HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 11' k. 1969 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Qu say, 3Ii PARDEC' -Lig., 16 oz., Reg: $3.35 _-r $2.77` BAYER DECONGESTANT. TABS, Reg. $1.50 SPECIAL 99c. LISTERINE Reg. $1.39 SPECIAL 99c WILKINSON: SWORD- BLADES,: Reg. 75c '_: 59c LEO'TRIC BLANKETS Reg. $15.95 SPECIAL $10..00 ONLY A FEW' LEFT. oxed Stationary C�smetic Bags 5 LADY PATRICIA HAIRSPRAY, Reg.: 99c • : J--- -r---- SPECIAL 66c UMBACHS VIT and MINER TABS : ~. 250'. Reg. '$5.95 SPECIAL $4.95 Discount Cameras'- and P!ojectors LYPSYL Reg. 49c . SPECIAL' 37c •'ENO • FRUIT SALTS, Reg. $129 88c • . ; � . ' ble ollected °cue The-Lucknowrbrancl ofthe Call' adian Bible Society has compietea the annuai canvass to -raise -funds' for the printing and distributing. of Bibles. A total. of $476.35. was collected from• Lucknow and surr- ounding rural areas. Those taking -part in the canvass were; Eileen Lavis, Mrs. C. •Roulston,Mrs. Jas. Ritchie Mrs. W. Drennan, Mrs N. Johnston., Mrs Harvey,,,Mole ,' Mrs. W. B•. Anderson, Mrs. T ., Pr tchard Mrs.' R. Cumming; Mrs. R. Shielis Mrs. Harvey Webster, Mrs. Harvey Ritchie, Margaret •4' Rae, Mrs. Eldon Henderson, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. A . A'ndrew , Mrs. Ena Henderson, Mrs. E 'Wight- man, Wightman, Mrs. R: . Damsma , Mrs. Jas,.; Little. , Mr. P. Mathers, Miss Ada Webster, Mr. Jack Cameron, Mrs. Robt. Helm." Bia kes. U . C .. W. and members :of the Young - Peoples Society of the Christian, Reformed.' Church. • Many thanks, to the canvassers and those who contributed. '.a Blakes. The Noveri ler meeting for , Slakes U.C. W..was;held. at.the horse of Mrs.,J.. Cranston,. with ,thirteen members attending : .Mrs C. Cooke had charge of the prog 'rain, the•theme being 'Responsib- ility of Stewardship". Scripture was read:by Mrs. C. Kilpatrick. • A' hymn `was sung. All. U . C'. W. reports and' alloca ..tions are to be sent/in; by' Dec- 'ember 15th., The •P'resident''report- ed that�Vplates commemorating' • -Sla=kes@ iktriied Gltureil- re now on sale . Mrs.. C. Cooke gave a rep: ort on the Presbyterial meeting at • Benmillei. It was agreed to have -a "Bake::Sale'`•in Lucknow•:on Dec- ember. a.m. a.rn. Rm. u ch, oad-, `ord) )wen h Glad, arid is "77- :. KOTEX 12'a PHONE. 528.3004.'; osmetics ree .'Film Plan -- Animal Health. urdjflrws itechurch U.C. WHITECHURCH NEWS •. Whitechurch United- Church • 'Women held their: meeting On.' Thursday. November: 6th at the' horse of -Mrs .• A lbert'Goultes., 1vMrs.. George Thompson presided ' . ,for the worship' service the theme being Unity. ••Mrs . • Thompson gave a reading.- Unity in .China Mrs. Russel Gaunt read the .scripture Mrs, Bob Adams led in prayer. i. .A skit. Bow before the Wind was presented by,Mrs Fred Tiffin, Mrsi Dave 'Gibb., 'MrsRussel' Chapman and Mrs, George Thomp- nn •,.. .l e.`setti •.. • .,1 in • the skit is in China where two o giii friends "are engaged weighing• sacks -of rice . They began to ' find, as they weighedeach sack of rite, it was a trifle 'short of the .' correct weight andthe two gide- being, christian wished:: to report, their find but the first aunt of one of the ,girls asked • them not to as it was the first uncle.; who was snitching rice out of each bag: and Storing it in the loftof the church.. They considered: the family's, feel ,1ings but decided' the right thing to. ...: was to tell of the theft and put things' right. - Discussion followed on China an and lack of :communication, around , ' :the world. ' - Years ago missionaries were told ungannon xp orers Thethird,meeting of the Dung- annon Explorers was. held. Thursday, November 6 at 7. P.M.-' A game -was played and opening exercises held., Next business was discussed and everyonewent to separate -Glasses.:The. meeting closed with hymn and prayer.' what to say as there wasno:,free-' dom of religion. . . .Mr S. Thompson-gave-t-a1k-an China andasked the members to pray for the people of.hina „Mrs. Garnet. Farrier' presided for'•the business. The correspon . dence was read ' and the roll call was answered by'. twenty giving a proverb. Thetreasurer's' report • was given by Mrs Albert Coultes. Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mr's • Carl Weber gave. highlights of the Regional meeting held in Wroxeter in October. Mrs•. Russel Chapman, Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs. Dave Gibb: were the nominating; Commit- tee appointed to bring.in 'a slate' ofofficers to the next meeting. , Mrs. Garnet Farrier gave the courtesy remarks. and closed with. prayer ., Thompson Is UCW Speaker Unit one of the United. Church Women met at the home' of: Miss aze ebster. thirteen mem hers and: two visitors were present. Mrs. Wilfred Anderson presided for the business period The roll. -i as-answ+ from the fifty-thir Isaiah.: `: .: • .Mrs. Thos. Hackett reported for social functions and Mrs Curran for. stewardship . A gener alrr%eeting of the U . C ki is to-, be°held'on December 16 •. Mem bers were reminded' to•brin ``g.'their; holiday envelopes to the;next meeting. The December meet- ing willbe'held at the home of; Mrs.. W B. Anderson and will , include a pot luck supper: chapter of:' Mrs,- Ross'Shiells presided' for the programme. -'The theme of - the worship service was "God is • Father to all mankind The :scripture reading was given 'by Nlrs ,Garfield MacDonald'fol- lowed:by the meditation and - prayer : by Mrs. Cumming The members. enjoyed recordings of sacred music. Miss Ruth Thompson' gave a very interesting -address on "Phys- ical and Mental Health". ; After the courtesy remarks and closing prayer, lunch' was served by the r hostess -and committee..' REPORT QUEEN.,.'5.: RK NI;P.P HURON -BRUCE • Energy -and Rsaurces-Minister George Kerr has rejected demands in the Legi stature• for an independ - ent investigation of safety measur'- es for the 65 million dollar heavy water plant under construction, .at Douglas Point. - 'The Minister said•all safety pre- • cautions'are being taken... ,.r Achedul:ed-,tolo n. .n: •The •pla.,,�.:.�._�, ge r h .P iNhitechv. c Y .S. WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch Y.P.S. held their- meeting he..ir:meeting on •Sunday evening, in Chalmers' Church Sunday. School . room: The president Linda 'Jam- ieson am-ieson presided. The .meeting was prepared by Charles Thompson, Paul Elliott and Paul Laidlaw Paul Elliott read the scripture . Charles Thompson operated the projector: to show a film with :' Paul Laidlaw giving the comment- ary :- ,Judy Jarnieson-r-e-ad-the-ruin--- utes and Paul Eaidlaw gave the treasurer's report'. • The_rolLca .l •was answered by 17 attenders' It was decided to.- have a Christmas:, concert:.. Si. Marys C.W.L An outline for completing the changed` method for ;C . W. L ' • annual • reports .was given by President Mrs. Peter -MacDonald. A reading entitled "On Wings Of'. Prayer". was 'given ;by•Mrs. 1. L. ' MacMillan . Fr .: Cassano,read a 4iocesan . • letter from Bishop E:. Carter's Office .in Loridon •explaining the grave. decisions the 'Church must - - make- at all times, especially -now , in this age• of protests. ---Pra-yer.�in=unison,-::closed ;the "'..; meeting and the. hostess `Mrs.. I.: '. MacMillan served a tasty lunch.... PAGE! ELEVEN ' 1972, will use hydrogen sulphide a. toxic gas,, Fear of the affect .of the gas on construction workers compelled Ontario Hydro to dec BY MURRAY AUNT ide . move e site . millionto dollarthBruce nuofclitsear760 .., generating station about a smile -north , farther-asway-frorn..the.. ��___: heavy water installation. • The Minister estimated the cost of moving the site, four months after clearing and excavating had begun, at approximately $500,000 '.Ontario's future::tax course will ;be charted in large measure by the .Federal, white. paper on taxa tion expectedsoon,. Ontario Reven- ' ue-Minister john -White -indicated - an .the .Legislature , this week. Mr. White said the Province's jdecision about vacating the . • " 'succession duty field, imposing its own capital gains tax and 'having its own income and, 'corporate tax system will beAleter- • irnined: by what Ottawa proposes: The Revenue Minister went 'on .to say that the capitalgains,tax .would be imposed gradually to `avoid an substantial drain• of. capital away from the Province The rebate system. for personal 'income tax would ,include credits' • for 'sales tax, ;mortgage interest. Irate -and -property-tax, paid --during 7.. the taxation year. , Mr. White's Department is, in the process of`setting-up.•appea-1 officers in°all tax branches. such as sales tax, gasoline tax and"tob- Iacco 'tax The Govern ment eventually intends that the Department of Revenue: would bedome the central ethe e collection agency for:tire n government. Not only will it ,collect taxes under the:11 Provinc- cial'statutes'now under its .•jurisdie- tion but it will also take responsib ility for . gathering medicare prem-'; iums and other Government :activa Ited or-adm niste:red-progr. tr • CHOICE : HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORK F H ...RES PICNIC -SHOULDERS BOLOGNA BOLOGNA SHOULDER CHOPS E: ,• ' CK BONES 4 LBS. FRESH CAPONS, 8 to: 10 ;lbs. TBONES FRESH SAUERKRAUT' FRESH MINCEMEAT 55c L -B.' LBS. 79c 69c LB: FOR ,.$1.00 1 �-99cLB. LBS: 49c 39c LB. FRESH CABBAGE _ 30c HEAD i►•+• ire 4/110, DIVER Hom.-AAd - LUCKNOW PHONE 5283N!`.