HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 8**-•-• . - , Till LUCKNOW SONTINIEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO A ORE BUT IT WILL BUY ALL THE SPORTS NEWS IN WESTERN ONTARIO EVERY WEEK , AT - --., ________LIVAYFAIILRESULIRANT- , „. • -.MEL STANLEY'S. SUPERTEST.' LUCKNOW BOWL . • 1," • • . FINA GARAGE , I UMBACH'S PHARMACY ROYAL DRIVE INN, RIPLEY HOLYROOD GENERAL STORE:. • .• . • EilD ntario Sports 1DAY Juniors • . • • Zeno, Garniss ,bowled 169 flat for the high single with Shirley Belanger bowling the high doubleof3o6forthegirls ' • Rormie MacDonald shone for .„ • boys :with:a high of 190 and a double of345 ..' • • , . • , Meamitandings_are- Blue Birds ' • 18. Swallows 13 Canaries,12. Orioles 8, Bobolinks 6, RObins'3. :.• ' / " • Mens 9 .p This ween-t-i-F-fripie was Jack Fisher '70 WHITECHURCH Pres, - en's a owling c.0 The LuCknow Lawn Bowling Club wound up its year's activity with a pot luck supper prepared by -the lady members of the club, • on Friday evening; November 7., After the supper a short combined 'meeting was held. -Moved by Alex MatMay and seconded, by. John Fisher that all' mixed tournaments he. $2 per. person. Moved by..Audreylviac- Donald and seconded'by Helen Hall that .for mixed trebles it can• .be 'couples and ask other. bowler. Moved by Roy Finlay- son that,the mixed jitneys be with Teeswater and Wingham the .same as last year.- • . • A men's meeting.Was held after the above meeting .and the follow- ing business was transacted. •-Moved by Gordon Fisher and seconded by Jim McNaughton that the Secretary Treasurer's report be adopted, A cheque'fbr $100 was received from the Ladies Club tCrilielp cover expen-. led by Jack Caesar with 687 •Roy seconded by Tack Fisher that this ithe P1L.B.A. Moved Finlayson was high:single 'bowler club ibn with 280. . • by Jack MacDonald and seconded'. by Jack'Fisher that the feesfor \... Points scored: Bill Stewart's the Labor Day tournament be $4 Oldsmobiles 7, Buster Whitby's Fords 0, Bill Bution's Pontiacs 7 :Per bower.. • . • • The election of officers folloW Bill Hunter's Buicks 0; Walter-. • ed for the coming. year: Past.Pres- Arnold'i lvlustangs $, Clarence ' Greer's bodges 2, . .ident Donald MacTavisli, Pres - Games of 225 and over Roy Ident. Jack Fisher, Ifee.:Pre'sidj• ." ent - Army Wilson, Secretary . Finlayson 80., Bill Stewart 232 Terry Rathwell 231:; Jack Caesar. Bill Hunt.er 246, Fred Young 240, Bev McNay 265, Russ Button' 236, Sill*Britton 251, Jim Errington.246, • . • Bill Nelson 225 Donald Mackin- adieS. 6:30 p.m • non 232', Mel Corrin 237., Howard . , grofindsCommittee - RO);. Treasuret Charles,Anderson; Tournament Secretariciac.k MacDonald and 'Roy Pinlayson. •Jitney Committee ..-.Lloyd. Hall, Gordon Fisher, John Campbell, Don MacTavish. HazelWebster-roUed single game of 252 and the high triple of 5.90 this. week. • • . games of 200 and ov,er: Hazel • Webster 252, Edith Webster 229, '• Marion MacKinnon 210, Jean '• Philips. 213 /Team points: Hazel Webster's • bel Mi11e s Vi-otets- , Trudy•Forari's.-Pansies r(7, Catherine AndreW"s Asters 0; Marion Camp- bell's Lilacs .5 , Grace Elliott's . Teain standings:. Daisies 43 , Lilacs 41 112 Pansies 39; Roses • • ' ,•39, Violets 27 142,, Asters 26., • Town &country On October so, the Town And " Cpuntty Club. Bowlers voted i, favour of .bowling as a League.. This Week they got away tb.a god start. Olive, 8tnith%rolled 'the highsingle and doable for . the lathes with a' 214 arid 348.. . Howard Barger was high for ••• the `men .with 188 and a double 'o • • • ' Teamaunts ate:-Ja k Cath Ttirnips!2, .Mel King's • 'Carrots 3 Henry -Carter -i -.Potatoes: • 5', Earl Swan's Lettuce 0• Men's.7 4 • . • , • I High single honours for.the even- ing went to Art .Purney with. a score of 293: Ab Morton captured the high triple with a 607 score.. Garnes over, 225: Art Purney... 293, BO Nich011s 232, Jim Agnew 238.. Team Standings: Pontiacs.31', Mustangs 26 ,,Oldsmobiles 24-, Buicks 19 Dodges 16, Fords 10 LycktiOiv ..Ptingonnon 1.bveinber 5th a31ii--.6th-founcl-411e .• Lucknow -Dungannon league' with sorne outstanding sCbres:. • • Merle Elliott was in the lead 0 site.58 Single and a very riice.triple of 703: Other star bowlers. in the 'female section were Mary Fisher'*•• with a.266, Marie 'Stewart 258., Miley aw orn n . with 237 each,' Marion MacKinnon 236 „Ruth Jardine 227.., Bill Nelson stepped into glory, with a 328 single and' and 801'. triple. • Bill Searle 'wasn't far '2- • , behind with a -0.2 and 252 garne. Jack Caesar rolled a1275 and. 273 game. 'Bill Nelson a 272 and Don,ald MacKinnon and Bili Stew - 'art each had a2&6 garrie. • • t• • • ga4P4i1:a;d4,:'1 'Beavers 37. Zebras 33. 'Cubs 31. Wolverines 28.. Gophers' 26 iers•2.5 Pole Cats 21, Coons 20 / Kangaroos 20 Squirrels 19; ChiPmunks.18 Lions 16 Keep up the good work! 13!5. Sorry about last .week's' .report someone must have mis- Placed it. • Here is a quick run- down Of the top, howlers: Marg Finlay high single 254; Joarine Searle high triple with 636; Bow7,-' lers over 225 Joanne Searle' 251. Gwen Caesar 231,' Ruth lyiathers 2Z5, • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1961 ,„and cart Weber were Sunday visitors with Mr.: and Mrs. Harry Lindensaarnidt-o-f-Mildmay:. Mrs. Victor Emerson accom- panied Mrs, E, 'MacLean of Ashfield and Mrs, j‘• MacDonald of Lucknow'to a sub -executive meting of Maitland Presbyterial at, the home .of Mrs. Alvin Mundell of Pelrnore. 4, . Mr. and Mrs., Torn McInnes of Gorrie visited Wednesday evening With Mr. and Mrs.. Din -Tiffin and' fatnily. Alma Conn of Guelph UniverSitY spent' the weekTend'at her honk here. •, . • , • -Mrs. Dorothy Probtor and. Don -4 ald of Morris Township were : Sunday visitors with Mr, and Tom Jarniesbn. On 'Monday Mrs Stanley Snell and Eileen of Lon:" don were visitors.at the same Bob Walmileyof Toronto was a Saturday visitor with Mr 7. and MIS John Jamieson and fan -lily.. • Mr. and Mrs, Gershom Johnston of.Wirighain .visited Saturday with Mr-. _and _Mrs .7JACILlohlistanLand familyof St: Pauli. and oh.. Sunday called at W.estininister.Hoipital on Bill Woods and bn•Mi. and Mrs,--fred-:-Parker--0-f-London. Mrs Dpiig-MCQUeen , Brian :and: her parents Mr. andMrs. Frank elineda.th. et,ofS.ca.rbo.rougli.w:ho spent a few'dayslast week with ROSS, .returned'home on the week- . ' , • . 'Mr, .aha Mrs: pill Evans were • Sunday. vititOrs With Mr . and Mrs. Ted EVaniancrfamilY- of .. Achievement Day for 4. -.HC Clubs .1307„Breirnan and faini4:.. .... peOrgetown. is ben!' g held:at Lticknowpubh'c.•,.......___Dive maci2u.. „aicLoax...nstzucl„_ ____,_._., _ __ _. _.—.. Schb-4517on-FaIurday November 15- • On Moffat an e WITH SELF ING OVEN WITH 350 TRADE-IN • • GET OUT. OF THE WORST Jogi IN, THE KITCHEN. JUST TURN . ON THE OVEN TO CLEAN• • AND SSORTLY, YOUR OVEN iiS sPANKLINC. 1 AGAIN. ' 411111116 :10110:1111111. 4i1.111M. 41111!,,MIND...ainw p RIPLEY 395-2982 and .open to tlie.,publie; at 1.15;,. The. next 'club is to be the Cereal* Self ' • . • • • . . Linda Bradon and er•girl friend Finlayson ,.• Fred Jackson, Jack, accompanied :her father Re • Henderson, John Cainpb!F,11,.. tiorabe Bradorrof-Uindor-friday Prize Committee ,for Tourna7, ... :Chalmers. Presbyterian Church l John TaylOr of Easr .Nfai.,•anosh • The girls sang the .psalm (usuall) visited on Sunday with Mr •„4nd, • .read),with'Linda'accompaning'On Mrs . Victor•Emerson, the 'guitar,. They, also gave two •.M.r. and Mri, .tNrallace Conn song Messages during the service.: visited on Sunday with Mr, and: Rev Byadon and the girls Were', 14s, Herb Hunter and family dinner guests with Mr and..Mrs'. • • : ' . , .work.in northern Ontario spent the week -end' at.his home here. and Mrs. 13i.11 Craig, visited last .w•ekwith her sisti„r • Mrs. Robert Ross, returned to. their, home at Scarborough •on ments - Bob Fisher, Gordan Mac- Phersori,Harold Ritchie, Fred Jae lison:. • ' • . • Moved ..by•Alex MicNay,, secon- ded by John Henderson that this be the executive for 1970.; Londn ac en erson was appointed caretaker for the coming year.' SOLES IN dies .9 p.m. . Anna Johnstone 'claimed both high tingle and. high triple with :scores of 306 'and, 649 tobti • • • Garnes.pl.ayedi Tillie Wilson's, Oranges 5. Mary Lou Barger's •, • Grapes 2;. Marg f,Haekett's Stiaw - berries 5, Bev Thorripson's Apples 2; Carol.Atkinson'S Peaches 7, Barb Helm's Bananas 0. ' • •Gainei 290 and over: Mary' Nelson 204; Barb. Sanderson' 24 Lois Walden 207., Joy Dennis•265, Anna Johnston 211, 306, Evelyn SiSler 263, Marg,Hackett'233, Maudie Fisher 207, Trudie Nelson • 235., ir ey oo, ITORRY-FREE• 1111111.11RESI Durnin 239, Roil Stanley 227. Points: Owls 7 Cardinals .2;•'. Vultures5, Hawks 0, • - 'Team Standings: Owls Cardinals 3Q, Vultures 18,, Hawks 10 •” - • For the tnen,:, Freck Buttot had a high single' of 275 and Jack Caesar the high triple with 796. TOp Men bowlers were Bill • Nelson 259, jack Fiher,. 255, jack Caesar 252. , Jardine 230, .205, Eileen Lavis 223, 225.. • . Team standing: Oranges .38, Peaches 36, Strawberries 34, .. Apples 33. Bananas 24; Grapes 24 •