HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 10PAGE TEN THE 'UJCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUOKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth, 1969 ►a}#er Breckl'es ed. eT :_ ct r i P e dein f Bible. 5 � _ oc ety KINLOUGH NEWS The meeting, of, the Canadian - 'Bible Society was held on Monday evening in the Presbyterian Church. The president Walter Breckles extended a welcome and read the scripture from St., Luke. Rev. A;.. Cowan representative led in prayer 'and. also thanked the people • for their support in the past, 'espec- ially the officersand canvassers • for carrying on the work in' this area.. . _ The Bible speaksto thedepths th'' ' • of hungering souls : He told of one. lady . who wrote -to them -and said, Please -'send me Billie—I-want=to become' a christian and I'll be :verj, happy', ..: . A' film on South 'America "Pen- zotti Pathways' was: shown •when scriptures'were taken to outdoor .. areas;: marketplaces, industrial places and into home's.. Rev Cowan 'said,' "Weare concerned ,about, hungry people in the world • but, we are moved: :to give them • •the • Bread of Eternal Life. "I .,love' to tell the story'. Will- . iam Haldenby closed the meeting with' prayer. Business. followed It was unanimous thatla silver. . " collection be taken r6 send a cheerio remembrance to .the. past, Ashfield.CGIT - 1—[allowe'en Party,:sponspre by, the Ashfield C ,.G .1, T . and. their leader Mrs.. Jim West , was held on: Monday ,:,October 27th .,•• in the church basement. :Prize; winners.were:•best comic, Barbara and Janet Farrish;*Mast original,. Alex Howes; Hallowe'en themes. Eddie MacDonald. G,ames'and; songs and *refresh - meats were enjoyed;' Moderator Of Unit nudienc • BY REV. R. . More than 700 people from • Bruce' County gathered in Walker- ton District High School Auditor- ium to hear Dr. gob McClure, the moderator of the United .Church of Canada ,,speak about the needs 11 -:--World -and tli=�it w . for •Christians. in Canada to ansv;er these needs.. "Adaptation is the biggest chatt. lenge' of our time,,,." he said:, ' ', Qr to say it as the `Chinese would ' say it, 'I:f you,can'.t adapt,you'll soon'•be"dead. " The basis for this statement came from the work of the Canadian•doctor, Dr. Hans. Selje.' Who has been renowned for his work on adaptation In living. .organisms, and who has declared that the ability to adapt is the "final •mark of life" or the ultiinate indication of life. • The human Organism,. according to Dr.• McClure , ~ must adapt ':to'.a secretary Mrs.. Perry Hodgins;'who has been hospitalized fora long, period of time. The officers and canvassers. were appointed as follows; 'Presid- -ent.; 'W -alter Breckles -Secret-ary, May Boyle•,-mt'reasurer;Mrs-: ,Frank Maulden;, Canvassers Kinloss and area, Mrs. Ellison Hodgins, Mrs.. Williai ampbell; •Base Line, Mrs. Lyrrrnan'Sutton, 'Mrs..Ronald ' Y Thacker.;.. Kinlough village ;"Mrs. Roy Schneller; Concession 12 west, Tom MacDonald; Concess- 12' east', Art Haldenby, Peary Hodgins; Concession 10 east , Mrs. M. McPherson, Mrs. Dan: -Mclnnes;'Concession 10 west , Mrs'. Gerald':.Rhody; ,Holyrood arid.. con- _cession 8 , Mrs 3 T„h, Ivirs Cliff Johnston. G. NICHOLLS ' gap" ; according to Pr McClure. We must show the love of God with technical tools: The way is illustrated in a Motor mechanic who left his home in .Alberta to be a, motor mechanic in Nepal. The e -shown in "'Tom , with a greasy spanner' in his hand.. ' . The chairman: for•the'evening was.the Rev, Jackson. Strapp., Min- ister of •Walkerton United Church, and son of the Rev: Howard. Strapp, fdmer minister of the Lucknow United Church, The Rev. Victor: Wilkinson brought greetings and, read scripture. The "Young Folk of Walkerton" led the .singing of .modern religious music and presented `some of their :own •music. An•offering was' taken•for World Relief.. • shrink:ing'.worl' . In any large city in the world , .a person is no more'than 20 hours;from anyone .•. else:, In Canada. We .are, I2 hours away from a choleraepidemic and'. only 10 hours away ,from plague ,. - diseases •which can easily `be carried by, rodents and: other •small. animals, We are close. to large ,,and power- ful, cultures 'which are different. than our own. One adaptation' 'we must make 'is :to give some of our own :culture, and` receive from ,other cultures: The moderator reminded his 'listener's again• about,the:. hungry . -world-and how.=65 % ofthe-world goes to bed :hungry',: and how •56 To will. live all their lives without having •a full stomach, He expres sed' deep :concern that .10 ,; 000 pdie of.starvation `in a 24 people our period and at. least 2 009, of these are from Biafra alone In • The 1970 meeting will be held in ..the Pentecostal Church lin mid September. , •Rev;. Cowan closed the ' rneeting with the ` Benediction' • • • • If so we'll be glad to arrange: transfer to ;. • ; a Bank of Montreal account:: On.becerinber31st, 1u969•, the Canada Post. Office SavingsBank.wil:I terminate B-tit`'ther 'S mi f l io.ri •dol lass in savings accounts still ubpI--a-i-meC -' So think cirefulty..DO you or any of yOtur relatives have. a post office account? Any of our branches will be glad to open - a'True Savings Account'for yoy where your money wi i I. earn 61/2%, interest per annum BankofMohtrea Canada's First Bank , LUCKNOW''dRANCH: W. D ROSS, MANAGEt '7' the liihtof this, a nation that: has 1.3 billion bushels of.surplus wheat;' and 'which is. considered to be ,the, third most •aftlire.nt • .nation in the ;world ;. must not' only, accept this wealth grid enjoy iv. but also use it responsibly.: Another factor to consider..in adaptation,' and something which. has: not,yet gained the publicity Dr.. McClure called "the rev olution of rising expectation People. will' no lorger'•accept their position .in the world astheir ate or ha ur'a • es ny .. fin: the picture' of the earth ,rising over the horizon oaf the .moon .was flash- ed:.around the world, people real:- • izedin anew and vivid'way, that; the world is one... Thele :are no dividing lines., except those, made by politicians; We are all one and the world belongs;•to all people'. People will nolonger be., satisfied with artificial barriers of borders iii Church Services I.UCKNOW ITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister NOVEMBER 9th 10;00 a.m. Sunday. School -Set-Vic Sacramnt »of,Baptism Speaker Relates` ExperiencesT-hi Warden Of Prs� Lucknow ,United: Church Women held their. Autumn . Thankoffering service in the churc sanctuary,, Tuesday eveningOc October 28th The president', Mrs. Vernon Hunter , ,.extended a welcome, to all present, 'especially the guests • from neighbouring. churches., GL A A .N C N`• The: devotions,' were conducted by _Mrs. 'Vernon Hunter,- Mrs: Wm. CHURCH POINT TO PONDER. Man' cannot live by bread alone, This ; has: been. proven o'er and o'er Yet still men try to satisfy The inner 'life .with earthly store. • _..Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev;: Glenn. Noble, ' Miniiter :.Phone: 5282740• NOVEMBER 9th 10;00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00:a.n., Morning Service • Wharry and MrsAlex Andrew .. A solo ;by Margaret Rae , a Thanks- giving"reading by Mrs ,Campbell Thompson and an instrumental selection by Ricky and :Eugene; Pritchard .,Ra Elliott and Briau Keith -were-much-enjoyed. Mrs. Earl Wightrnan introduced' the guest speaker, Miss Jessie .. McPherson of Kincardine Who' • spoke on her, interesting experien- ces'as' wardenof.the, Women's , Prison in Portage la Prairie. She stated .'that; :.contrary to •the •impres- sion given by the.press, the worn,' en? s prisonsaw .ere. plain and attrac- tive ttrac-tive . Many were:allowed to keep LUCKNOW AREA PARISH. • The Rev. R. Odendalit Rector NOVEMBER;,9th• • Trrnit)r Z3: !'St P, aul's, Ripley •a:m, Ascension, ,'Kinlough • • 11, •a:m: St Peters Lucknow-130 p: m. •Church •School 10 :15 a: m: r St. Pauls; Dungannon -- 3 p.. m. Alternating with :Christ' Church, ► Port :Albert.: petthrial'belongings in their rcietni enjoyed •a higher standard of liv- ing' in prison than in their homes Most were weak and inadequate members of'.society and the crimes were really committed against,, the.rrselves • Mrs Orland Richards,thanked' the speaker,and lunch°:w•as.served in' the Fellowship Rooter. they be ,satisfied with the, gap be- tween the:rich and the poor., What can be. done about adapta- tion? dapta-tion? The speaker suggested that Canadians have two things to 'con- tribute to this new and changing world. 'first, we .can give some scientific technology; and second , and our greatest contr.ibu-. tion ,'is our. religious .philosophy, , In capsule form it can! be stated thus: '" God is a God of 'love and God is the Father of all men," Christiansare the only people who believe this ,Aird it is', a Philos ophy Which can bring peace on earth if we apply it. It cannot be done in wards. Words change their rhear1ing 'And - cannot -always be believed, we have to "bridge the, credibility . , UNICEFResults. w LUCK.NO CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH W Van: Stempvoort Pastor 'Srviots 10.,00 am:. (English) 2:30 p.m. (Dutch 2nd and' ' 5th Sundays).'. VISITORS WELCOME Denominational '. Radio Broad-. cast, "The Back TO God Hour", ratferd ). 2:00 p.m.; CFOS' '•.(Owen Sound) '—'6:00 ` p.m: • BY MRS.. D. IICHOLLS ryou ave •een given any cause to despair about the young . people in Lucknow and ,area think'•about this: Volunteers frorn. the Sunday, School` and .mid -week groups in .Lucknow United Church;' have collected over $40.00 for UNICEF on i -lallowe"en.' Some children thought;of the children whom they've. never met who are starving and going without schools and medical aid., If that $40.00 can be�.,i •i;;, children' from yaws, ,a •,cripp 111, contagious 'disease; • enough baby fish to stock 1 • village fish• ponds for local supply of valuable proteins . ▪ and enough BCG vaccine t' - protect 500 children from tuba,`: ul osis Over 2000 years ago,. an an.:.etit Roman writer said that the you --4 n awed' into .k haf.. people' had gone. to the ;'d og5. swill do with that money, ; •t ad'no respect for their •eld€ •s we Ican say that these children .d. they dress in a sloppy fashipr .' e r• have collected enough money tz are rude and arrogant,. And 1•1:E•' buy the following things for needy drive their, chariots furiously it children: the.streets l suppose theft, enough perficillin to cure :500 now, there was another side tc it_.