HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-03, Page 22a'"
$ TI
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-.-�—Otl1t-�1�i•L1.�L.IJP-EN-EVERY - :WF' EAS
PHONE' 528-3118:
urge Smith Is
• BYNiRS.. 'C. Me:CH 4RLES
• he effect 'oft, Industry on Agric-
ulitire. �, is the.. herrhe of the'Huron
Relations is heeded
Each Township •Federation of •
Agriculture can •promote the Fed
information meetings at which
time the Service Membership
• Jack Elliott was appointed
chakman tY�e Huron Towip.
ratepayersof mrleteting: followingnshthe
amination period held at the
"i ownship';Haltin Ripley on
Fridays of last. week. He was • •
appointed chairmanon a' motion
of Elmer Smeltzer and Bob Emer-
First speaker •called on was •
Reece Wxllfarrl R. -Lowry. Mr,
.Lowry•welcomed allfto the Meet-
ing inducting the two ladies who'
Werepresent.•-. He spoke of the
ceasing of dental care by the '•
school system and gave a break4-
down of financial matters in the •
county where he sits representing
his township 'at county council.
He spoke ofmunicipal,-ditches and
the problems that they have •
caused. • They were originally
subsidized by :2/3• of the cost but
with ARDA dropping •out of the
plan, this has now reduced the'.
:subsidy, to 1/3. He said .that the
,subsidy,had been cut off very
quicklyand:.:left local Municipal-
unicipal:ities in a mess. County represent•
ations were made' to ARDA and'
it was agreed that any, drains in
process would be eligible-forthe
full, grant'•' • Mr . Lowry spoke of
bridges•androad work presently
in progress ' in Huron.
Deputy -Reeve Russell Stanley,
who Sits as,,Huron's'' representative
at county council along with the
Reeve, 'noted .an increasing' move
which was taking more and more
of•the'responsibility1of governing •,•
out of the local council's hands.
=Mr ,,Stanley :referred to the recent
• transfer of assessment.offices frorrm,
Bruce- to Grey- County He said.
many.of the new ideas put forth
by, the province. are good but
couldbe explained;::
Many resolutions'have• been
made at small meetings passed
on, to County level and in turn
reached the Government and.
received results arid 'benefits for:
all farmers..
Directors are al1�tirnes' working
for the:farmers and Will be glad • .
to hear of ideas and problems;
Elected to ,office as Directors,'
at' Large were: Tom: Cunningham,
Auburn: George' Smith , „Lucknow
ac to or , owic ; ason,
Bailey 'Blyth; Bob 13enry':Blyth
Bruce .Shapron, Exeter. •
many more are not practical.
He, felt that .a lot ,o,..# the old fas1F
ioned.Aideas were still,'very sound,
Mr. Stanley said that it had
become increasingly hard for the
small municipal councils, to look
after the needs of the peoplei with
the funds that were available.. He
spoke of several factors which ..
were involved in the recent tax
increase:,-4Iflproveniente .10 Iain_- •
cardine Hospital, the cotnrnunity
centre: operation and fire protec-
rotec -
tion, :all of them a.necessity,
according to Mr. Stanley.
Councillor,Elmer Smeltzer
spoke 'of problems at the municip-
al dumpwhich had adopted; ' '
regular open hours on.Saturday
and Tuesday but found people; ~:
dumping garbage . at the gate'. Mr
S seltzer said that calcium on •
the roads in the summer, a neces
sity, caused grading,problerns:
other times of the year and, that .
the'• moist, gravel went to. '' soup'
when'mixed with calcium . Asked
by Elden Lowry -about -oiling they
roads,' Mr. Smeltzer said that
had, been 'investigated but that
the advice, was that it could : not
be used: satisfactorily on -a clay
base::. It requires a sandy base
for successful use:, -.
Councillor;John Ferguson, out
lined a five year program `which
has been set up by council for :
roads, The program is, not ,
finalized and the ;items: mentioned
were 'only proposals, at this time.. .
Councillor. Bob Emerson was
the last member Of the board :
to speak ','Mr. Emerson, said that.
lie Lel he bait -gained•
into the workings of council over :
the past two years and that he had
;enjoyed leis work -:to a .poinr. He'
felt: Huron Was five years behind,
the times in' not paving roads
after they are built up and ready.
He said -that he had expressed
this view in council. He corn-
:mented. that the :township.: had
ten miles of 90 foot roads. ready
for paving and,that anyone who
had bounced along the 12th : and
10th would agree'that with the
money spent to'that point, it,
w.as a .disgrace He, said that the '
road program •over Me next .four.
ye ars . proposed twenty miles of
paving•• and 'he was in agreement
w r.` merlon -sal.
that councilhad been partly
responsible for bridge work, being
t -Faun* da tion -o cult--ur-e. --1:
Annualne,eung: and banquet in
Lor desbo o a• Novenibe r . $t3 . , (ver'
farn)trs County
heard•Dori white, public Relations
0ftice'r .from, Bruce \ucle•arstation;
eapla.in the;.ator.dc energy plant;
Douglas point '
president of the.. Huron ''County
Federation`, Elsner. Hunter told
.. the gathering that the ,Federati'on
a): a w o e nee • e• ances •, an
4��uld and would do" a job for the
.farmers as the one and only Ont-
•.'aria 'Farm Organization if.each'
individual farmer would give
,.support. such; as was: yin evidence
ac the rneeting .
Bob Allan., on' the Ontario
et -a ,t iboa w d 1k its tw a tot bet •
e•Mbers from ' Hitrtir Count •
rias' d90U and Goroor
Hill. . telt that Huron: •Count%
• was, vwe.11 rep, e;enxe i iri a 1r 'mar
i«aard:. If a`lg coun'Hes .were
w0~ionc as was "rilit6ri and Bruce',
would be r1a need to. tuft ie,
g m, the `ri — t 141ernbeisliip set
now' being tried. L.1ut.
The fa:Them. nt:mt i is aware
f what the :Federation is Ooh lot
them atea good te.4 of Wit.
.3. i•.,�LJ.Vw{1,i.�.W
DQ ® 4 door 'automab5.,r
power steering and: power brakes
66 C'IRYSIER Newport Convert.
.ilik, power 'gipped. and radio
67 PLYMOUTH, 2 dor hardtop,
8 automatic_,...
power equipped and
Do G :iitabonwagout,
r'A . 1T„ 4,.d00r;
NTIAC, 2 door hardtop, 8
power steering, brakes
65 CHEV 2• door, 6 automatic
64 , PLYMOUTH, 6 automatic
63 FORD, 4 door sedan, 6 'standard
62 DODGE, 4 door 8 automatic and
D5 , .ch sis and cab
done late in the season and soles_.
tinned Reeve i,owry laying the
blame on contractors:, Mr;
Emerson fethelt: tenders had•not be•.eni
let soon enough, He said that he
was busy at his farming ,work and.
would only consider remaining on
the board 'if there was a change
in the leadership level where he
felt the work of the board was .not;
p_, ay..organized Mr ,'•F.
son way gorrlatedl.for Reeve '
Deputy and. Council, He said
that: he would qualify for Deputy.
if the present Deputy Russell
Stanley ..wa•s , nterested; in the
Reeveship He stated :that•'if. Mr,
Stanley was not interested in the
Reeveship, he .would run for
.Reeye himself,
Russel Needham, a former
Deputy -Reeve and Councillor,
was •called,on and said that if
there .was, an election.,he s; ould:
stand for; Reeve. He suggested
twice a year tax collection as:•
saving a lot'of'money':in interest
• Bert Elliott. the other cot ncil
nominee, expressed his willing
ness-to.serve• if it was the wish''
of the people ._
Some heated discussions on ,
drainage: work came. to the •,floor
at various times. ' Stanley
Blackwellwas very unhappti' abot1
the way some bridge-workha i
been completed; on his: propc:: tl,
and said that despite prone (I o
the engineer, nothing had been
done ;to correct the situation
Some critical words were
fdrth by various ratepayers d,:wi•n•
the afternoon'against• the •engiie
ern •1ed to'do drainage work.
Other `complaints originated•
from .Mrs L White of Point
ark .wljthat cooff n€,
were beingo offefeltred verytta 1£e , le .in
return for",their tax. dollar She.
spoke of improvements • .hoc ;•'.
grading and: gravelling•:woUUJa
William Lowry said, that e:. e��•
thing in,thebeach area•has been.
"balled up'" and. c'our cil:ha\ c be
trying . to straighten it out .
Stanley'Blackwell_ said trLat he
is the:onlyresident in the town-
ship. Who is, being charged a trail
licence for: a trailer horne.locate
ori .his farm He said that he pair
$390 :taxes. on his farm .and ii nol
esse $6Oaa-year. to in
trailer on" hit own farm. Fe aid
that.:he` could have:had .his assess:
meat reduced e of an
emPry`house; on t e farts bit
had never tried •;;•do
'' Dave Moore,, • road supe ten--�
dent,;;gave a detailed 'finarncial�',
breakdown••op 'road. work eY e;
the past two, year period.
Moore agreed with Mr : 'E �e; son .s
theory on paving feeling that-;'
when a road was built ur i
should be paved the • .438 •
year He.felt,that becae of
the sumrnerdust prob3e'- .F,
calciuria will have to be 1w e et
rather than decreased •tu r.rg tot
_gradit' .g_pr blerns ;in, the o si s
• Leonard Courtney, who .epee`
seats 'Ripley and Huron :c+: .ire
Bruce County School Boa ra ,
explainedA to the meeting S'
school, taxes in Huron w:'e' e
He reported on a crou•c€ •o,ndi
tion •at the 'RiPley-Hurp7.chool' '
despite the addition of potable
classroom , K nderga .e;, 44 as .
added' at Ripley this sea:, Indus'
triai.'.Arts and Horne•l:,•c y::�eing
taught at Lucknow,
biassed: ;to the; Luckno* snood,. He
said that the education: r. get in.
Bruce is between. '+ and' r ,,,Xllioa
do11i ,
tacit. Elhor.t was t,air std for
acting as c airman I'y Deputy,
Reeve RimeStanle't