HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 13I1969 WEDNESDAY, 'NOVEMBE t nth, 1964, ang- fa t n ;.pital. twas. at. 55 °T. Bruce Council • Endosi.iSVIarning .Lights On. Trains A Grey, county resolution asking that county•board of education be disbanded, did; not receive :the support of Bruce county council /last week. The, Bruce council, view, 'is that. the county boards havenot teen -in operation--lo>l enou, gh for the system to fun.: on.properly, Council did approve a resolution 9f .{Worn, Eld'erslie'•township council: asking that dayliners.be painted' a bright.,<'•luminousccolor and:that •• locomotives have a rotating bea.- • con attached to 'their front and /fop There have been, four deaths in this county so 'far this year as,a result of ear -train crashes. ,County engineer Eldon 'Mundt explained that the reconstruction costs.of the.Chesley Lake: Road.., have; soared to $240•,000 frorn `the estimated` $180,000 because of, unanticipated problems in the c.onstruc.tion..' " ' M:QRE'GRAVEL USED' which rnore. gravel than.;estimat- ed:-was'-r.-equired-and prices -exceed- ed original quotations As; a ; result some other road 'Work including. paving of part of the. Tara Mainstreet will be deferred' until '1970 , There a're56'fainil es in. Bruce getting .,general 'welfare assistance; Norman Porter, welfare ad'rninist- •rator said: Ten other persons • •are receiving` supplementary .aid.. There ha.s beena substantial.' increase: ih the number of con'- struction safety ;inspections this year:;, inspector'Ronald-BradTey 'said . Much of this 'additional , V.` work wa:s generated by the increasing amount=of building at • • the bouglas .Point nuclear•.ptoject: To" the• •end of September there, w_erk-8.42_: i ns pections.;LN:o-f at al- ities have occurred in construe.-' tion' so far this year: .' 508,' CASES MEASLES °re Mr . Bradley, • also noted an incr- 2ebe f ea's'e in construction on •.fa:rms, depen iparticularly of; silos and general farm buildings. •her ^� Two girls: were recommended for county council scholarships, ' i7. Audrey Cooper of .kincardine•'and ), 2 Alice Cumming.of Port•Elgin. A of.`rabies ; • from 84 to 75 ,,was • noted by:Dr: p.A.'Alien;,medic rm al officer' of health .: The doctor OK, • said there is still cause for concern Over this dis v- as '. ; y ix of illiani k,` the cases: were among cattle. ies• Among other 'animals the cases' •• Were; •swine.six; horses two, cats,' four; dogs, ,:two; foxes 17, :skunks a res, 4 1'7 and raccoons, one 'The 508 cases of Gerrnan meas- fohn . des and 473 of chicken po7e.,in rNlacrt Bruce both showed sharp'increases • • ond'uc °' over last year:. .However red, alae measles showed, the beneficial` e. Gt°A ea s .v.a c i.ne program as this disease d copped to 11'cases from last year's 177. The tnetlita1=a-nth-narsirig division inspected 5,313 school children,, gave 2,044 vision tests, made 4,833 home visits and 201 to hospitals'. brims. 3s ,r, ter, •' of 'ta e of iren ldren icons. ��•. LILY THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO accident Victim .4 LANGSIDE NEWS . Wes Young; who was hospital- ized in Wingham 'since he 'was in- • jured in a car accident on October 22, was.able toreturn to'his home. 'Ori S unday. , ANNUAL CHURCH SUPPER . The annual' Pot Luck Supper was held at Langside Presbyterian Church --ow Saturday evening :._.EokB owing, this was the Sunday .School Achievement,Night. Devotions were lead by the superintendent Elmer Scott. -.Each class presented' a, number.,The teachers, Janice Wall,. Carlyn MacGillivray, Mr's. Jim Young, Mrs; George Young, Mrs. Cliff Young and Gordon Wall then presented prizes to.•their • class members. Elrner Scott pres- ented• seals diplomas and pins. Mr. and; Mrs Bill Bates showedi. pictures of trips to Eastern Canada and 'Northern Ontario. These were yery interesting. The programme.' closed with a hymn and prayer. Carolyn MacGillivray was organist for'the'program:.• . REPORTFRQN QJEEN'S PARK BY .MURRAY ,GAUNT .. M.P.P. HURON,BRUCE The .Ontario Health Depart- ment's forthcoming drug price list- ing' for doctors has started :lowering drug prices eight months before its pia nned.. release., One. official Of the Department :s biological service .said this. week tharone off the- Vor-'tr.-nquill zers --- has';dropped ,15 07 in price sinceits manufacturer•became aware of the. The list to,, include five:`: major categories of drugs encompassing 9.i :..Malof_prese.riptions_written_.by�'' Ontario doctors,. was firit announc- ed in• the 196$' Throne Speech.' '• It will show all comparable . brand names for.each generic drug inorder of their price,.,and there- fore 'enable doctors to ,prescribe ;the least .costly drug while being a!ssur- ed its quality is equal to the most expensive brand Referral of the Agriculture Dep artment'.s' 1969-7.0` estimates to the, ure , one of the main; results of the; hew rules ; Which went into effect this week, triggered a ttery detail:.= ed and thorough examination of the spending by the : Opposition. One of the programs that came under the Sharpest attack was'th'e crop insurance 'program.- I pointed outthat there are three main areas where the prog- ra,m. needs to be , changed . First of all, the Provincial Gov- ern'ment shouldmatch the Federal contribution of 25 50 towards the pre nium'cost w:hrich;would` mean Fi'a`t' thi'lotil for :premium• assistance, would be 50 °Jo. The'province currently pays 5-% for a total premium sub- sidy of 30.0b The matching grant. would encourage farmers to .join, .. the program.. e,n and; Betty SN :len ;cott, tha • side out- vish, t1Q ,ssisted :1;; is anti. C?'..F- ti,nrd 1`e ton• • Currently only 5 °lo of the farm- ers' across the province make use of the .plan and this means that' the costs of'the plan are extreme- ly highwith the pay -out in claims always etceeding the amount col- lected in premiums, More• emphasis should be placed • 1 • individual farmer. :Prerrliums should be reduced in successive seasons if a man's losses are low*. Thirdly, farmers should be corn pensated. on the 'value of the crop h i p rathet than just on the eroentage • ;PAGETHIRTEEN!. • A sig- s-arprise-for-Mr.-Staffo.r-d rig -hi out ofthe" blue Belvedere •Cash;, Certificate . for $2,500': It ha ' ened to. Mr:'•S`taffordf, and. you:..N)ext time you enjoy that mild ••Belvedere flavour., ou"coul'd Certificate:worth $2•,500 or $.25000. Right,'out of'the :bane! �In: order to w)n' -ou must ualil -'under the rulesa p p earrn Y A Y PP. . 9.o the certilicate,;�• pack.carne:an .Insfan it could 'Happen for; •find: an Instant. Cash.. (most people still\say' "1 smoke them.beca'use I like them", M It'Came`r h.t:out of'the.bi:ue for th►s' lucky' Belvedere smoker Mrs H.. St Jean, too — an Instant -Cash .Gert-r--ficate 7 for4257O80 You ou`Id be n -ext'- what-. _ d,o. you • X, yield. This applies' particularly to wheat where a farmer has a wheat crop yielding well above aver'age thereby disqualifying him for insurance benefits but the actual value of the crop is greatly reduced because the wheat is sproute:d''., lowering its milling quality and sale value Agriculture Minister, Wtllia n :tewart; said he w.as interested' in making crop insurance accept' able to'farrners and he plans on giving detailed study to the best. • methods of achieving it.