HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 14PAGE. FOURTEEN THE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO BEFORE xou BUY 'NOW TIREs.:' SF,E O[IR ew Executive Traciionline ►S •II-H*4 ATO P VALUE TIRE AT REGULAR PRICE, This tire has proved to be .much superior in performance than most, comparable tires. ti • 3 St., Josephs School Held Open douse KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Open t#ouse was held at St withthe- PrinciI* of the sebool; = All in attendancetook part ' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th,. 196! Joseph's _SchoKingsbrid_mo Wednesday November 5, when. the parents learned of their, child rens' progress and held private . interviews with the teachers. Also that, evening St. Joseph's. School Association held a meeting and about forty-five parentsrattend• ed,. 'The Association ,Executive reported onthe past year's activities. ?.,.._._ Neil Stapleton„ chairman,, stressed, the point that the Assoc iation was there for the benefit of the .community, and any suggest- ions and .problems in connection with school, community matters.,. should be brought to the attention of ,the Association's Executive , who are always in close' contact Hunter, Lucknow. 0 0 ;r • The Brookside' Public School auditorium . was filled . with `pupils 'on Friday; October 31st when. a Hallowe'en Party was held Mrs.. ; Durnin's Kindergarten: class .had the1r' own. arty in_their-.todni. The.Judges for this event were Mts. Courtney , 'Mrs. 'Bakker ,..Mrs:. Wilson and Mr. Finlayson.' Mr '• MacLennan was Chairman for the` . party. In the following`order. we .parad- ed -around the`a'rditox.itrrri-r hilei,he judges tried to choose winners for •:fanciest and comical. -Grades.'3 and 4;• girls comical • Barbara Aitchison, Fancy: Annette .Hodges; boys comical =Jim 'Wilkins, fancy Wayne McDonald, • Grades 1and 2' - girls comi ar - Sandra 'Pentland;, .fancy - Diane Maize; boys comical - Kenny Hill. fancy - lan,.Hackett Grades 5 and 6 girls comical • s nna. ac eT ancy -:: Banc 'Alton•;:boys. comical, - Wilkins; fancy '' Allan Murray:' ' Grades 1.andS: girls cornical andra. se:� as f : fancy Gail 'MacPherson boys"comical - Dav1 id Parrish:, • fancy. Murray Haggitt. After the : fanciest and comical the fudges chose :Nationa•l costumes from any Room . .Girls: National Costumes were Flora • Simpson and. Heather Stevenson,' The boys winners were Michael McDonagh and Paul Simpson. . The Hallowe'en program was enjoyed. by everyone . By. Barbara Culbert.1 FIELD/TRIP kit Mrs;. Durnin and Mrs.. Blake.. took the two " Kindergarien" classes an a field trip. Thy vis- ited Goderich Airport i1 P store , and Went to the Harbour . At the airport they saw a plane land and; take off, and. one taxied around where the children were. A parrot in the "lounge" talked to the•XrtY At the A & P store they saw fresh vegetables and• fruit,: They also saw huge ships and . boats at th\e harbour, ROOM 1 The pupils of Room'one read,, about the' three little, kittens, colotired 'them, cut them out and Phone 528-3424. .pE Iput them on construction paper. Alien Rivett. from Room 1 just,. came back frorn, getting his tonsils out .. Harold .McCulloch ; also' from Roon•: L, is in Owen Sound:.U. oapii- al.' He is havingtrouble with his. eyes. UNICEF Brookside collection for UNICEF.• is $106.90. This was collected by the "Triek, or Treaters ROOM 8 • • Mr. Finlaysonbrought two , "Gerbils" .to school on Monday• Theyare brown and the boys: from morn 8 made a: little house ',for. themi .A seven inch sala•mander•was brought to school by Mrs Barry Hackett. ••It'isfblack With tiny yellow Spots. ROOM 9' Room, 9: had, their first;. Red Cross Meeting Friday._ They have.also -bei.n4 cuss ng.-suitable.-.nr s_ for .the ; year. Unique: Design For'69 Suis The; new 1969 Christmas Seals, were distributed to 27 , 700. area • homes this week:as the 1969 Christ rnas. Seal Campaign' got under way, for the 4 -3rd' year, This ye'ar's seal features an orifi :inai'Eskimo .- artist William George Parlane of. Toronto. Differentfrom any other Seal in the history of the , Canadian T`uberculos"is and Respir-: ataxy Disease Association, this ' 'Year's entry is very distinctively Canadian. • "We•think'th.ese seals are truly' unique," said Mrs. Beryl Davidson. ` Program Secretary "Huron -.Perth residents who Use the Seals liberal- ly will not only be supporting the •fight again t' tuberculosis', emphy- sema and mphy-sema'and other respiratory diseas- es but will be making all them' holiday mail really attractive," in discussions on several topics of interest to everyone. Sister Judith,the Religious Consultant 'for Huron -Perth Separate school Board, was: to be, guest speaker at this meeting,, but illness. prevented Sister froin attending.. ' Mr.Clem, .Ste:ffler',' Principal ptamised-10 have -silt t;Tudith ---- he•re for, an eveningin the near future. The meeting was adjourned after a talk by'Fr Cassano, ;who. stressed community Spirit and Co-operation with the full support from him, and his helpers. • Coffee and donuts: were served • bythe. C . W, L. ladies to conclude a uccessful evening. PURPLE GROVE Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart ;on their Golden Wedding.Annrversary:.— - Arnold s'. r#, '- McMrsCos Bill attended theand GreMry-BruceDo` Area convention on Monday and Tuesday in Mount Forest. Mrs. Ja.ck. Farrell entertained, the P,, G. W.I. on: Wednesday. .Reverend Clyde of Bervie was the guest speaker: . Mrs . Walter Forster, Mrs 4• Ardill Mason,, Mrs. Bob. Forster. ndlvIt -D n=,MeCosh,spent, a►r_ afternoon With Mr. :and'Mrs, • • Currie Colwell.. ° Everyone is welcome to the next card party at the Purple Grove Community centre on •November 18 Barbara and Janet Forster .of, Toronto spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr . . and Mrs; Walter Forster. 47777 RECLINER,CHA!RS '` LARGE . ROCKERS .SMALL MOCKERS PROVINCIAL CHAIRS POLE ,LAMP, T.V. TRAYS; SMOKER, BRIDGE SET,. CARPET, HASSOCK,.'HUMIDIFIER, DISHWASHER, l L VA -CU EANER;. LASH , - I -E -`I:1 lbf ; EI TABLE, COFFEE TABLE, .MAGAZINE ..RACK, /PAINT.' 'INGi. MIRROR, ELECTRIC 'CLOTHES DR,YER,• CHEST- ERFIELD 'SUITE, DINETTE SET, BEDROOM SUITE, CEDAR,CHEST. Yes We have .a good. assortment of BABY°•, FURNITURE; .CRIBS,: HIGH;: CHAIRS ETC ..1 Johnstone s have . the above ,suggestions ggestions ' tit). offer. Look them over 'and. then comein and make your choice from their large stock. • Jktatoica cuu� HOME FURNISHINGS 52 '3 3 MOFFATAPPL /ANCES