HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-11-05, Page 969. WEDNESDAY,. NOVEMBER,',S*„ 1969: THE, .LUCKNOW SENT!I CYLW&NT EL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE, NINE: She will pay you 2c to Sc per doz. above top market price., She also Wants. your old hens. Lucy will pay you 12c to 1 Sc per lb She gives, a darn good, egg grade, . WON....'T YOU LET LITTLE-.:LUCY SOLVE YOUR POULTRY' PROBLEMS; SHE: WILL:ALSO PICK UP YOUR • -w-EGG5 ANt cHiCKENS: Call. her today at •105 Brussels •• Discuss.Caunty Weifare System BY SHIRLEY J:..KELLER• Alvin D-. Snjith , chairman of. the executive. committee of • Huron :County Council asked for • discussion Friday on the question. of county welfare and was re - warded with a deluge, of cot -TM -eras that. .had •to be curtailed by, Warden fames .Hayter in order to carryon urt er. usiness o •t e ay. • The. crux of.the discussion was whether. or not council.should• . look . into' the 'possibilityof form ing,.a.county. welfare unit:with trained personnel to manage, its affairs... ,Clerk John Berry thought the, government would look "with favor" on Huron, County Council`• if it did enter 'the field'. of. county Welfare./ Said Berry'; :"This is about the onlyattet ti .bave not laden_ over that .is w•ithin our.'authonty. Exeter • Reeve Derry `Boy, le corn-: • oriented•,.' .1 think the thing`we . • have to concern ourselves with is the• even distribution'' of County welfare, In the past the burden has, been placed on: certain munic• • ipal.ties." Warden Hayter had. vacated the warden's chair in order to speak more freely.on''the' matter. He. told Chairman Roy B. Cousins and other members of council that the' rehabilitation of welfare recipients: was a' matter of prime importance -"TVe shoutdn`tliaVe one genera-•=;._ tion after. the othcr•carrying 0n,'', with welfare remarked Hayter,'-' fie said ocal Welfare -officers -have been sincere .,:,but they are just not qualified to deal with: many of the problems that' come up .in • welfare work.. Discussion revealed .that some municipalities in the ; County -110/e a very.insignificant amount. of welfare payments while certain other. areas encounter, real. diffic. ulty • There was' some indication that; a e round�Huron: .m' ici 1 t sur in Hu � g o , Pack�rt'tl�e fur-n�er�FB-C�etttralfa..- are experiencing new `problems brow ht'on by: an influx of new - g • people' . ' • . • Warden Hay. er sa'd':modern Yt .t population was on the.'rnove and TO DOLLAR SAVING (1560 CAR BUYS 41 w' 9 1! • S: SEVERAL TO •CHOOSE'•: FROM Put'your money into our: guaranteed investment certificates now paying the never -before interest • . Of eight and three quartet percent, . TRUST. COMPANY SINCE 1e09. 1969 PONTIAC 2 door'hardtop: ; 1969-ME-TEOR,:4-door-sedan,-V-8 iutomatic,-power-rstaer ng- . 1967 PONTIAC ' Strato Chief, 4 door,.6 ' cylinder automatic 1967 FORD Custom 2 door, 6 cylinder' automatic; 2.- 1967 FORD Custom 500, 4 doors, V8 automatic 41967 CHEV Bel Air, 4• door 1967 PONTIAC, .4'.doer, V8 automatic, power steerin 1967 DODGE Monaco, 2 door hardtop,,,full power, V8 ' 1967 CHEV4Biscayne 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1.967-FORD-1/2ton-pickup 1966 CHEV stationwagon 1964--C--H-E-V -stationwagon; V8:automatic 1964 CHEVY .van 1963 PONTIAC, 4.door, 6 automatic SEVERAL OLDER MODELS SEE THESE %ANDOTHERS 9 BLYTH PHONE 523 100 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH that it was not always true that •a` localwelfare' officer knew the'. background 9f he PeoPfe'aPP Y - ing for.;.welfare .4W—stance. Reeve Roy :Westcott, Usborne`, said he would like . to see 'some • figures'whfch;.would give him an idea..of the cost.of operating a county welfare unit fOTiorie -M year: He said the• Bruce County.. delegation which' addressed count: Y council' in,September painted a pretty rosey,picture' :but were using. figures from the six : summer Months, Westcott noted that in most. municipalities, the winter months are the costliest where welfare payments. are concerned. Hullett Reeve Hugh Flynn door mented '"Locally ,• we can look after it better than someone' from:' the county. i\'R .AND PEACE BY 'DOLORES; NICHOLLS. ske= ee-lebrate--,A-rmistice.-Da nn November•'llth we remember the cruel suffering and losses suf- fered by so•many during the Great Wars. It is a time to reflect and remember to reflect on what war really is - to remember that 49 million people died in the second World War. Twenty-five minion ofthem were civilians dike' ourselves. Some of us have etsona L xeasons *; remembering•the -wars, but it all • • happened before the birth of.the,' students in our schools and univer- MINI PHONE 33i•13R *-*.41f SHOW TIMES Friday and, Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15.. All other days, . one show at 8:00,except where noted on the program. sities to -day. • . To •them its is only a story but. a storythat must be constantly . retold in order that war may. never appear to be glamorous .and excit- ing , but the true horror which' it is.. To-day°youths are clamour- .ing to, buy old Nazi helmets and• War medals;: old uniforms and in- signia .are very mod. A , genet- ation, has grown up many of whom believe that. the Nazis couldn't . :have, been so bad after all - just 'bumbling funny men like Col- • onel'• Klink and Schultz on Hogan s :Heroes. 'I recall hearing .a young man on T . V;. Saying,: "lt's alright for you older ,people to say. we `have no purpose in life;: it was easier for you because you had a ..war to fight.. ':'• As if.it.Were a lovelywa.. t ° . There is one terrible. lesson to learn from .the' .death of, those 4.9 million: it must never. ,never,' *happe'nagain . Or they•.will have died in :vain,;, for we Will have .learned' nothing ,from their deaths: •.'-But it has:happened'again.,? Again and again and again.... We live in a world pf violence 'and 'war. A'.nd it happens iiiiifivery time that hate and force win a , triumph in our 'hearts: over, love 2th1-s24.c'rude arody. .c f . Amos 5 • and: peace Almost three;`:thoi9sand earsago. , people. that :ceremonies Nandthe, rophet A mo. tried to tell . 'Legion and I take no delightin_yonr • 'I hate, I despise your cenotaphs , rituals•were a hateful thing in •eye's of 'God' when true love .of. Even though you 'offer me your,, justice and :righteousn'.ess were ;:wreaths and poppies . will - .. not in a roan's heart.. It` reminds ` not :accept them me of the'ceremonies,'which.will ''And the •memorial plaques' in be held • at our: cenotaphs' Ida • few. your churches Twill not look '•:• days, the speeches, the Last Post; upon. • the moment of ,silence•a'nd.then .Take away from'me the noise of In closing the subject for the,. • we will go :back to'our apathetic ,your: Remembrance Day speeches. day', council referred the •matter. indifference as we listen to news-` " To the martial music of the Last back to committee for further .: casts, of genocide and .totalitarian Post T will not listen -t-pdy-�I-n-the"-meantrme-counci�i ' Toppress ZI - But et st cero-li=dp lfke requested;: Clerk' Berry invite :a 1 nothing'.positive 'for peaCe and • ' • waters,. and righteousness like 'an report from :some. other c unt ¢ y �. 'justice.. Pardon me Amos,, for everflowing.stream.. which had been;. involved in county welfare 'for'•a. full year or. rnore In otlier•business, council agreed that there should:;be unifor. nifty in,the gift given employees at•retirement. It`was decided thaw gold cuff links and •a. tie pin' ' bearing the countycrest should.•. be•:establi'shed as the regular-,gift.ThuFS., •Fri., Sat. for /-etiring count Y `:emploYyes. Nov 0-7-8' THUM ,• FRI.,. SAT., , NO'V..., 6, 7, 8 ADULT .ENTERTAINMENT' - iViacl(ENNA'S GOLD' CinemaScope - - Colour Starring:. Grigory Peck,' ' Omar. Sharif .. This is an action -packed,: star-studded Western. It's one of the best of - the year. ' The second -Show .:. on` ' Friday -and` Saturday starts at 9:30.. **********:* SAT. MATINEE '.' NOV..8 SPECIAL: e `Chris#mas at. Almost Wasn't" • Colour AL1. ,TSEA'TS 5O • GODERICH THE SQUARE PHONE.. 524--7811 AIRCONDITION.ED ` PURELE: GROVE Cathy Creech w'asthe• guest cif Cathy Dore on Friday night for Hallowe'en 'Mx.. and Mrs. Orland. Richards of ,L•ucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Don • M:cCosh were Sunday guests , of Mr.- and Mrs ..David. Parks of Elora Mr.' and Mrs. Don•McCosh ,att- ended the Golden wedding celeb- ration of Mr. and Mrs. Russell; Knight of Cranbrook, Many people attended the - Purple Grove Community Centre "s fialloweL had a good time dancing , eating, parading -and getting' their fortunes told , ' ' The P,G.W,1, will meet at, `Mrs. Jack Farrell's home on Wednesday. Of -A coLuxsiw ricTuase r>asasrrra4 sipsiirrodisari • CARL P[E11lA1H'd ; .. . $101111=7.17.; 46111/ (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Thursday .at 8.00 p.m. Only Friday and Saturday t-738-a�rt. SAT. (Nov. 8) .MATINEE "Christmas That Atmos+ Was_n't'. ' ALL SEATS 50c Sung Mon. Tues. Wed:. Nov.•.,9 1O4 i 1:2 .. • ONE SHOWING' NIGHTLY AT 8:00. P.m. R7 S T p C T, n eletere wlittem Coming Next: 'THOSE WERE THE_ HAPPY TIMES" 4 4; ,