HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-10, Page 10THE LUCKNOW SENTINIiL, ',LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DOaate Qui!filo., erley Family HACKETT'S UNIT• / The theme of the. rreeting of Hacicetts: unit of Trinity United • Church was "Come and Worship ' Christ •the new. born King" Mrs, Bert Alton, ,as hostessfor themeeting on December 4th with eleven ladies'present. • The meeting was ,opened by: Mrs. ,Donald Hackett with the call to worship, "Unto us a • child.is born and his •narrie 'Shall be called the .Prince of Peace - • followed' by a. hymn and the Lord s Prayer, • Matthew. Chaper 2; :verses 1-12' was'read in unison, Mrs.. Andrew Ritchie read the .rredita tion. "The, visit ,of the, Magi'', and, gave a prayer; ' Mrs, Kenneth Alton gave a .report on .the°meeting at" Benmiller. ' .The rolh call: was: answered by a verse from 'St . Matthew and`the references` . • Mrs ''Kenneth Alton gave the BibTe'St,dy .The .topic .taken' from, chapter••7'of "'Man in.'Life" was, "S.ens.e•or Nonsense" .• Hymn. "Creations Lord" we' give Thee „thanks" .was read in unison: ported on their ,visits . M. Reg. Broome read two readings'. , ' Qne. quilt. is • to,.gd in 'a, bale.to Abe packed next week and each lad) i$ to donate, a bar of soap for the bale ;and one 'quilt is • being donated to a family'ar Amb�'erley ,..,who;:lost their posses,. sions.,.h fire We had a•very'successful..bazaar. Only • a few. articles were left unsold and will be carried over • till.next ,year. It was decided that Hacketts order memorial`plates for anyone` who wishes one. Each .mernber r �t+• 1 Lo,zeintact,,h_e;.L fan l bers.and past members, about buying a plate ' Mrs . Alvin • ergoon e At .U.C.1:W, Mrs , Nicholls "was hostess for UnitJ2' of the Lucknow' U C W , on Tuesday December 2nd.. A good nurriberof members were present: Mrs:.''.Orland 'Richards opened the meeting with a verse .. hymn and prayer Reports froni the several committees were received. Mrs'. Richardss thanked everyone for helping and stated she enjoyed servingthe unitas its ' leader. Miss Ada Webster conducted the devotions with, Mrs. H.. Houston ' and Mrs. ' V, Hunter reading scripture. Mrs. 'S .. Stoth.ers Mrs. J, 'Hunter and. Mrs . C .. I ialla m lit rthe candles, Mrs.. J. Joynt "Sang solo parts and Rev. and Mrs;. Nicholls sang a 'duet, Joy.,, Joy Joy :;.and'Carols were enjoyed by - all. •• Mrs.. H. Houston introduced Mrs, • Lester Ferguson whoas• a :guest brought a timely Christmas message; her ubject,'beng:"lvfy Dreaixa -: a' Right Christmas read- ing a section,on' he Angels' View. • of Christmas... She said .to tave. ;a right Christmas we. sl ould•'make .' room. for • Jesus' in our J ves ;' tell IT' _bring -ou-r gliffts-to..: Jesus and bow: down and 'Worshi P him'. The co'urtesy,remarks'were given by,,;.Mrs.. Richards and,al' prayer by. Rev',,. Nicholls closed the Meeting.' B Ickes U.C. The December meeting of.. Biake's. U C. W'r was: held 'Tues- -day rafternoon , Deeernbe-r-2nd at. the Manse. Mrs, Cliff Kil- patrick was in charge of the. program, and` opened the meeting with a Christmas carol "Away in, a Manger" . Mrs, Wnm Irvin; read the Scripture lesson. ' . The theme for the • program. was "Christ Comes to. us'"in our. Brother" , Christmas stories'which• took place in -the putposts of Canada were read. .• "St, Nick • flies the oil flare trail" was read . by Mrs,. 'Livingston Nletra.ry'and'., 'Edna•Eldorado' by Mrs, 'Russel. Philips. followed by the • singing of one verse of Hark the Herald • Agnels Sing..;The third reader was Mrs. Hummel, her story., "Bachelor Mother" , followed by E the 4th verse of. "Oh Little. .Town. Of 'Bethlehem" . Mrs. Chris Cook the fourth reader, •";The Harbour.: in St.. Anthony" and'all saiig. Silent Night. The: fifth. reader was Mrs. 'Je'rry. Cranston .with "Christrnas'a.t, the Union .Station A' story of a New Canadian ' mother and her two children who had no place, to spend •'Christmas followed by the'si,nging'.o.f "Joy to. the World". The.rall Call Was answered ;by a verse with the. word' "Joy . Twelve members were present., Mrs: .Warren gave ave the results . of the ,Facing,'.RealitY Quiz at ,the Regional .meetin�•at Benmiller which was very 'interesting.: Several items of business were brought up. including a report on. 'the sale of Bla'kes Church memb-, ial +plates which'are now avail- able All...were reminded of the.. bake sale on eecember.10th'at the 'fernier Noble Johnston resta.ur •ant`. The Meeting 'closed .and °' lunch was served by'the hoste s . '. . assiste by Mrs: Warren. Zinn, .' [Presbyteriarr W M S Alton and'Mrs; Donald Hackett are in charge of ordering themin In tal:..Otticers the .spring„ • The Afternoon.Auxihary of the Mrs Alex Hackett lead the Presb terian 'Church 'met in 'the • financial report :for 1969 y ' home•of.Mrs.M, Henderson on December. ;the 3rd A hyn' n: and prayer closed the meeting :.' Lunch was served by the host ess and •assisted. b •M•rs .' Alvin' . Alton..owing to the absence .of Mrs .` Herb Wilkins .• DECORATED HOMES fONiEST TOWN & COUNTRY .,Windows and Ind��r;DeOrati�n's. (AS VLEWED:FROM ;STREET) • 1st PRIZE: $9 00•- 2nd PRIZE' 000 3rd PRIZE..,$4 00 Outdoor Decorafiofls: TOTAL EFFECT TO COUNT 1st PRIZE $12.00 2nd PRIZE S10.0 .- 3rd PRIZE $8.00 ***/ .*******•****,**,************* :;. 7:00 p.m: JUDGING T'O TAKE PLACE DECEMBER 22nd`AFTER (ALL LIGHTS SHOULD BE ON FOR THE WHOLE ' EVENING) COUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO. WVISH THEIR. HOME JUDGED; ' PLEASE ADVISE NORMAN:TAYLOR, LUCKNOW **********tit***-***.******.*'****** SPONSORED ' BY Lucknow District :Horticultural Soc. and Lucknow Branch 309 Can. Legion • Notwithstanding the inclemency;' of the weather the :ladies, turned ;r wAl w tah,• ttenda1?ce Mrs. Ross 1acMillan'very'ably • presided , opening the meeting by all/singing;a hymn.: Thero ran-nne as , iven in the 'Glad riding .to help one'recog nize the. 'magnitude of'God's great Gift .to. the World ' and to lead: one. to praise God for the Gift. was followed' Itiwas` called a "Family Circle at Christmas" and was:very interesting. to; :a11.. Collection and• Birthday money • was paid, As it was the last month of,the year, the reports from the secretaries were taken and'ad'opted: According:to the reports it was felt the auxiliary had.,a: very°' successful''vear, ' The s1aterof:•Officers .for 1970. were installed by Rei' , G . Noble Thee are as., follows; Hon. .Pre§id ents , .\t.iss 1\1': tiicLeod Miss 1nor- othy Douglas;' P'resid•ent Mrs Jas. Smith, 1st V ire. Presrdet)t, MIS.; James Little; 2nd Vice pres- ident ' i s . Nw: Johnston , :3rd • "Fire flresident . \ rs, R: lan Trcastirer, Mrs:. John Adaimms; Stcreta •. Miss. N'..• Nialcolm;' Leader'. Mfta it: Clef—it-1st; Home Helpers Secretary,. \Mrs, • John Adams, i~ri-endship.and $c'rvicc , "rte 11 Nixon •and Mrs.. N'. ifcnderon; Supply SccreStary Mrs, H...Agncw;'Press Secretary, •Mrs . W': Sirrmpson; Lifc• ; lttrtber and Expense. 1rc. ' R. Reid,. Glad LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED • CHURCH. Van Stempvoort, Pastor• Servic.s; 10404,m (Eng2lish . 2 30` p.m. (DutcIFnd ; anc '- 5th Sundays) • - ViSITORS WELCOME' Denominational ' Radio . , Broad.. cast; -The•Back .To. •God Hour every Sunday; CJCS (Stratford;) 2:00 p,m,: MS.' (Owen - Sound). -- 6:00 p.m.,• WEDNESDAY, DNCEMBER '10th, 111: LUCKNOW UNITE ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW. AREA PARISH The Rev: R°. Odendahl. Rector DECEMBER 14th /dlent 3 St. Paul's, Ripley .L-.9":30. a Ascension, • Kinlough • 11 ar St. 'Peters, Lucknow — .1130 p.m. Church; School -.10:15 a.in.. St Pauls, Dungannon 3 pm.. Alternating with . Christ Church, Port Albert Tidings,` Mrs. W. . Porteous; Literature `and Library,' ,.Miss 11:,: McLeod , 'Pianist \liss' \`l.. Ial- -cotm - Social-Coi:nlmn'ittee Henderson. Mrs P. stew ,art ; Mrs. J. Adams-,, sirs: C: 'Steward , Mrs F.. Miller; Auditors:,..'vlrs, Ken. Chester;Mrs: .G Barger ;The roll call' was answered .Revobert�. Minister • DECEMBER 14t1.1 Advsnt 3 . 10! 15 a.m,, .Sunday .:50 )09i ° 11:00 am, h►Iorning Worship WHITE GIFT SUNDAY Sunday_-^School__,presentat m.__ dWig': ' the service 8:00 p.m. Adult Discussion Group POINT TO PONDER The church is like ' a bank; you: cannot :get anything from it un- less you put something into it. Lucknow Presbyterian Church ch Rev. ,lenn' Noble, B.A.; •. B.l Munster Phone 528-2740: ; .DECEMBER lath 10:00 ' a.m. Sunday .School 11 00 a tn:: Morning Service with..each rnernher. repeating <, ,Christmas verse A. hymn *as and the rlostess• was. thati'i;Ld fortes }io,,p taair) , `:ant aIrthc ladies .who .brav ed.the •wcath.er. The meeting closed' w �tti,• Rev, 4;.._. Noble::pronouncin•* the'" benediction ,A dainty 1,un(.}1 was. served. ashion.- A TH WALL LUCKNOW