HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 101 Bf•' 1141CI*0EI,;:ONTARIO aks..Cfri AMBERLEY NEWS Pine' River united Church: held their annual • turkey dinner on- Thur? day evening November twentieth, After grace by . Rey. , John Hill a bountiful dinner was served*to one hundred and. sixty; Followingthe dinner, Rep, J-.. • • Hill presided for. a short Program. • Kathy Irwin entertained with .. instrunyental numbers and accom panied Peter Waiden,and Larry' lrw iin who sang a ,number of songs:, "Mr. DC.I.n Pletch , Missionary • from Africa how hon•Ie-on furlough, showed interesting slides of the ' country and gave informative • ''commentary. of Africa; -On behalf -Of -the congregation—7 • Leonard Courtney thanked Mr.: .Pletch and presented him with•'a • gift for which Mr. Pletch expres sed his appreoiation, The meet- !; ing' closed with prayer ,by •Rev. • John Hill, • , rg Kinku9hMMS EiectOffkers KINLOUGH NEWS The Kinlough• Presbyterian Women's Missionary .Society''met at the home of Mrs Stewart Mac- Donald .• Mrs; Don usbefl led in. prayer and roll call was An Armis- tice Thought; .• Mrs;..' Don Robertsongave the report of the Sectional meeting.. Miss Winnifred. Percy gave devo- tions on "Prayer" • The following. officers were elected: President;, Mrs. Frank . Maulden; .lst vice;' Mrs: -Glen • Halde.n'by,2nd_vice _Mrs _Don_ • Robertson Secretary,; Mrs. George Harkness; ,Assistant; Mrs,' Don Reid Treasurer ,:Mrs.. ''Jack Barr ' Assistant ,- Miss- Winnifred: Percy; Pianist', Mrs. Jack• Barr; Assistant, . Mrs. Glen Haldenby; Glad Tidings: Mrs° .:Gordon MacDonald; Wel come and Welfare,. Mrs Don Bushell; Supply, Mrs; Tom Mac Donald and' Mrs; bon IvlcEwan; .. ' Bath fragrances to scent you to soften you ...Nr even to wash you: ,. Baths.will•. never be the same,: Neither will. your skin,. PERFORMING :PERFUMES FOR, THE': BATH 8th, Foam Ratti Lotion --: Bubbles that wash-in beautiful skin. >t oz. 8330 Poo Gee— Softness . w 4 as. $$3.7S Ink Foam Bath There's real milk in .5 'oz. $4.73 . —imm Oil y- S11� `ote to: craft n Beery naked inch of .you:.4 oz.'$3.75 des, even on the soles of `your' 4 oz. $3.7s Body Cologne` est -- Bring back the soft sweet , memory of your bath. Vive le Bain ' — . Long Live • ' the Bath! '3 ox. $4.75. Fragrance Veil To finish iyodr, bath with 'moisture. 4 oz $4.25: Body Cologne', Powder• A dusting of, sofiness that stays with you. 7 .oz. $3.75 SBUL(ON New York London=.I'sriis ter PHONE 525:311/ C osiinetics Free Film* i Ci PIan The fifovember rtieeting of<the Ttttclinnwr-Prisbyteriait-Evening---.7 Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs, Cameron MacDonald with; 25..ladies present. Mrs., Jack. MacDonald, who was in charge of the meeting,' opened with Call to worship, followed by a sing- song:. The Lord's: Prayer was repeated in unison Mrs." Gordon Barger read 'the scripture .based on John-17-and--gave-an-interesting • Meditation. ' The topic was given by Mrs. Bill 'Rost ,, from the Study•book,. "New Acts in. Mis- sions" dealing; with the chapter' "Where'do•People Learn"'.' A, hymn_ was, sung. • • Roll call. was. answered with'' a • verse from the Bible containing :. the word' ."Pence". Miss' Maudie Fisher and Mrs Virden Mowbray volunteerecl to act as the noMinating:committee for' the coming year;, The meeting came: to a close. with a' hymn and the Benediction repeated by all. Lunch was served by the Committee in charge.: Literature. and Library, Mrs. Stew • art ,MacDonald; Student Secret ary, , Mrs. Lyman 'Sutton -The Program convener Mb: George 'Harkness ' gave the Study book "Preparing" and.'two contests "Do• you know"? and "Books of the. Bible" ; A reading Count your blessings was given by 'Mrs. Don Robertson; ,Prayer closed the meeting.' ' Mrs. Tom .MacDon- ald thanked the' hostess and lunch was; served., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER. 36fh,• 1969 fi"► Church Services LUCKN! UNITED. CI Rev: Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister NOVEMBER' 30411, 10*00 a.m: Sunday, School; 11:00 : a.m., Morning: Service POINT TO.PONDER' measured ' in: T'he• Church. IS not, . .. greatness, bythe beauty of it's architecture or the ability F of it's ministry,: but by .the people who live. truly and :serve: faith fully..that, for ' which it stands. .John Bunyan Lucknow b 'don hurcl ANGLICAN CHURCH UCKNOW L .. ' AREA. PARISH The Rev. R. Odendabi. Rector ' NOVEMBER 31,h:. .Advo 1 St, Poul:'.s, Ripley 9;30 a.m. Ascension, Hinlough 11, a.m, St, Peters Lucknow.— 1:30 .m: Church School 10:15 a.m.- St. .m.St. Pauls, Dungannon "—... 3 pan„ Alternating: with Chris: Church, Port Abort Rev: Glenn•: Noble, B.A., B D: Minister` Phone 528-2740 NOVEMBER.. Communion Sunday 9°45' a:m• Sunday School. 11.00 .a.m. 'Morning Service•: challenge before it in the 20th century. Bruce Pres erg of the United y� Church of Canada met in Trinity Church, Hanover• on Tuesday November 18, -1969' The Rev,.- Ray H McColl of Waterloo Ont, .. 'President of the Hamilton Conference of the. United Church.: addressed.the, Presbytery`: ' H0 stated several concerns as' : President' of Confer • - ence':• One was Area.Pla:nning., Ira). Con ferences•, of the! United Church should work together on problems of Church F�xtension, • Social .Welfare and Housing': Rev. McCollusing the script- are cript-are passage where Jesus:. changed water into wine;, said that the, miracle today' is the power of Christ to'cthan'ge:-hien .. Man) in :the Churc.t :today. seem. to.'have .• lost sight of this, 'There are' those. who sad" that the hnstitutional Church will be gone in five or' ten .years, `that` the' Church• must . die.:., Some_say that, we should get rid ,9f the Church and start over again. But, said. Mr McColl, w places. of meeting•4or-oshi-p-and administration to carry out Mis sion Would be needed again.. Many hark back to the good .old days .The' New Testament Church..the da.Ns••of the-Reform- ation he"°Reform ation or of John Wesley , or of the late 19th.,century , but.these are all gone;. The past. is dead. God pr has set us free for the, esent The' President said we must.' dare to believe'that the best wine is` saver until now . that the Institu It was reportedly—Rev E. S Leaker of the Board1.9f Publica tions.of Toronto; that the "People's` Book." which is•to com= lenient' the new' Service Bbok has • •been approved by the General Council and-maybeavatlable_byt Christmas time.; The Blue Water Film Federa- tion which for many years has distributed religious films and film stripsis to continue. The new'secretary; in charge of film. distribution will be .Rev'. Tom McKinney of Teeswater, 'Ont. effective Jan. 1, 1970. The 'recent. Moderator's''Raly. . w 'ic was e in fl a e on attracted about 67.0 people An .. Offering of over $480 was sent `to Dr McClure to be put in the • World Relief Fund-of:the Tinit.ed.:::: ;tion,,, which to `so 'many is a'source of dissatisfa+etion can also be a challenge. W:e' nust proclaim "one' 'Lord Jesus Christ that we are His and He "is ours. 'Only this can the Church meet the. ,WCKNOYN CHRISTIAN REFORMED ::•CHURCH. J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor 'S.rvies 10:00 aim., (English) .2:30 p.m.: (Dutch 2nd.and: `5th. Sundays)' VISITORS WELCOME Denominational .' Radio Broad - Cast, "The Back To God Hour", every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2!00' p.m.; CFOS• (Owen Sound) 6:00 p.m. Weekend Planned BY Congregation 'T 'his•weelekhighlight for the • Dungannon Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses will be a Hec1<- end at Goderich." ', , said Ralph -Brodie presidi ►g ninister:- Dort); :two members .of.the cong.regati.on: have accepted ,an invitation to attend the 'Right` Kind, of Minis' assembly�� . We. will. be arnon:. several hundred: ministers fro';:! a:r' area bordered by'. Collingwood .'- Wiarton "Goderich, Winghan' and Mount Forest," :lie said A ° 'Powley;•; district superviso`r;of Jehovah:'s. .Witnesses', .is at present in Goderich.�'making ;final arrange- • : tsor t - -in Be- •tht�r directing, the activities• during the three -day conference" he .will Speak to the^public Sunday"'. 'on the subject ' True Worship Versus.: 'The False , • •:• • THE Recniest the_pleasure of your'company!th MuicE,I,R EXERcIsES OF THE Qa� choo t'o be • Litf IDAY, Audii as 'eight fifteen ce odr