HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 19WEDNESDAY
Waiter Breckles of Kinlough
was parried '..chairman of the.
Kinloss Township nomination'
meeting Friday' following the rec-
.. o .. y clerk-
-treasurer, _ Fraser �MacKinnon.
• Walter's. appointment; was made
.on, a motion. of Leo Murray and:
•Wil'1jarn Haldenby.
First to be called on at the meet•
ing was, Kinloss Township. Reeve'
William Evans who spoke on work
done ,within Bruce County ' : '
Council where,, he represented the
Township .of Kinloss,.. • Gateway,
Haven, the county home for the.
:aged' at Wiarton,, was opened this
-:year ata cost of $1,200,000., Mr.
Evans said that •the• county commit
-tee ,, of which he was a member',
• decided to pay for the building in
ten years rather than twenty and
y mg .
,b so desaved $68., 006, in
interest charges. °He. spoke of the.
facilities provided, for the aged of:
_the county. If a , resident has any
assets in excess of $5,00, he or
she must pay toward. their •
expenses in the:,county. home.. If
they have $500 or less the county
will absorb°.the' cost of their stay:
He spoke on the ;county :welfare
plan'and statedthat they would
gogas hi h..as. $390 :on,a. funeral
with 50 ojo recoverable. Reeve
'...Evans said that the :county - weed
inspectorhad reported that Kinloss.
had done no spraying > but• a ;g,
� ood .
job in .cuttingweeds: in the town
road; running north from Lucknow
to :Kinloss," Mf:' Evans stated that
county ' road engineer.'.Eldon Yundt
had painted a rosey picture of
. .
,the :Hi hway•.s stem.;in the county.
g . Y Y:.
Mr Evans ppointed out the fact .he
. had told Mr. Yundt that thea`pur-
hase.. of'.the Highway building'in •
Lucknow had'n. ed;
ot. a assisted ihe,..
county s y stem in that; it is not ,
ositioned proerly for effective
service to the county road'prograrn
program. Mr. Evans feels the
headquarters building should be
further north, Mr Evans has,
been'Kinioss Reeve for three years
and a councillor for six prior'to
that. r
Leo Murray , a councillor ' for -the
past three•years.,,was the second;
to speak . '` He explained .that,•
the'township had set up a four-
year road. program at the recom-
mendation. of the• Department of
Highways and that within this
four year period; all=t.ownship
roads should be vastly improved
He felt that the new grader had'
been an asset this year with the '•
second!grader grad'er . beimgused as an
.g ..
auxiliary machine .and snow plow.
He s .oke,.of the a g reement with.
.Lucknow and Ashfield, on ;the
construction and repair. of the - .
Lucknow arena with:e,net cost of
$9234 to.'Kinloss.. Mr. MurraYy °
stated. that with a. fiveear .deben-
ture '. it won't hurt,-ati o !e; -too
�' Y.
much. He said;.that work on the
project had a lagged. at •tithes but .
withcouple .of .weeks good*
weather, it'.shouki.be closed in
Hees 'oke' of ado�'�tin i:three year.
P P 8
term. this: year to•�coincide'with
the' school ;board election and
nomination and felt that three
'ears was.' referrable to one to
accomplish townshi 'business
• Orville Elliott, a' colrncillor
.for the. past.•five years,; said that:.
-u--had-been-a busy Surnmef with
roads•, drains and the`I•, cknow
arena project keeping council '
busymost of the time.„ Orville
:spoke of the paving of station
street ;'north of the .CNR in,. Luck-.
.now, and felt that this was' money
well' spent.' He said that 70 To of
thea cost of this work was paid for
byp e the' .rovinc Mr :`''Elliott felt
more work. of'this .tyP
e would cute
down future maintenance on the•.
road system. He stated that .
14,.000 yards of gravel had: been
put on the 'roads• at 97 0 with the
gravel stockpiled at 65 0.' He
said that he had not been enthused
abourbwnin trio:graders in the . T`
township, +but, in view of tfie trade=
in allowed on the•old,;one; felt it,
money well spent to :keep ' a. second
machjne•'for auxiliary service and'
snow removal. ••• •
Duncan Campbell, a Member
,of the Kinloss Township. Council
for three years, said that if
Council, had made mistakes during
their term. in office, it was be
cause they were: trying to do
something . He: said..thatihe mill
rate had been lowered slightly in
the township.and would -compen-
sate for increased school .and
county rates. Mr, Campbell. said
that it was- difficult -to- hold -.the
tax rate with so much needed in,
the•township.' He said that the ,
gravel put on in the past two
years was -double that -of a -few
years ago. He spoke 'of the
correction of :spine snow problem'
areas with some; success. Duncan
,.spoke :of' his experienceas' the
township representative on' the
Saugeen Valley 'Conservation
Authority and of his hopes in the,
near future .to have some type of
conservation area established
around the lakes in'the north of ''
the township,•
E y was the , Haldenb
last: m_eti -ler orcounciLio-s ear,._.
been a' G uncil
Mz... Haldentiy has. ... .
for for; the past five. years. • He
said; that in sitting with. Reeves
PEvans; MurrayY •� A Muria' and William ans,
he had attenipted•;to:familiarize
himself with'the workings:.of
.e el .. a.drx
councfH: f It it was thepit
of a councillor:toy meet and , talk
r h.
township:�affai s with a many ny ,• .
ratepayers.a's possible. This, 'he
said; he had `endeavoured to do
i4 •for 89c
fresh .bread; _�
Mr;. Hald�enby said that he had
become farniliar with, the road
system of the township by tray- •
ening 'it. frequently;:: Hespoke of
area assessment and the proposed
transfer of headquarters. from Bruce
to Grey, Coun'ties: He stated that
he. was.pleased .with the progress.
and accomplishments with: the
Lucknow. arena project and; looked
forward to ,further discussions re-
garding. an area recreation .council
which would benefit the. township .
He hoped the future would see
development of the lake area at
the north of the.township and felt::'
Alfie -new recreation -committee
might play. a part in: this.
Chairman. Walter Breckles stated
that the meeting missed the pres-
ence of two, former. tnunicipai
servants, P. A :. Murray and. Rich
and Elliott , who were unable to be
'present at the nomination meet;-
ing and who seldom missed 'such
Meetings, over the,:years
' Barry Johnston , a nominee for
council spoke briefly expressing ....
his interest 'in the ,position: Barry
is ;president -of theLKinloss-Ee
ation"of ,agriculture and spoke on.
„their work.; He said he Was inter-
ested':in the establishmentof an
area recreation council and
getting the,,young people . of Kin
loss, involved in"recreational
• activit1ei as: mach -ass -possible-.-----
`Grant 'Eckenswiller , • the. other
nominee' for council said that. he
would. consider serving. in the
council position . .
Road superintendent . Frank
Schumacher spoke to the group
giving a detailed outline of 'the
road program in the township . '
Considerable ,discussion follow-
ollow-ed regarding the dust problem in.
the summer which'was'worsened in.
;in: some areas by• the 'hauling
of gravel from Kinloss pits to
area townships. Mr Schumacher:
said that they realize that this is
a major problem 'but, finding a
p g
,solution has been .just as ;much .,a . .
problem. He questioned, that he
shoild treat `any parts of the town-
ship better than other's in regard
-to;dust control. He said thatthe
problem:' wasmade worse this year
by Plate a 'plication of the gravel''
'by the contractors and.that no:
calcium. could be applied until '
the gravel Was.spread .
Discussion centred around ap-
proaching,area townships ; receiv-
ing the gravel, to see, :if definite
routes for trucks cannot be estab-.
fished.and to see if those' municip-'
alities;.receiving ,the gravel might
assist with an added dust control
grogram along the roads that are :
being travelled by she. gravel °
: George Haldenb drain
inspector for,'. the township, 'spoke
of his work and some of the,
problems involved . • He said; that
drain -specifications -are
established by theengi hed
ls : and
that.. any' questions; by farmers, as
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