits . Thorn, "Y91 -4011r; rs: . • MacDonald and, " Gifts' :by: Mrs Mac1sa y . 'several Ca rbis pertaining t�. the theme were *sting throlighourthe seryiee;:,\Irs. ' • . . speirCe--f-rw-in,are- a -Tea -di erftirled ".Keeping Cirrist.mas. li.4e0,co;t010.,,,•rerna'rk; given• . A nderso;t tly Close of the meeting .: enjoyed a deliciou.4''Pipt.111,.,',. dinner,: • CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 • • • 69 DODGE -4 door, .8, atitomatic, power steering 'and power brakes,. demonstrator . • • 69 ..CHRYSLER. :Newport Convert. ible, power equipped and radio `,. 69 CHRYSLER '4, door hardtop, power steering, brakes. and ',win- dows, with radio, only 7,000 miles •on 69. CHRYSLER 4.door hardtoP, power steering aid:brakes, with . radio , .• • 68 DODGE Monaco 500 Convertible; power steering, brakes,power equipment arid radio . . 67 PLYMOUTH; 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic; power, equipped. and radio 67 DODGE stationwagon, 8 cylinder . 'automittic,'and -tadio 67•• CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop; . power steering and brakes, with ' '67 CHRYSLER 4 door,sedan, power steeling; brakes and windovis 67 DART GT .2 cloor hardtop, 8 cy-. Under, 4 speed transmission and radio , • 66 VALIANT 4 door, 6 automatic with radio ' automatic, power steering, brakes • and radio • 66 CORONET stationwagon, 8 aut- omatic with radio 65 CHV 2 door, 6 automatic 64 PLYMOUTH, 6 automatic 63 FORD, 4 door sedan, 6 standards. 62 DODGE 4 do,or, 8 automatic and radio 62 FORD 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder with radio / TRUCK • 64 DODGE 0500, chassis isn V ca .. •