HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-26, Page 11949
$5.0.0 A Year In Advance ,— $2.00 Extra To 14,00A,..' : 1 : .leUCKNOW,,ONTAN10 ' • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 2969. Single Copy 15c
20 P*�S
. •
. .
:,..,iNCouncillors By Acclamation
. .
.gight Girls. Awcirdeci County Honours
. .,
Three men are seeking,•the
Reeveship in the Township of
Kinlcsi. Following the nomina-
tion meeting on Friday of last •
• week; three men had qualified for
the position and four men filled
the council by acclamation.• •
Contesting the top post,in•the
township are William Evans of
Whitechurch, Reeve for the past'.
three years and a Councillor for ••
Six years before that; Orville
Elliottof Lucknow ; a Councillor
for the past five years and William
EB1denby of-Kin*.ighT-also a
council member. for fofVe year§.. •
Fillrng the four Council seats •
three years, Duncan Campbell,.
a three year veteran of 'Council
and • two new men , Grant Egken-
swillet and Barry Johnston. •
The successful Reeve and the
four Council. members will serve ,
'a three year term -
The:followingnomination§ were
. •
•.received by the clerl(-treasuterof
the township Fraser Mac Kinnon
ure .1
.• • ••.. .:POR REEVE.
• .‘
Wm vans:by; W E.. Haldenby
and Perry Hodgins, •
Orville Elliott by James Burt
• and Leo Murray. ,
E Haldenby by Donald '
.MeFarlin and Walter Breckles,' •
Wm. Haldenby by•Wrn . Evans.
and Walter Bteckles.
-Orville Elliott by Duncan
Campbell and Gordon MacDonald.
Leo Murray by Duncan •
-Campbell and walte-rBre'ckle's:•
'Barry Johnston by Leo Murray
and James Burt. , ' • '
JLm' Haldenby by Donald 1%dc-
Farlan and Barry Johnston. • 10.•:.
• Duncan Campbell by Leo •
Murray and Barry Johnston.' •
Grant• Eckenswiller by Leo . • •
Murray and Ed Thompson. •
The election in Kinloss will be
next Monday, Degemberlst from
g ,.a,m.A0 6 p.m. at the follow-
-ing polling.subdivisions. '•
. , • , • • •
....Polling Subdivision No. 1 - Ford
Cunningham's 7 gOrnpriti ;•
Highway ..aq at Huron Boundary
! -"4' •
iliii\lZillimmirlinear lie e
/14. I
'111 Pili1111101
‘.177:1,1,11y?Hiriii,.../i.:,:i,,,,11;f..:il 1.a
i3/4 •9 (11/4k G‘'''49.4t; :44
A •
including botli..sides 8th cOnces'-:
sion. • •
Polling Subdivision No. 2 -
Whitechurch. Community •lia - •
all that portion east of 20th side -
The Sentinel-contacted-Reey-e— • road-to-Turnberry-boundary-and-----
‘Gordon'Boyd. of Ashfield Township
on MOnday•and•he confirtnedthat..
he would be retiring from Municip
al office in Ashfield at the end of
• • : . •
tins.,year • ,
The Ashfield nomination meet-
ing is scheduled for this Thursday,
November 27th'. , • • , *
Mr: Boyd came into Ashfield
municipal lifein the spring of.
1961 when he completed the ..•
ofthe late jack
. Bradley. , .• • ,. •
He served, until the end of 1964.
as a councillor and stepped up .to
the deputy -reeve position for
three years, 1965, 1966 and 1967:
• In 1968 and 1969 he has been .•
Reeve' of the township. Diring
these two years' he has also served
• on' the.road committee On Huron •
• County Council. • •
. • .Gordon has never run an
tion for office in the rune years. •
Each time, he was elected to
• office by acclamation.
. north including both sides 8th
,concession. • . . • .,.
, . .
PollingSubdivision No 3 -
KinicH4sh.Okange Hall - .every- ,
thing north of 8th concession
.., • , , • •
Discuss Recreation
Committee On
Eight area, girls received county
honour certificates for the cornple•
tion of six 4-1-1 clubs at the .•
achievement day in Lucknow
Public School on Saturday, Nov -
-embe-r--16th ' ; • •
Pictured:, left to right, seated
are: Nancy 'MacDonald, Tees -
water, Joan Stewart', Teetwater;
Joyce Tiffin, .R. R. 3 Wingham
Standing,.. left to' right , •Thelina . • ‘'
Purdan, R IC 3 Wingham; Sendra-•.:,
Keith ; R...12;.•5.1.icknow.;.Brenda ,..*
Meyer, Teeswater Lorraine 'Boyle.. • . r
Lucknow. Margaret MacTavish.,
R•-1. 1 Rt.ley • , ••• A.,01
1.4444440+4`4"14-14++++14+4•44114++8144+++41,4+.10414+41"e+++4rip+471,3 1.1 LI I 11111 I':
years and it is _
:many benefiti to be gained by the ReturnsC anacla Extensive -Dania
felt that there are
. ,
-0-114S*. '
n -he --talking Two Y -ear In Sun ay Fire
stages, altliough all Municipalities :
jaCK VICLeati , a I,ucknOW
native arid san of the late ivir • and
Each municipality would make Mrs WalialPr 'McLe°51: of
community is back in Canada.
its appointments to -the operating
after a two year period In: Atlanta',
board and;•each.municipality, •
would determine itsown amount
• Georg • • •
of-parp.C:ipation-in the-VariOus---- Jack, a ,risident.of'Woodstock
programs which the body would for:Many years, went toi the
govern. • ; • • • to Work in the ales field for u.s.
While Many think of -the .recrea- Plyift/o6d,.. • •
have expressed•thefr interest in ' •
n tea. asts-
ConsiderabltdisCussion regard-
ing an area Recreational Commit-
tee which. would include the.vil-
lage of ,Lucknow and 'adjadent.
-rtial municipalities took place ,a;
the Lucknow town hall Op Monday
of last week when representatives •
of LiteknOw, Kinloss and Ashfield
CoUncils explored the matter. •
Lucknow.haS operated a recrea-
tional cOrnMittee for a number of
sports body, it can include a wide
sale:-ci;;:rarcitirwith General-Wrio7ds
field. of recreational -activities .
and Veneers with headquarters
frOin senior citizens, to square
danging, to craft schools. •
Grants on suc committees are .
available through the community
programs branch of the. Depart-
ment of Education. , .• •
With area rural MuniCipalities.
presently in the process of•nomin-
ating and electing their new, rep-
resentatives, the .Matter will be
pursued further when the •new
councils elect their OffiCials.
in.MOntreal and who have an •
office,and's Waterloo..
• • , '
Mrs. 'Moteod and•aSOn.and
daughter are remaining in Atlanta
yntilthesclOse of the school term
Jack is presently residing with
another married daughter. in • •
WOOdstOCk. • r7
• ' 4
He started his new position
November Lst ' '
A Sunday morning fire in the .
Blackhorse-fGlamtnis area did '
• .. •
extensive damage to the residence
of Mi. and Mrs. Delbert Stanley
who were visiting in London for'
the weekend with Delbert's .
pis . tanley the• former 1.
Jewel Reed of Dungannon- .
, -
The home , located about, a •
Young of that community and' •
rented by the Stahleys*. • t
mile north of Blackhorse on :the .
Both Ripley and Walkerton Fire
e --F.,-,-,.----me-ilts-re-sponded to the,
alarm and were on the scene over,
two hours.Lots of water in the
fields aided firemen.
Friends and neighbours of the
couple removed all the. furniture
before ; firemen arrived The' back
part of the house, a back kitchen,
• .4.4444,4*÷4÷:÷44-1144.44•444++++++++1•444,4•44-4-4784++++++++;:÷H÷c-i-§44.0.444•Hft++++++4.404.4,4•4•44+++++44+444-.H44-4444+++++440++++4+p++++++ •
, • •
Representatives from Ashfield
and Kinloss TownshipCouncils
met with Lucknow Village •
Council on Monday 'night of last
'week..and were presented with • ,
• latest figures on the Lucknow
Arena renovation and addition by
Lucknow reeve George Joynt.
• Total estimated cost of the
arena work has now climbed to •
between $63,000 and .$64,000
with about $1500 recoverable
through the auction sale of Surplus
ers Net Co
equiprnent and material held at •
the arena several weeks ago•
This makes •a net cost Of about
$62,000. •
The original agreement between
the three municipalities made'
in April of this. year, called for an
,r icipa jo
This has I:IOW-increased to $62;000, give. a net of $49,250,
With West. Wawa:nosh. T�wnship
apprOving a donation of .s6000 to •
the arena, fund a week. or' so agb.,.
'actual net costs. Ofthe other mutt-
icipalitieS have been reduced.
$49,250 is divided 50 % to be
,paid by Lucknow ($24,625), 25 oh
by Kinloss ($12,312) and, 25 %
by Ashfield ($12,312), •
in • s
nets"atriop2u6iit:tstii.be, paid hY.L. uckno %ft/
In all three cases, Ashfield;
Kinloss and Lucknow, the net .
amount of of money to be raised
has decreased from the $58 , 000
et -se
for the decrease is the donation of.
$5000 by West Wawanosh: While
the/total estimated cost has risen,
by $4000, Lueknow's net cost is
,down $1375 arid•Ashfield' and •
1,<ihltits nets are down ,A490,
arena. Application, when stib-
Mined to the Ontario Municipal
Board for approval, was for
$50,000 and A further application
in September set the estimated,
cost at that tittle of $58 ,000, '
Total estimated' cost $62,,006
les§1/8 agricultural society grant
07750) for a net of $54,250. The
$5000,donation of West Wawa.nosh
is subtracted from/this arnOunt tO
.011MilillIOM WINC4tiiii11116 4114
receives a grant on their share.
Ashfield and Xinioss receive a
2510 grant bringing their net
amount to $9234 each, . Lucknow
is also eligible, for - 25 c/0 grant,
up to a maximum of $50p0 go•