The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-19, Page 1"801-
E 9c
E 6c
5.00 A Yaar In Advance -- $2 OO, Extra. To U.S.A.
ecent 'Pvpl Pro: jectan Causes Change In Plans
E 22c
• Some surprising news• for resid.-
ents of this' area is the fact that
Bruce County Board• of Education. •
will "proceed with the addition to
the Lucknow and District Public.
School with four less classrooms
than originally intended when the
Kinloss=Lucknow {School Board,.
planned the, addition over a, year
• Where. have all the children
zone' That is what the Sentinel'
has. beentrying to deterrnine: for
the. past 'week. After discu$sipns ‘.
with J . L. Bower,;,;, director of
ed ic"at .on N ;D. McConnell,
superintendent of schools; Stuart'.
Collyer , principal of Lucknow.
District Public School andDonald
MacKinnon'; forrner. board chair= ,
man of the, Kinloss-Lut;know.area
when the addition .was planned +,
we..have reached so me' conclusions
Shortly, after the Lucknow
Puhlic School fire, plans were
i:nitiated,by. the Kinloss Lucknow
board„to 'build'.an addition to the
former ,Lucknow I-i;gh:.School to;
liandle-1JueIinow and •Kinloss public
use�A �n �s e
et Xmas. Hours
uc'know. Business Men's: Assoc
,a%ion' met onl-riday of`laat wee;k'.
and made •plans.,for the upcoming
.hrisrmas: s.eason,. 'President
tuart Jamieson •was :in•charge of
he meeting.
Free skating: will, be provided.
for pre school and :public school .
children of the community, com-
p ihients.;of the association , 'on .
three Saturdays in December , the
6th 13th and 20th. •
Santa Claus has been invited to;,
eet the: chip :ren. on 'two •.atur-
a•ys iniDeceniber, the 1.3th and •
Oth: • Gordon Fisher volunteered'. •
O. find a• Suitable .place for Santa
o. pass -out his -treats'. •St a -r -t : J a -1i=
iesfour Days
er Readibille
;IC and
Several weeks ago Sentine
carried a'storY abOlit an Edgar
Hall of ,Grand Rapids ,'Michigan
observing his 100th. birthday. Mr!
Hall was born in Lucknpw ; The
item wai sent to us by Rev: pirk
Lieverdink of Grand Rapids+ form-
erly of Lucknow.
this uP with .a letter advising us
occurred at Michigan Veterans'
Facility four day§ after reaching .
the century mark, He is survived
by a niece and nephew in 'Alpena.,
Michigan. ,
school'pupils , No other 'areas
were considered in the planning.
Pupil enrolments were taken in
co-operation with the Ontario
Department of Education: and
their representativesin this area.
By studying enrolments, and,
projected enrolments , it was.
decided to build a half million
dollar addition 'which would con_
Iain seven classrooms. It was •
Considered that this would
• accommod'ate.'about 350' pupils .” .
In the midst of their, plans,it.
Municipal No:mination;.meetings
are corning up in three district'••
tow nships
The 'first of the three will be,
this Friday, November 21st in
Kinloss' when ratepayers of that, •
township will nominate. a Reeve
and Four Councillors,' for a three.
year terra•:. This is the first time
that -airy areai-nrunic pality-teas
elected -for a three year period.
An election., .if necessary will be
,Ulonday,.: December•'lst •
On Thursday of .the following.
week, NOvember 27tW, Ashfield'..,
UzoWnship-wilI:nOminate a Reeve ,—
:Deputy -Reeve and Three council -
tion if necessary:, Will; be sOn Mon-
day ;.Decembet 8th. •
Huron ToWnship nominate
On Friday y November 28th for a
One year period.. They will pick..
a' Reeve , Deputy -Reeve- and Three -
councillors: An election,in Htiron.
ifrieceSsary .will' take 'place ,
Mdnday., December 8th....
the afternoon. .
Lucknow, and WeSt Wawanosh,
the..other two, district :muniCipaliy!,
ies', Still have a.year to ruri On
was discovered. that a renovation
of about $140 , 000;would be neces-,
sary to the existing building
'before thefire marshall would'
allow the addition to gO ahead,
This amount of Money was figured
in the half million dollar figure.
Tentative approval was receiv�`.
ed from the. Ontario Department.
of 'Education and the board engag-
ed the
ngag-ed.the firm of Salter and Allison
as architects'. This is as far as
the county board'of education has
progressed on. the .matter to date;.
11' months later . with the
exception that Ontario Municipal.
Board approval has' been, received:•
oy Emberlin is
Iew Lucknow
frena Manager
Roy Eniberlin•of Luc'kncw
on Mondaynight named; arena.
arena for the 19'69=70.season at ;a .
Wary .of $75' w•eekly .
The .appointmento::byy
was made
the operational Committee of the
The, building Cominittee of the
LUcknoW arena,,,'Harold Greer and
.Lorne *Cook from.Ashfield Council;
and .Orirille Elliott and:Led
ray from •Kinlos council were
appointed by_their-respective
cpundils:to act as Well as the °per
atiOrial committee for, the,LOCK.-
Sink -Copy -1S '
Margaret Chester Catches._
• 10 Ib:. S,b Im o n A t Port. mbe.
Wherr-t -eomes to 'shµta s
Margaret Chester of Luc'know.
doesn't .have ;to talk about the one•
that got away Margaret the 16
year old•'daughter,of Mr: and Mrs.
Ken Chester of Lucknow,: has ' • .
visible proof of her: catch at tithe
river mouth' -at Port Albert last
Thursday after school.'
The cohoe sairiion which Marg•-
aret caught. tipped the scales, at.
:10 •lbs . and was 30• inches 'long.
8._._ms �♦ . •.e. a i_,-:,
Tom, age 12•, will tell you that
his sister wouldn't have been' able
to land the fish without some
timely advice' and assistance
from him. :, Tom was with :M'argar.-.: y
et at the time_
Some time ago, stocking Of
the salmon':in the. Great Lakes was
done on the American side but it.
has bees Canad an fishermen ,but.
have been reaping the benefits •
this .Fa11,
s o
ac ine To
c now Arena
New Publication
Skirted This ee
this. week saw the -birth of a
new publication in.this area,'
Western Ontario Sports+, Which
will'be edited by a young Man
ho was aised in inloss attend -
and trained in jOurnalism. at .
He is Keith Roulston; son,of
' and Mrs. Cliff Roulston of
LucknoW , who will be as,sisted in
the new venture, by his'wife and .
his brother ken. Correspondents,
in various communities wil a so
make up part of the staff behind
It is Keith:s., intention to, devote
this publication entirely to spOrts
and to serve in.area comprising
Clinton, BIYth and Witigfiam.
Mr. and Mrs. Roulstonhave
moved to Luchnow and are fetid-
ing in the Mills.home on Main
:iageclerk, was appointed Secret-,
•ary -treasurer of this.operational'
committee until the end of the•
The new arena manager fortrier
ly•served in this pasitiOn.nine
'years ago While the sand .flo0r.was
,arena before the' hard
Surface Was instilled`, He Succeed
ed Art Breekles- and preceded
Floyd Milne.
, 'Bill Nelson, and RusS•Button.,
representing the Lucknow LionS
Club, 'appeared before LuelitioW
Village council:on .Tuesday night
approval of the Lions buying a
power Ice cleaning and scraping
inaciiine for the'Llicknow arena.
The. men sought councirs pf(
to install the. machine •andas well
their,agreeMent to look 'after
finuetunrte..Taintenante of the equip -
They were advised thaf Lucknow
dQu„ncil would be .pleased to haye •
Lions -Club but that as ,talks Were --• • •40
preiently being held, regarding. ..
the formation of an area recrea-
tion ,committee it- would. be. adv
able to also-h-ave-the'approVai of
the: tOwnships who Would be partic-
ipating in .such" a'joint •comMittee.
, It,was pointed ont that as the:
arena would be 4erated and main-
tained as, a co-operative .measure
it would be the committee in
charge of such operations who
would have•the final say in. suCh
e Pinn
Mrs: •Fred Marie of Kitchener
is lucky to be alive follOwing a
freak motor, accident on Saturday
afternoon about 4,-30 p.rri.
Mr.. ,and Mrs. Milne and Jeff',
age 10 were proceeding west on
Whitechurch when their car 'Went
Driving conditions At the tinie
were poiK,
They trOSSed the highway and
ended tip in the,,south
Minor and.'Mr. Milne arid Jeff
were not .at all injured , Mrs,'
Milne's doer came open and she
was thrown under the car against
the back, Wheel,
Young le was sent to, phone the
police while Fred tried unsuccess-
fully to stop paising 'cars': To
release, Mrs, Milne , he had th
jack the car tip before pulling her
NW, raii4.
• While doing this , alone and un-
aSsisted , he wat fearful that the
car would Come down on her , but
the suffering of Mrs..Milne left
hirn no' othet choice.
After a nurnber of cars passed
by, it was Murray Gaunt of Wing -
ham who finally,caMe to Fred's
assistance and took Mrs. Milne in
his .car to Wirigharn Hospital, '
She miraculously suffered only
two brOkerr ribs..