HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-12-03, Page 11WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER. .3rd, i" THE LUCKNOW $ENTINEI.,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO e A.t UGKNO' Baptismal Service: =Ashfield-Churcl LOCHALSH NEWS BY SHIRLEY J..'KELLER Murray Gaunt, .MPP for Huron;- Bruce visited;-Huron-county— counciL'Friday aftenoon•and field ed'some, rather sticky questions a m.t from councillors Through it all, Gaunt maintained he was expres•- sing 'strictly:personalviews'' and was not toeing . any: party line . He told council the official , • plan for•;the 'county' is a '"good idea” 'He also eased council's Mind with the news that in his opinion,regional government is . •t�leas�e -ht� �arse.a�w this part of the province': • "County.school boards have;' given the government second thoughts , he said.: He did pre - dictt at w_ en,regionaFovern-:• • • ment did come the swing would be to regional `school boards `He expressed some , concern at • the-"continue.dpressure towards; centralization":He said farms. and: businesses were getting • "bigger and fewer"' and govern- nd • ments are' getting "bigger and bigger:, "When the little . mangets the woad•. f lirrethat l harto-do--i•s •• [our", ' foot the bill, then I think we are in real trouble' said Gaunt tford) ,• Owen • Wilmer Hardy, Colborne, asked Gaunt whether or not the county ,..should be interested in a county welfare system'. Gaunt told oseph's council e system would likely i Sun " rove more. expensive and mem- i? p F rear't E bers of. couficil ;would have to • follow• , decide whether the improved, i s :quality of service would justify • of the extratax dollars. • Look well before you •lea p, pet , . was Gaunt's advice:. [Miry In-the-mattgr,otaisessitent, ._. ti Gaunt advised council all asses- merit will eventually be;done On the basis, of current market value,'; ,what a will'ing•purchaser would give to a willing seller.' He predicted a substantial shift .y of taxload to .private homes and, Farm Regional Meeting At Ripley= s'-' Last Friday'was. a bigday in Ripley with Huron Township nom' &nations in the• afternoon and: a Regional Farmers meeting at night, Stewart Farrell Welcomed people from the neighbouring townships, as well as from Huron Township. Guest speaker Was ;, Gordon Hill, 'newly elected president ,of the -Ontario --Fede, tion of Agriculture".: This' was • the first area group he had addres- sed.' ddressed.' ,He had formerly. been assoc iated with the: ; Farmers; Union but, felt the name is not th'e• important thing, but•the',people and• what they do,is important. We never • get anywhere wrangling. • Farmers', have power if they wish to use Bringing unity to farm ,groups is n�t easy but very necessary. Some of the meansof bettering :farmers' • position were 1. 'direct memberships. A •group is working.; on this and. many problems to be solved along this line.. Some Counties are already collecting $20• direct'memberships; arid can'tkeep up'to the.demand:. In Great. Britain , u90 % of farmers pay directly and voluntarily but - do: sobecause of special services they, feel they can't afford to be without. ' 2'.: Farmers have been 011 PAGE ELEVEN too polite and haven't .expressed. themselves well .: Government does not treat farmer's fairly. ;A recent example was cutting • seven rrillion•from Hog Producers and ten million. from Dairy .Prod- ucers•supposedly to control • inflation and„everything else rising'. 3, There will be many . adjustments and farmers .need to.. have a well -thought out program of their own. ._ Some,farmers have low incomes but would not do better in ` n' urban society. May- be too many farms in Canada but every year hundreds of acres are cleared to make more farms. :'4. We need to seek m ore markets ' and produce things in:• short supply ' such as corn and not what is already in . surplus. ' Some form .;of supply, management is .necessary. . L• A' question period was conduced and' Mr:: Hill answered all uestions `fairly and well Margar- ': et Mackay and the Rock sisters delighted everyone 'with their music; 'Lunch was; served in the cafeteria • Sunday was baptismal, day at Ashfield Presbyterian Church when the infant daughter of •Mr and: Mrs. Donald Simpson was •^ baptized -Christina -Heather • Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie. spent the week -end -in Flint ,' Michigan: Congratulations are in order for Finlay MacDonald, who was • nominated to'serve,on the Ashfield ,Township Council for the ,coming year. Mrs.' Emile MacLennan was a' guest at the wedding of her niece at Atwood recently: t-eeent visitors in -Sarnia wee` Mr, and .Mrs'. Ewan MacLean: Many of the fanners in they area.have been harvesting corn and beans during the past. week.. • Finlay •MacDonald' of Chatham' spent. the .week-endat the 'Dan. MacDonald home Mrs Thomas'MacDonald is visiting her daughters in Lucknow and recently celebrated her 86th birthday: Mrs.' Frank MacLennan visited' in London with Mr MacLennan, who is a . patient irk hospital. there, having undergone surgery; rien's o rs. :ea ric .1515 • w. ill'be:sorry to learn she is a patient•in hospital: Mrs: Don Ainsley and daughter of Toronto Spent the week -end ' with Mrs Frank MacLennan The baby daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Colin Howes is a patient in hospital' in London'. 11 fauns • because it will be easier to put :real, value on private holdings than on business. 'Hnmes and farms.: are. sold .._ every day ," he noted. "I , think there are going to,be some real problems, The government has 'Said that in five years you can have the ,assessing back. .f suggest to you that in five years you wont want it back." ' . `-` Retirement Pensions: payable at 65 11970.the:Retirement Pension.as ewill' f be reduced from 66 to 65. IF you.'are 65 ...., if you've been contributing to the.. Canada 'Pension Plan,and if -you've retired from regular emplov;ment, contact your` Canada Pension. Plan Office now... If ou will be 65 in. 1970 et in touch with. yoUr Canada, PensionPlan Office three months before your•.biirthday..The people'there will you ou Fill out the ' pp starts your' pension " a Iicdtion form that cheques coming. They'll explain how your .pension is ..Worked out and` when you becomeeligible..YoulI get. ;all the answers to questions'about your retirement 'pension. Payment 'is. ' not. automatic, You must apply. The: address of Your nearest Canada Pension Pion • Office is,;listed.below..• [Your nearest Canada Pension Plan "Office is +�, is �uLl...ii � _�1► Vii' ' .icy„ Disability -Pensions payable for the first time Disability pensions Fay contributors' to the Canada Pension ;Plari'will become available in. ,1970.:for those who•`have contributed ,for 5 ';years.. Generally, person is considered to be disabled; if he has' a physical, or mental' disability` at 's so severe and 'likel 'to :con in e so .long, that he cannot get steady, work: Benefits will also be available for a,. clisabled–contribu otar's–depe ` • dren The Canada Pension Planalso may provide: rehabiilitation measures where - Practical'. Eligibility for' a pension wilt'' be based on an assessment' of pan appli- cant's medical condition. If you think you.. might be.eligible fora Disability Pension contact your nearest Canada Pension Plan Office. The address is listed below. • 220 King Street E. ;. Kitchener, Ontario. ' 576-5750 • .. ISSUED BY/THE .TtIE .OF NATIONAL,H�EALTH' AND WELFARE; THE HONOURABLE JOHN MUNRO, MINISTER • fir► ala. V ; =ak