HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 2The. LUCKNOW, SENTINEI;: LUCKNOW: ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" On the Huron=Brute Boundary Second Class. M a. -.on ...um Established 1 3 Published: Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of filo C W.N.A. and O.W.'Pi A. Subscription Rate, $5.00 a year in advance to. the U.S.A. Donald C. Thompson, Publisher THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW: ONTARIO, QQ` WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 26th, 1969. piey ! e • ' E LARGELY TO BLAME 1 Most taxpayers. and` citizens realize that the provincial govern- ment is,cohtinually overnment.is,continually taking over more and more of the duties of govern ing us at, the local level. Our voice is becoming' weaker 'and weaker as : the months and years go on. Municipal councillors . will . tell you . that . they no lo:der can decide on important matters, of local concern without the, sanon of, the -provincial-government. Sometimes een's Park does it .in an ndirect'manner with the of the gp•ant. structure. in favour -of their ,own ideas:•, With large local: rep.-esentatives-usually;_point heir...course_ Bruce County was one ofthe fi rst to fall in line . with. suggestions of county assessment and made some major ;capital expenditures. in that direction. Now, the,., Ontario government has told • . that the first. shall be last . and.: bas announced a switch of assessment bead - quarters' to Grey County. The Grey • office will govern both counties. Co library, cdunty : school. boards, county welfare are only a ' few of the important ecus of business which have slid out. of local control.' pow Pi But is . itwonder that these happen? Last. week we, u any n Vis_ attended Kinloss: nomination meeting with• .about 25 others. About ten of this : gathering were, either "councillors, ``township-'offlcials' or the /press. This leaves • about ,15 : citizens from the township' who are in- terested enough in local government to turn out, once in two years, to see what has taken place and : tooffer suggestions. Kinloss is not an cane hue=been=going-on7ln ost-area,-municipalites-for- ears. The same thing happened last year when nominations .were held: for school boards Most peo�,le .appear, uninterested'. shat: s Park .is eo m` ' So is It.any: wonder ,Queen. ntinually'taldng o� and , more of the responsibilities for local government away from the local municipalities. cipalti ' We=are- -to_blau�e. • We have a created.reasons for these moves by our indifference to local government. Now we are losing ti—, inch by inch Lucknow. Resident Dies In 93rd; Year W. J. 9AIN William John. Bain of Lucknow, passedaway, in' Victoria; •Hospiia London on .Thursday , ' Novernbe r .20th in'his, 93rd 'year... . He was a son of Roderick Bain.. --isabe-l1a, Hessa k. -a -rid -was --born: Mac. •'in Kinloss•Township on March 30,'' '1877. Mr Bain•was'a continuous resid- ent on Lot 4 .Concession 5 ; 'Kin- loss Kinloss Township.for 72 years.. He and his brother' Hossack their ,moved to Lucknow and have res. ided. for the past fifteen years on Willoughby Street in the former. i. R: McNab liome• He. is survived .by one brother eceives 00001: .0gree.At Western ''KINLOSS NEWS' Con ratulations to'Bruce • Mac' Kenzie who received' his Masters, degree at the fall convocation at Western University. ,Bruce. spent the week -end: with his father ToM. WEDNESDAY, NCr,'EMBER ,26th, 1969 • . BY'JEAN MacTAVISH GAILLACK BRUCE: AIKEN On' Friday , November 2i, Ripley District High School held its'. annual Commencement Exercises.: This year was the first: time there -wasn't a -variety concert- e in connection withttheexercises•; A` musical interlude started the evening off under the superb.dir ectibn of Susan 'Elliott and Jean.' MacTavisl . Assisting them in, • playing were Margie MacKa. y and Joan Ferguson„.. Mr. Malhotra: was Parade Mar shal as heeled the Processional made up :of the teachii g. staff,. the graduates , and this year's grade thirteen. 0 Canada was sung fol- lowed by,the Dedication given by Rev. K. Rooney, The school spirit trophy was awarded by, Mr. R..Darnsma to Charles -Liddle - -Ron-Ferguson was- given the Ripley • Women's Institute Prize by Mrs. Finlay MacLeod . Miss-MargareLMacharL presented ;Gail Courtney with -the— Best Girl, Athletic Award'. • .:Mr.Leonard Courtneyour • member `'to `the Bruce. County Board of Education presented to Grade12;their°Secondary School Graduation Diplomas. The recip- ients were David: Black Brenda Farrell, Kerry Farrell, . Wayne Farrell,, .Alan Finlayson, Peter perste., Charles. Hill, .Charles. Liddle; Reid Liddle , Danny',Mac Donald ;:. Ian MacDonald ,Jean Mac• lavish., Marilyn •Peterbaugh Dianne Pollard , Joan Thompson, ud Walden; Matil ;ti Wali' :: Brian - J y, •� de ,.and• til n W ids Trudy�r Tile Girls' Glee Club,; under `• Susan's direction , sang Climb Every Mountain Which'*as. very. much enjoyed. • Our principal Mr.. William F P Turvill-presented to. Ron Ferguson', The Principal's Award for Out- standingScholastic Achieverrient. The Dr. Couch Bursary was awarded to Carolyn McLeod and Sandra MacCharles while Nancy Mac Kay received the R. C,.;N . ' Sub -Lieut. John A MacLeod Memorial :Prize, presented to her by. Mrs. K7 -Col School, letters'; in he following ategories. were •presented by Miss Machan and jMr. Damsrrma.. Athletic -: Bryan Boyle , 'Sandra Collins, Elliott Courtney, Pam Farrell, Valerie Gilles, Charles' Liddle, Pat MacCharles,•, Sandra. MacCharles, Allan .MacKay Margo Nicholson., .Joyce Wilkin•„ • Activity - Gail Courtney, Susan Elliott, Susan Farrell, Charles Liddle ; Nancy MacKay Mary, McCreath., • Scholarship . Bruce. A`itken, Lynn Clayton, .Sandra Collins,' Gail Courntey,; Susan Elliots , Keary' Fatell;Pam arrell;; RedT Liddle , 'Pat MacCharles, Nancy `MacKay; Jean MacTavish, lvlar. ilyti Peterb-a-ugh; J�ea-n-Sc-ott.; Joa, Thompson., .Senior Letters. - Gai1Courtney,, Susan Eiliott , . Susan Farrell, Nancy ..MacKay,• Jean MacTavisli',. Marilyn Peterbaligh. ..Boys and Girls Track • and Field Champions .were, announced by Damsma and resented • b: Miss Machan' Midget' Boys Elliott, Courtney. (champion), Bryan, Boyle (runner Y Junior Allan MacKay (champin) -Joh -. and Lynn Courtney (runners up) Senfor '- Charles Hill (champion):, David Huston (runpOr up)..' Charles Hill also received' the ken Piller' Memorial'TrophY 'Midget Girls 'Wendy Y y Courtne: (champion:), ;Joan Ferguson (runner-up),Junior Margo Nicholson, Gail Courtne'•; 8 Y... Senior.-. Nanc'MacKay,. Susan ' ' Y • Farrell. About twenty of the students :of. R.D,H.S, sang'"Let.There Be Peace" and "Fie" which was thoroughly enjoyed;... . .The Student Council proficien- cy; awards. were presented by this year's President Bruce Aitken and e sa_..ri=lli Vice res nt�u an • ott . Grade nine , ',Beverly Smith, Sherry Pollock,' Donna Needham,` Richard Rooney; Grade ten,: Elliotrourtney, Allan MacKay., Mary MacCharles and Bryan Boyle; Grade eleven, Gail. Lock • Gail Courtney , Sandra .Collins, Jean Scott; .Grade twelve, Jean,` MaeTavish, JoanThompson, Marilyn Wall, 'Kerry 'Farrell; Grade thirteen, Ron Ferguson.; Nan, cy MacKay, Pam:: Farrell,. Sandra. MacCharles„. At this .tirneBruce: introduced some people behind the scenes.' looking after the microphone: and --other: jobs-.--T-hese_v_ere_Don_,..___::.: Martin and Brian MacDonald Also atthis time Jean and Susan - were presented_with_giftk Their work -was -greatly -appreciated a-nd the.effort they took showed. forth in the music Friday night. CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 • .6 FIRE DAMAGE .. , CONTINUED,FROM PAGE 1 was, completely burned as was a food freezer in .this part. The roof of the main house , a 'cement Aructure,, caught. fire: and e' ten- gewas done to this part of the home. The file .wast,noti d about 9.0 ••a . m Cause :was thought to be wiring:': Mr. and • Mrs. ;Stanley arrived, home: shortly after .noon'' after .being notified of the fire by. Delbert's--Ray; -he fa-mi1; X Y is presently staying with Ray and'. Helen,Stanle ii::‘t..kft ti z +:for a M:117:: 400000, PERFUMES -- COLOGNES Ten members' of Kairshea . W .I • • attended the course, Fashion Cues forYou", ir1 Lucknow. Friday.. This °course was' sponsored by Lucknow Wornen s Institute Ivi? , .and Mrs; Fraser MacKinnon attended the Road Superintendent's Banquet held in Wiarton on Friday evening . Hossack Bain of Lucknow and was' iii "a'1t1i • predeceased by one brother Bert Bain-•f-•-%ondan-n-Augustthis year: Mr. --Bain Was hospitalized for • three weeks in. Wingham and three weeks in London. Victoria just prior to his death.' • •Funeral service was conducted at the 'Johnstone Funeral Horne.. 'Lucknow on Saturday, ,Novernber:. 22nd' with temporary entombment' in South Kinloss Mausoleum , with final, testing place' Gree�nh ll. Cemetery. Rev. Robert Nicholls of ucwnow united Church,;; of 'which Mt. 'Bain w. s •a, member r , ' ty as 'rh inister .• Pailbearers'wete Ro's's iacl. i1 l;tn, *Les Ptrrv} s. Wm. P..`M:acDon - aid .,Edward Brock. Mervin Colley Neil E;�►.. . merit of Lands :and Forests at Elk Lake in•Northern Ontario has been vacationing with his patents. Mr . and' Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton. We welcome 'a net./ citizen to the Fourth concession; Steven Gerald , infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Gert deiong. Dr Anna Wright of Kelowna )3.C.; is visiting at the homes of her nephews, Allan. and Donald • Maclntyre and•niece , Miss •Mary hMa:cIntyre of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug all •�tiere •Grace: MacDougall and friend from Brarrilea . twits•. Wilfred Parrish from Lucknow and Mrs Annie Fafrirh from Saskatoon, Sa.sk: • DRESSER SETS -$5.98 TO $24.9 HAI (KARATE, BRUT, BRITISH STERLING DESK SETS :ameas T OUR and Projenors .: SPECIAL PRICE , LADIES ; ELECTRIC: RAZORS ELECTRIC .MAKEUP MIRROR HAST NOTES • BUBBLE BATH AND BATH 011 • Phone 528-3004 COSMETICS FREE FILM 'PLAN ANIMAL HEALTH 111111111111111111111116.