HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 11r.• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth, 190 lam?► ...0; THE' LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKN W, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN'. uscvic�r Dystrop :MEMBER; OF THE LUCKNOW FIRE DEPARTMENT. WILL BE' CALLING ON YOU SOMETIME SOON. Y *rem H�k. Hallowe'en Pa --Theungannon-Explorers beid their regular meeting on Tuesday October 28th in the form of a Hallowe'en Party. Games were played followed by, opening ' exercises, The costumes were. then judged by Mrs. Gwen Caesar. and Mrs.. Mary •Bene . . Annette Hodges won the pret tiest, Debbie McInnes the ugliest datr`ai ion-tohis -needy=fund-will- end Debbie seholt; and;rengda battle against this. crippling- disease •Yule won for the most original. Lori Pentland and Donna. Errington won for the funniest , . . 'After judging',' games Were... played. '• Lunch was servedand the closing exercises conducted. FIGHT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY BE READYFOR:YOUR LOCAL FIREMAN WHO S CAM- PAIGNING IN CONJUCTION WITH FIREFIGHTERS ACROSS CANADA. Presbyeriafl WM:S FIoId •Sectional • tin Mee s pct:-29� • . Sectional meetings of.:Maitland • winr Molesworth group had charge of the Devotions . Matthew , Chapter 5,, was; read by Mrs Colin McIntosh :.and the Meditation by Mrs..John Brh. The devotional prayer was given by Mrs.. T.. J. McKinney., Teeswater, TVIrs':W. D. Campbell, Recording. Secret..- PresbyteriaLof_the:W.:.:M... S . of •, LA -0 roll call the Presbyterian Church in Canada ' . Words of welcome : were extend.= ,were held in Ashfield and ,Corrie. ed by ;Mr's: John: Brush. The Treas- • On October 29th; in Ashfield• Pies urer's report was'submitted by Mrs byterian Church commencing at G Mundell;. Belrnore , President. Don Robertson; A report ,of the Workshop' Rally at: Ripley FourthVice-President`, .Paisley„,was given 'jointly bY Mrs'. 'presided: •Mrs; Douglas MartinC. McAuley'and`Mrs . K. Rooney•Rooney, was pianist. • The ,Worship service' Mrs.'.Jim Mair, Brussels, gave the was conducted' by Ripley members. Offertory prayer A duet by Mrs The Scripture.' and' Meditation J, Day and Mrs . Betty. 'Feagan , • .from 1.Corinthians; Chapter13., , accompanied. by Mrs Wm., Ford was given by Mrs., Geo. Suther-. all of Wingham,' was very:much:-. land 1Ldves•rather' than 'Faith is enjoyed:. ` Ka • thestrongest . force in the lif afe o Christian; as it is; contrasted, • analized 'and defended in this,. ch'a'pter.: Mrs. Kenneth M c Kay y. led in: prayer.' The visiting groups Were welcomed by Mrs. • :James West,. T.he_ro1LcalLwas__: taken •by Mrs. Victor Emerson; Whitechurch.. `'Mrs.,/Ewan Mac - .Lean; . ac.Lean,, Treasurer, presented the financial re ortwith helpful Corn. P helpful parisons Mrs: K . Rooney, Ripley, introd uced'the guest.•speaker;; Mrs : :Fitzsimmons' of Beaverton' Using g an excellent set of, colour slides, and with descriptions.,fluent• and - of of 'a distinctly Irish flavour, Mrs. , • ons,led her -.audience - through the oldest and most hist, orical .area of the world , the Holy gaud.; creating :a, deep sense'of the reality of Bible people and their. environment, and the meaning and. purpose of life 'for each'of•us. Duets, rendered by Mrs. 'Mel Ritchie and Mrs. A. Middlekami Kincardine , "The 'Stranger of '• Galilee"' and "The. Song of the Soul Set. Free" , were much enjoy ed' as part of the •presentation , The Offertory.prayer was led by • Mrs: Douglas Graham South 'Kin loss . 'A report .on the W . M S . � 1 held`.'hi y �arkshup. fiats - September .25th,was given by ,Mrs C. McAuley and, Mrs. '1<. Rooney, p ey.'• Mrs. J. E. Little, Luckno expressed appreciation tto all' ivho' had participated in, the programme, A• poern's composed by .Miss Dean MacLeod of South Kinloss. entitled. "Thoughts on Palestine" was read by Mrs. Robertson: Mrs.., G. Wall, Langside gave the • closing prayer . A social time, Was enjoyed When the AshfieldrrienTh bers served refreshments. . Mrs. B. Thomas/,. 2nd Vice - Preside ... r.: e the meeting in Gorrie Presbyterian Church on October 30th at 8' p . rn ; The theme "Faith, an open door°`.:. ',The invocation "Behold , I 'set before you art.:open.door. -arid no man can. shut, .it:'', Membersof.the Elect officers Lucknow C.G.I.T. held an election of officers on lvionday,. November 3rd. and, the following girls were .installed as officers: President, Betty Maize; Vice - President Dona Wagner; Secretary :Brenda Maize; Treasurer, Linda Stanley. r'r Dollars bnd Cents Shorten Open Nours BY SHIRLEY'. J. '.KELLER 0' Except for a .few minor incidents, county ;' council's October session ,. Friday was:a "routine. meeting•cont- aining' plenty •ofireports.' Mrs..Ted English,' 1st Vice';Pres= ident, Wingham,'•introduced the guest speaker, `Mrs.. WM.: Fitzsim- mons. mons . A native of Ireland, with many years ofChris Ian service in hhom Ian her homelandCanada r andin -The travelo ue-entitled 'The' Bible lives" had 'a challenging Message: Mrs. Betty Feagan sang very beautifully, "The Stranger of 'Galilee" • as the slides of the Galilean area were shown. Mrs. ,G . Mundell thanked all who had contributed to ;the .meet inThe closingprayer was given gP y . by :Miss. L. Currie , Wingharn.. A time' of P fellowship was enjoyed y . when the Gorrie hostesses served' encs . • Council did give approval; for the special Com .. e ional''government question,to be• disbanded h In its place ;:.a work'- ing conmittee consisting of'.the elected members from the Huron County Planning Board will be established•to'be known, as the committee0on-local government review This committee will be respons- ible to the planning board'and'• to county council. ' It will meet' on the same day as .the planningboard and work in: conjunction.with the planning lannin g .consultants. P The new committee will be primarilconcerned with the amal a- motion of local' municipalities /11—,BI6 TALK— OVER TOIM ALX OYER. --TOWN TNEIR- LOW PRICES STILL CONT NUE LAMPS D!NETTE SETS Hallowe'en Party For Liickn�w CHIT -Ludknow...0 G T T. held a Halowe' en.party on Monday.. October 27' in the United C ,urch;. `Prizes weregiven to the funniest the most beautiful .and the 'most :• ' original ;costumes..' • After games andsongs; a lunch e o wag. of French Fries .and pop . . enjoyed: • Several readings were read about the'•origin of Hallowe'en costumes. • .After a short business meeting, the party ended with' Taps... A• report of theplanning board • _ .' requested that all,local municipal- ities .forward any information con- cerning matters on which approval by the Departine.nt of Municipal , • Affairs is; being held .9 .• • The county development , comm.' ittee noted that it is ,awaiting receipt of aerial and ground photos.': in, connection, with the park area at Huronview . Once these • are 'received ,. the ;committee plans to meet'with representatives at the University of Guelph 'o discuss • landscape .possibilities..' ' Reeve Derry .Boyle., . Exeter, chairrnan of library board, said it is strictly a dollar and cents'thon- g ch force r hhor r : . library hours in some areas of. Huron. County.' . ,Boyle regretted the 'move but: said the, board had no alternative'.' He also advised council the. board could not accept the gener- ous offers of some public spirited individuals to keep libraries open at theiLowh_exp_ense_, "This just can't:bedone," stated Boyle. •" It just isn't .good. buside.. '' Mrs :ssMary Robinson , Goderich , is the •new. >administrative assist-' ant, to the county librarianat a salary commencing. at $4-,200 . annually.. , The hospital report, showed that ward rates vary'from :$36.55' per day in Wingham to $28.25 per day' in. Gode rich :. South . .. - • L in, Exeter eported a lossof aPP y roximatel $75 , 00.0" • • . due to the flood in July. Propety committee chairman. Roy. Westcott,' Usborne, said -the curator at. the Huron County l . ,museum in 'Goderich, 'Ra Scotch: mer will probably addy` many more souvenirs to be sold next season : ;• The few .souvenirs .soldduring . 1969: were; well received by visitors .. ' .to the museum, '.advised, Westcott . In Miss Clare•-McGowan's report from ,the Children's Aid Socie , she stressed,the need for many . snore homes for teenaged children Whno home bland 'the .childen has' seriousis problems e •Our ply, recourse is an Institution," • I -Mc -t owart sal. • 1 •e .•1 Ent ANADIA.N EDITION aaralabf e ioo :K I=N'GSTON'w... '000131CH 'ONT.