HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 2A. la7 irwo THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ik,UICKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969, Tit LUCK.NOWSENTINEL' LUCKNOW : NTARIO ' • "Tho Sapoy• Town" - tlsHuron-Bruen Sou .,ark Registration Number 0847 Second Class' Mail Re ' Established 1873 — Published Each. Wednesday Afternoons ' Member. :of the C.W.N.A. • and • ;Subscription Rate, .$5.00 a, year. in advance.to, the U.S.A., $7.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 la, 3fi 11, WHAT-00ES NOVEMBER 11th MEAN? Novemp11th, is it er'still' a:day, of remembrance or .has it now, 'developed to the stageof dust another" holiday"? , . • • • . i. ie,.. Do 'stores, schools and institutions close•on November 11 th be- cause they want to. observe. t as a day of remembrance or because they. want some time away from their regular duties? r think we all' know -the-ansvwers to these questions. Judging from the numbers in attendance at the Remembrance Day services each.year,• it ,is quite apparent that most people have become rather •: different..ao_the o.ceasion:• ifelong 'Amberl�ey P 'Jent Passes7 WALTER .BROWN A .lifelong resident of the, Amberley area, Walter M. , Brown, passedaway on Wednesday November 5, 1969 in the Kincard- line and District General Hospital in his; 82nd year, following a brief -illness Born in Ashfield Township: March 19., 188S,- he was the .son of the . late Samuel' Brown and•.Emily Cooper. He fanned on the 'fish- field -Huron Boundary,• west. of Ar berley, 'until. 1924,. then .built and. operated a' garage and Hard- ware Store in A.mberley for .40 years retiring in 1964. He was. interested in Municipal affairs 'and served. several years as councillor and as reeve ;of Huron Township. . In.1912, Estella Campbell. became •his wife and she' predec eased him in October 1947.: Later, he married Dortha .Collison,. who survives• along, with two daughters, Mrs 'Murray (Doris)'MacL•ennan of Wingham, Mts. Eldon (Allen -}--- Bradley of Ashfield: Township;. one *step`daughter Mrs. ' George. ' (Lila), Porter of filagara Falls;'sixt. grandchildren and three 'great ' grandchildren; one sister, ..Mrs.. Elizabeth' Ferguson and: a brother, William J Brown both of Lucknow: He was predeceased by two broth ers Richard J. and Thornas;.G. Brown. . The funeral service:. was:conduc- ted`from_ the McLennan -McCreath, Funeral Home:, Ripley on`.Saturday This is easily ',understood. •The. first . and second world -wars have g become only : pages in a text book to the vast majority of the youth of today. Unless they have grown up without a father, or a loved one in the family, the significance . of the day does not mean:nearly' as . much to them as the present suffering in Biafra or the slaughter in Then there are : those . in their 30's,who were . children • when second. world' .war :ended: It's rather ifficult' for them.; to they really appreciate the suffering and difficulties whichpeople endured during those. years: > . Only those who experienced the horror, hardships and sorrow of one or two world wars know fully, what Remembrance Day is all about and not even they are sufficiently concerned about, those wars: of years ago to pause for a few minutes of remembrance. Veterans' parades grow smaller, people.: with true. remembrance pass on,soldiers and their:. families 'grow: older, school- children ask their parents' why they ' are home from school that day and .: many. others just don't care We are able to carry on our lives in this affluent country .largely. because of an age of men who gave much of themselves, sometimes their: lives, for =their country and for their fellow :°mai% eTime dulls all memories concerning wars and their =pleasing - ries, but the benefits reaped by the . youthful •generations,as a result of those wars, are very real: DONATE .$5000 (ON'1 TIvUL7TFRO fiP-A i:-1 • motor oil, '68.04; Clinton Radiator. shop•, heater repair .' 6 , 00, `George Srrm_yth. .cutting p w.-': ,,: 15 x'50 Harvey Culbert, telephone tolls, .15.40; Bank of C'ommerce P.P. and -income tax 95::12;.. • Armstrong, preparing" tax state- 00 Welfare 5' • Y • • accounts, 423.27 Ontario Hydro; hall power. 9..75; JackMcGee,;. Mowing in. Dungannon 9.00; Fawcett Metal Products , 'Rintoul. rain cu1.erts • 43S.46;,.De ler •s. 'Tile; Rintoul Drain; 222..20; SVii..: S: Drainage Contractors, Rintoul . drain;. $ ,5:26.00; Dungannon Agri- cultural'•Socieey.; .1969:.grant , • 50 00; ' Solomon Greenhouse flowers : Eliner Foran ;•.10.:56; Road'Accounts;' Harvey Culbert:, salary , 3.75.93;.'G . Humphrey operator, 3.70:66;',F, Olson Ltd ;. • load.ingsard hauling gravel • pit`, 10$.00; Radford's garage, tire' repairs ; 33 22 D. R. M , Co . Ltd -cut ove r`.8tfr; ittrthe Rea.`17 ngannonGarage totes Iwne Business Affa story, , Written by it's Huron county correspondent Shirley Keller , about the, appearance of Dungannon garage owner Robert lrvin•before Huron' County Council in an effort to-rectify:a probleni which Iv1r. . Irvinsays the. county Created when they build the new road through: Dungannon .inthe summer of 1966. , • Mr. Irvin says that in the con$tr• uction,.•the roadway was lowered. such that it has caused, him access problems to his garage on' Dungannbn's main street. • :He' blames this'access problem. on .the resulting ,loss of income which he claim's to have suffered in his bus'- iness : Mr: Irvin says that the east side Df his gas pumps, where a vehicle receives. gas , is on .a grade that prevents a proper oil reading and that' a customerscan not receive , a full; tank, of gas because of tile' sl`ope,. He-also-hastated that loaded 'trucks will no longer neg- otiate the .turns•on'and off his lot,. created by the Huron County Highways Department',' and this has . resulted in ,a. loss ,of business "for him,/ He says his lot' Was.level before the :road construction Hill of Pine .River United Church officiating. Burial was in Ripley • ry; Cemete > •, ' :The' Pallbearers were:, Gordon' Boyd;,:I-loward Robb, Jack Camp- bell, Bob cNain ,McN4. _Bob• y. and r .e n Dune Thorbu n . 'Th flower bearers were .DavidTodd Donald''Whitfield, Donald Fergus- on, Bill Ferguson.; Bob, Chester, Glenn and Russell Canipbell: Receiver General, Unernployrnent • stamps, •11.20 Thomas Hacke;tt.. Chain •saw parts and repairs:; ,55::61; Huron County, plowing.and drag $It'g •r16-0 0 -Don -&1 usher Auburn,, 'cutting grass ; .20200; Allan h4cDonald., digging" post • holes 37.0,0; James Aitchison; fence and' strearn,diverson,100.00 Council' adjourned to .rneet•.Dec-. ember 2nd, at 1;00 p .rri .•"at :the Gori e of the Clerk Joan Armstrong; Clerk, a7.59; I rape rial_ Oil Ltd. ,fuel and tax 207.90; Grant •Chisholm GLEN 'an.d.FREEMAN SAND, STONE AND FILL: HAULAGE. Dungannon; Ontario. • • ,Huron County Road .Committee state that they, have ,attempted to make' the job: at Mr. 'Irvin'sgarage as nearly .perfect 'as possible and suggested that some of the :problem could be overcome •if --Irvin would lower, his, gas pumpsand they would do levelling work Mr Irvin - refuses to accept this as "a satisfactory solution stating' that this would .make' a very steep ginto his arae and _would _. __ gradegg.. make it very difficult, in winter weather to movevehicles in' for:, repair: He suggested to`:county council last week nat, raising the., road`was;'are solution and''this has been estimated as costing. about $15;000: Nl°r Irvin :has'.'stated, that' the problem of access was emphasized. recently whenthe county station s iom5,911 of wagon, and aigroupof the4road Lucknow •wish:to: announce 'the. committee, visited his property engagement of•their youngest to inspect: the'situation'. In. daughter,,,Sandra Jaanne to Mr leaving :.the garage property 'the William Francis Boak, son•of Mrs:.station wagon dragged on the side= Doris Boak of od-erich irdthe - late Robert. Boal::. The marriage 'will take; place -';at St. •Peter's Anglican Church,. Lucknow"on .. . Friday ,. De.cernber. 5th 'at '7 .p . rn KINGSBRIDGE Congratulations to Mr: and Mrs Frank Riegling on the arrival. c f a_sori Oct. Hospital on Saturd'ay'Novetrib-- 'er. S .We have two' new TV Stars'` 'in aur-rni-dst Aastl-t esday-•,-.N-oveni ber 4, Jackie'Dalton.was guest on Cartoon House, ,CKNX, and.`the ." Friday before. Brent. VanOsh ` ' was a. guest., •• Other children from the area,,• who have,rnade recent"'. appearances, :ire Vince Aubin, Dean and Dana Doherty Mr: and Mrs. •Antone VanOsch and •family, •and •Ormand Heffernan visited with Mr and Mrs. Albert Heffernan and family of Wallace- burg on Sunday', 7'ot rriy , son of Mf, ' and Mrs, Theo VanDiepen , returned; hotn0. on, Friday after a tnonth's stay at the Research Childteri's lristtute, London . W�<., shwasher •eat.s u �vate�r . Button assures sanitizing • not water. e Choice of•'6:c'c es:f.or•_. ' greater convenience,. • .Quick, easy tbading, 4• Bit capacity usually means once -a -day dish,; washing. • • . ' Phone 528-:'311.2' walk, and put' a 25" scratch on.the' . concrete but Mr Irvin says "they never stopped" t' He'sa s that.,des ite the fact a cence to e•. and ; that h ,e:. p ys a li X insurance in. full his' business, has.. been severely:.affected.: • • The 'problem remains unresolved OUR Bi 4. nnal FACTORY OUTLET :•` vw OCTOBER 23 THROUGH TO DECEMBER 31 The Same Spectaailarr Values Vou Have Come TO:Expect o1' Us SPECIAL HOURS • . a.m. Dail. y. BLYTH, ONTARIO Fr da9 'to 6m.,�ndSaturday t;lt 4 p.m, Yowl Rad On Of Caralir's See Oshhotileg Solider 'Oh BURSTS, SNIPS", IUSS, LAIIIIS' "a jam SIREN ANO LEATHER COATS,OLO11ES & ASSESSOR'S ALL AT FACTORY OUTLET SALE PIKES . •