The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-12, Page 1kh, 1961 i $5.00 A Year In Advance — •52,00 Extra To, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Mr: and Mrs. Tom SteWart Of Cutross Observe 5Oth Wedding Anniversary 12e' 13c 7c 10c. • tEE, 9c 10c 0 • Dffic .helper at airs; !e'•5•••.• Public '"burs-. rah. of c kles 13or• • OW c The 50th wedding a'nn'iversary of Mr, and', Mr=, Thnnas'Stewart of the -14thcorrcessioii oFc 1ross "Township: was observed on SaturdaY .p when a family. dinner and social g athheri g washeld rk the '. • occasion. The actual. date Of. the. ••weddi:r,g anniversary • is Christy las forthe' c ve ie ice`... Da; - _bwton ni i , , of, .” y family; and :friends,.#1f.. event was. marked Saturda ,...November 8th . Y ,. '•' Thomas Artt, hur Stewart andFern Ila Larrett were:married'at the hornet Of the bride's parents in •. 'B.riercrest ; Saskatchewan on. Dec - 'e 'ember 25te. mb Y"r ' 1910 � t ., ..b the M odth , s niinister'of that cornmunit RONALD MacIVER Ronald Keith MacIver., son of Mrs Grace El.. Maclver, , 1279 Wilton Ave. , London, and the late Donald T . Maclver, graduated. from the University of Western. Ontario with a 'Bachelor of Arts tion, October 31He is enrolled in first-year Law at the University .of Wi'ndsor'. • • ' Torn.is the son of the late \4r... and? Mrs. John Stewart of the;•north I1 rte,•:Vincardine-ToWriss-tii tt�d s;marlp 1 pork' went Qwest a• a om. to:Work'. Mrs. SteWart . daughter r of the late Mr , and Mrs. John Lar.rett of Brierc.rest:; • The couple Diet and::married: in western. Canada and 'both co�mi�1, • ;from farm. families it was only • natural that they comineticed' farm ing , in. Glenovan, Saskatchewn a.: It was in, the west that :their eleven children were born.. The familyfamily..enoVecrto Ontario in 1937 and: after a year:at ,Millarton took up farming on the William Smyth fare on the 14th.of Culross which: they purchased . Tile e art pro•ert ;is' about:1 1/2 .miles:' north of Westfordand about. three miles •east of the. Lucknow Kinloss county road' • Th.eStewart fancily of five dau- • g ters an• six sons• are: rs Arnold (Ila).: Wilkie•'.of Kin:c,a.rdiine. Mrs:, Ralph.(Ellen) Goesse•l of I-incardii e ; John'of Carup Borden, Gerald Of Kincardine., b1rs'. Ian (Eva) McPherson of Culross ; Ernest "Bud". at home., Mrs.. L"loyd (Mabel) Cornishof Winnipeg; Alex of Orangeville, Mrs. Ron,` (Millie) Stanley of .Kinloss•,•. Russell': of Lahrs in Germany Of .' -CJe-�v-i�—•'YV�r�Q•, ri x,_,�,�T`-Ycry--'C c'WYI'Y�- have thirty-five grandchildren • a'nd•eight great grandchildren. .' Mr, Stewart•h.as three brothers -and ,two sisters r:esidingin the Kincardine area and•three broth-, ers are.deceased Mrs; Stewart has two' brothers and two sisters in the Seattle area o:f the -United '; States. A family dinner for about 40 was held on Saturday evening. at the Kinloss United Church. •.A receptionfollowed that evening at the .Holyrood Hall with guests Ron i$married to the former Johanne Elizabeth Blyth, Montreal, also a graduate from the Universit `of � University , W Stern Ontario. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 . n ucknow Single Copy 15c • �onc�#e Ana Prc��ect a WEST WAWA:NOSH COUNCIL .The regular session of West Wa- wnship Council for Nov- ember., `was held at the Clerk's home on Tuesday evening,'Nov ember 4th, with all members in attendance. The rr.inutes of the October session arid a special Meeting, October 18th, were 'read and • adopted onmotion of Councillors Rutherford and McDonald., • A lengthy 'discussion; took place regarding the Lucknow. Arena fin ancial aid': • A motion "That: West Wawanosh -climate $5,,000.00 towards the cost of the Lucknow arena to he paid a"t' the beginning of the -i ew-=ea-r -=i#- pos;s-ibie ,-an' [Frere of re `ti y'- ro"fsb-t-a -rrth'e-- 255 • grant before the :end of•1970' ' was •moved''and seconded'by. Council.= Tors McDonald 'and 'Foran . /Carried The tenders on the closed. poi - troll of the' Purdori , MacTavish and°Anderson; Drains •,were Consid- ered at;this time. On motion of Seattle , Washington, Winnipeg;: • 'Camp Borden and Orangeville. The family presented Mr. and Mrs. Stewart with a set of dishes and they also receeiVed'many individual gifts arid remembrances frorri friends and. relatives,. Presentation From Councillors A itchison nand Ruther.- Aitchis 5i , for the strewn diver ford the tenders of Gerald Clarke sion on"his property:;, of Arya for $3 ,151.00 for the ' The Road accounts were ordered Purdon Drain; $786.20 for the paid .on motion of.Councillors ac � 24}&0 • andMcDonald and Foran•. ,.. •;. , for the Anderson'Drain weret" M lavish Drain,• and' 1 The •follow ng general accounts •; • ted. were. passed forpayment on An application for a tile drain- motion of Councillors Rutherford age loan from Walter Elliott was and Aitchison; Receiver General,. accepted :by Council on motion of postage stamps, Treasurer , '6.00;, Councillors ,Foran and McDonald',' Huron County' Plowmen's Associa- A .motion by. Councillors McDon- tion,. 1969 .grant', 25'00;Joan ald and Foran, ;authorize'd the sign CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 in$ of an agreement with James R. i i"C� y`" -_,i«i .., i! i ..•�..! '•i" '!s.: f•." "f•`I.'Jsa'i'.s•'•i"ri"s"i'.��'!ff"'' 41444-1-1-0+++. Thi Lucknow, and district Corn, : Mrs , Bob' Lyons and 'Mrs ... Ron munity.remembered the fallen of Forster:'frorn the Ladies.Auxilia.ry recent wars• at a Remembrance • Tammy Forster and Craig Treleav -.• Day 'Service on : November •11th, en from the Cubs; Gail Pritchard • ... The coinmunity..church service • and Nancy Ritchie from the• Girl;, was held at: St: Peter's,Anglican • Guides..;Cla.ence Greer was. Church at'10, a: m. when, a parade parade Marshall:.; • . of eterans•, Ladies; Auxiliary;, ;Wreaths were placed VAt the Gini Guides ;' Rangers and Cubs was Cenotaph, followin ' 'raver' by - led b :'the. .Lucknow S.c h ool Band y h Rev �Od:endah'ls Province'of Onto on! area -e ' 'direction .of. Gordon ' d the aeio, 'CharleslcC�uihirt, Luck= Mr. and Mrs._ Earl Cranston'o•f rayley:•'• ,. Legion, Bruce•'Warn:sley;• Ladies ' ckn0 were honoured On Thus- Rev" R-. 'Odendahl, minister'of• Auxiliary: v Mrs.: Clare' Johnstone, Lu Thin 's- w , .set ice 'f a •er' ���e 'ed.the �ervice '. •day November: 6th, :by• .former ' • St. Peter , s, op n ;Village of :L'ucknow , George.Jo'ynt;. with prayer and led in the,•respon= Luoknow Lions Club;. Russ Button; nei'hbours and friends of Zion Mr, and Mrs:.Barry—McDonagh: , sive reading..., Rev,, Robert; Nich- ' Business• Men's Associati•on, and iMr:'.and. Mrs, Lorne Cook;: • :oils of Lucknow United•Church'-Harold::`Ritchie; Lucknow• Women:s .• read• the ie n. Rev:, -Glenn on`beh:alf,of the Zion nevi hbourssso R Institute, .Mrs:, Al'ek .MacNa• •; g.Y. Noble,of Lucknow Presb' terian .' and friends ca�lled'at their 'Luck= , Y Cubs, Anthony WHowald;.. Girl - now .home and made the' presenta - Church delivered .the address .. • Guides„. Sandra Finla ' :' Rangers . tion of a., step.. stool and .can:nister.•, Fo11owing., the ,,service ,.'thie. par- Elizabeth Newbold. set. rade • moved to. the'L' ucknow. Certo, The. Last Posta d' Reveille 'wa • r an moved n • • M n Mr.s. Cran or� •'ta . h at he �e d , stp the Lu know Town Hall: sounded'b Rick Pritchard The to Lucknow August ls•t a.nda•re ...Bud Thompson was. colour band closed with''God.�Save The residing.: in. the former Alex sergeant and the calou•r ar was - g p tY S?iteen The Church and' Certo ' *just west;oStauffer... . 'Ed Blackwell fror• ri the'.Le ions ;agdHackett home,on Wheeler Street . Tde up of; -Russell. Whitby.and taph service was r•e y Lucknow Le ionBra ch 309 • i+4-.0+ce:4+1'.••-• : •-:-ii+• r•t-•-:. I• •-i : �•�• Ah • •• •, : :7'-'.. c,n yclo.p4e rr ann ee iversar .Awar: 4* Rev.. Glenn Noble of Lucknow minister of Lucknow,. Dungannon and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches, has been announced' as awinner'�of ' 00" $1 0 from 'Encyclop edia 13ritannica. TO mark their 200th anniversary celebration, a draw for $1000 has been made each quarter from names of people: who hale sent in enquiritg about `the • Encyclopedia., Left to right -are A , Owen, Great' Lakes Division Manager.; s .making the pre,ettta'tion of the the ue • q , to Mr., and tilts, Noble. 1`1r. Noble won:the third quarter draw