HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 9)RST IUST T0. LY .ING Irtfe:tom ; .spent ere. ist,E, :o Dri WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1N THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL GODER1DN 30 ThE SQUARE PHONE $24-7811: AIRCQNDITIONED.: THURS., FRI.,"SAT, • Nov. 14-1445, • Thursday at ,8 00 p.m. only Fri, and sat. at 7:30. and. 9:30 :S T-: iNiV ` T5)' MATIIV-EEr "SANTA CLAUS" ALL ,SEATS 50c ' SUN.; MON., TUES. Nov. 16-17-18 M 'G M presents the John. Frankenheuner- Edward Lewis Production of •1 the fixer Based on alis Pulitzer Prize-winning 'novel by Bernard-Ma6rnudi - _: WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. Nov.. T9-20-2.1-22 -`MGM- ..s.-STANLEVRUBRICK MIODUCTION.--I 2001 a space odyssey LUCKNOW, ONTARI ) Holyrood W.I. Elect Roy Collins ° K1NLOUGH NEWS,. , Mrs,. Ra , nard. Ackert was hostess.Centre y � Chairrnan 0 .. for the Noverriber meeting of :the The annual meeting of Purple Fi01 rood o7iieTl s Institute n y Grove (2',,, uuniCymGeetre wag PAGE NINE --which-tooit_tle fgrm of a Pot Luck. Supper at 7 o'clock, Following a. bountiful meati Mrs P. A. Murray: presided.for•the meeting which followed and Opened ' with the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect.. :Mrs. :Frank. Maulden gave the•treasurer's report. Business followed and. .donation._was given to the. Wingham hospital' auxiliary, Nyman Sutton gave a most interest. ing report of the 'Rally which was held at E1mwood•and Mrs. Morgan Johnston. gave a' report of the " Area Convention' at Mount Forest. She also brought back many good ,ideas and suggest- ions,. • ' .Mrs'', Jim Smith gave her report • on the Historical Society meeting which she attended at: the Wi1d wood Lodge at Red Bay. These reports were alk helpful-. to the: • members as well as to .those who attended these gatherings. —• Mrs; --Morgan Johnston and .Ivi,t-s.. Frank Matilde, n attended the sport course on accessories for. -the home -nd�-w�H--b"eg%n-tfie r• -c lay s e-=s�.ne-int, week,. The -NM calt-was - Silly things.1 have done in the kitchen,. [SMulr,onoslorl'xI.rn000to$ . 1, 1 SHOWING ONLY et 800 P.M: Mrbopplee Coming Next: .:'CAN HEIRONYMUS MERKIN EVER (Adult Entertainment) FORGET MERCY 'HUMPPE; AND SHOWING ONLY :at 8:00''P:M `1 FIND TRUE.:HAPPINESS?' '.' Coligr�tulati�ns • CULROSS CORNERS NEWS ' 'Congratulations are extended :to. Mr. and Mrs. Torry Stewart on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary ,•.A`farnily.dinner. . was held in' their. honour at the Kinloss United Church basement , , on Saturday evening: Later in .the evening a rece'ption'w:as held in the Holyrood Hall arid was largely attended. by Mr. .and n Oth Annuversa • Mrs .Jack'A.ckert was program: Convenor,.. A demonstration ,on. cake decorating by Mrs. John •Froo,k-was• very interesting and :later the lovely fruit cake 'was donated: to' the Institute Tickets were sold,' with Mrs. Alex Percy .winning the cake. 'Mrs: Jack. Ackert conducted;'a contest on spices. etc . that would be :found. in the„•kitchen. ' Bar e .. e bars Muria. •'gav a • l.sson:on Murray, collar 'designing' and also;showed • the. pro �.er:Methods of lining P P dresses and putting :;interlining • into' coats ; which/were very he ful4to:those-who-do--home sewing, The ;ladies were ,resented with• gift and after the c•: s f ,Courtesy remarks the meeting closed b singing • The'' Queen Mrs. Stewart's family and:friends. Relatives att'end'ing the•'anni\rersary celebration• from a distance' were Mrs. Irish `of. Seattle`,' Cpl,. and;// • Mrs. John Stewart•and girls from Camp Borden,.Mr..'and Mrs'. • Alex Stewart and family of Orange ville , and •Mrs Lloyd Cornish of • Winnipeg We wish Mr . and Mrs, Stewart many :More years of happy .married life.: held on Friday evening in the form. of a card party. Winners were Mrs , George Harkness and' Mel Hutch nsan. Morley Scott took charge of the business period. Bob 'Emerson reported that, the finances were much the same as 'last year with Ithe Box Social bringing in almost= $70. The Centre had been used frequently ,: .espee-iadLy_by Fati ly-�= Reunions and Women's .Institute Card parties•will be sponsored alt- ernately by the Centre Committee and :Women's Institute; Thanks was expressed to• George Emerson for a lovely sign, to Dr. Sisson-. nette for steps, and to Bill Arnold', for repairs .to chairs and tables. During the election, Don . Robertson and Don Reid were elected for a 3 -year term to Centre Committee. Roy. 'Collins isthe:_new chairman of the ' Committee. with Mrs.'. Francis Boyle as secretary and Bob • Emerson as treasurer. `Committee members and folks in the commun• ity give a great deal of freela.bour each. year :to' keep the Centre 'a pleasant meeting place. for' every- one. / School ObsendT Remembrance Day • Lucknow and 'District Public school held *a Remembrance •Day • 'Assembly on. November 10th. Chairman of this assembly was Jeffrey. Taylor..�. The pro ram'opened with the // sin .ing"ofO Canada. Paul Ackert'lead us' in prayer The scripture .was read by M urra y Keith. KareiElliott played two hymnswhich theaudience sang., . .• :. The Grade`8 classacted outsone • . original skits about Remembrance' Day• . • Grade .7 and 8 iris sang a secondworld •war song called "Till We :Meet Again” ; and .a;first - world; war song entitled. "Lili PHONE •357.14$30 SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15. All other days, one show • at 8:00, except where noted on the pi ogram, *,****• f**.***** THIJR., FRI., SAT., NOV. 13, .14, 1 5 SS; FAM1L' ROBINSON CnemaScope Color Starring: •. John ?Allis Jenot Munro This Walt Disney classic is: oneyour whole familyshould see.. The second., show on..'Fri- day :and Saturday, nightswill start at 9:30;; '***********'• SAT. MATINEE' Swiss Fame, Robinson' Marlane" . ' Mrs. Wheeler's, grade 7 class .° read a poem entitled` "A'' Fight For; Freedom" Mr. Collyer inttoduced Mrs Montgomery,, our guest. Mrs Montgoniery showed *us some .films that she took at' Holland Ba., rba • ra• Hawthorne read .a poem about Remembrance. Da: Composed by her sister: To close-this."assembl- : theson 'Last Post" was played followed bythe song "Reveille" . A moments silence was observed .to end the as y 1"tp lif i VOW 49 99019090999 }. WE, NOW HAVE TYPEWRITERS IN STOCK COME IN NOW AND LAY -AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS. was:� - i�jwaWw�y...tr'�r4�• a