HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 6n„ Ift ONTAft1. ONTARIO ;. ` DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL. ' ' AFFAIRS,,,,,,.AFFAIRS ' 01 Bay..Straet -- Torono 5, Ont. • 801 Bay StrNt ,... Toronto .5, Ont. 1.UC101011 ' *is .IMi51~,: LUCKNOW; ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1969' sive, Lots 30 to37, both in- elusive,, and the unsubdivided parts of Lots 38 and' 39, in. Concession III, Westof ' the Bury Road; • (4) Lot 1, the . 'unsubdividea parts -of -Lots : 2-and-3;,uts-4---•-�- to 26, both inclusive, the un - subdivided parts of Lots 27, A and B, and. Lots C, D, E, F' both inclusive and Lots 35. to 39, both inclusive, .in. Cones-: • sion IV, West ' of the 'Bury • Road; (5) The unsubdivided.part of Lot -3, ;Lots 4' to 24, both ndu- sive, and the unsubdivided f Lo -_�ncessisn . , • -•-�--pmt-o t-25�-uI • ORDER MADE: BY THE MINISTER • UNDRR"THE ,PLANNING ACT in- thi Tawns 1 _ ALL lands a Township- or lands hip�of* St, Edmunds, in the'County of t ° Lsndaay, . in' the County . of ; : 'Bruce; more � particularly ,des-: Bruce,. more particularly des- allied' in We Scehdule are cribed in the. Schedule, are. des des- ignated as areas.. of subdivision, ' ignated as' areas 14 subdivision control under clause: b '' of .sub control under clause'b of sub-: section ,1 of ' section 27 of• • the :section 1 of section 27 of the • Act. 'Dated at Toronto this .' Dated` at Toronto this seventh .day: of .November, 1969 �....�.�.. day .. November, 1969 W. DARCY MCKEOUGH, "• W. DARCY McKEOUGH Minister of Munleipal Affairs' : 'Minister of Municipal Affairs' • ORDER MADEERBY THE MINIST:' UNDER -THE PLANNING ACT SCHEDULE • SCHEDULE ALL ' .AND SINGULAR those- - Al4D SINGULAR those certainparcels or tracts of land certain'. pare or tracts of land. and premises situate; lying and and premises situate, lying and • being in the Township of Lindsay, being in the Township •of St._ Edi in the .County of Bruce,jafd being • munds in the County of Bruce, composed of -and, being composed of: .' Ei RI it dSC • (a) *Lots „East of, the Bury Road (A) Lots 'East of •Bury Road more particularly described . . more particularly' described as follavrs�. y-._ as follows::- (1), Lots 1 to .23, both inclu- (1) Lots 1 to 50, both mein - sive, the • unsubdivided ; parts . sive, m Concession I; ' of Lots 24 and ' 25, and Lots 26 (2) . Lots 1 to . 31, both inclu- to 39, both .inclusive in Con- sive, the unsubdivided parts cession 1y:. of Lots 32 and 33, and Lots 34 (2) Lots 1 to 23, both inclu to 50;- both inclusive, in Con sive;, the ' unsubdivided: part :. cession 'II; of Lot 24, and Lots 26 to : (3) Lots 1 to 48, both inclu /' . inclusive,in Con ion. sive, in Concession III. both, cess 11, ' • (4) Lots 1; to' 43,- both inclu= , sive,in Concession IV; (3) Lots.- 1 to 23, both facia- sive,: the unsubdivided parts (5) Lots 1 ,to 37, both indu-. of Lots 24 and 25, . and Lots 26 / ' sive, in Concession V^,: in(6) Lots, 1. to 16 ' both. inclu- ° •. ' to 41, both inclusive Con ::' , cession III; • sive, the unsubdivided parts -of-Dots='17-gat 3 nchI5otfi '.' Los' Y -to- 42 both nc u- sive, in Concession PV; (5) 'hots -1 to 43, both inclu- sive, in Concession V, (6)* Lots 1: to '44,both: inclu sive, it Concessin Vi;• '. (7)' :Lots' .1 to 45; both iftclu- ve; •iu. Concession (8)'.:Lots 2 to 20, both inelu sive, the unsubdivided . parts:: • of Lots 21, 22 and •' 2A,' and .Lot's 24. -to 46 both'; inclusive' in. Concession► VIII; (9,) Lots 5• to . 21; both inclu- Sive; Lots' 30;: 31 anti 32, 'the unsubdivided :-,parts .Of Lots 33 and 34,,. and Lots 35 to 47, both • inclusive, in, Concession IX (10) Lot 35, :the- unsubdiv ided pares ofLots 36 and 37, • and Lots' 38 to 48, both 'iac.Iu- I1 eSSr20 • (11) •, Lot 37, the =subdivid- ed part of Lot 38; andLots 39 to 49, both `inclusive, In Con- 12), Lots 38-W5071-11).11 is sive: in Concession Krt, C13) Lots 39 :to 5I.,. botn indu!. ,sive, in Concession x1Lt; ('14) Lots 40:•to 51., both inclu-' ., sive;, in Concession. XIV; (15) ' gots* t.o. 51, both elusive, in ,to XV ; (1.6) -Lots' 41' to 50. both:' • in cltzsive,' d in Cones. ,ioii 7 I; (1;). Lots 43 to 47 ' both . elusive, in. Concession XVII; tit • to. 34, . both inclusive, .'in Con- cession VI, • (7)Lots 1 to 16, both. inclu sive; the unsubdivided part ppf. Lot 17, and Lots 18 to SO, both inclusive, in Concession VII;•:' (8) Lots • 1, to 24, both; Wein- sive, ei sive, in `:Concession VIII;. (9.) Lots 1 to 17,. both'' inclu- , sive in °Concession IX,: (10) ' Lots I to 14, both' inclu.- • sive, in : Concession X; .•'• (11)'Lots ' .1 to 11, both ,inclu- • sive, in :Concession ' XI; • (12) ' Lots 1 to 9,'both 'indu-' sive, in Concession XII; (13) Lots. 1 to: 8, both' inclu- sive;. in Concession (14) •Lots. 1 to 5, `'both: inclu- sive,••in Concession'' XIV,; From UCKNOW -fI�IT1 - • �. • • • • • • as follows': - .• (1) ' Lots' 1 'to 51, both inclu sive, in Concession I (2)• Lots 1' to 29, both: inclu- sive, "the ' unsubdivided parts of Lots 30, 31 and 32, Lots 33 •to 51, both inclusive, in Con-. cession'II, :.., • • • (3) ' Lots • 1' to 30, both inch",: sive, Lot 33;'the unsubdivided. part of ,Lot 34, Lot 35, the. un-. .subdividedof Lots, 36 to •39 both waive, Lots .'4R to' 55, '' both -inclusive; -the =- subdivided part of Lot, 56, : and. • Lot 57, in Concession III; (4) LotS 1 to 28, y bothinch sive; . the .unsu vided, , parts Of 'Lots. 34, 35; 36, ,39 .and 40, . Lots 41 to 59,: both inclusive, in. Concession IV ' (5) tots ,1 to 20, both inclu- sive,' nclu- .. sive, ' the 'unsubdivided. . parts of 'Lots 21 to 25, both inclu- sive, Lot 26, the Unsubdivid ed part of Lot '27;' Lot 41; the unsubdivided parts of ' Lots'. 43. and 44,` and Lots 45' .tO; 60, both . inclusive, in Concession V (6) • Lots 1. to 13, 'both indu- sive;: the ` unsubdivided' parts cif=!Lots 1 to= '. • ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL ' AFFAIRS: 801:• Bay Street Toronto 5,, Ont. ORDER MADE BY THE. MINISTER • UNDER THE PLANNING ACT !CII lands-iri he -ewnshin-., Eastnor, in' the County of.. !Bruce,. more particularly 'des- 'cribed•• in the Schedule, are designated as areas of sub- division ° ub-division' control under clause b of subsection 1 of section 27 of the . Act: Dated: 'at Toronto this: seventh day ,of November, 1969 'W. DARCY''"McKEOU'GR, Minister of Municipal Affairs • SCiI DULE ALL AND ` SINGULAR, ' those certain parcels or .tracts- of • land. and premises situate, lying `and. 'being' in the Township of Eastnor,. in . the County of Bruce, and be-. -ung composed of: ; •(A)' Lots 'East, of' •Bury: Road more particularly described as -follows (r) LOts�lTto. '41,' batt ndu sive, •in Concession I, East .of Bury Road; ‘'.(2) ' Lots 1 to 42, . both indu sive, ;in Concession II, East'. of : • Bury Road; . / (3)• Lots •1 to 42 both. nclu- '; sive; • in Concession III, East of the Bury Road; • (4) Lots' .1' to 43; both inclu sive, in Concession TV, . East of the Bury. Road; (5)' ' Lots 1 to •24, . both inclu- sive,; the West halves of each of tots '25,: 26, . 27, 28 : and 29, -xnclu- ' anitA9,-nce'saio • East . of Bury Road. (6) The• unsubdivided. part • of Lot:' 31, :Lot ' 32 =sub- . sub= ' ;divided parts; of Lots • 33. and .' 34; Lot- 35, the .unsubdivided parts of Lots 36, 37, 38 and 39, ,and . Lots 40 'to 44, both "inch• ,sive, in . Cogcessi rrV, : K of the Buffy Road;., `(7) .Lots:1 •to 24 both'`indu- sive,' the. ,East • halves of . 'each, of • Lots 25 and 26;, the : unsub- divided part of the East half of Toot' 27, the unsubdivided part. of Lot 30, . ' Lot31, the sive, and Lots 49. to 60, both. inclusive, in Concession , VI; (7) : Lots 1' to 8,: both indu sive; Lots :12 and 13, the un-. subdivided part of Lot •14, and Lots'' 51 52 -'and 53, in Cone In u- sion VII, (8)Lots " 1 to 5, 6othu►clu- sive, in' Concession VIII -'he 61 islands ' bearing the • 8 followin names . or numbers: as recorded in: ' the Registry Office: Abstracts in . the °Reg-.. istry Office for the Registry Division . of . the, ` County of Bruce ' at Walkerton, Ontario namely; 1;2;3; 4; 5; 5A; ,6; .1'; 8 9; 10; 11;. 12;13;°14;• 15; ° 16 ate_- . 26; esnes eesti • 80 < � (B) Lots West -or -the Bury Roa more particularly described (9) Lots 1 to 10, both inclu- sive, in Concession IX; V, West of the Bury Road; (6) The unsubdivided parts •of Lott 1 and 2, Lots43 and 4, f the .' .unsubc ivided . parts of Lots 5, 6,.,7' and:: 8, ..Lots 9 to.. 18, both ineliisive and Lots 21 and 22, in Concession VI,, West of. the Bury Road; . . (7) . , The unsubdivided part of - Lot 1, Lot 2, Lots 8 to 11, both inclusive, and Lots 13 to 18, both inclusive, in .Coates sion VII,; West of ' the Bury Road;: •('8) Swan Lake.. (C),. The. 42 islands . bearing' the following names or numbers. . as recorded :in the , Registry .Office Abstracts in the Reg-: stry-T-Office: for -the--Raegistry'- Division of the'' County' • . Bruce at Walkerton,. Ontarioof :namely ` 51; 51A; 51B; 51C - -51D.; -51E; ', 52. 53; .54; 54A; 55; 56; 56A; 56B; 57•; .57A;, :578; 57e; 59; 59A; 59B; 59C;'60; 61;.62 62A : 63; 63�Ai; 64; '65;' 65'A;' 65B; 66, 6"7:;:..68; 69; '69A; ''70; 70A; 70B;, 70C.. ' • :NOTE. It. is important to. note ' that this Order may, ,affect . the validity of , ' anyfuture agreement for the sale . , of land' and the validity. of: a deed, mortgage or lease, and it is _rec (=Mended • that advice be .sought ure-euteking• tfansachon. • It should also. be . noted: that the '.regulations relating to. land and bindings . in this . Order may not be ;the. only .regulations apple cable' , in the area, covered,by he 'Order... Prior to developing . land or er- g-bui!dings;;----consideration: .: 'must •-be .given'to these and .other regulations and procedures. 'that, may be .established by The .De - pertinent of Municipal Affairs, or. such other departments,' as High- ways, Health, Lands: and Forests, • and'Tour sin and Information. and Lots 40 to 44, both innlw. sive in Concession W, East of the Bury Road; . (8) Lots 1 to 1St' both inclu- • sive, the unsubdivided 'parts both inclusive, the tmsub- diyided part of Lot 28 and cession vg, East, of the Bicy 25; 8 land B,; Island e; Isliind D; Rtunp Wand; Big and (c) 17 islands bearing the following numbers as • record- ed in the Registry Office Ab-,. :tr4ets in the Registry Office. for the Registry Division of ! the County of )3ruce. at •Walk- erton'„ Ontario namely; - . (b) Lots west of the Bury Road ' more particularly described inclusive. in ConcessiOn I; • 'sive, COncession II; sive in Concession III; (4) Lots 1 to 34, both inciu- sive, in Concession IV; Sive, in Concession. V; sive„ in 'ConcessiOn VI: ' sive:, the unsubdivid0 part of Loc21, and Lots 22 to 31, both inclusive.. in Concession V114, • • NoTi Little Otter Island, Cove Is-. land; Devil Island; 'Doctor Is; land;, .rfcho Island; Flower Pot Island; HarbOur, Island; . Middle (or Phicky) Wand; Rabbit Island;' TUrning. Is- Ianci;„ White. Rock •Island;. land; Small IslandIi. 'West of Lot 45, Concesaloil V, West of Bury Road; , Unamed 'Island It' islrilnortant to .note_that._ Order MeV...effect the validity of of land and the .validity• of a deed; ,mortgage or lease .and it isec- otninended that' advice be 'sought before entering into any spell It should `else,. be no* that the regulations relating to land and buildings, in this Order may net be the Only regulations vippliCtible in the arei coVered by the. Order, Prior to developing land. or er- eating buildings, consider:r roblations end procedures that may be established by The De- partznent of Municipal' Affairs, or siich other departments as. nigh - .ways; Health, Lands and poregoi and Tourism 'end Inforinatkai4 • ''it ris-Important:tainote4hat this., Order. may affect the validity of any 'future agreement for the sale of ,land arid the validity' of a deed, mortgage or lenge and It is rec-,• =mended that advice be' songht It ,should also'be noted that the regulations relating to land and buildings in this Order may not he the only regulations applicable in the area, covered by the Order.' Prior to .cleVelo *land or er- eCting buildings, consideration must be giver to these. an. o " regulations and procedures that ,' may. be established by The- De- nartment 'of Municipal Affairs. or 'Such other departments at High- • Ways, Retfith, Lands and Forests, and Tourism and Information. f sive, the =subdivided part of , Lot 17, and Lots 21 to 30,. • both inclusive, in Concession VIII,'East of the Bury Road; , , sive, sind Lots 23 to. 31, both inclusive, ill' Concession, TK, East of the Bury Road; • (11) Lots 1 to A.5; both inclu-, ESTABLISHED - 190c sive and 'Lots 24 •to 28 tooth HOWARD AGWEIN .writing paper and 'envelopes,large variety to . c.hoose from,. see rnOr AGENCY East. of the BLitt Road', ' sive, in Concession XII, East of 'the Bury' Bond; sive, in Concession lall,-Eest of the Btiry' Road;" (B.) Loti- West of the Bury 'Road; • More. particularly ,described at 'fol.lows; sive, Concession West -the Bury ittiad; . sive, in Concession II, West GUARANTEED TitIST CERTIFICATES .COURT 'CLERK COVNIT OF BRUCE