The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO Phone 39.5-5368: Ripley Remembrance Ray Service Held at St. Helens Sunday ST. HELENS NEWS • On Sunday;. November 9th a. Remenibrance Day' Service. was.' held inthe St: Helen's Hall. Rev. J. E. Hummel' conducted the 'service with Mrs. Wm. Rutherford -at the piano Ricky. Pritchard • sounded the Last Post. The Luck now Legion -and La -dies Auxiliary attended. Wreaths were placed•. by Irvine Eedy, 'on: -.behalf of the Legion;.•Robert Lyons Jr: on • behalf of West Wawanosh Town ship ajnd the St., Helen's W. 1.:. by Mrs.. Frank McQuillin :• . Mr and Mrs.. Wayne :Grigg of. Kingsville spent:the week -end with Mr:, and Mrs.' Allan. Cranston, Mr.. and Mrs. ' Ross Errington and family were. Sunday visitors with Mr., and Mrs.' Warner Smyth • at Teeswater. "RECEPTTON7HELD A'large crowd.: attended a'recep- tion in the Whitechurch Hall. on ' .� Friday eveningin honour. of Mr. and Mrs. Wim deBoer. . Fred McQuillan addressed•the bride and groom .and Jack-liitchison.,'made_a•_ •presentation.:' Mrs. Ch ster Taylor of Winghain visited with Mrs: ,Don.Pannabecker ion Thursday afternoon and Rev and Mrs, Green enjoyed their company during the:.supper hour with Mrs.. Pannabecker •supply: \ ing the hot chicken dinner. Reception Held': For Wim De Boers WHITECHURCH, NEWS. A. reception was held in White- church Community. Memorial • Hall on Friday evening November ?' in honor..of Mr. and Mrs.:. Wirn deBoer (nee Margaret Elaine ; • Kirton). Music for dancing was supplied by Tiffin'sorchestra with Bob Lyons and Brian Rintoul, doing. the calling off. • Ac lunch_tirne th_;newly,weds were -railed -to -the -platform while Fred lylcQuillin read 'an address to there and; Jim Aitchison..presented them.with a gift Of money from . the large: crowd of attenders., Wim and Elaine both replied thanking the audience ,for their kindness in remembering there ' with the gift and to the ones who sponsored' :arrangements, for ,the • party and to all.'for coming mi.,. enjoythe evening with 'thetn. , They also extended' an invitation, to visit thein -their .hlome • Fcir : they ,'are .Jolly Good.Fellows was sung •ands dancing' resumed' till the' closing. hour 25.th ANNIVERSARY On Friday evening or.early;Sat- urday morning after the reception: for Mr. and 'Mrs. Wim deBoer was over around 15 of the neighbours.,' of Mr; and Mrs .Ernest Beecroft decided to celebrate with them: their 25tli wedding anniversary which is Novetr ber 8 . They had music with them and had a few ;da -races :. Mr, and •Mrs:-.. Ronald Beecroft were also aroused and.. ;joined in the. surprise party!. • This • comrnunity extends to Mr. and , Mrs Beecroft best wishes on this their 25th wedding anniversary Put your money, into our guaranteed investment certificates now'paying the never -before interest . • of eight and three quarter percent. • VG TRUST COMPANY $CfirCir ,�asii 1 Q4o KINGSTON ST., GODERICH LI `' t\4r . 'and Mrs.. Victor :Haines of W'inghanl'visite.drecently with '• Mr. and \lrs. Melvin Colling., just before leaving to spend the Winter in Florida. •. Mr and Mrs ; ,Henry Howes of . Listowel 4isited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black and ; fa irril)* . - Mr. and Mrs. James .M•cNairn and Karen of Seaforth visited`on Chairman Pgiflts OutSavingsin WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969. ' He felt that 20•l would be "reason- able for S:eaforth with no technic. - al classes, with 17:1 for any of the others Wing cam's ratio of 18`.5;1 • licdicate-d "that thegasses--r rc very large. • This brought.' the Board chairman into the picture "Why bring down the W ngham ratio?" he queried. '"Why not bring up.the others to the Wing ham leveln eacher Ratio • BY RICHMOND AT KEY Importanceof standardizing the pupil -teacher ratio in the five secondary schools of Huron County was impressed very strongly on the new assistant superintendent •of schools, F. E. Madill, at last we'ek's `meeting of-Nuonounty. Board of Education in Central Huron Secondary School. The chairman of tlie..Board John B. 'Lavis, Clinton, after perusing the secondary school enrolment for September, asked Mr. Madill what conclusions he would draw from the 'report with respect to pupil:teacher ratio. "I 'think the type of operation. in. the school is important, based on;. numbers , " Mr'. Madill replied,. In ;the report, the Clinton ratio was viven as l,l:l; Goderich 17...51, Seaforth , 20;1; and Exeter, 17:1. It was pointed out that rrirore pupils can be accommodated per• teacher in the classes in' arts 'and science r: than in bu's'iness and commercial, or science, ,technol- ogy and trades. Mr.. Lavis pointed out that his calculations produced the. following results if the Wingharn ratio (18.5:1) were adopted' in • • proportion in, the other.secon- dart'• schools; Central Huron Secondary; School Clinton (now 1.6.1:1); `;teaching staff -could -be rec by eight;. : Goderich District Collegiate . Institute (now 17.5:1); teaching staff could be reduced from; 4$ by. siX; .Seaforth District High School • (now: 20.0:1);, teaching staff could be reduced from 2.6 by three; • South Huron ,District High School;• Exeter (now. 17.0:1); teaching staff could be reduced from 5E by seven. Adding them all 'up *eight .plus six plus three plus seven total's: 24 ,teachers ! At an. average Salary of more • than $8 ,000, grand total 'saved Would be in excess of $200,000 , • per year according to Mr. Lavis's figures°. Assure. adeq•uate;.nutr_ients when :needed 5u �tia� w ith Mr ' and Mrs . Ost-ar White and May. •• Mrs, Ray Hamilton visited with relatives in -Tpronto, at the .week- end •Sharon Colling of Western Univ ersity spent the weekend at her home here, • fir. and .'.'rs. Clark Collin; of )etroit viited at the weekend • with a94 Mrs, John Calling,Harold ?ohnston. of 1"ee•uate visited.on1Sundav° vitt: and .".,ts : lar y Co.iling and tri �y, ft' ; es Y y. The , UTity„ O Olivet .• Choi: e ho` ` r. . nite C.hure " sal z, " r .a' the arcs_"., :or: Sunday. Soloist was %R ay •: Mc�kt:i e . ".:ar�ie t Ray deduce spring Iabo:ur peal i • `. • FOR HIGHER, CORN YIELDS NEXT YEAR a combination, of • •plow down .:this fall and a band : application at seeding time 'ha's to be the best answer. PLANT FOOD IS THERE .WHEN. NEEDED to assure a.. good start for your •crop. and .to'provide continued nutrients during, the growing season• SPRIN aP'E"R*TrdN5' RE SP'EEDED1JP—trpplowi!ig d part of the` required 'fertilizer in. the fall. Planting a• few days earlier can mean extra .bushels'of corn. WEATHER AND SOIL CONDITIONS ARE GOOD .No,travel-= Itng over wet: fields with heavy loads or added : transportation costs due to load limits being in, force: GET THE. FACTS. FROM YOUR . CO-OPERATIVE. Bagged, ,. bulk or spread 'the Co-op fertilizer you require is .in good' supply in the.fall. Check at your Co-operative for expert advice on when to plow down and the.analysis'you.need. CO-OP OO- OP Serves You Best 'Riegistered Trade Mark '8 -2125