HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 4. PA OUR THE ,LUC.KNOWSENTMN$LAL'UCKNO 4., ONTARIO •WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th ,1N • rfarffif ......,.1 • • K1 11.1.1-141.145t- 5..........; 1• AO' r to o EAVESTROUGIIING on house or barn. Metal flashings. Roof 're- pairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free es- timates: ' Morrison Bros., 528-.2546. : HOUSE FOR ..:SALE -Ross St,• Lucknow, 3 bedrooms,. ' .4 piece bath upstairs, , living. room, sun porch, kitchen, - built in;.cupboards,. • utility room forced air furnace.. Apply . to 1. Albert Gammie; - phone 31.04. . . READ : - Western Ontario. Sports every week, • BERG ,STABLE EQUIPMENT, Contact Lloyd :.Johnston,..R.R. 3 .lIolyrood, phone ..395-5390. JUMBO PLAYING CARDS available from :the Lucknow Sent- inel at $1.19 per ' deck, .If poor eyesight prevents you,from enjoy ing card_game, .these cardswith large numbers and illustrations. ,mayle just what you need; FOR SALE -- two oil stoves In good condition, .:one '. Duo -Therm. with fan and one Quaker, pipes in- cluded. Frank Alton; R.R. 7 Luck now,, ; phone :529-7218. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday and Thursday -.Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday in by 1 p.m., I L'S MEAT MARKT: BE L DEAD STOZIC •Fresh ' 'dead cows over 1,0011 pounds, $12:00 each; dead horses, $20.00 each .,over 500 pounds .ac cording to size : , ; LORENZ REMOVAL` DURHAM Cali Collect 369-2410 ADDING MACHINES :. In stock are two: models; . ; hand operated Victor with .add . and sub- tract and other feature's, $100; el- ectrically operated ,Commodore with all' :features, .5135: Seethem both at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. FOR SALE :two 'Jersey heifers, due in January.:. Phone' 529-7555 PEN: SPECIALS - "buy.la .Bic 49c pen an -d -get 'w Brr. pen FREE; buy a. Paper Mate $L95 pen:' ai.c get a Tempo nylon tip marking pen. . value 59c,' FREE; The Lucknow ,Sentinel; '; Phone 528- CASHIER•CHECKER, *-�+ •1••1.' ° t0F/($ IMM011 p ...YM. • O 70 : NM9 $ P 1 Ok 11,M '41"1 l W 44 III CtERIC11C• ACC, .. � W. .1 111 M�. �.}.1. V.v.! +.. q .-r��-,; .. !• COMET , WELDERS (180 and 390 amp.) compressions,, grinders, fer- tilizer. augers, powerbin, cleaners, rods ana accessories.. George Mes- senger,, es- sen ger.,, area representative; R.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395.2815. Smith Roles . Ltd., London, Satkatoon. Try Comet before you buy.. RUST.' CRAFT • boxed' . Christmas cards are now• on display. at Fin- lay Decorators, Lucknow. VACUUM CLEANERS • Sales and Service, for all makes,' R. . K. • • Peck, • . Varna,: Phope 262- 5748. t. FOR SALE used Electrohome humidifier, 7 room home •. size. Greer- T.Y. and Electric, -phone 528-3112. `t FOR SALE -,- •18 ; cu. ft; chest freezer '. with new, control. Greer T.V. And, Electric, phone 528-$11-2: MOBILE HOMES THINKING:OF ;A MOBILE HOME OR RECREATIONAL' :'VEHICLE Many • makes' and models to choose from..•For a: better deal,; drop us :a line or ,telephone • RUSTON ".:.` MOBILE HOMES ::LTD: 547 PLAINS RD., EAST BURL.INGTON` Ttr:(Cod* *10 '63'1-8400 F ING EVENTS NOTICE FOR SALE - Sebago potatoes. Mrs. C, 'Weatherhead, Lucknow, phone 528-3829; . DEAD, ELMS are dangerous! Let us remove them and- other trees safely: Also tree pruning` and cus- tom sawing. Call Roy's Tree :Ser- vice at Teeswater 3926069..• BOXED ' STATIONERY - for Christmas giving, boxes and box- es of stationery,' all . styles and prices, fiave just -•arrived for Christmas gift giving. You are welcome to . have a ' look. The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE = pony colt, , about five months old, Wellington Web- ster; Amberley, phone-7395-5257.--7- FOR' hone. 395-5257; 7 FOR SALE working *horse, $125. Contact; Bruno: Grodde, R.R. 3 Holyrood'. FOR SALE : - oil space, heater, 58;000 " B.T U:, automatic electric ignition, used only : • 4 months, 5125.00 Or best offer. Reasonfor selling, ; now have: furnace; Childs pedal sports car with lights, good condition, 515.00; large size' spring horse; $12.00. Jack, McGuire, R. 5 Lucknow; phone. 395-2827. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS: just bring „in the negative we'll do the rest, colouror black, and white. The Lucknow Sentinel HEY( 'CASH BINGO.. . Legion • HaU, ' Lucknow, Thurs. day., • 8:45 p.m. .15 ;regular , games, $10:00 each. 4 Share The Wealth games; • with' jackpot' •included ...in each.•game: Jackpot; this week $90 on 58 calls. '•ANNUALV'MEETING Bruce County Soil and Crop Im- provement . Association Annual Meeting in Formosa ' Community Centre ..on - Wednesday, December 31d;. 1969. .• SHOOT .PARTY A .Shoot Party will beheld in the St. Helen's: Hall : on Wednesday,. December 3rd. Lunch will be sery ed;, Note_ han e' of dale. BRIDGE PARTY The Ladies Legion Auxiliary will hold a Bridge..: Party on Thursday, Novemlfer-27th at -'2;00 p.m. sharp; in . the' ` Legion, Hall, Lucknow. Everybody .welcome, .Each ' Aux. iliary ;member td'bring ` cards and squares. LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT `PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT •'. •'The Primary and: Junior Grades of• the, Lucknow and District Public Schoot will present their Concert in the school, auditorium on Friday, Deceinber 5th at 8 p.m. /. FEDERATION MEETING BRIAN RINTOUL:' LICENSED AUCTIONEER rWHITECHURCH PHONE . 357-2349 FOR.:: SALE used 21" Philips console. T.V. ' in good-- condition: Greer •T.V. : :and Electric, phone S'E'PTIC T.ANKS. GLEANED Vacuum' cleaning: and (pumnping of • Septic . tanks, Ronald' Forster, Lucknow, ; phone 526-2346, mane- facturer, of cement septic' tanks ' and well tile. ;PRINTED ` STATIONERY : both writing paper and envelopes large ' • variety to choose from, . see our. sample catalogue, ideal for Christ- •mas. The Lucknow • Septinel FOR _ , rop '`al Hereford' and Holstein. Alex ' Far''-: rish, R.R. 7 Lucknow; : phone 529- 1 II $ 1 528-3112.,: FOR; SALE;`- :used 3piece cheater-. field, • stove and frig..:" Jack Swan, Ripley,: phone 395-2936.. • 1 1I CHRISTMAS CARDS -,our stock of boxed Christmas cards will have something to your , liking, •dropin. and make your., selection, a wide variety of designs and prices, The Lucknow Sentinel. DUMOtT T' SALES and SERVICE,'' windows, doors, awnings, sidings; 'For free estimate call Roy Emberiin, your. local dealer. ' YARN CLEARANCES Spinrite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY AND SALES STORE IN LIST,bWEL,: ONTARIO '. 29.1-3951 V 6 PERMANENT ANTI -FREEZE at1tb ' ... Special 'low price of . $2.29 PER GALLON LUCKNOW ' DISTRICT. CO-OP PAINT --ALE BRIGHTEN';UP .YOUR. ROOM. WITH i en '.X Pert . •Polyurethane Varnish ' Poly�r • BUY 'A, GALLON AND • GET A / PAINT' BRUSH. FREE. POLLOCK ELECTRIC RIPLEY 3`95.2982 SILO AND ROOF' EXTENSIONS • : Anyone wishing . to have eaten- sions,'on their silos or roofs, please call or write. This cap be done .now. George Wraith, Box 95, Goderich.' 'hones ,Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511. THE LUCKNOW : SENTINEL ' is for sale at Mel Stanley's Supertest in Lucknow. Pick, up an extra copy from . Mel. ' . PHONE SYMES' BROS. for: crush- ed grave'cemen ,grave , • - ) I OA: ve Ile I . �,.., ,... �.. • ryW�/Y/4yrr ' gr v l,• top • and fill. 528-5203. Lowry,. Amberley, phone Ripley PLAYING396=5286; asoil •. . CARDS Plastic coated Single decks from _eca� �ucredecks 1.h ecks(ehe cards ' Only). Drop In at The Lucknow Sentinel. . A: REAL DEAL BIC PENS - are :fast capturing. the . 'Canadian' market after being introduced in Canada 'a short time ago. e n titeTTa7Eltkid offer` for any businessman or anyone who uses a'number of pens.. Buy ,1 -dozen-Bic-49e-pens-at-the-regular- price ozen Bic -49c -pens -at the-yregular-- price and get two dozen Bic • 19c pens ',FREE. 'A•. $10.44 value for $5.8$ The. Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. BARN . EQUIPMENT. �-- Acorn. semi-automatic Cable • Cleaners, Unbeaten •for hog barns; chain cleaner, bunk , feeders, silo unload ers, hog ' equipment, 'fans,' bulk' tanks; , Hawkeye cast iron hog feeder and heated cattle waterers; Westeel=Rosco Steel Granaries; Al-' handle Complete line of clay, LAMBERT'S TREE CUTTING • R'EAsoNABLE PRICES FULLY INSURED. • POINT . CLARK; ONTARIO 16 Seneca Or..' Write 'Box 3284uckhovi DISHWASHERS PORTABLE.,' CONVERTIBLE AND BUILT-IN On display at POLLOCK ELECTRIC Ripley. 3.95-2982 , PRINTED ITEMS your names or those gf .. Dur friends, serviettes, playing ` cards, . co ste s, tches, stationery; see our sample book,, The Lucknow Sentinel. I . Agriculture is holding' :a meeting of interest to farmers and their families inthis area on November 28th at' 8;30 p.m., 'in RipleyDis- trict . High School.:Speaker will be Gordon Hill, 'newly' elected Pres -:pres- ident 'of Ontario Federation of A g. -riculture:veryone-welcome --.` SALE' AND TEA Hacketts Unit of_ Trinity United Church Women are . having a sale. of baking, sewing, Christmas "art- icles and a Tea ;on Saturday, Nov- ember 29th at.:the Lucknow Legion Hall. Doors' open 'at 2:20 p.m. ACHIEVEMENT NICHT Achievement Night for Tees-. ter':4-H Clubs willbe held ld at Hillcrest Central SchoolTees water water itembe h at8:30p . 29t m A11parent s and int attend. POT LUCK SUPPER --The-Ladies' :.Auxiliary-to-the_Can-_ 'adian Legion. will hold a Pot :Luck, Supper' 'on Tuesday,: December 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Gift exchange,; gifts to be a; $1.00 value. DANCE . : •, , . , ' :'• crested friends invited to A • CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS Anyone wishing to order Christ, mai .Puddings. from . the, Lucknow Women's Institute, phone. Mrs. Mel Greer 528-3208 ' • or Mrs,. Omar Brooks" 528.3839 by November 29th(. HILRAY FARMS' LTD... ABATTOIR; HOLVROOD The best in Home Grown., Dry Fed, Drug• Free Beef.. Try Our. Fresh: .floe Made Sausage. • 1 - • Prone.' 528-2132 OWNED AND OPERATED BY RAYNARD 'AND •. • ERNEST ' J,: ACKERT NOTICE.. 'FARMERS' CO-OP The Annual Meeting of the Farm- er's Co-operatve_Co.__will be wield Saturday, November 29th at 2' p.m, at' the Lucknow.. Scales. ' CLERK'S NOTICE :' OF POST! NG- OP -VOTE RS' . LIST= Vot.rs' List, 1969, Township of Ashfield, . Counfy of Huron Notice ; is . ' hereby given that ' I 'have complied . with ,Section 9 of The Voters List Act, 1951, an that. I, have posted up at my .'of, fice'at.Kintail on the 14th day 'o November, • 1969, ` the ' list' of . al persons':entitled to vote . in the sai Municipality at Municipal Election and that such list. remains ther for. inspection. - /And I hereby call' upon all voter to ;take immediate ' oceediings t 4 IL I I rectid•accord"ingggg o. -law, the lai day for appealbeing the 28th d of November, 1969: •• Dated this 14th day of .Novemb 1969. ' Donald M. Simpson Cler • of the Township :of Ashfiel FOR RENT • Lucknow, FOR' RENT -- on Willou- ghby Street, Lucknow, for car ': or. other storage purposes. Contact Doug Stanley,R.` R. 1 ' Holyrood, Everyone ; is welcome to the Dance in the 'Wingham Legion. Hall on Saturday, November,, 29th, sponsored by the direct members to ; Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture. Dancing 9 to 1 to the. music of-The--Chaper-'elsr-lunch will tie served. Admittance restricted'' to persons 21' years of 'age and over. LOST STEER LOST yearling.: steer about 750 lbs., in Lochalsh area, ear tagged with n. ame. Hugh ,.Mas- on, R:R.• ,1 Ripley, phone 395-5182. ,WILL. THE. PERSON- who bor- rowed a .hydraulic barn jack from the farin. of Duncan Farrish, R.R.. 3 Lucknow, kindly .return° as he is 'not .owner, or contact .Duncan. Farrish, • one '3952728,: NoteTo: o cecreditor1 .NOTICE TO.'CREDITORS, :• In The Estate Of PETER GRAHAM MOFFAT' ALL PERSONS having claim against the. estate .of the .abov mentioned late of the Township o Kinloss, in the County 'of Bruce farmer; ,who died on the 25th day. o October, 1969, are required to fill proof :of same with; the ,undersigns r �.or-befer-e=the theme LDec ember, .1969. After that 'date the executors will roceed to distribute•.= the' estat having regard only •to the claim -of which_he.shall.theri-_liaye ha notice:, ' 'DATED at Win ', ine this, .19t day of 'November, 1969.. 'CRAWFORD & MILL Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for 'the. 'Executors •EY ' ,. •:AMBER L . Mrs.' Sati'Nesbitt of Lucknow. spent the week=end :with Ntr,,..and Mrs r es-F1e-sbi+t Guests on Sunday with•\1r, and Mrs', Duncan Thorburn of Amber• ey were, • rs. E3et`ty i I--eod- London, lvl'r.' and Mrs David Thompson of Guelph, Mrs Iohn' lirnmerson of Lucknow and Vir. and Mrs,. W.ayne.Nixon and faniil Of Ripley.. Mr.'. and 'Mrs . D:uncan,Tliorbur and Judy Th'orburn spent. Satur.da at the'Roya1 Winter Fair in Toronto. Pine River Scouts held, a euchr at Amberley Orange Hall on, Wednesday O./ening of last'1Pe1 With ten tables in play. SINGER' SERVICE. Repairs to all makes and'. models; Sales and Service on new' products; Singer Co of Canada,' phone 357-3730 after 6, p.m.. .CHRISTMAS CARDS our stock of boxed Christmas cards will have something to your liking, drop in and mance .our selection, a wide variety ety of esigna and prices, The ...cknww Sentinel: ;• BRUCE COUNTY just off ;the press, by Norman Mc- Leod,' history frotn 190? to 1968, a sequel to. the former , book,. , #7. per copy;ideal.' Christmas gift, at. an _.• The Lucknow. •Sentinel.. Please add $1 extra for mailing and handling. charges: . BEFORE THEY START.