HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 15IRV • h, `1969! ouimik WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER. 26th, 1969 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOWONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN GLEN N OLSON from 1968 'CHEV. IMPALA two -door hardtop - Lovely .. turquoise and black finish. V-8, 3 -speed; automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, tinted windshield and whitewalls. Just turned 20,000 .Miles. Factory 'warranty retraining. Lic. 3461 K. s2695 OM irk `• UR 1 67 BUICK ELECTRA 225 Custom two -door hardtop ,'-- Power steering, • power brakes, power windows, power vent windows, power' Seat, power aerial, power trunk, AM/FM radio, full . automatic : air conditioning, 'full tinted glass, trumpet • horn, ,vinyl roof, vinyl interior with notch • back front seat, cornering ,;amps Excellently rriairitairled' sine new:,' Lic . H8721 -4: -An -$13 -000 -car for !ply • • • 1966 VAUXHALL ,SUPER VICTOR 101 four -door sedan A: lovely warm pompois, green'., Driven only 17.,000 •miles:Ideal 'second car,. rea You r'w f -T r`lr P014 —IAC- STRA-TO HIEF four-aoor .. sedan — Finished' in beautiful Sandalwood ,...: tan. This it an economical six cylinder with standard tra issi iv-Dtivetvonly 3;000`miles Also features whitewalls, chrome discs and heavy duty suspension. Lic. 41229. $1195 On Thursday ,. November 13, '1969 on 4th Concession, Goderich Township south of #13 County =Roa-d=;--�etaa.d-t�.r-►�tar�e=.-�:Rt-.� R Goderich was involved ina single car accident resulting.,in $400.00 damage to. the vehicle.•. Vanstone and •passenger;,. Ralph Gillis, 160 St.. David ,Street , Goderich rec- eived ec-eived injuries, • • On Friday, November 14,' 1969' on #25 County. Roadwest of. #8 County Road, Hendrikus°.Hendricks. R. R.,3 Goderich was ,involvedin a single'car accident resulting in '$'500.00, .damage to his vehicle 'On:Friday, November •14,• 1969 CM #4 Highway' east of Clinton , Alan Emmerson McKim, Ross Street; Lucknow a.nd• Charles Garry Little., R. R. 1;Seaforth• were involved •in, a car -truck' accid ent .resulting in an approximate total damage of $425 O0 to the vehie-les•. - • • On Saturday , November' 15 1969 on #25 County Road east of • #22 County Road, :John,Hallarn, R. R • 1Auburn was , involved in .a single truck accident resulting.. in $500.00 damage. to'the Vehicle. • On Sunday November 16 , 1969 'on 13th';: Concession , Hullet. Town ship east of #4 Highway,. Woble• Bylsm'a , R. .R. "1.; 'Blyth and Wil- Liam Little , Londesboro were in volved, in a;. two car accident tesultinx.in an approximate: total d.a'rnage or$90. 0 ,, o the • vehiclesr On. Sunday., November 16 1969, on •4.th'.Concession , Goderich ,Township south `of. # 8. Highway , >, Barbara Collings, Queen .Street.; -Blyth -was: invoI-ved-in-a=si.ng1e. --.- car accident resui'ting in' $25:0.; OQ damage to•the'vehicle she was drivin g On Wednesday', Novernber 19, 1969 on #12 County Road south of #3 County Road_, John, Braid Box 29, Dashwood was involved in a: single car ,accident resulting in $200.00 damage,to the vehicle he was driving.' ' On Saturdays, November 22,, :1.969 on. # 4 Hisijway south . f #3 County , .William Hen- derson, R. R. 3 Kippers• was involved .in'a single car accident. resulting in $500..00 damage to 'his vclricle On friday; November; 21, .1960 on #1 County Road .south of #86 Highway, Gary Koyle, R R. 5' Lucknow , .Ontario'was:involved- '. in a single car accident: G. S. FERRIS • Provincial Constable. • c PONTIAC u.nt .'s 2 -Volume and Service' Car peeler Est, 1929 'GODE.R ICH 524-839/1'. • INCARDINE' CHOICE PIT RUN GRAVEL. EM CRUSHED GRAVEL SAND, STONE AND FILL HAULAGE pg�i..Oniarionann, Constable. Whitelaw,; Poor driving conditions on'Npv ember 15 , 1969 resulted ,in -two accidents involving utility poles. Harold Sweet of Inverhuron, Ont. was the driver. of a vehicle which struck a telephone pole on #15 County Road just. west. of Tiverton. A vehicle, driven by Robert Greer of Lucknow Ont..struck a hydro ,pole •in the Village. of Luck-- noUr Provincial Constable •Ed McPahilinvestigated both accid- ents, •A .two :car accident in Lucknow on. November 18, 1969. was invest-. igated by Provincial Constable `" " •Ken.Culver. Dri'ver'of one . 'vehicle was John Byrick'of Strat fcztd . The .second .vehicle which' was parked, was owned by Allan Gardner of R R 2 Lucknow On November 1,.8:, 1969', Provin- cial Constable Jim' Poland'invest- igated, a two car accident on ##21' Highway south of:North Bruce Involved were vehicles drven by William Tessier of Port Elgin, 'Ont. and 'John;Bricker, of R. R. 2 Port Elgin ,,,Ontario! Mr. Bruce "MacKinnon, of R, 'R. 1 Tiverton: received minor injuries -when the vehicle he was driving•struck a tree on#21 High- way north. of Kincardine., The 'accident .occurred on November ' 19, 196.9 and was investigated by'.. Provincial Constable Culver. On November 20, 1969 a. vehicle driven by W. •Howad of Lucknow . Ont. struck..a . brid ge 'in' the Village of Lucknow:.• Damage to the, vehicle was extensive,. Provincial 'Constable. Whitelaw • -investigated; . Provincial Constable Andy Burgess`investigateda one car accident on #86; .Highway east • of Lucknow on overnber ,23;,19-69. The vehicle involved , was driven by Harry Bakker:of Wingharn , Ont. Ther, ere no .injuries and 'damage -to the vehicle was light.' E •N. .McPHAIL,. Provincial Constable. • 1,; ,. S' On November, 11, 1969.Grace,. Parker of R. R. 5 ,Kincardine , .Ont. was: -involved -in -;-,ane ca -r --accident on the . 7th Concession of Kincar;. dine. Mrs. Parker ;suffered minor injuries.. Provincial Constable' Larry ;Whitelaw investigated'. Also on November 11,' 1969; Kerry Farrell of R. R. 2 Ripley: was involved in a one, car accid = ent, There 'were: no injuries. Provincial Constable Whitelaw`' investigated . • A third accident, on November 11, '1969' resulted in very ;minor damage to vehicle owned' by Wittich.'s i3read and Frank Morgan of R. •'R. 1 Lucknow, This accid ent •took place in Lucknow and was investigated .by Provincial COLOP 36%'DA•RI-FLO SUPPLEMENT BEEF CO-OP 36% AND e8% BEEF GAINER. SUPPLEMENT EDL • BOOKING ENDS: NOVEMBER •29th on , all; 'CO-OP .:dairy ani suppleanents, ee • Phone. 528-212, •