HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 18,r.., " • ,1{ . ..' • . 4 r s AIR` "••773RR" • '• B r L a * ° UCKNOW, ONTARIO ''WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER a 6 � �!AGlE . �A�iNTNtN-' - '- :` MUM* 1014, .._ '>�h . I:9 �T4 • .,�: f .. ,._ , ; MY >, *. , ; �. ,. , .: m. : -. - • a, • .; , . , � ... _: . , :, - .„:m, surprise•pa. •... An' SL Mrs.. wa ne ewart and twit• daughters Me an and and `SonIvlichael of :Hamilton on is. ,;,. - ,... !: E ' - nwersar----.:F � t.. ' .'r + + I+ � I �; + 9 �i �`r" , is ':. , !• i -( ! ,; .1 - . 2 ., .. �. •_ y ,.; ,. , ,, — � .':. .. f •!. 'I,' n,: : ..h ,. RD y.. . , : , , _ , F ,. AND SACRIFICE D UGANNON NEWS._ A” surprise gathering was held on M and un a at the hom ,- :.',Sunday e - Mrs: Gordon.Srn h 6th 'concession e their famly�came horn to ' helppthem celebrate their '35th wedding anniversa Everyone • ' we anniversary,. enjoyed .un h.includin the dec., o•Th received atdson eff Chactrand ofi atff `'chi an visit7cl.recenti' " lir Mr gl t the Stewart home. TO ALBERTA • Paul Eed: son of Mr an: r P u d . Ross Eed. departed. horn T:oront International Airport ori Sund�a�• :rouJoh.- will be assisting his, uncle . i, i ° . fry � ..�:: 1 ,, ; ., p € � , y J` fi OY OF • U AY man love gifts from all they ^ - ly. amyy present, Mr:. and Mrs; .'sale.,; Herb "Wilkins' and family' of Ash- Zinn: field Mr. , and Mrs Clark n . and', family of Clinton; Mt. aril .. Mrs. Lorne Howes n girls T.eeswater, and Mrs. Geor e ' Mr:. , . g hunk Eed ie '.ar catty for:G y� P e: It 's ex acted he will t' .r,• r•- l ��'��-�. 4•.br 5.weeks'on. the' Bar •Pipe Ran h. , A .pot luck supper will be hE; on Saturday evening for the congregatio of Erskine•PreSbti t : - . n + ,. �f„ .; lt..or . ,• a^ ,9p� f, iCs' ; E x' }' 1 j$ ; J.i F,♦� qq ,c 7 t':L ext, ,, ' '� � ,. '+ �' " • ,. :•' , • - .: ` E • . •' NOVEMBER'::1, �'-, ' - •th; • Smythand, famil ; Mr'; and Mrs. :• Lorne' Alton �and- Marsha,• �Mr. .. and Mrs . Stan Fenner and Susan "bf Coderich 'Mr:• and Mrs, 'John' Ward' and.Ricky o -f 'Benin her; Ed�s Mrs, Stan Ridley of WroX- 'ieborne:: et and afar and GC,, at • 'Benmillet vis• Kitimat � S . C . and :others. ilrr€ ian. Church'. At 6, 30'slid:so:fie , ,howra by the 'Rev. Glenn . There will also be a program, folk singing and the con ro:�at c. ;. . of the other ehurc'hes' are most :welcome. ' , t ' i s, Y• „�'4641. M 'r`w"NO 1 !►►'.►► Mrs.. Dell, Ladd of If you had ]:n c.•:, .■ i ' } r r .Teacher: o ` ited an Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs . Torn Park and Mr'. and' h�1ts,: Bill ) ,sip' poe'ket and $15 in, the other H .,�', ' �, • ' ' `earl{ and family ', u1d yo u hav •. r ;t + i .• k • ;• O, I ® .. O e e. • ar of oderieh. Mrs-. M 1St , w t G W Johnn : Someone else s .pdr :....' Y i ,. umBE :LDGI4GD v Boxing a � ti t; HonouredOn , , ' •,• 50th" Anniversary;. W H. E E' HIT CHURCI N .WS On" Frida eve.nm 1�1r: and Mrs, ' y. g , Orville. Tiffin celebrated' their , ,. •- ...,..• " .. i€,., � • ': •50th e.ddin 'Anniversar m Ross And famil y'• , • • • Attnd>:n, g hy' wedding last Sat•t urda. ,in. Mitchell.-o,f Mr.. 'and ,Mrs .' y Brian C.ouTtes.we.re;Mi; and Mrs. a d r Albert John G auntIvlr.n s. Coulte' 'r and.,Mrs:. Ji Cou1-. s;• M d,1vl Jin `Mr and•Mr ,Nor a,. , s m zi' . ' :_ Coulees and in rhe evening attend irx 'the race tion ;at -the; Le ion g R g T host': from •' W fiitechurch U'. C . � W . vision Luck�now U . C . W , on Tuesday • • evenin . were Mrs. 'Era ' . Y g z Scholtz;; Nlrs: Garnet Farrier Mrs: Carl 1Neber Nlr Ta�s rn • htlagoffln and: Mrs_:. •Dave Gibb., •tes • On 'Friday .evening the' Ha llow�e Y.,.: �: .Y• en young fry 'presented all sorts:of obiins hosts 'and'wit he •'and" ., , e s�, Take: ourpick�. 14 new m. I , ` '• ' o f � un(ts • by �' .. .• . a, . ,ere r :and r` Alex Hall w. M M s, rea r cluite'a• arnoun ll�g �^ ., --t1=CUt1Itt1 :1'I�oi�'- -• - _ r t' . Craig; .Mr;• and Mrs. Jack Coulees, of treats...as the toured the village.: 1 •al•Hall: Y g • 'of Burlington, o r'.'.', $ ngt n i :1 . and M'r's... • Th r were r'emarkabl obliging • ij,; Besides the imi ied ate famil •, . •Y ..•.' y Jim Gaunt of:Centralia,:, Mr., and' . �. •f' s: rG�. ' : 1 �> ' t , and rnann'erl : those. invited:'to• celebrate ,with . .., • Y „. Mrs'• .Harle •' Gaunt of Win `h •m i .,, 't In`Versit A ,,,,, xhem,we're.brothers and sisters,' A1ma.Conn`ofGuelph t t y. qq h:: and Mr. and :Iv1rs.:Geo e. 'Gaunt r;x ,nieces and -nephews. hews, " spent the.wee:k;end with her.:-� P of.E.xeter , arents'Mr•'and Mrs. Wallace / At. Punch -tine M,r. , parents , , , �, ;• - Exc'e tional Val ie.at th.isl•oW rice', •Ideal for.h'umi�dif in' 4 -- - -. - edrtR712t1� . :.. fa;' 4A: ;,- ii'': ; .„,t- •.�. ;_..., � : i..,..'...:.,, } i r and-Ivlrs: - � --- , <: . , ,, : ‘, .Rev a r e .. : ' �' Conn and: Mrs I'tob rt Watt of :" .Conn,:. r : � iffi�i with John 'Dan' McInnes , ' . ' :. .. ' ro to were Sunda' a ler o : Visitors on' Saturd.a � wit'tm :. r r; as Master• of ceremonies were : . To n r • y ft non 3 ' ,• ; .;? • . :.' ' ` '• • ... visitors, with Mr; 'and .`Mrs . •Ge:or e Mrs . Charles T,iffin.'of Win �haii� .. ,, ;., _ ,. .• entertauied• with 'w, ordsof.apprec-: ,.'. :�. • '.' .. .. .' .. , T h rripson and ,Mt . and Mrs,:., " were h'e.r; parents Mr:• and heirs . cation frorn,TOlrm.IulcInnes of , • ! G^ome . John Melnnes .of Kinloss : Millan Moore :. In, the forenoon Bill Brown., 'Nle . ` and Mrs.. Bill. . fk,•; . ,.. Rev :, Watt had conducted services: Ross of Lucknow ;': Mr .' and Mrs, , ,Geor e Tiffin of I:ucknow• and"Wes- ... , . • • g • . , Tiffin , , .- at St,,,Marys United`Church; • `' Clark Johnston of Belgrave , °7an ; • le: • , Tiffin and Toe - - - - - ' ••� sffLi eh t �aseloo ` P g Y r" '•'mov,e.'from roorn,to room . -'�l :,� E fCTROHOME : ;:,t L ,f•• P 0 RTA B l E. i "Dan ;:.... ' Mr:: and:Mrs: Torn Jamieson ette'Johnston of 'London and Be , r,,�;a I .::•,;.r :. mon i r c y was . Mrs :. Ronald Jamieson: and ;famil .,• • , , •• •• a old. swivel rocker from the y TRAINI :CO E ' u g NG tzRS ,. •.� ,.,,. :. of Easi'Wawanosh. ,� , bro e d e : • •.. h rs an silt rs and'blankets-, ' �• - 'Jim Morrion; is attendin an ,. Shar `( st L w P Y Y ed..t o- tone Fi�umidifier•'. with . ' Chi rain o ce of wood g ,finishes. :fiir�is�hes. Hes ;v°araable ''1;1i �'•/, .,•� { r .., china ware ,..:Pillow cases , sheets he .eek end • e echanics at. Fansha ^ ark , ; 'P , ., spent. t . w with fri nds':' M P Ion= zn ." . and pillov,r...; ' Toronto. don for seven.;weeks : „This will, • • ' com plete•"his•short courses: ' , - p: rida Mrs: Ezra Scholtz. ...Recent:week end,visitors with P I , , . ,,•Fisher _ • e rge -and: .fir e u ,; Zvi v..Ai�,rs Coultez On i'rehalf of.' Mr'. and Mrs. G, o- -. - - i-nsx�t• ed-fa:n-�-P-e. few or..' rOOrn ' r 'they 4free 'h'Ouse or.• ” a �.-.art,ment.. ' P -ee 1an. bits- _-tri--- ' .wheeling. casters:. ..Serves -7. (OOTY1 dwellFn.g:. _ ,, r :; •, ,�i + ` i, I,, { he •village resin of the lvorth. € ants ' . � e - e . e ' , , , Mr.. Mrs.,s ti et ,.,pr sent d. .andConvention , , .: �<lle T.i.r3in-.with a satin bound. i;,. _ ,-• ", ..... .._ , , - Old' blanket.,and illow cases in. rernpyt_�nbr.ance of their.5CGth Wed.d.-' 4 ,.• inn .nnit.ersa , :. '' • . ry .: -..: ,,, • r.'Gkbson . M , e:nd Nies , Allan Falconer.. a, : . ;.••' F,t at ath. ati were Thursda • and ,..1- ".,� day tors with Mrs; Cecil. F.ai- ..: n �,, :C4. cone: on way hom 7.e, o«.. ..' ,, famil. werre I r . , ,and Mrs .• A.rnold"'---- ng t Ela th y :Lite ;are holds heir van•'* Lou heed anal farriih of :ort Elle ;r g ,.. Y. � .. on •I�londa and y Mr . and Mrs•. Bill: Fisher ands•, , ,. , .uesda a F T in"th L n'ited Church anvil of Port Credit Mr: 'arid .- f , y,: Mount Forest' with G1eneden.' Mrs Gordon Fisher'and familybrarnch the. hostesses:'• The the e. 'oGuelph f. ,..Mr and Bill is Exam 1e 'is~not the main P, and farnil'•,of Lucknow ; ..• thin in, influencingothers "it is,'; . Y.••s Mr : and Mrs .' Lloyd 'ttacker of ' the only thing�and to profit from. • London and Sandra Fisher, of Kitch: igood advice requires far more ane:'. ' wisdom than to': ive it . g • . ''' r , . , . n :d � .>.-,.' +t<?v'fi :, ... • •>.,- .... €.: f, - .: � {S,...'; -- > , ! : : ,,�� � � ' I ({ f� •i � -. f is ..#. r i • ,i ,thele . : 1�r�..... 6w allate ::.• / Cu>1,.� retu.:ired. WriiLech>lrch Was well re reser .- 1 Mr nd .::',..411,.';4.F.,-,44-, e l:k oo,. • e t .r horn_ o,..Wecn. day after ed :at the Dance at St. •,_ :, ", andM'r and _ =r`, 3aeh, C oniz inC• .a week Ott' and : Jrs • � . 'Mr Ne,lens on Friday night. r4 - _ �— ai axe -;`F: •• 4 any T t.o. `of .:• ..a co e- a. r f -� • v Twin Nloore' of Simcoe spent Cecil falconer.end with his the week ... e. pardon . •' , ,, : 4 •, ., , � ''- �^.. ' Wednesd-ay last y: ... ,. .:' . birthday pain �.i. tl,.id .� tee. ,•. _ honour at rhe hor-le o, .he. coo. , .,,. �.. c� r ... Richard•, Mrs , u>ne. arid .a'.. „1 � ,. - o'-, , • Mr; and 1v1�� � iC y...�se:.ro.e .... of Brantford were Sunday t' ,:icor; ,, with Nr , and Mrs, Torr O' or; •• ' -end patents-- • Mr . and Mrs . • Millan Moore eea .��,owir.� and•Phil 5:112.', t. tf .. .. �v:.:..C}.1L14i, broC�ht 'Mr r�_r _. ,... J'olin� Watt and friend •Mla ,�, .SrnJ.1.J 4 s Lv+'.r. en .VY, w: r' � .1 s a, hd � .y Toronto were $atur•d ' . ie- .,;nt _• ..ti civ. witx, the..:. caller e. _ . son l �r • and', Mr.. Geor ey g 1 J.� "Js. J�S�.da .' . : Tho Thompson, a.ve.. and on' anf family,Mr....arid , d . r. ., M.i1�an 1>roore • ' ..',�, .::.:�_..�irtiC r � ., .: ;. -; w_ r ;t . c : ..o `McInnes returned home' ,1.a..y> ��.�. 'wee'? at IA' for . ra-. ...E,`.-:..,.,�. by i,r. a' gait e:. . o.o iso on B:atufday acc:ompanied. Mr.... i . ,, and''.1;en Hof of London The' ultimate in. house- Id ' humidifiers. Auto-' t'c �um`dista� main. mai tains' constant''moisture ' le I ign igh , � S all t nd- cat2SMi11Q 2!"nk n t is err�pty f Decorator •rw.: ,• Shu ''s, :: f iso •au.tomatically. cabinet choice f�..>��i I [ = }# y.. in • , of wood • rains. , • .' •- ,. - Wrs e.r e e ra .. „ Cao Fish r and Sa,nd� ay -. L ed ee rMrs tit tl-,is w r'witl', 1:. , andM .. p , ":. • •• . " , :.' � ' , cc for ... . . _ . - and Mrs. G' arrutrie:�.oti Saturday' attended a trousseau.'� e ta for : Betty Hunter• bride .to be. ,. r , Mrs ` Gaunt and 1�4 . and Mrs., . Jirr:n "dk ,. . ' � ,.• . '. ' Janet of Centralis were Saturday . visitors- with Mr.. and Mrs... Don .... �.• w �,��, �-;. o�� o> >.�.: , . . ' r 1i:t ,..�' actor E ersor: and ?, . rs . '- r . , a.rw . Oultet. attended the Sect- •io'r;al rr,eeting of the Presbyterian+/Ire , ., S . : v� ,1� . S . held at � yW,��++'r, C. y� ee,, ■i7R,S,Fi�1.�s I�t'c-`sb r eriari church on•Wednesdati after- noon , er .. a isatin . tr ti 6 few• weeks k .. Pr�� From• :l p tieisitors on Sunday w .',Torn. Magoffin were Mr •,and /`� of 'CJs wa and � r l:.+ "vie aloin Irwin' ha Mr and Mr• • Jack Tierney' and � Karen. of',? ort .Elgin.,. Lucknow' i e.:•. �. ... .... � � „ I�'bone, ' Cfrir• .... S2 � 1 2'.