HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 12'PAGE TWELVE. THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO' Kingsbridge Girl —Cuides-#�ge-Dike- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th;. 1969. St. Helens Resident, Kinloss Resident Djed AI-Pinecrest �es In'ospital All you need is an automatic washer and-`electrid dryer: With one:. setting of a..simple control,, t:he. washer. fills, itself,'washes:, .*drain's,: rinses,' and .dam dries • Then. the 'dryer takes over .. Keeps Your clean wash freefrom impurities in the.atr. Fl.uffs;clothes into a natural:sha i:for:easier.iron of -yo —pe•r 1 ent- press garments.. There's no ,hard.. work: No. watching No"whiting. Your time's your': own YQu've banished`your washday blr<iesl .;. Wlth. a.n 'automatic washer and el.ectrlc ' dryer, you don't. have'to, do the :whole.`famil.y wash t'he same day.: Do°a tittle at a time Whenever you feel :'like: ft. 'Even°when it's• pouring rain, '” t, The . Kingsbridge 'Girl Guides . had: a, successful, turnout for their hike Satiirday, October 18th with, 39 girls present: They met at Shepparden Store at 1;45 and at 2:00 headed down towards the beach, They went along the beach to. Logan Creek, with each patrol.•carrying•"out their nature:.." pro-ject-alerng ta- -K it - were to gather �rr•'eeds,.tree leaves, see birds, and Identify "each. Patrol leaders tried and were: tested•on.:outdoor campfire. The girls also were. tested, On sta1king•:., .They then: built campfires and enjoyed hot .dogs, marshmallows and, freshie. After carripfire they headed. back. for Shepparden Store•through. ploughed fields , 'c'orn fields and. over. many fences. It .was a every enjoyable hike. Lt. Sinnett and Lt:. MacLennan gave results of .Kim's Game Thurs' day. evening at. regular Girl Guide n�eetmg :�• _._ Lt. Caesar was in charge of the songs and Lt: MacLennan took care of the $aures • Cap figert.in the past. few .weeks has 'been • trying' to stress the irnportance of -the girls wearing their full uniform to meetings if . they have one A1s6 their appear- :ance in uniform . Capt. Tigert also; asked the girls tb have 'their Membership ,fees in' by next Thursday night. She wi11 bein in the Guide meeting, room ' ' Thu `sday.evening at'7;0Q for that purpose.: She She . also explained about la, n -g to1 nta_ri_e :o ak-Deee ber ; llth. for good' turn- for Christ �� Ma's Roll :call;.a•nd inspection was • held. by, Lt. Caesar; and Lt.. Mac Lennan.. The girls were: invited Hallowe'en .masquerade parTy by Kingsbridge f3oy Scouts in the school Thursday' evening with garnesand a box: social: Swallows held. Campfire with p h , Patrol Leader. Judy Moran and second Mary .VartRooi :_ in charge'' Of a short 'skit' and group songs. . 'The girls•went to patrol corners and worked•on •project for„Christ masbazaar. i•ssett-e'-�a-r-i�e rge�v�-a-w•a�d her 'gardeners badge.: Meeting closed with.. Taps,.- • `'1..RS, ..FRANK• TO Mrs. Frank Todd of St. Helens passed 'away. at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Lucknow on Sunday October 26th in.her 85th year., Mrs. Todd was the' former Marg- aret Mina Buchanan,• daughter of Malcolrrl. Buchanan and' Margaret MacCall and was born in' Huron pt -e br •0t�-y�en:�e- 2 a--ohe married: Frank• Teodd' of Sr. -Helens. ' Their faun was just .north. Df the Village. Mr. Todd passed 4way Novembec.28 , 1955. 7For the '.last. few years Mrs.. Todd zas •made her horne with; her son • and daughter -in -law•Tom' and ' Helen Todd of St. Helens Mrs, Todd suffered a fractured hip on September 13th frons; w.hieh. she never recovered., `She was hospitalized to Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital for' two weeks • andi,then.was,moved.,to Pi:necrest. Nursing Home where her death. occurred last weel< • Besides her son •Thonra's J and, • his Wife,Helen, is survived• by- three grandchildren Mrs, Raymond (Annie) Laidlaw of 'Witigham Wayne avid -Hu aQme .aiid two' great grandchildren; one sister , Ctrs:.°V.io.let.Webster ,of Kincardine and. one ;brother , Robert Buchanan of .Kirkland :Lake Funeral service was held at Johnstone Funeral Home, ..Lucknow on WedriesdayOctober. 20th. with Rev.: J.•E;. Hummel'of St. Helens United Church as minister. Pallbearers were Mian Cram: ton Ted:Rice ;Fred Webster. Elliott Webster, .lac Webster;' George ,Webster Interment s at: ireenhfly. cemetery,' Brownie News The. 1st: Lucknow . Brownie `Pack et on Tuesday night •andopened wit fair `,rin : Collect'ion of Y � falry gold was, taken and,inspect , ion. was held : Mary Lynn .Cayley :passed her • test' for'braiding - ..TheNrownies donned•their' Hallowe`"'en. costumes- and ,marched in.a 'circle After :thea judging .of aru pla rf t lunch was served bringing meeting•to a close.. PETER GRAHAM MOFFAT A lifelong resident of the Lang side. Hplyrood. area in, Kinloss Township., Peter,Graham; Moffat , died, Saturday,' October 25th in the Wingham and. District :Hospital. He was 90. years of age. Born 1'n; Kinloss , Mr. Moffat tas a son of the late George Moffat ..' and Jane:Thomson.. He was a farmer on the .eighth of Kinloss,:' Mr. .Moffat wasa rneriiber of . Langside, Presbyterian Church Surviving are five sons, Thomas. David and James all of Kinloss Township; •Albert of Teeswater; Lloyd of Lucknow; one daughter., • 'Mrs. 'James (Jean) McPherson of R,, ;l Teeswater;• two• brothers, Lance - of Llo:ydminster, .Alberta and Robert of Point. Clark;; one sister, . Mars Elizabeth Craik of Hamilton; thirteen grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren; fie was predeceased by ,his the 'fo :trier Catherine. McDonald. in 19[0; a son. George ina' bush ,wide-nt-in=1.i= -a-nd .anotl er-son i' lia•m` :The Jody rested atihe' 1cph.r- • son Funeral Home; .Teeswater 'where funeral'service was•held on I.uesda'v.,' October .28th at 2.,3'1` p, m*. conducted by Rev.. Horace' Braden' of London. . Burial -Was .in Teeswatcr (eynetery. Palabearer .were..four grandsons,. • 13111. Jim and George \loffat Thpmas'N1c*Pherson; Clifford'. Young :.:Robert 'Orr Flower, he , wCreilll3ate�, • Robert Wnne and � Elrner Srorr. • joiflt:InsfaIi.ation Of :Ripley lodges l'nstallation,cere;monies were held jointly for'Hurons Star 2e•heli-. a) Lodge, No; :303' and the.lndepen•. dent Order of Od'dlellows Ripley , on :Wednesday., Octet -Tr in: the` Lodge :room .w:rth• Sister Mary .Warnock. of -Walkerton,. D. •P. .for Kincardine.District No, 24 Get yours:eVf: a new•automatic-washer and electric dryer.from your focal motor appliance dealer, and live.'a ,Ilttle, • • • . YOUR:PARTICIPATNG D. D G M of Tiverton ::and `their installing staffs..• Officers for the ensuingterm areobe.l rands._,• Mary Cook, Donald R. MacDonald; Vice= Grands, .Amelia McLeod �r'illiam R..:. Lowry; recording secretaries;:. Mildren Johnson', ;Hamilton MacKinnon; financial'secreta les, Catherine Irwin, 'Bett \lcTavish treasurers, "Margaret Scott; John MacDonald; warden N?ary� Po,llock;•chaplains ., . i•aty El Mac- Donald•... Gordon• Patterson condue tors , Doris Johnston. Donald Mac:: Kay; musician, Violet \?ac en' zie.;. L. S S . , George Sutherland; color .bearer ,'Joy McLean;.,S;. .. JXrri MacDonald; R.S.N A,: Betty Scott, Roddy:MacDona1d;,. G . "; Florence Kirkpatrick, ..len .Starnley;' R.S,.V d Arrnie Scott," Jack Scott; L.'S u •G,., Martha • Patterson", Wray Osborne; inside guardian, Catherine Collini; put- side guardian:, Ma •ian Meravit 'Jack. Farrell;. J.P.,G: , yrt1Q McLean, Murray Campbell Mary. Warnock, 1).1).P. assisted by.MYrtle McLean presented 1) year jewels to Dorothy f5tOok$ and• Grace Eckenswiller and 1:°Ca.(�..I cuff links and tie clip set'tc L,otd. on Patterson: • Vtors Wesent frosTees. waterisi,. Walkertonereprand Tit,rto�ti • •