HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 20•THE. LUCKNOW ;SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, .19 bio , deposit necessary SHOP, NOW WHILE, THE,: THE, SELECTION- IS GOOD - - --ter_- �csm SPECIAL • FROM, NOW UNTIL:, SATURDAY,. DECEMBER, 6 ALL CHRISTMAS, GIFTS. • ' `WRAPPED FREE UPON ,REQUEST or Your. Shgpping Convenience Our OPEN HOURS IM OPEN ALL:. DAY THURSDAYS N DECEMBER BEFORE -CHRISTMAS (December 4, 11, 18) PEN EVERY-FRIDAYSNIGHT—I DECEMBER BEFORE 'CHRISTMAS (December 5',12, 19). OPEN OCOUR JUGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS (December'• 19,'20, 22, 23) CLOSED CHRISTMAS; E • Ladies' and MIn's,. West 1 AGENT FOR 'KINCARDINE CLEANER -Pick=up and Delivery Tuesday and Fri Surprise Pa 45th Anniversa YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND. THAT'. village'employees ; .Cliff. Crawford and Bill.' Ross put some "new life" into the main, street •on Monday by the installation of red and yellow bulbs in the, Christmas lighting .standards which were erected 'permanently"' a few years:. ago., The: colour combination sets off the lighting in; a much more •impressive• fashion.; THAT some furnace and;roof fixing has been and will be car- ' ried out at district schools by the Bruce.County Board of education. Partial correction measures of furnaces, have been taken.at LucknowPublic, School and Ripley District High School;:, •Complete corrective measures will• follow according. to availa • bility;of•funds., Twelve roofs. • were inspected. Minor repairs will he carried. out this Fall at Lucknow Public $chool , • Pine, River Central,'• Kinloss, Central School., • Major repairs:or; replacement; will be required, in 1970 at Ripley High School -MAT Mrs.. Thomas Salkeld and ':Mrs. James McNaughton, mem bers-of the--ue-know ,Women` s • .institute, recently took the:: • course •"Accessories for the home-. The two' ladies are now leaders of a;'similarl•course which is being held for local ladies on Friday evenings. The: opening: night last week. attracted :fifteen • wornen THAT ;.Lucknow Lions Club :held .. their: first annual wine' and cheese party on Friday night:,at; the Lucknow Legion Hall: Ont. • ario's .Dairy Princess was present .Those in attendance sampled a wide Variety ,of wines and cheeses. On' Saturday evening, November 22nd neighbours called at the ' home` of Jim and Eileen Nesbitt , 2nd concession of Huron Town h'p :: to honour them on the occa sion of'theit 45th wedding miniver- ' sary. . . They were married Noven ' be r --19th ; 1924 Twenty -;five. neighbours enjoyed. progressive; euchre and an enjoy-:. able evening together. They.. were presented with a lovely ' gossip .bench•,. Mrs`. Calvin Hen- ' derson read the address, and the .gift was.presented by Mrs: John. • Ennnierton, Mrs, Melville, Henry and Mrs: 'Norval. Nesbitt.' Jim and Eileen made, a very • wonderful evening they held for theta. A delicicius lunch was • :4crved to ail, Mrs. Saris Nesbitt., Llieli tow. Mrs. Jennie l3rotct ie , Kincardine and •t"(r. and Mrs hrotchic , Georgetown lks .tttritdcd the happy. occasion • REAVIE'-'to Mr. and Mrs: 'Stuart Reavie of Lucknow , on Saturday:.. November 22', in Wingham and District Hospital, a son, Brian. Stuart. • Married. Pk1ffsifllrC1wrth STEWART NOBt.LEN, A quiet wedding took placiat. Plattsville United; Church on;Satur- day, Noverriber 22; Rev, Harold Pilsen united in marriage. Margaret Ellen Snobelen , daughter of Mr•.; and Mrs,. Sari Moore„ Blenheim and 'Arthur. jarnesStewart, son of Mr.•and • pts -Stewart of Blenheim,' Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jenner',, Merlin were the attendants. Fol- lowing dinner at the Rress Motor Hotel, Preston., the couple left for a honeymoon in Florida. When they return they will reside • at'R. R. 4 Blenheim':, THAT in addition to hours men- tioned in last week's issue ; Lucknow Business' places will conimence.Friday night opening on Friday; December 5th and will also be open on the 1201,1, and 19th.of.December:', 'THAT a corrected version.of ' Huron Township nomination; ad in this week's issue lists the ro r votinghours and,la .P Peplaces in ; the. event of an election. THAT nineteen ladies took advan tage of the• ourse 'Fashion Cues; for You ,`which: was held on Novamber-21st ;--in-the--Lucknow Town Hall'. . Miss Sandra John- ston, ohn-Ston, with the Home Economics Branch Toronto .conducted the course, 'which was under the sponsorship of the Lucknow" • Women's Institute - THAT Mr..- and Mrs. John Robb of,. R.: R. 1 •Holyrood moved Monday of this week:to their Outram, Street home in Lucknow , recent ly.vacated by Mrs. Phil Smith.' THAT in line•with the editorial comment in this week's; issue , we notice where Elderslie Town- ship nomination, near Chesley, attracted one ratepayer besides 'the council andthe press. LIBBY'S`.14 OZ. Red Ktdney' Beans LI.BBY'S' 19 Oz. Choice Sliced Beets SUPREME 16. OZ. Peanut--= Butter HIGHLAND. PRIDE. M,M,M. GOOD! Coffee, Freshly Ground CANADA' CHOICE,21 •OZ matins ' On :Sate SUPREME Rich Fruit. SAVE 1.7c Tins: 69c SAVE 10c ins 35c SAVE 13c Jars.,115c__ EXCLUllc S,VE•.i. POUND';: SAVE ,1Sc 89c REP EAT:'OF-SELLOU 2 POUND. SLAB 9c RF EN -ALL .DAY. THURSDAY 9 A.M. TO 6-P M ****•••••• •••••• VALUES EFFECTIVE. NOVEMBER 27, 2A, '29 PHONE " LUCKNOW • 528-3420 THAT Mgrs; 'Olive .Smithof'Luc•k ...now moved into her newly ;con- .structed•lome,'on Havelock,' .. Street.North a' week ago Saturday. lre :t,as beem'reSiding tri e'•Rob home on'Outrarn Street 2:11 Mrd'. Harvey Ritchie and Mrs. Warren Zinn spent two days' last •week' at Toronto, attending the Royal Winter Fair, The ladies are leaders in Girl's 4-H Club,work.' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Best of Toronto visited on Saturday with Mr.•and.Mrs: 'John.Gardner and,: Mr.. and Mrs: Wm. G. Hunter., Donna Ritchie., of London spent "` the i nd-rh ., • Mrs. Charles Wilkins held a • Stanle Home Products demonatra-, tiom at her home on Thursday evening with a goodattendance of ladies. Torn Hein drove his car and was accompanied by Mrs. Frank • Ritchie to Londonon fridav to bring Frank Ritchie home to ;pen the week -end. The stormy weather and snowy roads nude Mrs... Allan;Gibson'enterta.ihed with a Tupper Ware Party on. TO day evening. Zion U.C.W. ladies, held a successful' bazaar sari -in -Luc -14V on Saturday 'The regular U.C. W.' meeting being held this . Thursdak (to -day at the home ,of Mrs W C Hunter. The High School students are., busy,writfng exams this_week,• Mr, and `.Mrs : Oliver 'McCharl of Lochalsh visited on Friday evening with Mr: and Mrs. Pete Mrs. Lorna Clipperton of Lonc visited'Mr, and Mrs.: Pett r (ool and Mrs Sam 'Reid last week.=e► On Supday., lvir. 'and Mrs, Lorne Cook, Mrs, Charles McDoirald' Mr:. and Mrs.: Wm. liu'rr.riirey� were'visitors at the same. iio.Ile. FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTACT' HARRIS STUDIO, KINCARDINE IAN MALCO1VisoN PHONE 396.279[;