HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-03, Page 21d; 1961
term,. , ...•:..
He will be succeeded for the
next two year "tern by Girvin '
Reed of Dungannon who steps up
from Deputy Reeve to. the Reeve
ship; after serving as: deputy ,for, •
two years 'and a. councillor'for '.
six years,
• The new Deputy Reeve, will be
Eugene Mayne , the senior mem-
bei of, council; who ,has been a
=- co-untilloelor`the-past=five -years
Lorne Cook., :with three..years
• experience as a. councillpr and •
Warren Zinn, with. two years.,:
. were.re-elected to,council The
third 'c'ouncill'or w ill be 'Finlay •
MacponaId , a new man. '
• The only other nominee for any,
of the positions was Russel Irvin
who was proposed 'for councillor
• but Mr. Irvin did not qualify..
Clerk -treasurer. Donald Simpson
received the following nomina'
tions: '
1,d ;box
ed :for
ou are:.•
k. *The •
Girvin Reed'b.y Gordon Boyd
and .Cec'il Blake.
Eugene' Fra y� ne by Earl Drennan •
and Cyril.Austin .
Lorne Cook by Allan Gibson •
and Charles Wilkins.
Finlay. MacDonald by Gordon"
Boyd• and Girvin Reed
Russel Irvin by Chester Hackett
and Charles Wilkins:.
Wa ren intrby Kassel Irvin -acrd.
Chester, Hackett .
Donald 'Simpson clerk-treasur-
ero;f the, township•wasappointed
.,'chairman of the:ratepayers'Meet
ing which followed the .nomination
First to speak was Reeve Gordon
Boyd who'•outlined some Of the
work carried on,in Huron County:
during the past year:. There are
now ' 279 residents at' Huronview ,
'• ,the county home for` the aged , and
eight of. these people .are from •
A'shfield. •The per diem rate at
Huronview. is $71O'!.. '20,000
people visited.the' county' museum
g„,.the-4 ear
with anew curator. appointed for
.the museum and 'also a new,super-
•visor at. Huronview :.. Mr.' Boyd
said• that a large part of the in-
crease ri th cony 'levy was
as a result of the'new' assessment
building in Goderich which, was
a prime 'factor, in the •Huron -Perth
regional assessment office •
locating in Huron , •, He •reported '
338 miles of road'in the county
178.of therm paved The sub
structure' of the, Benmiller bridge.
iscornplete and all this work has
been done by county employees.
$1654-9.9 is4be-.total-.costof_the_
bridge project,-: He; announced
his retirement as ;Reeve and said
for assessment. in the county
had been $13;0Q0 andhad .c imbed
to $197 ,009 under area, assessment'
Plans,. -A . Mill raises ;approximate;
1y $70,0.0. in Huron County. Mr.
eed�•s`ald th'atra petition- snow
before 'county council to ban hunt-
ing other than: by local residents.
He asked for opinions onu this, mat-'
ter.. He reported•on.a; visit to the
Canadian Forces, Base at Clinton
and of.the plans presently being
carried outto transfer this base
'from Canadian Forces to civilian;
in the next 'few years. He felt a..
it °offered -a great potential foi a
college or some 'such civilian
development. He also spoke of`
future bridge , work in, the town .
Equgene '•Frayne .•"a member of
council who will be taking thea.
Deputy-Reeve;s chair in :January,''
also expressed his regrets in seeing
Gordon Boyd retire from public •
service as did most .all other.
speakers of the'afternoon. Mr.
Frayne, spoke.,of hiring a road sup-
erintendent Joe ,Maclntyre , after'.
the .death of. Richard West. He
felt that Mr.' 'Maclntyre 'was doing
a commendable job. Mr: Frayne,
spoke .of the purchase of the new '
,grader in the •township,and. said
he would like to see the day when
the. township would .purchase a
third used grader .to 'be used in
snow removal work which presents
some problems at ,which presents
spoke of matters of concern in,•the
,township: which would haveto be.
'dealt with,. drain work lagging
badly , ',irnproper use of the'dumps,
and•the P Y .
ossibilit of: a new... ,
Method :o f' dumping being *trod-.
uced under: overnment Control
which would result fn the spend -
ing of •a sizeable 'amount of
_pony . the im f
warble.'fly methods •Speaking:of
. e project, of
the,Lucknow, ar na p o� ; .,
'.which Mr, Fra' ne was'a commit-.
tee member., he said' that be • felt
the strengthening' costs: Of the
buildinghad•run close to estimate
-end-that-the-expenditure-of an.
extra $15.000 from the original.
plans had' given' ,a building twice. .'
as good as, what. was' originally-.
discussed: He • s p oke' of an excel-,
lent building committee many
of whorn had spent. Considerable Of
their own time on the project.
• "People should appreciatethe
work done :by these•,men , com
rnented Mi. 'Frayne . He expres _ •
sed'.hisShope for ice by the'end.'of
he ear possibly sooner 'He
urged those people with ,proble.m s'
and cornplaints to .come to`the
council 'rbeeting'and:not to him
mittee being.forrned which would
include representation from' Ash
-field and of a future recreation
sornmittee which is. in theplan-
ming stages and which would
iirclwie r-epresentativ.es' from
all municipalities.. He:said that.
the ratepayers, of Ashfield .can he
proud that they have taken part
in this community project which,.
will be there, for years'to come.
'Councillor Warren Zinn said
that he had found his. two years on.
council very, interesting., He
gave a detailed breakdown on
costs on.roawd'work which liad Been
completed through the year . Mr,
Zinn spoke of his work looking
after township Welfare -and stated :
that Ashfield `had one of the ••low
est welfare' expenditures on record
Heurged those present.. to, bring.
forth, any, matters which concerned
therm so that they could be fully.
discussed at the nomination meet-
Finlay MacDonald,' who was.
nominated for council , said that
he had'nd experience but, if.the
meeting •saw fit to elect him , he
would do his best.
'Russel Irvin; the only other
•nominee., Was the last speaker
and expressed some' interest in'
the office of council but felt he ,
Might be• accused of causing' an
g ,.$
election if he decided •to' let his
name stand Mr. Irvin felt a
more.extensive' andg.
tougher her weed
program, was required In' the town-
ship': He also felt that 'thepresent,
warble ''fly system doesn't..
appear' to be adequate and he felt
that. steps- should be taken in. this
Joe lvlaclntyre: the new' road.
suerintendent:.said that:he appre-
ciated the'help of.council, clerk
provement; o : and.•the clerk's le/ ife,.in assistin.'
him�m .the early part of his work
for the township,. He said that he
felt a township shed was }a neces
sity'in the future a nd:referred:to'
rnen recently working out in the'
cold and wet to service and main-
tain _snow equipment and other`—
township machinery He paid
tribute to the work of the late
Dick West .as road superintendent
and referred'' to the many people
he had -met since taking over ;the
Councillor Lorne Cook the
second. member of the' Ashfield
Councilon the Lucknow• arena ,
.committee , • gave a detailed
breakdown on figures in connec .
trop with the project. He said,the
originate:proposal had been• for a
$15 009 investment in strengthen-
ing the old building and a
$33',,000 expenditure in the addi-
tion and' improving facilities
This was to be `split 50 % for
Lueknow ,' 25 % for each of.
-s`h.fiekLand Kinloss Ceok
: lt:iat he-hail-errjoyecl-the-yea-rs--in:-=-
rimunrcipa'1 service .and thanked
. council and ratepayers .for their
co. -operation
Girvin Reed, the present, Deputy=
Reeve and the• future::Reeve for
1970--h1, said that'he. had enjoyed '
Working with Mr. Boyd and meth -
bees Of council, as well as
previous boards since he commen-
ced his murticipal service. He
reported a budget in:Huron County
of $4,`2b1,000 tor the year an
impressed on those present the
amount of planning which,is re -
auired by the county to handle
stich an amount of money. H'e
reported ,that the previous budget
said that the conimittee-.had
later', decided that the most
practical plan was to buildan
addition at the west end;,
extend the ice surface 9 feet and
remove the old seats pouring a •
cement slab. ' This .increased
the overall project to $62,000'
with the basic cost of strengthen,-"
,ing' the building remaining the
same. He referred to, the com-
omiplete breakdown of figures,as:
eing pu rs eove m er
26,Sentinel. He said that it: is •
diff ieilIt io keep within a budget
on •a project of this size and with
the present day cost of.construc-.
tion.. He spoke of an arena,com=
Guaranteed Trust Certificates
372 Bay Street, Toronto, 364-7495 Also Barrie and O'rillia;
position; both locally and at a
distance . who spoke well of 'Mr •
West and his work.
Donald :Simpson , clerk-treasur
'err spoke' of variousaspects of ,
township work He' said, the 'tax
roll. was ,nowthree times what it
Was when he first took over •as
• .
clerk-; He gave a-brealddown of
tax -rates a'nd' information on the
.tax form
:Mrs Warren (Marian)' Zinn .
Ashfield's representative on the
Huron County School Bb.ard re
ported' on school. business. She. '
said that public ineetings' would .be.
held inFebruary or: March where
ratepayers .will, be ,welcome and •
where.a full financial ;statement
not av*ilable at '.this time, will
be presented.: She .reported that
he-- --rad-rented-offiees4 -- -
�e e . re 'deuce'. in •
the •fo� r suis s s s
Clinton, for $2500 per year feeling.
ttiat•:this was more' satisfactory
than .an expedinire of :$200 ;to.
000: foi alt administration
building . • Mrs Zinn' said that the
bud et.in'Huron ,for Pu
is .She $
reported that the b ardhad
brAiriated insurance in the
c uht : and by tendering,,the`
o y
insurance expenditure ' had dropped
from 02,000 to "$22.000. She
said that there need not be a lack".
of communication between •'
parents and the board , She •ur .ged
Ashfield• and West. Wawanosh res
idents to call or meet with 'her at .
any time if Problems arise. She
said 'that the board had an
interesting and educational year
but not without problems
Wilfred Hackett and Lloyd'.Robb
both: expressed their interest in
seeing theminutes of 'the council
meetings published in the ,press
•Cecil Blake felt that: sometimes •:
the minutes gave wrong impres-
sions and•that a; motion might.
often be the : result of an hour's
discussion on the 'matter.
'Gordon: Boyd said that the
council had beencap proached'•
about passing a' S'unday.Sport
bylaw by members: of the rodeo
grdup who, have "oranized a ,'club
at the'Dun'- annon. Fairgrounds
He asked for opinions. Several ,,"
affirmative Opinions were expres-
x ressed and one negative
Subdivision control,. drains/
roads, snow all received 'a fair
amount of discussion before the"
meeting 'adjourned .
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